The Death of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore [A.E.] (age 14)

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"Go to your houses," McGonagall called to the students. It was the afternoon and the sky had mysteriously turned an odd shade of grey. Lauren's stomach twisted as she walked out of the courtyard with Marian. Instincts. But as to what they were warning her about, she wasn't sure. Then it hit her. Harry and Dumbledore hadn't returned yet. She turned to Marian. 

"You head back, I have to ask Mcgonagall something." Lauren lied. Marian looked at her skeptically. "I'll meet you back at the common room." she insisted. A smirk grew on Marian's face. 

"And what do you expect me to tell Colin?" Marian asked. Lauren shoved her playfully. 

 "That I'll be fine." she suggested. She paused. "Just - make sure he stays in the dorms, okay?"she pleaded. Marian nodded. 

"Of course - just don't die, okay?" Marian replied. Lauren smiled. 

"Alright," she promised. After Marian had walked away, Lauren ran over to Mcgonagall. "Something's going to happen tonight, isn't it." she said whist fully. Mcgonagall swallowed hard. 

"Yes, I think you're right." 

"Should we contact the rest of the Order?" Lauren asked. The professor nodded. 

"That may be a wise idea."


Death Eaters had found a way into Hogwarts. Lauren fought alongside Remus as they attacked. She was the only one who saw Snape race up the stairs to the Astronomy tower after Bellatrix and Draco Malfoy. Lauren's stomach was on a roller coaster ride. Something horrible was coming, and soon. Suddenly, Bellatrix came flying down the stairs, laughing. 

"Dumbledore is dead!" she sang. Everyone stopped for a moment, too stunned to fight. Bellatrix, Malfoy, and Snape fled from the room, Harry at their heels. Lauren followed them as the fighting began again. As Lauren raced through the Forbidden Forest she thought for a moment that she'd lost them. She spun around, looking for anyone or a way out. A loud 'fwoosh' grabbed her attention as the smell of smoke rose into the air. A faint light appeared and she ran towards it.


"She should be back by now," Colin said worry creeping into his voice. And even though Lauren had said she'd be fine, Marian wrung her hands with fear. "That's it. I'm going to look for her." Colin said firmly, heading for the door. 

"No!" Marian cried. "She told me to make sure you stay here." But as much as she pleaded, Colin's mind was made up. Lauren was in trouble, he could feel it, and he was going to help her. Finally Marian gave up. "Fine." she said "But I'm coming with you." 

"Me too." Hermione and Ron said in unison before Colin could protest. The four of them left the common room, wands at the ready.


It was Hagrid's hut. Lauren gasped as she realized it, watching the little building burn. She was on the edge of the woods as she heard a shout. 

"Snape!" Harry's familiar voice yelled. "He trusted you!" Snape turned to face him as Harry shot spells at the professor. Lauren frowned. Something was off about this scene. Harry and Snape were on one side of the burning hut, and Draco and a couple of Death Eaters on the other side. But Bellatrix Lestrange was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, a wand was pressed to Lauren's throat as someone snuck up behind her. 

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my cousin's little brat." a familiar voice cackled.

The fight near the Astronomy tower had ended and the members of the Order of the Phoenix raced around the school. Hermione and Ron had separated from Marian and Colin in order to find Harry. 

"Where could she be?" Marian wondered out loud. Colin thought harder than he had in his entire life. She wasn't in the school, she wasn't in the grounds....

"The forest." he said suddenly, taking off with Marian on his heels. They raced into the Forbidden Forest. Marian gasped suddenly. "What is it?" Colin asked. 

"Lauren said that the last time You-Know-Who was in power it started with disappearances, so what if the Death Eaters take her?" she said worriedly.  

"Then we have to find her first." 

Lauren stiffened as Bellatrix laughed. She was trapped. 

"What should I do with you..." Bellatrix wondered out loud. "I'd love to kill you, but if what Snape says is true, then you're much more valuable alive." Still, Lauren didn't move; didn't make a sound. "The Dark Lord might want you alive, you could tell us some important information, let us see if Snape is trustworthy-" Lauren cut her off. 

"I'm not telling you anything." she said determined. 

"Is that so?" Bellatrix questioned. "We'll see. Crucio!" she said casting the curse. Lauren gasped. The familiar pain returned, but she didn't scream. She stayed silent. "Maybe you need some time to think." Bellatrix remarked, apparating away with her new prisoner. 

Colin and Marian trudged out of the forest. They still hadn't found her, but they had found a crowd of students gathering near the base of the astronomy tower. With a frown, they walked over.

 "What is it?" Marian asked tentatively. 

"Dumbledore." a student replied solemnly. Colin stood frozen at the word. Dumbledore was....dead?


Lauren hit the cold stone floor with a groan. How could she've been so stupid? She'd let herself get captured and put into the Death Eaters hands. Now she sat alone in the cellar of Malfoy Manor. There was a small window in the corner of the cellar, she noticed. Lauren walked over to it and climbed up. It was too small to climb out, but at least she could see the sky. The moon was almost full, she realized with a stab of grief and regret. Remus only had Tonks now. He'd lost James, Lily, Sirius, Anna, Peter, and now Lauren. No one would know what happened to her that night. Colin, Marian, Harry, Hermione, the Order and the Weasleys, they would sit there, wondering what had happened, what they could've done to help her. They might even cry, believing that she was dead. That, in Lauren's opinion, was the worst torture of all.

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