Vernon Dursley (Age 11)

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It was the end of the school year and Lauren, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were on the Hogwarts Express, heading back to King's Cross Station.

 "So," Hermione said "What's everyone doing over break?" 

"Nothing," Ron said glumly "As usual."

"Bouncing back and forth between Sirius's and Remus's houses," Lauren said, flipping a page in the paper she was reading. "And I'm going to finally catch the Niffler that's been stealing my stuff," she added with a murderous grin. 

"You know, the usual," Harry said sadly. "Hiding up in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending that I don't exist," Hermione gave him a pitiful glance. 

"You said nearly the exact same thing the night you met Dobby,"Lauren said plainly, not looking up from the paper. Ron and Hermione looked at her. Harry sighed. 

"Could you maybe stop....stalking me?" he asked. Lauren looked at him with a smug expression. 

"I'm not stalking you, I'm simply observing your daily life."she grinned. 

"I wish you didn't have to go back there though,"Hermione said to him. 

"Yeah, me too" Harry said ruefully. 

"Don't worry mate; we'll get you out of there as soon as we can," Ron said with a grin. 

"I bet Sirius would gladly let you stay at his place," Lauren added. 

"Thanks," Harry said "But I doubt Uncle Vernon will let me go anywhere after last year." Lauren smiled wickedly, her eyes gleaming. 

"Don't worry," she said "I'll take care of him." The others' eyes widened.


A whistle blew as Hogwarts students raced off the train, eager to see their families. Harry and Ron walked over to the Weasleys as Lauren's eyes searched through the crowd. They landed on a ratty-looking black dog. 

"Padfoot!" Lauren yelled, running over to the dog, leaving Hermione behind. Lauren nearly tackled the dog, hugging him tight as he licked her face. "I missed you," she whispered. Then she let go and raced over to Hermione and they walked over to the Weasleys and Harry, who were heading into the muggle side of the station. 

As they crossed, Hermione's face lit up as she caught sight of her parents. She raced over to them as Mrs. Weasley stood off to the side, exclaiming at the sight of her children. Lauren stood by Harry as he stiffened. She looked over and saw them. The Dursleys. Lauren had never seen them before, but she knew it was them. She glanced back at the entrance to the wizard side. She knew that she should stay in sight of it so she could tell when Sirius came, but she had a job to do first. Harry took a deep breath and started to walk forward. Lauren put out her arm and stopped him. She walked forward towards the Dursleys, a determined look on her face. Harry's eyes widened. 

"Lauren, please don't!" he begged, chasing after her, Ron at his heels and Fred and George not too far behind. Lauren walked casually up to Mr. Dursley and tapped him on the shoulder. 

"Excuse me," she said politely, in a voice that was nothing like her own. "Are you Vernon Dursley?" He straightened up and puffed out his chest. 

"As a matter of fact I am," he said "What can I help you with?" Lauren grinned. Behind her Harry, Ron, Fred, George, Hermione, Ginny, and Sirius all had the same look of horror on their faces. 

"I have an important message for you from Ms. Lauren A. Black"she said elegantly. Vernon's eyebrows shot up. 

"Oh," he said "And what might this message say?" 

"This." Lauren responded. Then she stomped down on his foot as hard she could. He let out a loud cry and grabbed his foot, hopping on one leg. Lauren then punched him in the stomach and he doubled over. She punched him again, in the face this time and kicked him in the crotch. "That will be all," she said politely with a smile and she walked away. She reached Harry, Ginny, Sirius, Hermione, Ron, George, and Fred and gave them a confused look. 

"What are you lookin' at?"she asked. Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny all muttered

"Nothing" and ran away. Hermione did the same. Harry stared at her, shaking his head. 

"I should be mad...but I really can't be," he said. He turned to Sirius. "I'll write to you guys," he promised. 

"Have a good summer Harry," Lauren said. "And if Vernon gives you any trouble, let me know," she grinned wickedly. Harry smiled at her and walked over to say goodbye to Hermione. Lauren watched him go and turned to Sirius. He smiled at her. 

"I've missed you too," he insisted, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Now," he said, grinning at her "How was Moony at being a professor?" Lauren laughed.

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