Water. I hate water Nalamar. I hate it.(age 15)

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They flew for hours. In that time, Harry, Ron, and Hermione recalled their tale of the Gringotts break-in. But as the trio contemplated their next move, Lauren befriended the dragon. 

"Wow. That does sound awful. You poor thing."she murmured to the Ironbelly. 

"Lauren. Are you talking to it?"Ron asked in disbelief. 

"He is not an it. His name is Nalamar and he is my faithful companion who just finished telling me about his horrible treatment at that bank!"she retorted sharply. Ron shook his head. 

"She named the dragon."Harry repeated.

 "We should jump," Hermione insisted, glancing down at the lake below them. 

"NO!"Lauren yelled. Harry and Ron stared at her. She sighed and turned back to Nalamar. "I'm sorry but I have to go now,"she said ruefully. "I'll see you soon Nalamar." 

"Now!"Harry yelled and the four jumped off the dragon and plummeted to the water below. Lauren sunk under with a splash. She immediately kicked her legs and swam for the surface, taking deep gasping breaths as she came up. She wanted to scream forever. she was in water, fighting against currents that took control whether she liked it or not. She spotted Hermione swimming for a patch of land as she continued to hyperventilate. Ron swam over and grabbed her arm, calming her. 

"I've got you."he assured her and they swam for the shore, with Harry behind them. As soon as they were all ashore, Hermione pulled out her bag and passed out dry clothes. Lauren pulled off her jacket and threw it to the ground, wiping off her arms as if she could wipe away any memory of the lake. Hermione handed her a towel as the boys changed in front of them. Lauren almost laughed, wondering how many girls would pay to be where she was right now, watching Harry Potter change. Hermione, on the other hand, was focusing on their surroundings, refraining her eyes from glancing at Ron. 

"He knows,"Harry said suddenly, breaking the awkward situation. Everyone knew what he meant. "He knows we're hunting horcruxes, and he's scared."he continued. 

"Will he come after us?" Lauren asked. 

"No,"Harry insisted.

 "Is he weaker? Is that how you know?" Hermione questioned. Harry shook his head. 

"No, it's more like he's wounded. But there's more."he began. "One of them's at Hogwarts." 

"Hogwarts."Lauren repeated in disbelief. "Harry it's suicide to try and get in there."she insisted. 

"So we make a plan."Hermione  offered.

 "Hermione, no offense, but when have any of our plans actually worked?"Harry questioned. Lauren shrugged. 

"He's got a point." she agreed. But plan or no plan, they still had to get into Hogwarts. And soon.


The alarms went off as soon as they arrived. A dying-cat sound filled the air and shouts started. 

"POTTAR!"one voice shouted. Quickly, they hid behind a table as the Death Eaters came searching. 

"Come on."Lauren ordered after they'd left. They ran around Hogsmede until ending up in a blocked alleyway. A dead end. Or not. A door creaked open as they grabbed at the gate cutting them off from the other side. 

"In here Potter," the voice urged. They didn't hesitate, running into the building. An older man with a face very similar to a familiar one greeted them. a face far too familiar for Lauren's comfort. 

"Aberforth Dumbledore." she said softly as he led them to a room. "Albus's brother." Aberforth smirked at her as Harry spotted the mirror. A mirror with a piece cut out. 

"You're the one who's been helping us." Hermione realized. "You're the one who sent Dobby." Aberforth nodded. 

"He's a helpful little elf, I'll give him that." he said gruffly. 

"Do you know anything about the others?"Ron questioned. "About the Order?" Aberforth grunted as he set a tray of sandwiches and butterbeer on the table. Ron and Hermione attacked the trays, eating ravenously. It was only then that Lauren realized that she couldn't remember the last time she'd eaten.

 "The Order's finished."Aberforth insisted. Lauren froze, stiller than a statue. 

"Wh - what do you mean finished?" she asked nervously. The others froze, shocked at what they had just heard. Lauren stuttered. Lauren was scared. 

"Oh relax, they're still alive. but it's over. You-Know-Who's won." Lauren sighed in relief. 

"He hasn't won."Harry insisted. "Not yet. We need to get into the castle. Tonight."he insisted. Aberforth glanced up at a portrait hanging over he fireplace. 

"You know what to do."He whispered to the girl in it. She nodded and walked out of view. 

"Where have you sent her?"Hermione asked. 

"You'll see," Aberforth replied vaguely. With that, he left them alone in the room. While they waited, Lauren and Harry found their appetites returning and they had finished off the rest of the sandwiches by the time Ron said.

"She's coming back." 

"There's someone with her."Hermione noted. The portrait swung open to reveal a passageway behind it. A passageway with someone in it. Someone with a black eye. Someone wearing a cardigan. 

"Neville?"Lauren said in surprise.

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