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I totally forgot to do another chapter of this, I was only able to do one cause on Saturday I went to a party and was busy, on Sunday I saw the boxing match... I don't really watch boxing though and had to think what to add in the chapter as well. ENJOY!

[ Key words ]
Y/N [ Your Name ]

Dear diary,
Who knew Zane was such a drag... No literally I had to drag him to school. It has been a few days since the dinner and me and Zane became friends as school, I went to say sorry as I said before and he accepted it... He said he was lonely and didn't really know how to approach me, well I guess I was the one to approach him first his nickname for me is woman thing. I wonder where he got that from?

Zane was so different to what he looked, he liked sweets and bakes even... What if me and him baked cookies that would be awesome! Well I guess me and Zane have our similarities, we are both antisocial and have older siblings and actually hate school. He was really quiet and he was really awkward but he told me he wanted to join this group called the shadow knights, seems dark knights are something from fairy tales whoever made that name seems to like fantasy.

He thinks he's evil and make trouble. I guess I was okay with it I can't argue with him, he says he's evil I guess he's evil.
I got to see Laurence hanging out with millions of girls again, I even saw Kim in the crowd I guess she's stepping out of her comfort zone and building up confidence to even go with the crowd, Zane told me he hasn't even dated anyone. Surprisingly he knows some stuff about Laurence... Well it should be obvious cause he's brother Garroth hangs out with him.

After school I thought I could treat him lunch, so we went to the nearest cafe and sat at a two seat table. I ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and Zane ordered pastries, I got know now him a little more... But most of the time he was either looking around or looking at his phone, I wouldn't argue I don't really hang out with guys as you all know by now. He even told me I should come over and bake cookies and cupcakes together.

OMG in one of our classes we we're supposed to write a speech on a topic, it was able to be anything so I decided to choose violence against women. It didn't have to long or short but it couldn't be just a few words. I'll even write it out for you.

Violence against women has been accepted throughout history for more then 2,000 years. The man can either hit the children or wife or whip them. Violence against women is understood violation of human rights. A form is discrimination against women, on ongoing pattern controlling the other partner with fear.

Violence is used of physical force or power, threatened or actual, with another person, against on self or against a group or community... The results of death, injury and psychological harm. It doesn't mean just physical violence. It could also mean sexual, emotional, psychological and financial abuse.

However it's not just women, men and boys are also victims of gender-based violence, especially sexual violence.
Crimes against women are...
- rape
- domestic violence
- stalking
- sexual harassment
- mistreatment of widows
But roughly 40% of the victims of physical violence are men.

It's not really since we only had little time to write it all up. I just realised I was pretty serious about this topic, I always thought women should have the rights and respect, I always hear girls this and girls that. Along with boys but mostly girls, but apparently guys have this thing where it's a kick starter for aggressive behaviour in men. To be honest I'm not entirely sure but if I'm wrong then... I'm not sure.

I saw Travis and he was furious as he found out that I went out with Travis... ITS NOT LIKE WERE DATING OR ANYTHING Travis needs to take a chill pill for once, wait he doesn't even take pills for anything. But seriously though it's not like the end of the world or anything. But it could be XD

Ooh I forgot to mention, I found a note in my locker from someone mysterious. Good thing Travis wasn't around he would freak out and literally kill every boy in the school I bet including teachers, but the note was really sweet and it hit me in the heart strings.

Dear my beautiful girl,
I don't think you know this. But the first time I saw you at school I feel like we're meant together, not trying to be creepy you have natural beauty in you and have pure heart and soul people could even see it with their naked bare eyes. I won't say who I am I won't let any leads to who I am either... I guess you could easily tell by guessing, but I am a whole different person when I'm around people.

I would like you to return a note to me after you read this, I would like to know your name. I know I sound like a creepy person when you read this but I would like to get to know you more, I know how your brother is like actually everyone knows, especially the guys some girls as well... He would actually put you first out of every girl in the school. You are lucky to have a brother like that, but I'm sure you'll have your freedom to be around a lot of guys sooner or later.

I'll see you later
P.s my locker number is 586
- ???

I felt like it was pretty sweet to have someone write a note to me, already not even a month and I get a note from a person I guess I have no idea who it is. But then I did do what I was told and wrote back it wasn't so long unlike the one I just wrote.

I would like to know who the note man is, could be anyone.
Signing out, Y/N

Author~chan out

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