just a cute rich kid

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chapter twenty-four ;; just a cute rich kid
third person

"Have you ever thought about getting a job at the coffeehouse?" Taehyung asks one sunny morning, the two boys sitting together on the bed, Jungkook in between the elder's opened legs and content with lips placed on his bare shoulder. An opened white button up was placed onto the latter's tanned body, something that he wore quite often when just lounging around, "Maybe I could get one too, as art doesn't seem to be working out."

Jungkook frowned slightly at the last comment while feeling the vibrations from lips speaking running along his bony shoulder. He was saddened by the fact that Taehyung was still struggling with money due to the art showcase people not contacting him back yet, wanting to help but not exactly knowing how, "I guess it would be nice." The blonde comments and leans further into accepted warmth of bare skin against his own.

They'd become so much more touchy after Jungkook's simple response to what Taehyung had already confessed. Nothing was set or confirmed, but it was obvious that it was something that required a 'more than friends but not quite dating' sticker. Friends with benefits seemed to be the best term at this point, and both seemed to be at a mental mutual agreement about it.

"You guess," Taehyung questions in an offended manner, causing Jungkook to turn his head in fear before realizing that he was just joking around, "I'm kidding, Kook, relax."

Jungkook shakily breaths out. He had some type of paranoia from doing anything wrong, "Right,"

"Seriously, don't get so worked up about this." Taehyung speaks in a concerned tone, leaning down to kiss up an exposed neck.

A tan hand goes to softly hold onto Jungkook's chin, turning his head so they could look at each other before connecting lips together. The younger had been awaiting for the said action to occur, sighing softly and turning to his side a bit to make the situation easier. Taehyung's other large hand went downwards and began to affectionately rub at Jungkook's clothed thigh, which was incased in black skinny jeans. The blonde hums softly and pushes his head further up, as Taehyung pushes his own further down to gain better access.

Breaking away, Jungkook bites his bottom lip and looks down at his hands, eyes glancing over to the tan one that was still placed over the entirety of his thigh. Moments like this had been happening quite often now, causing churning in his stomach and fluttering in his heart all at once, and Jungkook could only think about answering one thing, "I wanna work at the coffeehouse with you."

And Taehyung softly smiled with a slight nod to the head.


"You're acting as if you've never had a job." Taehyung comments while glancing at the younger boy who looked most definitely nervous. His foot kept tapping the floor, biting his bottom rosy lip every now and then after licking it. The brunette had been watching him closely the whole time with a arm loosely around Jungkook's waist. When no response had come, it finally hit him, "Wait...you've never had a job, have you?"

The blonde finally glances over and quickly nods his head while fidgeting a bit, and Taehyung could only let out an obviously sweet laugh, running his index finger around Jungkook's prominent hip bone, "You're just a cute rich kid, aren't you?"

Jungkook was used to the taunting, a joking tone always ready to come out whenever needed, "I'm not rich." He smiles softly while staring up, breathing in the scent of coffee.

"I'm just playing."

"I know you were...Babe,"

Taehyung was clearly taken off by the name. Jungkook never called him anything other than Taehyung or Tae- was never the one to show proper affection or let alone flirt on his own. Even if it was something so stupid, the elder felt an emotion along the lines of pride and relief. Taehyung drew the younger male even closer, now smelling artificial strawberry that always clung to a set of growing blonde locks. Jungkook leaned in as an instinct response.

"Jungkook and Taehyung," the manager walks over, two mustard yellow aprons in their hand and a black cap to go with. Jungkook smiles brightly once realizing that they were in fact getting a job, "I'm glad to say that you've been hired." She smiles and hands them the objects, fabric rough and feeling heavy. "Here are your aprons and caps, and you'll be leaving them here once clocking out."

"We're starting today?" Taehyung asks, Jungkook not understanding why he seemed so surprised, not understanding that you don't usually immediately start working once being hired.

"Well, you're both dressed appropriately, and the smile on Jungkook's face made me assume that you two want to start today."

Taehyung nods his head after glancing over towards the obviously anticipating male who no longer seems nervous, "Okay, we'll start today," Jungkook brightly smiles again, looking over at Taehyung as the manager walks away, and Taehyung just grabs his cap and puts it on before grabbing ahold of Jungkook's and placing it on the latter's head, "Welcome to your first job."


Taehyung chuckles and ruffles his own green bangs, placing the apron's loop over his head. Jungkook quickly follows suit when realizing that they were getting ready to start. He really didn't know what to do, and Jesus, it was cute to the elder male who had his arms crossed whilst staring at the younger who was struggling to tie the back knot.

Taehyung tsks, "I'll help you with that." There was no interjection allowed, but it's not like Jungkook would've denied. The elder made him real flustered when standing so close, a steady breath running down a pale neck, and Jungkook could only envision the latter's focused face, tying the strings into a pretty bow, eyebrows stitched together and mouth a slight grimace, "There," Taehyung speaks and his hands stop moving around, stepping away, "let's go,"

Jungkook dumbly nodded his head at a loss for words, stumbling at first but catching his balance. Rushing towards the back counter that none of them had seen, their eyes grazed along each coffee bean bag and technology used to make deliciously sweet cappuccinos. Other employees were swiftly moving about and gracefully pouring out different concoctions, obviously used to the settings. Taehyung had already sketched all of them in his book. Jungkook had already wrote details about them in his journal. An observing pair, they were.

"How about you take cashier?" Taehyung nudges the blonde, "I'll start making things." Jungkook nods once again in response, receiving a soft peck to the lips. He stood silently, but the elder was already off and talking to a girl that always had her head in a tight bun, so tight that you'd be surprised that her scalp could manage.

Jungkook's eyes squint slightly but stays quiet nonetheless, trailing over towards where the already working cashier was getting orders. He awkwardly clears his throat, being met with a brightened smile, "You must be new here." The black haired male appears older than Jungkook.

"Yeah, I am,"

"Do you wanna take over? We're not busy right now so things should be easy."

"Uh- Sounds good, I guess." Jungkook responds a little unsurely.

"Great," the latter smiles, "holler if you need anything. I'll be in the back on my break." Jungkook nods with a small yet forced smile, watching him walk away before glancing towards Taehyung who was invested in pouring whip cream but not paying too much attention as some got on his apron already.

The girl who was helping Taehyung out laughed loudly, both joining in together, and Jungkook found himself squinting once again. A pang rang through his head but turns away nonetheless, facing an empty space in front of him. No one was walking in at this time, as it is one in the afternoon. Rush hours were in the morning and later in the afternoon.

More laughter and talking erupts from Taehyung's side of the counter, and it causes Jungkook to hang his head. He didn't want to walk in on them doing anything tomorrow morning when he goes to Taehyung's apartment if they end up having a fling together.

"What's wrong," a deep voice asks Jungkook, taking him off guard yet calming down when being met with the familiar scent of vanilla, firm dark brown eyes, and green bangs.

"Nothing," Jungkook mumbles and faces a customer who had recently walked up, "Hello, what can I get for you today?" He asks with a smile, memorizing what the employees say through months of observation. Taehyung continues to stand close to him, front facing Jungkook's side and hand on the counter to balance his leaned over body.

"An Americano, please,"

"Okay, that'll be 4,000 Won." Jungkook finally turns towards Taehyung who had a rather sharp stare, "Taehyung, could you make the Americano?"

The elder sucks his teeth and sends up straight, "Of course," a kiss on the cheek is quickly placed before walking away, back to the machine to make said Americano.

Jungkook's face has gone completely pink, looking back over at the boy who still stood with money in hand. It's quickly taken and placed into the cash register, "Wait over there," he mumbles, paying attention to how the boy softly laughs.


Taehyung isn't exactly in the best of moods on Monday morning. It's been a week since starting, and he's late to work, grimace screwing on his attractive face that held bags under eyes that appear darker than ever, and Jungkook's gaze follows the elder's heavy steps, watching how he aggressively puts on his uniform- cap on sideways and apron barely tied.

Jungkook made sure that no one was getting ready to buy anything before hesitantly trailing over to the brunette, who was refilling a bottle with caramel, "Tae..." the younger worriedly whispers when getting no reaction, "Taehyung, are you oka-"

"Just fucking peachy," the elder bit into each word spoken, alarming the latter who took a small step back.

"Calm down," Jungkook continues to quietly speak in order to not grab attention from those sitting around. Lifting pale arms, hands centered the cap on Taehyung's head but left the apron's tie alone, "you're going to alarm others. Is it family stuff again?"

Taehyung heavily sighs and leans his elbows on the countertop, pushing his face into large hands, "You could say..."

Jungkook sadly looks down at him, running his hand along a wide back, thumb rubbing softly at the nape of a warm neck. He feels awkward, though. Comforting people never comes easy, "I'm so sorry," the blonde slowly breathes, "do you want to talk about it?" Taehyung just shakes his head silently, stands up properly again but mouth remaining shut. Jungkook can only sweetly kiss the elder male. He's aware of eyes on the two of them, but then again, he doesn't really care. Jungkook feels like a kiss will help, and so he's going to do as he pleases, "Talk to me if you want to."

Taehyung wasn't going to let everything out that easy, for the sake of the one coaxing him.


Another six hours slowly went by, this day seeming to drag so slowly, but working at a coffeehouse was much better than Jungkook's usual times spent inside a lonely house. Said male's eyes were staring over towards the windows aligning each wall. Light powerfully stream through each one in a blinding manner, yet it's a sweet sight that triggers a content smile to form. He was waiting for Taehyung since it was their time to leave.

Lanky arms slowly wrap around his waist. Such a familiar body molds into the back of his own, Taehyung placing his chin onto Jungkook's slightly slouched shoulder, "Are you coming over to mine?"

"Yeah," the younger distantly answers, eyes trained on someone outside.


He doesn't even feel warm lips placing soft kisses up his neck, doesn't even realize that he's being pressed up against another body even more. His eyes are trained so closely to the back of a platinum blonde head, and Jungkook's own mind was racing, heartbeat multiplying dramatically. Taehyung does in fact hear the one in his arms beginning to breathe heavier but thought of it as a reaction to his current moves. Too bad Jungkook wasn't even thinking about the brunette at this moment.

"Yoongi," he mumbles in a high pitched tone, the word being squeezed out of his throat. Pale hands move to pull off loose arms, beginning to speed walk out of the coffeehouse.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asks but is completely ignored.

"Yoongi," Jungkook says, much louder this time, "Yoongi," he shouts when closing the door behind him. Sprinting along the pavement and getting closer and closer to the elder who has been somewhere else for so long, left him for three months. He was here, actually here. Jungkook's heart is in his throat and immense amounts of relief were coursing through veins, "Y-Yoongi, you're back I-"

"Who's Yoongi," the male turns around, confusion slapped on his face.

Jungkook's whole facade drops, excitement being drained from him completely and left with only disappointment mixed with so many other frozen emotions. He felt guilty, finding anger in himself for being so petty, "I-I'm s-sorry," Jungkook stumbles over words and begins to back away, "I thought you were someone else."

He doesn't really want to go back to the coffeeshop, now understanding that Taehyung was left there alone- no explanation or anything, but Jungkook didn't realize that the elder had most definitely realized what was going on, understood that the blonde thought that Yoongi had returned, so when Jungkook finally makes it back, Taehyung's already at his Impala.

"Yoongi, huh," Taehyung coldly questions when being met with an obviously scared face.


"No, no, don't feel bad,"

"I- I still want to come over."

Taehyung looks his slumped figure up and down, "....Then come on," it was, for some reason, hard to say no to the younger boy who was almost in tears.

Jungkook rushes forward, going under the brunette's arm to slide into the car. Before, Jungkook felt as if Taehyung didn't control him much like he used to, but that obviously isn't true. Jungkook also believed that Yoongi no longer had a tight grip on his hair, but that's most truly incorrect. The boy is still flung around with emotions for two boys. Sometimes, two mediums doesn't seem as nice as it used to.

Taehyung went in on his side afterwards, hand tightly gripping the steering wheel that turned knuckles white, as the other one turned on the music. An atmosphere that's nothing but uncomfortable stifles the whole care in a strangling type of way. It gives Jungkook deja vu in the most awful yet beautiful way. He assumed that awkward and uncomfortable moments like this had left the two of them alone for good, but once Jungkook's thankful for the melody creating a sound, it's clear that it's not quite that way.


"Are you still upset with me?" The blonde cautiously asks, sitting criss cross on Taehyung's bed as the said male lays on his back and faces the white ceiling.

"I was never upset with you." He drones for the nth time but somehow stays composed. Taehyung was ultimately trying to put himself in Jungkook's shoes in order to stay calm, but the younger didn't even think about putting himself in Taehyung's.

"You're not happy."

"Of course I'm not happy!" Taehyung bursts in frustration, not being able to bottle it up anymore, "One minute, you want to be with me, are okay with the idea of being mine, but the next you're leaving me hanging and running towards Yoongi."

"But it isn't wasn't Yoonig."

"What difference does it make, Jungkook?" The tanner sits up from his spot in order to be eye level, showcasing a set of stressed eyes, "What if that guy did end up being Yoongi, huh? I'm sure as hell that you wouldn't be here right now."

"It's not like I'd leave you for good!" Jungkook shouts in return from his own frustration and fear- so much fear.

"Yet that's how you make me feel!"

"Taehyung, I don't even know you!" The younger shouts at the top of his lungs, startling the younger male, causing him to flinch slightly. Opening his clamped shut eyes, Jungkook sadly looks up with a shaking lip. But he isn't going to cry, oh no, he doesn't want to cry in front of Taehyung anymore, "You expect me to throw away Yoongi as if he doesn't even exist, as if- as if I don't love him." Taehyung only dumbly blinked from a pure loss of words, "You don't tell me anything about you. I ask, and I ask but you never say! I ask to know about who you were before we met, and other than doing drugs and banging people on the daily, I know nothing! Y-You expect so much from me sometimes, but when it comes down, there's nothing there."


"Shut up, I'm not done." Jungkook was panting at this point, concerning the elder that has flaring nostrils and a set jaw, "Taehyung, I do like you, okay? I do, I really fucking do, but you can't assume that I'll throw out Yoongi like he's nothing, a-and if you do, then I'm sorry because you're wrong. You'll have to deal with me being like this. I'm not like you, Tae. I can't jump from one person to another." Doe eyes became glossy towards the end, Jungkook feeling such a weight lifting from his own chest.

Taehyung crawls over till he's right in front of Jungkook, has his warm hands on either side of the blonde's young and innocent face. They were just so close at this point, "You must understand how I feel right now, Jungkook. You must understand how stupid I felt when you ran out like that. It showed me what's going to happen when Yoongi does come back, and I just don't want you to be dropped again like you are right now. That bastard, Min Yoongi, doesn't deserve you."

"You talk about Yoongi as if you know him. You sound like you hate him, and there has to be more behind it than just him leaving me." Jungkook pauses for a moment, "Why...do you hate Yoongi so much?" Taehyung hung his head low at the question yet kept ahold of the confused one. He couldn't confess, no matter how much he want to. Taehyung may want to cause Yoongi great pain, but he couldn't stand the sight of Jungkook's upset face afterwards. Taehyung doesn't want to cause the dirty blonde boy that he has come to care for something like that, "There it is," Jungkook begins after a couple of minutes, "you don't tell me anything."

"Because it's too fucked up for you to know." Taehyung whispers in defeat.

"I'm not some kid. I can't handle it." Jungkook retorts, and the elder looks up.

"It's not about you being a kid. It's just...I don't want to tell you now. What I want to tell you is for later."

"Taehyung, please-"

"No," he denies deeply.

Jungkook takes the tan hands off of him out of the same uproar that remained, stuck to him like a nat. Fear and frustration over and over, swirling around his tired head that was always on a tight rope, "Fine,"

"Don't act like that." Taehyung bites back and only comes closer, noses bumping slightly, "Don't get angry with me like that." Their lips brush together on accident, something between the pair building up each second, "You don't have the right to. You don't understand."

"I may not understand, but that doesn't mean I can't be upset."

"As long as you don't hate me," Taehyung smirks softly.

"Couldn't dream of it,"

And then their lips met together, meld into something heated and strong. What was builder up before is diminished entirely. Jungkook's body falls back onto the bed with a creak, and the two waste no time to bring their bodies closer together, making it so that Taehyung was in between the younger's open legs and staying there. His tan body's hunched over another, and pale hands wrap into brown hair. strong arms placed in spots right next to Jungkook's head, fingers digging into the duvet and mattress.

Jungkook claws at the hem of Taehyung's shirt as the said male bites at his bottom lip, the younger letting out a soft moan. Both break apart while panting in order for the elder's shirt to be quickly shed. Their hands quickly pulled up and over a set of brown locks before being chucked somewhere across the room. Jungkook enjoys the feeling in the pads of his fingers pressing directly into warm smooth skin, finding himself shedding his own shirt swiftly so that Taehyung can share the same experience.


lol no they didn't have sex

i'm worrying that this is ending up too much like pretty boy & it's honestly so worrying because i want my books to be different, not all the same && i just rly don't like this & ik that i say that a lot & ur probably tired of it, but i'm being dead serious for this update ahsjdjdkgl.

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