sounds about right

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chapter thirty ;; sounds about right
third person

Jungkook is one to easily forgive, like back in fourth grade with his school bully. The boy a grade older than him would always stupidly pick on Jungkook, whether it be on his big teeth and nose or his inability to speak English well.

Someone told on the bully, that person being in the grade above, and in the end, a forced sorry was given but Jungkook took the lack of sincerity to heart. There was no second questioning when he immediately reached out to tightly hug him. He said thank you to the older boy for finally stopping.

But then stopping only lasted for a week before going back to how it was before, and Jungkook didn't really understand why. Nonetheless, a mentality to easily forgive never left.

Forgiving Kim Taehyung came a little harder yet easier at the same time, if he's being honest. The young boy might've acted fine when with the tanner that made him feel more reassured when around, but there's a part of him that's still hesitant. He feels bad for being hesitant, feels really fucking bad, because Taehyung can't help his unstable outbursts. So Jungkook stays silent and works on making a salted caramel mocha latte while the latter works register.

"You doing anything this weekend?" A boy, who has become quite friendly with Jungkook, asks.

"Uh, yeah, actually..."

"Really now," Hoseok, is name is Hoseok.

"Yes, Hobi," Jungkook smiles and places the large mound of extra whip cream on top, and he slyly notices the shift in Taehyung's eyes at the nickname.

"Who do you have these plans with?" Hoseok's smile beams in curiosity to know, gossiping being one of his favorite activities.

"I'm not saying."

"Then I'll guess,"

"Shouldn't you be making drinks?" The younger quirks his eyebrow and flicks the freely moving bangs out of his eyes. No beanie's being worn today.

Hoseok shakes off the question with a hand and rests his arm on the counter for support, "You're handling the work just fine." He smiles, and Jungkook can't help but laugh softly.

"But seriously, what are you doing this weekend?"

"I'm, uh-"

"Going on a date with me, actually." A deep voice suddenly occurs, as well as a large, firm hand resting on his waist. Jungkook looks to the side and sees Taehyung's slightly bothered face staring Hoseok down.

Hoseok himself looks scared shitless from such an icy tone before finally relaxing again and laughing hysterically, "Oh my god, I'm not hitting on Jungkook. He's all yours, Taetae."

"Don't call me Taetae." The angered male snaps and draws Jungkook closer towards him.

"Tae, calm down," the blonde frantically whispers when seeing Hoseok's upset face, "we were just talking, okay? You don't have to guard me like a dog." But of course, a hand was kept firmly on his side, a reminder of who he belongs to. Taehyung's long fingers slowly tap on Jungkook's hip bone in a patterned motion, as his dagger staring eyes soften ever so slightly.

"Alright..." Taehyung mumbles and finally lets go, walking back to the register and asking a lady for her order.

"Jesus," Hoseok whispers and goes back to pouring spices on another latte, "that Taehyung guy scares me shitless. Don't you think he's a bit too, I don't know, terrifying for you?"

Jungkook sweetly smiles over at Hoseok and shrugs his shoulders, "He's only like that when people threaten his stance."

"You make him sound like an alpha or some shit like that." The elder between the two making drinks glances over while placing the made coffee down and calling out a random person's name.

"He's sweet, really, kind and simplistic. I like how he smells too, like a vanilla ash tray- wait, that doesn't sound very appealing, but I promise it is. Plus, I like someone being protective over me, makes me feel good." Jungkook runs on and on, almost pouring a peppermint syrup instead of caramel.

"Well now I know what your sex life with him is like." Hoseok comments with a devilish grin.

"Shut up," Jungkook playfully scolds and smacks the elder's thin arm.

"Wait, you're telling me you guys haven't...?"

Jungkook wants to burry himself in a deep dark hole and cry at the question. It was just so embarrassing, and he can't stop the flame of red surging across his face and even the tips of his ears, "No," the boy mumbles and covers his round eyes in blonde bangs shamefully while pouring a design of caramel over foam.

"Damn, dude, thought it already happened. I mean, you should've seen the way he was grabbing onto you."

"He's protective." Jungkook uses the same word again in a hushed whisper like some type of excuse and continues to look down at the counter.

"He said you're going on a date, right?" Hoseok asks and showcases perfectly straight teeth.

"Yeah," the blonde's eyebrows knit together at the question, as he finally looks up again.

"...You're gonna smash." Hoseok snickers and earns a smack to the back of his head. That only triggers overdramatic screeching, causing everyone to wince slightly.

"Just, shut up," Jungkook groans, finally placing the paper cup on the counter, smiling softly because that was what Taehyung first used to ever properly communicate.

"You didn't deny it." Hoseok sings.

"I'll kick you."


"You ready to leave?" Taehyung asks once walking into the backroom that trailed with a couple other employees minding their own business and letting the two males be. Jungkook glances over his shoulder while untying the knot in his apron, smiling with crinkled eyes once seeing the latter.

"Give me a sec," he mumbles and takes the apron off, hair getting tossed slightly.

"It's weird seeing you without a beanie." Doc Martens thud against the ground, long fingers going to subtly play at the hem of Jungkook's white shirt.

"Yeah, I decided not to wear one today. It didn't...feel right." Taehyung hums to the slowly spoke words while the apron's finally hung on Jungkook's assigned hook, fingers not stopping, "Where are we going, though?"

"Like I'm gonna tell you." Taehyung snickers while pulling away his warm hand and allowing the younger to turn and face him completely.

"You really should," Jungkook smiles softly and allows two hands to rest on his waist instead.


"Fine," the blonde huffs, placing his hands on top of Taehyung's due to the room being extremely cold and fingers feeling like actual ice, "don't tell me,"

"Thanks for agreeing," a slap to the elder's chest is received, earning a deep chuckle in return, and Taehyung kisses the younger's cheek, their bangs pushing together at the action, "you done yet?"

"I'm supposed to put up the utensils, but..." Jungkook trails off while glancing around "I don't need to, I guess."

"Then come on," Taehyung lets go and grabs onto Jungkook's wrist to guide them both out of the building. The younger's practically being dragged behind long strides, feet scuffing up against the cement sidewalk and cringing at the immense cold nipping at his skin. Taehyung opens up the passenger door for him, and he instantly crawls inside, "watch your feet." The door is carefully closed shut afterwards, the elder walking over to his side, running long fingers through his green bangs before opening the driver door and sliding inside.

"You're really not gonna tell me where we're going?"

"Don't count on it," Taehyung comments and turns the engine on, as Jungkook glances around to see the usual blanket folded with two white paper bags, a case of what looks like cheap beer, and a large black case.

"A picnic," Jungkook hesitantly questions and looks over at Taehyung who was focused on the road. He shrugs his shoulders, fingers drumming against the steering wheel to whatever song was playing rather loudly through the whole Impala.


"You're taking me on a fucking picnic." Jungkook announces once Taehyung parks safely on some type of cliff.

The whole place was covered in bright wild flowers, which only grow in winter, and long, dry looking grass that still appears pleasing to stare at. Round eyes trail outwards towards the cliff's view and can't help but sigh at the meadow down below, swarming with such vibrant life for being early winter. A sight like this made his brain so much calmer, thinking that Taehyung understands that from their last time in the woods.

"Well," Taehyung begins in a deep voice and opens up his side's door, faint sounds of bugs instantly filling their ears from outside, "I made due with my budget, so Taco Bell, Bud Light, and weed it is."

"That," the younger begins and turns to open his door as well, "sounds oddly fantastic."

"'Cause it is," Taehyung grins and climbs out of the car, radio still on and filling the silent area with sweet American indie tunes, "we're gonna live like we're college students tonight, Baby."

Jungkook only laughs to the joyful sounding comment, heart racing with such excitement yet veins eased with such contentment: subdued yet full of contrasted shocks. It seems like Taehyung only made him feel this way, and that makes Jungkook absolutely ballistic but terrified at the same time. A soft huff leaves thin rosy lips while stepping out and seeing Taehyung grab the blanket from the back and placing it quickly on top of the car's hood.

"You're gonna let us eat on your prize possession?" The young boy's honestly shocked while grabbing the two paper bags filled with hard and soft tacos, as well as a twenty-four pack of Bud Light that was most likely on sale when bought.

Taehyung's hair was thrown around by wind as he nods, "Yeah," he mumbles, too concentrated on trying to keep the blanket from flying away, "here, put the pack of beer on the blanket so it won't fall off the cliff."

"Sure thing, boss," Jungkook says and earns a slight snicker from the latter.


"I don't know, you just say some of the most...cutest yet dumbest things." Pink, that's the only color that Jungkook's skin tone currently contains. He just bows his head down while carefully placing the heavy cardboard box on the Impala's hood, putting the paper bags down second.

"It's not dumb," Jungkook plays along, gazing towards Taehyung, who was grabbing the black bag. He assumes that the bong is nicely tucked away in the padded case.

"So you're not denying that it's cute?" Taehyung smirks and hops on top of the car. It creeks under his weight, Jungkook being hesitant at first but gets on afterwards, not without struggle, of course. After looking like an absolute bull in a china shop and almost knocking down their fatty food, Jungkook's finally situated and receiving yet another grin showcasing a kind rectangle.

"Fuck yeah I'm cute," the younger says breathlessly and leans back on his palms, legs criss crossed and gaze towards the sun now somewhat dulling down, "especially my nose."

"You have a big nose." Taehyung comments, beginning to dig through the warm bag in search of a soft taco and two orange packets of hot sauce. Jungkook's eyes snap to look over at him, "A cutely big nose that's enjoyable to stare at."

Jungkook tsks and grabs the second bag, "I hate you." He mumbles and laughs when looking inside, "Hot sauce is in this bag, idiot."

"You love me," Taehyung lowly says with such a cocky smile, face coming extremely close. It makes Jungkook's heart jump, because it's true, "thanks for the sauce."

"Yeah," the blonde whispers and grabs his own hard taco.

Their wrappers loudly crinkle against the wind and Taehyung's sadly blows away to litter the area around them that's too pretty to be trashed on. Jungkook pouts at the sight and takes a bite of his food, humming happily. It may be a pile of grease, but it's a good and cheap pile of grease.

"You want a beer?" Taehyung asks with a mouth full of food, already turning to grab his own can. Jungkook puts out his hand instead of allowing food to fly out of his mouth while speaking, and they both open them at the same time with a satisfying pop, a sound of forming fizz quickly following behind, "I should've gotten us Baja Blasts." The elder comments and takes a rushed slurp from his can that begins to foam over.

"That stuff's nasty." Jungkook grimaces. He takes another bite that's far too crunchy and loudly groans when meat and lettuce fall onto the wrapper on his lap.

"That stuff's damn good." The latter retorts and bumps Jungkook with his elbow.

"Is not,"

"Is too,"

"Is not,"

"I'm not gonna argue over a drink."

"We're not arguing." Jungkook reassures with a firm pout and grabs another taco, handing Taehyung another one as well with two packs of hot sauce, "We're just expressing our opinions."

"It's like a presidential debate." Taehyung comments with a chuckle.

"Mm, wouldn't go that far." Jungkook says with his own mouth full of a soft tortilla and probably processed meat.

"I would." The elder responds and chugs down the rest of his beer. He crushes the aluminum before chucking it off the cliff, glances to Jungkook who's practically done with his own by now, "It's bad that I could live off of this." Taehyung comments and pushes the green bangs out of his eyes in search of the small orange packet that's been dropped.

"I usually never have it." Jungkook sadly says, helping Taehyung find the hot sauce and handing it to him.

"So that's why you're scarfing the tacos down." The tanner comments, a smug smile, and Jungkook's caught while crinkling up the wrapper to his second one.

"I haven't eaten all day, leave me be." Another can of beer's taken out of the case, "This beer's nasty, by the way."

"The nastiest, always on sale. What I have in my fridge is somehow better." Taehyung comments and sips down even more.

"I mean, who even drinks this stuff?" His voice is in disgust, ending in a loud slurp from the opened can.

"You, me, college students, broke people- aka me -and, uh, people with terrible taste, there you have it," The elder dumbly remarks and laughs loudly when seeing the latter's hard thinking face that's clearly out of fake confusion and complete disgust once again.

"And you call me dumb." Jungkook mumbles, receiving a strong shove that causes him to choke on the beer, beginning to cough hysterically. Taehyung only wheezes and falls back onto the blanket, "Are you trying to kill me?!" The younger shouts, bangs falling in his eyes while snapping all attention towards Taehyung, the sun gradually dipping behind the horizon.

"Maybe," Taehyung laughs out.


"Aye, I bought you dinner!" He defends and nudges the younger boy who was still sitting upwards with his knee, "Just shut up and drink your beer, Babe."

"I'll get right on it."


"You're so fucking tipsy." Taehyung giggles. Hot kisses are peppered down a tan neck sloppily, as the elder unzips the black bag from earlier.

"Just a little," Jungkook reassures, because it's true, for the most part. He's on the cusp of being just a little tipsy and a little over tipsy.

"Getting high may not be the best thing for you." Looking over his shoulder, Taehyung sees Jungkook, who's eyes are darker from the sunlight finally resting underneath the horizon. An opened mouth kiss is being placed on his thick lips before realization sets in, lifting his head up slightly to get a better angle.

"We'll do a little bit." Jungkook says once pulling pack, feeling somewhat dazed from the extremely nice heat radiating off of Taehyung's soft mouth.

"Okay, okay," green bangs are draped downwards when turning back around. He only grabs out a reasonable sized pipe instead of his full on glass bong, not needing any water of sorts and just an infamous purple lighter and the actual weed, "the things I do for you." Taehyung mumbles and earns a kiss to the back of his neck.

"I don't wanna do it by myself." Jungkook quickly says when being met with the red and orange swirled pipe. The bowl towards the end was filled with a small amount, pipe side towards his chapped lips.

"Mkay," Taehyung says and changes it so the pipe's opening is resting in his mouth.

The lighter turns on with only two flicks and lights the green with an orange glow. A familiar scent of sugar and burnt rubber accumulates with a fainter origin due to Mother Nature taking some in for herself, and one second passes by until two lips are ever so subtly touching. They exchange a calming intoxication again, the younger holding the back of Taehyung's neck with a soft sigh.

That same sensual closeness draws over afterwards, Jungkook's eyes hooded and Taehyung reluctantly pulling back. He'd much rather just keep it going on, push his lips forward, until they're right against Jungkook's and moving appropriately, until their skin burns from being too close, absolutely up in flame.

Of course, that desire was stupidly ruined, ruined by the younger's tipsiness and light high touch. Jungkook leans back a bit too far in satisfaction. It results in a rock cutting across his cheek when falling off of the Impala's hood, and a couple cans fall down with him.

Taehyung doesn't need to bite back a laugh, stumbling off of the car and rushing to Jungkook, "Crap," the younger loudly groans and sits up with help.

He doesn't seem to feel the warm blood that drips down the side of his face in one thin drop of red. It falls down his chin before finally letting go of a pale-tan. The color resonates into jeans that are already damp from spilled beer, "You're bleeding." Taehyung flat out speaks and takes off his cardigan in order to quickly wipe off the single drop of blood and softly dab at the already drying scrape.

"I'm clumsy." Jungkook says instead, and Taehyung scoffs at the comment.

"Sounds about right," he sighs and pulls the cardigan down, staring right at Jungkook who's eyes are still lidded and darker than usual- absolutely stunning and alluring. Taehyung gulps, hard, finds his index finger slowly running along the back of Jungkook's hand that's resting on the ground casually. After a clear to his throat, the elder continues with a clearly dazed blonde staring up at him, "let's go back to my place so I can clean you up."


A tan hand reaches out to help Jungkook up, the boy being guided into the passenger seat to stay inside. He watches Taehyung swiftly put things away and toss their trash off the cliff, ruffling the blanket without folding it up. They're tossed into the back without much thought, the elder's mind going a mile a minute at this moment, working a little too fast and fumbling with the keys from it.



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