you'll have consequences

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chapter thirty-five ;; you'll have consequences
third person

Jungkook stares silently over at Yoongi, who's leisurely walking around the downstairs area while looking for his jacket and keys. A cold drink of Cola is gripped in the young boy's hands, and he scoots even further back on the kitchen's large countertop. They've spent the whole day apart from one another, Jungkook on his phone- almost texting Taehyung multiple times -and Yoongi in the office.

"Where're you going?" Jungkook quietly asks.

Yoongi glances over at him and smiles softly, "Why, are you gonna miss me?" He jokes yet slowly looks back down once being met with silence. His glove covered hand only goes back to looking through a random canvas bag, "I'm going to Seokjin's place. I gotta talk to him about some things."

Jungkook feels a pang of worry settling in his heavy chest at the name, as he has gone over to the elder male's house not too long ago, but it's not like that matters. There's no more lies to hide from now. If Seokjin tells Yoongi how he came over and asked for advice, so be it. After all, it seems as if the platinum blonde can't become any more disappointed in Jungkook.

"Okay," the younger mumbles and subconsciously wishes it were gin in his glass instead of Cola when taking a hefty sip; Taehyung can never leave the boy's mind, "tell him I say hi- Namjoon too."

"Of course," Yoongi responds and releases a sound of relief when finding his keys, which were in his jacket's left pocket, and Jungkook can't help but snicker to himself at the dumb mistake, "you can visit them whenever you want, yknow." The elder continues and walks up to stand comfortably in between Jungkook's opened legs. The keys are carelessly tossed on a spot next to Jungkook, hearing the metal clink loudly against the granite.

"Mm," the dirty blonde hums. He doesn't bother to meet Yoongi's suggestive gaze at their current position, only taking another sip of Cola before sighing to himself and the silence enveloping the two males that'd usually be filled with loving giggles and sexual remarks. Now there's only a wall that feels two miles in height and three miles in width.

"Love you," Yoongi mumbles in defeat. There's a chaste kiss placed on Jungkook's cheek, and he hastily grabs the keys again, a look of displeasure slapped on his attractive pale face.

"You t-," but the elder male's already walking away and out the front door. Jungkook doesn't even bother to finish out the sentence at this point, "yeah," he huffs when hearing the sound of a door shutting loudly, "...yeah," another sigh passes, as well as the urge just to shout loud and clear in anger from so much frustration- frustrations of not being able to go to the coffeehouse, converse with an attractive twenty-five year old, who's bangs are green and a little too long while his hands shake in new found emotions kicking up.


Yoongi runs his frozen fingers through platinum blonde bangs almost angrily, feet stomping a little too loudly while walking to Seokjin's door. The people downstairs are most likely aggravated about it, but the twenty-seven year old can't care less. There's a prominent frown slapped on his face made up of pouted light pink lips. He works for it to go away, but that's clearly impossible with the thought of his life plans becoming all ruined thanks to some things that happened in the past.

Consequences never have a set time at when they'll arrive and leave, and Yoongi's true consequences are extremely delayed. He knows for sure that Jungkook wouldn't of had given Taehyung so much time if his and the brunette's lives hadn't been so drama filled and corrupted- absolutely no question about it. Yoongi huffs, followed by gurgling something a monster would spit out.

A firm three knocks on the painted door alerts whoever's inside. Seokjin answers quickly after glancing through the peephole, and there's honestly no doubt that a hint of worry douses his tone and friendly smile, "Yoongi," the elder male steps forward to give the younger a quick hug before pulling away, "come in, come in."

Yoongi steps inside, making sure to step off anymore snow from the deep crevices in his boot's soles, "You dyed your hair back to brown." He comments while taking off his thick winter coat that's designer.

"I was tired of the blonde. Plus, Joonie likes it." Seokjin responds softly whilst walking towards the kitchen, which takes up majority of the apartment's main room.

Yoongi chuckles, "That's good."

Seokjin nods in return. A part of him has the urge to ask Yoongi about him and Jungkook, question if they're okay or not- if they're even together anymore. But at the same time, Seokjin has no desire to kick up drama or seem like some type of gossiping snob, yet that doesn't stop the strong hammering in his head to blurt such words out.

"So," Seokjin begins, "what made you decide to come by?" He opens up the refrigerator and takes out two bottles of Fiji, handing one off to Yoongi before they both take a seat together at the breakfast bar. It all feels like deja vu.

"You want the real answer or the fake answer?" Yoongi honestly speaks and easily opens up the bottle.

"Real, of course," Seokjin speaks hesitantly, as if he knows what's bound to come.

"Jungkook," the younger answers flatly and side glances over to the elder's face, plastered in what's an attempt to appear innocent. Sadly, Seokjin's not one for hiding emotions, so there's a roll to Yoongi's dull eyes at seeing such a weak appearance, "you already know though, don't you?"

"...Kinda," the brunette bites his plump lower lip in some type of amplified guilt for ratting out the male's younger boyfriend, "he came over not too long ago asking for help." Yoongi sucks his teeth at the comment, eyes narrowing and lips partially wrapping around the bottle again for another sip, "I'm sorry, Yoongi, but you should've heard the things he was saying. I've never seen him look so upset and scared. It was almost pitiful-"

"It is pitiful." Yoongi states. He stares down at the blue bottle cap while his pale fingers twirl it around absentmindedly, "It's pitiful how Jungkook fell that quickly for Taehyung. It makes absolutely no sense to me, none at all! He'd go on about how he'd never do drugs and drink excessively, yet Taehyung is exactly all of those things..."

Seokjin turns his nose up at the words coming from Yoongi. The younger was obviously too infested in himself to understand that love will do crazy things to your brain, make you look past the most distasteful things. Hearing Yoongi go on about how Jungkook just wants attention while he's gone makes the blonde seem pitiful.

"Yoongi, I really don't think they were like that. Don't get that kind of idea stuck in your head. Jungkook really loves Taehyung. You can't just expect him to get over it." Seokjin firmly says, making sure to stare Yoongi dead in the eye.

Said male only scoffs, "They don't have love. They have some stupid infatuation with one another, like that Romeo and Juliet bullshit. How the fuck do you fall in love with someone in two months?" Yoongi gets lost in the anger taking ahold of his overworked brain. Thoughts from only deep down in his brain are pulled out with absolutely no filter, and his knuckles turn white from gripping the water bottle so hard indents are forming, "That little shit took ages to say I love you to me. I mean, I only started loving him after a year and I'm still struggling-"

"Yoongi," the elder barks angrily. The latter looks over confusedly at the anger, obviously not realizing what he said.


"Do you not realize what you just said?" The brunette lifts his eyebrows in absolute astonishment at how Yoongi is too caught up in his own self, while Jungkook and Taehyung are both strained from everything that's happened, "You can't think things like that, especially when you're asking Jungkook to do all this stuff for you." Yoongi only lets his head drop into his crossed arms on top of the countertop in absolute defeat.

"I'm sorry, but-"

"Yeah, yeah, the company and your parents and Jungkook's parents, I get it. Don't need to go on and on about it." He mumbles and takes a big gulp of smooth water before turning towards Yoongi again, "I'm going to be honest with you, Yoongi, completely honest..." Seokjin slowly speaks, but a flare up of anger at Yoongi's attitude helps, "I don't think Jungkook should be with you, I really, really don't."

The younger's eyes widen almost like a puppy's, "But it's best for the company."

"Think with your actual heart and stop thinking like a business man for once." Seokjin orders sincerely, "I know that the pressure of your parents on you hurts a lot, and I understand that it makes you go absolutely mad, but you need to think about what this is doing to Jungkook- Taehyung, even." The brunette's always been wise, someone that you can count on for the best and most realistic opinion.

Yoongi always collects and thinks over on what he says, every single time, like when Jungkook would threaten to leave him all that while ago. He'd come over quite often to ask for advice, as he was never good at pleasing the young boy, never good at easily coughing up fake emotions either. But Yoongi could always return home with something to learn from.

Yoongi's not having it this time, only shakes his head and finishes the rest of the water in one heavy swig. It dumbly reminds him of how Taehyung and him would take shot after shot once their friendship had begun to steadily crumble.

"I'm not letting him get away from me." He says with such a strong greed in his voice it lingers in the air, something you can naw into.

The sight alone makes the elder male absolutely disappointed. After all, Yoongi wasn't always so controlling with keeping Jungkook his and his only, but that's only because the male was sure that the boy was too innocent to leave. A lot can be changed in a short amount of time.

"Do whatever the hell you want, Yoongi, just don't go insane once you realize that what you're doing isn't the most morally correct thing." Seokjin's straight posture obviously slumps slightly, finally realizing that all of this can't just end in some kind of mutual agreement for everyone's sake.

"I bet you that Taehyung doesn't even think about Jungkook anymore." Yoongi says confidently.

"You're wrong." Seokjin scratches the back of his neck before continuing, "He's been going to the bar Joonie works at for the past three nights now, comments on how he started to get obsessive over having just hard lemonade. Joonie says that Taehyung will go on and on about Jungkook, until he's passing out from being so drunk."

Yoongi only laughs a little too loudly for anyone's liking, "He'll get over it in a week or two, guarantee it."

Seokjin sadly stares over at the younger male in skin cracking silence, so icy that blood can be drawn. He wants to say more, make it so Yoongi can finally calm down and understand that he may not get what he wants, no matter how hard he tries.

"Where're you going?" The brunette softly asks and turns the rectangular water bottle in his hands.

"Jewelry store, maybe," Yoongi looks over towards Seokjin seriously, causing the elder to helplessly run his hand through freshly dyed hair.

"Yoongi, you can't just propose and expect him to say yes right now." Seokjin gets out of the chair and walks over to the younger, who's standing at the recycling bin due to just now throwing away the water bottle. He looks down at Yoongi, strong and hard, "Jungkook needs to get over his breakup before any of this shit plays out."

"Relax, Jin, we've been discussing engagement for months now." Yoongi begins, looking up just as harshly, "He's never been against the idea."

"Is he against the idea of going back to Taehyung?" Seokjin blurts out. His voice is deep and guttural, vicious and assertive, to the point where it makes Yoongi's bratty attitude dry up for a moment.


"Then how the fuck do you suspect him to say yes?!" Lanky limbs are thrown up to the sky in disbelief, "Stop acting so stuck up and realize the situation Yoongi, the real situation. Your boyfriend is desperately in love with someone else and can't help it, so you need to approach this correctly. No engagement rings, no forcing him to stay put like a dog. Let Jungkook choose for himself. He's twenty-one years old and can surely make up his own mind at this point." Seokjin glumly places his hands on both of Yoongi's shoulders, staring down softly.

Then, they're quickly batted away, "What am I supposed to do if he goes to Taehyung, hm? How the fuck am i gonna explain to my parents that Jungkook's leaving me for Taehyung? They may think it's all a joke, Seokjin!"

"And that's partially your fault," the tanner finally walks away slightly to give Yoongi some space to actually breathe, "it's your fault for acting the way you've been, for neglecting Jungkook, for starting up something that you were never truly committed to. Yoongi, you'll have consequences to face no matter what happens. Might as well not try and dodge them." Once again, Yoongi gulps and hangs his head a little lower than before.

"Yeah," the blonde whispers, still feeling the stupid urge to walk down to the jewelry shop. He wants to buy the most beautiful and expansive ring for Jungkook to wear, to which the younger can't resist saying yes in a heap of overjoyed tears, "I guess I'll get going." He whispers.

Seokjin nods, "I'm sure Jungkook's waiting." The elder slowly shakes his head and quietly watches Yoongi trudge towards the front door, "Be careful, Yoongs. Don't make matters worse for everyone."

"Sure," said male responds, glancing back ignorantly one more time at thick pink lips and a head of perfectly styled brown hair.

And after the front door is carefully closed, he's walking towards the nearest jewelry store, only to buy a ring that sits nicely in a black velvet box. His only excuse is that it's never too early to plan for the future.


imma fucking cry i hate this update gnight i'm sleep deprived & emo

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