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A/N: this is a very small chapter for them,, i'll do a favor for some of you and this is a treat for everyone who's very curious about their relationship since i wrote hints that blue likes river

enjoy :D

and love lots ♥


Blue (19, omega) - Jaeyong

River (20, alpha) - Johnten

Some believes that having a crush on someone can take years. Some tells that it won't even be considered as a crush anymore if it took more than three years, while their feelings just grew as time passes by. Blue was the perfect example of it.

Ever since they were kids, he and River have been best friends. Since their parents are friends, they literally spent their whole lives together. Blue was very happy to be with someone like River, as a friend. Right, their stuck as friends and the omega has been struggling about it. He couldn't get himself to confess.

"Have fun in university, Lu," Jaehyun, his father, said who drove Blue to the university.

It is his son's first day, anyway.

"Is papa going to pick me up?" Blue asked.

The older furrowed his eyebrows, "He hasn't told you?"

"Told me what?"


Blue jolted at the sudden knock and greeting from his side on the car. He looked back and felt his heart dropped when he saw River. His mind got flustered and immediately thought if he looks fine. As an instinct, the boy looked away and calmed himself down. Jaehyun didn't notice and just pulled the window down.

"Hey, Riv," the older greeted, "You were going to drive Blue home today, right?"

Blue's eyes widened, "Eh?!"

River nodded, "Yes. I kind of miss him. You were in a family vacation all summer."

"I'm sure he would love to be with you, Riv. Right, Lulu?"

The omega looked at his father with a glare, but the older just gave him a teasing smile, knowing the tea between them. Blue just opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle with his bag. He took a deep breath, trying to keep himself composed.

"Bye, dad. See you later," Blue uttered, not answering his father's question.

"Okay. Bye, River."

River waved at Jaehyun and watched the car drive away. The alpha looked at his best friend, smiling, before he placed an arm around the omega's shoulders. Blue was used to it and wished that this wasn't his habit. His hand might end up feeling his fast heartbeat.

"You're scenting my shirt, by the way," Blue uttered, not wanting to smell like burnt wood.

The alpha frowned, "I'm scenting you to be safe. I feel like you forgot your scent blockers...I could smell flowers."

Blue smells like a very fragrant flower, more like how a jasmine smell. He does find it very feminine but River tells him otherwise. Scents don't really have any genders, and also, it smells really nice. River gets addicted to it.

"Hey, I did. And also, all my blockmates are omegas so no worries."

River was worried that Blue would get in heat. It's just been a year after the omega knew his 'kind' and of course, as his friend, he wants to make sure no one touches him. Also, he promised to Blue's parents that he'll protect their oldest. So, technically, Blue is his responsibility.

"Anyway, how was vacation?" River asked as they walked into the school grounds.

"It was fine. Did I get too dark? I was having too much fun under sun."

The alpha looked at his skin and Blue regretted it. He was blushing lightly but River was too blind to notice it. This is the problem. This alpha is as dense as the cake he made on Blue's 16th birthday. Though, Blue did appreciate it in the end.

"No, still porcelain skin."

Blue hummed and then suddenly remembered what he brought for him. He grabbed his bad and went to grab something in the pocket. He pulled it out and held it infront of River's face which made them to stop. The alpha tilted his head and looked at the object the omega was holding.

"By the way, since you like collecting keychains, I brought something from the place," Blue uttered.

The small keychain was simple and personalized. 'Iver' was written, which was the only nickname Blue always calls him. It's nothing like a secret or personal to them, but it was theirs. People usually questions their relationship, but River would only say that they're only 'best friends.' Blue was used to it.

River smiled, "Awee, I'm always in your mind, Lulu."

Blue pouted, "If I didn't, you would keep talking about it all day."

The alpha chuckled, "It's because I like it whenever you think about me."

The omega was processing what the alpha said and didn't notice that the keychain was grabbed away from him. River immediately grabbed his phone and hooked the keychain, by the case.

"Let's go. I'll show you around the university since papa and I looked around here after the admission exams," River suddenly said and grabbed Blue's hand to pull him around the campus.

People might think that River looks older than him when they just have five-month age gap. The alpha was much mature looking and taller than him. Blue just reached his ear and whenever River would look at him, the omega kept thinking about a nonexistent forehead kiss. His imaginations were running wild that it's unhealthy. He does wish about it. It would be really sweet and the omega can happily die.

"If you want, we can meet up here," the alpha uttered, talking about the they are in which near the field and near Blue's department.

The omega hummed, "Don't you have friends? I can handle myself, Iv."

River smiled at him.

"You're my top priority, Lu."

This kind of things just makes Blue fall deeper. His words never failed to make his heart flutter and him getting flustered. It felt like River's saying it in a different way that it giving Blue hope but the alpha doesn't like him anyway. Blue tried so hard to get rid of his feelings but it wasn't that easy. It's just seemed so wrong to fall in love for your best friend who treats you like his little brother. How unlucky he is?

"You should probably go and attend your class. I'll see you later," River said.

Blue nodded, "Right, so stop pulling me to somewhere."

"I got excited," the alpha chuckled, "My number is still the same so call or message me. I'll also be asking a copy of your schedule so I know when should I wait for you. Is that alright?"

The omega smiled back, "Yeah, okay. Since you're just going to push me anyway if I said no."

"You keep on exposing me."

"Whatever...I'll see you later, Iver."

"Have fun, Lulu!"

What if he just confessed?

The day went by very fast and all Blue thought of was just straight up confessing. His whole body just pushes him to confess, no matter what. But then, Blue was really concerned about their friendship. He doesn't want River to stay away from him. That would hurt him, and that's an understatement. He would even cry for a whole week about it.

If only he could the future.

This is just getting me crazy.


Blue jolted and looked behind, knowing that it's River because of his strong burnt wood scent.

What should I do?

"Let's go?" the alpha asked as soon as he catch up. River was even confused as to why Blue looked really worried and hesitated, "What's wrong, Lu?"

Blue felt his heart beating so fast, blushing in the process, as how River got worried because of him. He was still the River he knew, even though years passed. He looks really intimidating, added by the ear piercings and the little tattoo by his arm, but he's just a sweetheart. River's a really kind alpha but strict at times. The alpha makes him really happy and wants to spend all his life with him, his first love.

"I...I'm in love with you."

The omega was waiting for a word, a phrase since he has his eyes closed but all he heard was a heart-fluttering chuckle. Blue opened his eyes and looked back at River who has the biggest smile on his face.

"I know."

Blue's eyes widened, "Wait...what? D-Did someone tell you?"

"I kind of assumed," River said and wiggled his eyebrows, with his hands in his pockets, before he started walking which made the omega to follow behind.

"You're not weirded out?"


"You won't break our friendship?"


"You won't treat me differently?"

Blue abruptly stopped when River turned to look back at him.

"I have feelings for you too, since a very long time ago. Both of us are just cowards," the alpha uttered, "You want to date someday?"

This felt like a dream to Blue. He wasn't able to stop himself from blushing, up to his ears which made him to cover his face, away from the alpha. River just laughed at him.

"Stop acting weird, Lu!"

"Shut up!"


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