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20 | small talks

Taeyong stopped himself from yawning as the meeting was ongoing. He was taking notes and drawing some scribbles on the paper at the same time. He also a few glances through the window, watching the kids play at the playground.

They were still busy talking about the activities this month. Fortunately, it'll be something for him to look forward to. Also, the other teachers are excited as well. Hopefully, the kids will do too.

"Daydreaming again?"

The omega snapped out and looked at the beta who suddenly talked.

"Excited?" Kun asked again.

Taeyong raised an eyebrow, "Excited for what?"

"For the family day," the beta uttered before he stood up from his chair with his pen and notebook.

The omega was busy thinking that he didn't know the meeting was already done.

"What do you mean? Of course, I am. It's like our annual fun day with the kids," Taeyong said before he stood as well and walked towards the door with Kun behind him.

"Really? Is it really about that?"

The omega sighed, "You guys keep pushing the idea of me finally having some time with Jaehyun and Blue."

"Why? Are we lying?"

Taeyong stopped and looked back at Kun who has one eyebrow raised and a teasing smile on his face. The omega pouted infront of him.

"Whatever floats all of your boats."

Kun chuckled, "Okay, smartypants. I think you need to go, he's already here."

Taeyong looked to where Kun was pointing. The omega looked through the window beside them and saw Jaehyun leaned against his car with his arms folded on his chest. He felt his heart flutter upon seeing him when he doubted that Jaehyun would come back just to drive him home for the second time.

Kun laughed, "I haven't seen you blush like this for a while."

"I-I need to go now. I have to think about the charity work for Monday," the omega said, stuttering in the process.

"Tag along Donghyuck and his friends. I'm sure they'll be happy to do another year," Kun uttered.

Taeyong nodded, "Okay. See you tomorrow, hyung."

The omega ran into his classroom to get his bag and carry other things he has on his desk. He made sure he has everything with him before he exited the room and locked it with his keys. Taeyong walked out of the building and just when he stepped out of it, he saw Jaehyun looked back at him.

"Hey, did you wait too long?" Taeyong asked as he stood infront of the alpha who grabbed his things to put it in the backseat.

Jaehyun closed the door and faced Taeyong before he shook his head, "No, I just arrived a while ago."

"Don't lie," the omega said with a smirk on his face while he made his way to the other side to step into the passenger seats but the alpha beat him to it and opened the door for him.

"Maybe ten minutes?" Jaehyun asked to himself.

Taeyong chuckled, "Sorry, the principal talked too much."

The omega sat on the passenger seat and lets the alpha to close the door for him. Jaehyun ran to the other side to get into the car and sat on driver's seat before he closed the door.

"It's fine. I'm fine with waiting," Jaehyun uttered while he starts the car's engine.

Taeyong nodded as Jaehyun started driving. The boy grabbed a notebook his bag and a pen. He opened and stopped on a page at the back of it. He hummed, tapping the pen against his chin before he started writing. Jaehyun was too busy driving but it took his a few glances before he got curious about what the omega's doings.

"Stop writing," Jaehyun uttered.

Taeyong stopped and looked back at him, "Why?"

"You'll get dizzy," the alpha uttered before he stopped because of the traffic, "What are you writing anyway?"

The omega hummed, "I'm just doing a to-do list to keep me on track...By the way, there will be a family day this Sunday."

Jaehyun settled his hands on his lap since they'll probably spend a few minutes in traffic. He looked back at Taeyong who has his doe eyes on him. He should really stop staring or looking at them. His mind gets all fuzzy and his heart goes crazy.

"Family day?" the alpha asked.

The omega nodded with excitement, "Yeah, it's like a team building thingy but with kids and their parents or guardian. There would be fun games for kids and adults. It's voluntary but I'm sure Blue would be happy if you guys will have some time together."

"Just us?"

Taeyong's expression changed into something subtle, "What do you mean?"

"We can have some time together as well. We are a family too, y'know," the alpha said.

Taeyong will lie that those words didn't give a strong impact to him. It really didn't.

"O-Oh...right. I mean, if you're okay with it," Taeyong uttered softly.

Jaehyun chuckled, "Of course. We're okay, right?"

The omega took some time before he nodded with a soft smile on his face, "Yeah..."

Silence was placed between them. The cars started moving which made Jaehyun to start driving. Taeyong bit his lower lip before his attention went back to his list. Jaehyun gave a few quick glances on the paper Taeyong has.

"You've got many things to do. You think you can go this Saturday?" Jaehyun asked.

Taeyong hummed, "Of course. Don't worry about me. This is just a few."

"Anything you could use some help? You can do those while you stay there," the alpha said, "I can give you a hand."

"Well, I am going to go buy some ingredients. We'll be teaching street children on Monday and we thought we'll give them snacks while we educate them. I thought cookies would be fine," the omega uttered.

Jaehyun nodded, "Alright. We'll go shopping after the family day."

"Oh, I can do them by myself--"

"I'll help you. I won't accept no as an answer, Taeyong."

Taeyong stared at Jaehyun while he drives. His eyes just stayed there, admiring the alpha's side profile. Isn't he illegal? It's funny that he isn't in a relationship with this kind of appearance and personality. He could possibly get anyone. Taeyong sighed quietly before he looked away.

He suddenly felt lucky for once.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the apartment. Both of them stepped out of the car with Jaehyun bringing Taeyong's belongings. They walked up the stairs and it took them a few more steps to stand infront of a specific door. Taeyong grabbed his things from the alpha after he unlocked and opened his apartment's door.

"Thanks again," Taeyong uttered.

"Yeah, don't mention it," Jaehyun said.

The omega nodded but before he could even go inside, he was stopped when the alpha spoke again.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course..."

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