Super Strange

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Chapter 12 Super Strange

"Hey… Lav?" Fox weakly called out, his entire body felt crushed. As if every single bone in Fox's body was shattered. The long fall from the ditch into the collapsed hole of nothingness was incredibly painful. There were no signs of Laven anywhere, Fox couldn't even smell Laven nearby. 

"Hey...hey...Lav... Whe-re...are...yo-" Fox almost immediately passed out. The injuries from the fall were just too much to bare. 


Meanwhile, Laven was exploring a deep dark cave that was formed within the underground. Crystals and minerals painted the cave with ancient beauty, blue, red, but most noticeably purple lights started flickering in the water around Laven. This was truly a magical experience for Laven. The cave was almost like one with Lav, almost like Laven was spiritually connected with the cave for some bizarre reason. 

Although the short-lived fun was over almost as soon as it started. "That's...strange…" A woman's voice could be heard from the distance, her voice slightly echoed and bounced off the cave's walls, although she was nearby, studying Laven. She could clearly see what was going on, the sight of Laven weirded her out for some odd reason. The woman's intuition told her that Laven was bad news.

"You're one strange kid… Aren't you." The woman's ascent was quite different and distinct, her low deep voice made her sound strong but there was some hidden softness there as well. "Tell me who you are kid… why are you down here? I can feel your aura and it's pretty intense from what I can tell." 

"I'm no-t telling yo-u anything…" Laven would usually be extremely nervous and stutter more around new people, but this lady was familiar somehow. 

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