•Year 6•

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Leader— Lavenderstar (81 moons): A dilute classic torbie cat. Apprentice: Storkpaw

Deputy— Waternose (68 moons): A chocolate point molly.

Medicine Cats—

Poppyflower (77 moons): A light-brown mackerel tabby molly.

Juniperscratch (62 moons): A scarred pale orange ticked tabby molly.

Troutleaf (107 moons): A white molly.

Coyoteapple (30 moons): A brown and white spotted tabby molly.

Meditator— Fallenfang (52 moons): A cream tabby tom.


Thornaster (89 moons): A mottled-brown tom with a dark stripe running down his back.

Nutash (66 moons): A silver classic tabby and white tom.

Spotshade (107 moons): A silver smoke molly.

Shatteredburrow (111 moons): A dilute tortoiseshell molly.

Hailecho (58 moons): A pale gray and white rosetted molly.

Dappledbounce (55 moons): A brown speckled and white molly.

Picklesclouds (67 moons): A gray and white blotched cat.

Waspfeather (47 moons): A fawn torbie molly.

Sunshadow (35 moons): A gray and white blotched tom.

Leopardgrass (33 moons): A brown tabby tom.

Dustdawn (30 moons): A brown smoke tom.

Harvestheart (31 moons): A golden tom.

Smallpond (26 moons): A dilute tortoiseshell tom.

Berrythorn (24 moons): A golden classic tabby tom.

Snipfur (24 moons): A golden ticked tabby molly.

Dewyhawk (101 moons): A dark grey sokoke tabby tom.

Hollyfoot (98 moons): A red smoke tom covered in white speckles.

Broccolifade (92 moons): A grey tom with white paws, tail and face.

Marigoldflood (72 moons): A pretty orange a white blotched molly.

Stormrunner (52 moons): A dark grey agouti cat.

Rivermask (49 moons): An orange marbled tabby molly with a green collar.

Nightjay (33 moons): A black smoke molly.

Dryheather (31 moons): An orange bengal molly.

Creekpatch (23 moons): A silver and white tom.

Ploverpelt (23 moons): A silver ticked tabby and white tom.

Boldstem (23 moons): A grey smoke tom.

Frogbeam (21 moons): A silver lynx point tom.

Autumnfur (18 moons): An orange ticked tabby tom.

Mitenettle (18 moons): A mostly white silver bengal tom

Dancingears (18 moons): A grey tom.

Mellowripple (15 moons): A dark grey classic tabby tom.

Cowtuft (15 moons): A grey ticked tabby tom.

Slopefoot (15 moons): A silver smoke molly.

Needlecall (15 moons): A cream lynx point tom.

Sparksmoke (14 moons): An orange sokoke molly.

Raybird (14 moons): A silver bengal tom.

Blinknut (12 moons): A dark gray ticked tabby tom.

Oatdapple (12 moons): An orange spotted tabby molly.

Blightfawn (12 moons): A charcoal bengal molly.

Breezetooth (12 moons): A tortoiseshell molly.

Cricketleaves (12 moons): An orange tabby tom.

Flipfur (12 moons): A cream ticked tabby molly with a rainbow bow as a collar. 


Storkpaw (9 moons): A sandy-brown rosetted tom.


Frostkit: A white molly

Grasskit: A grey spotted tabby tom.

Windkit: A grey bengal tom.

Piperkit: A cream molly with a darker stripe down her back.

Ridgekit: A brown smoke tom.

Moonkit: An orange and white spotted tom.


Flightpath (148 moons): A long-furred fawn molly with a scarred tail.

Mustardfall (139 moons): A dilute tabico point molly.

Peonyteeth (128 moons): A silvery-white molly.

Bearsky (126 moons): A tortoiseshell and white molly.

•Moon 61•

—Needlecall comes out as trans! 

—Thornaster has caught yellowcough!

—Harvestheart managed to chase a dog from the territory, but his tail was badly injured while doing so.

—Boldstem got caught out of camp in a snowstorm! Luckily, he managed to get back to camp, but he was badly frost-bitten.

—Frogbeam has gotten greencough!

—Marigoldflood, Shatteredburrow, Slopefoot and Waspfeather find a loner with her litter of kits! The loner joins the clan with her kits Harekit, Springkit and Quillkit, and changes her name to Delilahwhisker!

—The cats find and catch a rabbit. They didn't notice it was sickly until all the cats that had eaten from it fell violently ill.

•Moon 62•

—Waternose is expecting kits!

—Berrythorn and Ploverpelt have adopted a litter of two kits! There's one molly, Streamkit, and one tom, Goosekit!

—Waternose was grabbed and dropped by an Eagle. Somehow she survived with only a broken bone and nothing worse.

—Boldstems tail was so badly frost-bitten that it had to be removed!

—Picklesclouds fell in a river and inhaled a lot of water. She's been coughing ever since the incident.

—Breezetooth was fighting a dog and, while she managed to chase it off, her tail was badly injured.

•Moon 63•

—Storkpaw is now Storkspots, a proud warrior of LavenderClan!

—Frostkit, Springkit, Quillkit and Harekit are six moons old and are now apprentices! Frostpaw is given to Marigoldflood, Springpaw is given to Picklesclouds, Quillpaw is given to Slopefoot and Harepaw is given to Blinknut!

—Thornaster has recovered from his yellowcough, but he ended up getting injured defending Broccolifade from a fox,

—Snipfur was also injured by a fox, but instead of protecting Broccolifade, she was protecting Autumnfur.

—Boldstem fell into a river due to his balance being off because of the loss of tail, and he's been coughing and hacking ever since.

—Nightjay and Harepaw, two of the cats that were poisoned by the sick rabbit, weren't strong enough to fight it and they both ended up passing away.

•Moon 64•

—Waternose has given birth to a litter of four kits! Three toms, Twigkit, Tallkit and Gustkit, and one molly, Snakekit!

—Berryfoot comes out as non-binary!

—Harvestheart's injured tail has healed, but it will be scarred forever.

—Flipfur and Oatdapple have become mates!

—Breezetooth's injured tail has also healed, but it will also be forever marked by a scar.

—Creekpatch was on patrol when he spotted a bush of red berries. He decided to pick some, thinking that they might be important herbs, and didn't realize they were deathberries. While picking them he ended up chewing down on one of them. The other cats rushed him back to camp as quickly as they could, hoping that the medicine cats would be able to help him.

•Moon 65•

—Flipfur is expecting kits!

—Creekpatch has managed to recover from being poisoned!

—Waspfeather got hurt fighting a hawk!

—Broccolifade, Dustdawn, Autumnfur and Frogbeam hear a cat walking through their territory, and they smell a scent that isn't LavenderClan. They track down the cat and end up meeting a kittypet named who claims to have been training himself on how to hunt and fight, and that he wanted to join! The clan welcomes him and he is renamed to Jakerain!

•Moon 66•

—Smallpond comes out as non-binary!

—Grasskit, Windkit, Piperkit, Ridgekit and Moonkit are now apprentices! Grasspaw is given to Jakerain, Windpaw is given to Hollyfoot, Piperpaw is given to Dewyhawk, Ridgepaw is given to Sunshadow and Moonpaw is given to Cowtuft!

—Snipfur's wound from the fox ends up leaving her with a permanent limp.

—Dewyhawk and Sunshadow were training their apprentices when they hear pebbles shifting from somewhere nearby. They only get a moment before a Badger attacks them, furious about how close they were to its den. They manage to fight it off, but Sunshadow is badly injured.

•Moon 67•

—Flipfur has given birth to four kits, Warmkit, Lightningkit, Mistykit and Minkkit! They are all mollies!

—Waternose's broken bone has become infected!

—Spotshade was hurt after chasing a dog from their territory!

—Cowtuft, Moonpaw, Quillpaw and Slopefoot were patrolling when they ran into a dog. It managed to get a lucky bite on Moonpaw, but the patrol manages to chase it off and return to camp relatively unharmed, other than Moonpaw's pelt being a bit torn.

—Ploverpelt, Oatdapple, Piperpaw and Ridgepaw run into a kittypet while patrolling! He asks if he can join the clan and they welcome him, renaming him to Maytuft!

—Rivermask, Dryheather, Frogbeam and Creekpatch were patrolling when it started to rain. They debate turning back to camp, but decide against it and continue their patrol. The storm gets worse as the patrol goes on, and just as they were about to turn back, a sudden flash flood comes and sweeps the entire patrol away, killing them. 

•Moon 68•

—Juniperscratch is expecting kits!

—Flightpath was found still and cold in her nest, having died peacefully in her sleep. The entire clan grieves for the former deputy of the clan, and she will forever be remembered as one of the clan's founders. 

—The infection in Waternose's broken bone has gone away!

—Streamkit and Goosekit have reached the age of six moons and are now apprentices! Streampaw is apprenticed to Dappledbounce and Goosepaw is apprenticed to Mitenettle!

—A loner approaches Hailecho, Smallpond, Cricketleaves and Oatdapple while they're on patrol, requesting to join as a healer! The clan welcomes him as yet another medicine cat under the name of Steamspot!

—Blinknut, Snipfur, Windpaw and Thornaster find an abandoned kit while patrolling! They rush him back to camp where he is nursed back to health and renamed to Flightkit.

•Moon 69•

—Poppyflower is expecting kits!

—Frostpaw, Springpaw and Quillpaw are now Warriors! They are now Frosttooth, Springgoose and Quillpeak!

—Waternose's broken bone has healed!

—Spotshade's dog bite has healed, but she is permanently scarred by the incident.

—Berrythorn has gotten whitecough!

—A loner named Appleblink joins the clan!

•Moon 70•

—Shatteredburrow has retired to the elder's den!

—Juniperscratch gives birth to a litter of two kits, Hawkkit and Rainsweptkit! They are both toms.

—Twigkit, Snakekit, Gustkit, Tallkit and Flightkit are now apprentices! Twigpaw is given to Springgoose, Snakepaw is given to Brocollifade, Gustpaw is given to Stormrunner, Tallpaw is given to Blightfawn and Flightpaw is given to Breezetooth!

•Moon 71•

—Poppyflower gives birth to a single kitten. He is a tom, and his name is Skykit!

—Poppyflower and Piperpaw have gotten whitecough!

—Ridgepaw has gotten greencough!

—Hawkkit has gotten yellowcough!

—Springgoose, Autumnfur, Dustdawn and Twigpaw were on patrol when they find and injured loner! The bring him back to camp where his injuries are tended to and he is renamed to Cloverfreckle!

—A kittypet named Deli has joined the clan, changing her name to Delishadow!

—Storkspots, Smallpond, Blinknut and Marigoldflood were on patrol when they came across a kit all on its own, no parents in sight. They quickly rush it back to camp, where it is nursed back to health! She is named Ferretkit!

•Moon 72•

—Grasspaw, Windpaw, Piperpaw, Ridgepaw and Moonpaw are now warriors! They are now Grassleg, Winddapple, Piperdust, Ridgeheart and Moonshade!

—Ferretkit is now an apprentice! Her mentor is Mellowripple!

—While Poppyflower is now whitecough-free, Peonyteeth, Appleblink and Breezetooth have gotten it!

—Blinknut has gotten yellowcough!

—Slopefoot and Delishadow have gotten greencough!

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