ᐅ thornclan ᐊ - roles -

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ᐅ how to play ᐊ


Clan Team

leader (x1) - revealed to everyone at the beginning of the round. your name ends in -star. your vote counts as two during the day, but you have no nightly action.

deputy (x1) - every night, you choose a cat to investigate that you believe is suspicious. you will be told that the cat chosen is either innocent, traitor, or unknown. two nights after the original investigation, you can investigate a cat a second time for the specific role of the chosen cat. this counts as a nightly action.

Unknown roles: herb goddess, starspeaker, sharpclaw, ghost, brightheart, siblings, survivor, troublemaker apprentice, mastermind, and lead traitor.

deputy apprentice(x1) - your name ends in -paw. you have no nightly action or special ability until the deputy is exiled/dies. once in the game, you can watch one cat, and you will be given their destination out of three options: Silver Rock, Eagle Spruce, or Sunrise River. the second time you use this ability, you can ask for another character that went to a certain destination. ex p1: you follow Nightdusk, a known traitor, who leads you to Sunrise River. ex p2: you see another traitor at Sunrise River: is that Hollyclaw? original

medicine cat (x1) - every night you can 'heal', or protect, one cat. if the chosen cat is attacked by the traitors that same night, then you will be given a physical trait of the attacker. you cannot protect yourself. this counts as a nightly action.

medicine cat apprentice (x1) - your name ends in -paw. you have no nightly action or special ability. however, if the medicine cat is exiled/dies, then you gain that role's abilities.

herb goddess (x1) - once a game, you can supply extra herbs to the medicine cat, or simply allow them to heal two cats that night.

starspeaker (x1) - every night, you can choose one dead cat to communicate to through StarClan. you have a chance of gaining helpful information, such as a physical attribute of a traitor. since you are sleeping, the lookout cannot see your nightly action.

lookout (x1) - every night, you can choose a suspicious cat to watch over. you will learn if that cat has a nightly action or not. two nights after the original investigation, you can watch over a cat a second time for the specific role of the chosen cat. this counts as a nightly action.

lookout apprentice (x1) - your name ends in -paw. you have no nightly action or special abilities. however, if the lookout is exiled/dies, then you will gain that role's abilities.

seeker (x1) - every night, you can examine and compare two cats. you will be told if the two cats are on the same team (clan, traitor, or neutral) or on different teams. this counts as a nightly action.

truthteller (x1) - twice in the game, you can force a character to give you their role. they cannot lie as it is done through me in private messages.

truthteller apprentice (x1) - your name ends in -paw. you have no nightly action or special abilities. however, if the truthteller is exiled/dies, then you will gain that role's abilities.

sharpclaw (x1) - the most violent cat on the clan's team, you do not have a nightly action. however, once in the game, you can kill a cat during the day if you suspect them of being a traitor. if you are right, you just helped your team, but if you're wrong, you just killed a clanmate. this will reveal your role to the rest of the clan, and you will not be able to use your ability after the first use.

warrior (x2) - you are a normal warrior with no nightly action or special ability. you are dedicated to helping the clan find the traitors using the evidence given to you.

warrior apprentice (x1) - your name ends in -paw. you have no nightly action or special ability. however, if all three warriors are exiled/die, then you become a warrior.

ghost (x1) - during the game, you have no nightly action or special ability. however, if you die, then you will observe one physical trait of your attacker. you do not have a nightly action. original

Neutral Team

brightheart (x1) - at the beginning of the round, you choose two cats to fall in love with each other. these cats will become mates and learn each other's roles. however, if one is exiled/dies, the other will die of grief. you cannot choose yourself to be in love. this is not a nightly action. 

sibling (x1) - at the beginning of the round, you choose one-to-two other cats to be your siblings. the siblings will know each other's roles and their characters. if any of the siblings are exiled/die, then the other(s) will become grief-stricken. this means they cannot complete their nightly activity for one night.

turnpelt (x1) - you are a normal warrior with no nightly action or special ability. however, if you are attacked by a traitor, you will become one of them instead of dying. you will not know you are a turnpelt until you are attacked, and you will be told you are a normal warrior.

elder (x1) - you are a very, very grumpy cat. every night, you can 'mute' a character. the chosen cat will not be able to vote or speak at all during the day. you cannot mute yourself. this counts as a nightly action.

survivor (x1) - the cat version of a lone wolf, survival is your only goal. if anyone visits you during the night, they will be found dead the next morning. if a traitor attacks you, then you will survive and kill the weakest of their group.

troublemaker apprentice (x1) - your name will end in -paw. every other night, you can flip two cats' roles - you could even switch the leader and an apprentice if you like. you are here to add some more laughs to the game, so make your choices fun!

Traitor Team

mastermind (x1) - the cruelest of the cruel, you lead the traitor team. you know all the other traitors and their exact roles. if you go to kill someone but get attacked back, one of your teammates will die for you instead. you do not have a kill-vote. partially original

lead traitor (x1) - the brains of the operation, you are like the deputy. you know all the other traitors, but not their exact roles. your kill-vote counts as double.

traitor lookout (x1) - every night, you can watch a clan cat to see if they have a nightly action. two nights after the original investigation, you can watch over a cat a second time for the specific role of the chosen cat. you know who the other traitors are, but not their exact roles. your kill-vote counts as one. this counts as a nightly action. 

traitor thief (x1) - every night, you can steal a character's information before they get it. if they do not have something, you don't get it. however, if you do get their information, the chosen cat will see one of your physical attributes. you know who the other traitors are, but not their exact roles. your kill-vote counts as one. this counts as a nightly action.

traitor (x2) - you have no nightly action or special abilities. you know who the other traitors are, but not their exact roles. your kill-vote counts as one.

traitor apprentice (x1) - your name ends in -paw. you have no nightly action or special abilities. you know who the other traitors are, but not their exact roles. you cannot participate in the kill-vote. if the lead traitor is exiled/dies, then you take their place.


If you use my roles (any that say original or partly original), please give me credit. I have already seen other roles like mine copied onto other mafias, and they say they are original to the writer.

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