15. Tetsu × Misono

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Hyde: So, Ruu, I've been thinking-

Ruu: Wait, you're supposed to salute the audiences! I was too, though..

Hyde: Exactly, I was trynna say that how we greet them everyday is boring~

Ruu: Huh? Also, when are we reacting to the ship?

Hyde: Awww fine~ We'll discuss about this later. So who are they again?

Ruu: It's a request from a dear reader, Wuffynyau! *Hums*

Hyde: Speaking of requests, we have a ton of them and you have yet to make any-

Ruu: *cries comically* I knooowww don't remind meee

Hyde: And geez you haven't told me the request! Why are we procrastinating so much today?!

Ruu: Huhuhu it's a Tetsu × Misono-

Hyde: Aah emm who are they again? That shortie and that muscular man?

Ruu: Yeap! So what do you think?

Hyde: Uuuhhhh how are they a thing?

Ruu: Hey that's rude! Many people ship them!

Hyde: Let me guess. Including you?

Ruu: yEs child

Hyde: Sigh here we go with my crazy boss again. She's been OOC a lot recently.

Ruu: How am I OOC?! I've always been a profesionally crazy fangirl!


Ruu: Back to the ship dammit!

Hyde: Uhm, what are they like...?

Ruu: Misono has a sharp tongue while Tetsu is a taciturn junior.

Hyde: So it's like a "Notice me senpai!" -thing?

Ruu: *laughs uncontrollably*

Hyde: Wait I'm wrong? Anyways uhh 6-7/10

Ruu: I also kinda ship this one! 69/10

Hyde: What's with that number-

Ruu: We have to end it here, but we'll love to see you next time, too!

Hyde: Don't ignore me!


Tetsu learned from his mistake and brought his math homework with him.

Misono on the other hand just complained non-stop, his words laced with profanities. No one knows whether his red face was caused by lack of oxygen or embarrassment.

Media: Zadak0 in DeviantArt!

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