My Ocs Female

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Name: Piper Aldaine
Age: 18
Sexuality: straight
Creature type/powers: She transforms into a unicorn.
Weakness: She can be killed by a lot of things. Most of the things that could kill a horse, could probably kill her.
Personality: She's extremely shy and timid. She doesn't tend to talk a lot. She's an extreme goodie two shoes, and probably won't try to escape ever. She's not generally punished because she tries to do everything to the best of her ability. She's afraid of messing up.
Backstory: When the circus came, Piper practically begged her mom to take her. They went together, during the selection process only Piper was taken. Piper was taken into the circus when she was young. She didn't know anyone there and didn't make a lot of friendships. She discovered what her abilities were quickly. She was just glad she could still become human. Piper had seen what happened to those who didn't obey the Ringmaster though. Not wanting to be punished, she always tried her hardest to never mess up. She never tried escaping him. She doesn't talk much to the other acts, but if she let's you in you'll see her brighter side.
Name of Act: The Last Unicorn
Face Claim: Emily Rudd

Name: Viviane Ember
Age: 18
Sexuality: straight
Creature type/powers: manipulates fire.
Weakness: water, Viviane hates it deeply.
Personality: Viv is extremely hot headed. She has a temper like no other. She's never been one to hold back her opinion. She is flirty every now and then, but doesn't want anything serious. Commitment isn't her thing. Viviane has tried to escape before. She's never succeeded. She has scars marking up her back. Which is why she wears a leather jacket typically.
Backstory: Viviane was the basic wild child growing up. Her mother hated her and was getting tired of her attitude. She planned on sending Viviane away to some school. Hearing this, Viviane ran away to the circus. Going there, she thought it'd be nice. She thought that the circus would be fun. It was her biggest mistake. She was chosen during the selection process. She has never stopped fighting the Ringmaster since she was taken.
Name of Act: The Fireball
Face Claim: Katherine McNamara

Name: Aurora Dawn
Age: 18
Sexuality: straight
Creature type/powers: She's a fairy, so she shrinks and grows.
Weakness: She's trapped very easily, and water on her wings prevents her from flying. Her size makes her easy to crush.
Personality: Basically, she's a human Tinkerbell. There's two sides of her. The side you see depends on if she likes you or not. She can either be the nicest person to you ever, or a human fireball. When she gers Angry, she gets angry. Don't double cross her.
Backstory: Aurora was supposed to meet her date at the circus. He was her best friend, had been for the longest time. Of course Aurora liked him as much more than just a friend. He didn't have any interest in her like that though. She waited for an hour and started getting antsy. She sent him a text message to which he replied, 'sorry I'm sick. Can we hang out another time?' Aurora was a little upset, but didn't want him to get worse so she said ok. She had a bit before the show began, and scrolled through Instagram. Turns out, he wasn't sick. He was with some girl named Willow. Aurora was heartbroken and planned on leaving the show, but it was too late. She ended up being one of the people who were chosen. She hasn't left since.
Name of Act: The Tiniest Creature
Face Claim: Dove Cameron

Name: Ivy Tremaine
Age: 18
Sexuality: straight
Creature type/powers: she controls plants
Weakness: anything that can harm plants
Personality: She's probably one of the most formal people that you'll ever meet. She doesn't break the rules ever. Ivy is almost always prim and proper. Her mother raised her that way. She doesn't laugh or smile ever really, so it's difficult to get that out of her.
Backstory: Ivy was raised to be perfect. She was raised that in order to make her mother proud, she'd have to marry some rich guy. Ivy has a sister named Anastasia. Ana has always been the favorite sister, never pressured, allowed to do whatever she wanted. Ivy was growing frustrated and felt trapped. She decided to visit the circus one night, sneaking out with much difficulty. What Ivy didn't know is that her sister followed her. Ivy ended up being selected during the show, her sister wasn't. Ana tried to fight to save ivy, but lost that battle. Ivy never saw how it ended, so she doesn't know if her sister is alive.
Name of Act: Queen of the Garden
Face Claim: Adelaide Kane

Name: Penelope Lightwood
Age: 18
Sexuality: straight
Creature type/powers: finale on third night, hypnotizes people with her singing voice.
Weakness: if she can't sing, or talk at all, she's pretty much vulnerable. Other than her voice, she has nothing.
Personality: Pennie is the stereotypical goodie two shoes. She doesn't break the rules, well ever. She's pretty obedient for the most part. If you push her past her limits, she'll snap and it will not be pretty.
Backstory: Pennie had a slightly complicated life. Her father was a wealthy business man. In order to keep his company strong, he decided to combine companies. How? Not through money or some contract (or however you actually combine companies). He decided to basically force his daughter into an engagement with the son of the other company. Of course pennie didn't particularly react well to all of that. So, she ran away. She stumbled upon the circus and was one of the first people selected.
Name of Act: The Siren
Face Claim: Jenn Proske

Name: Celeste Holt
Age: 19
Sexuality: straight
Creature type/powers: Vampire
Weakness: a wooden stake, basically all wood. Sunlight if she doesn't have her ring.
Personality: Celeste tries to act like this tough scary person. Honestly, she just longs for love and intimacy. She's never gotten it though. She's loyal to those she sees fit. If you double cross her, you're probably going to die.
Backstory: She owes Nikolas her life in all honesty. He saved her by taking her in, and she is forever loyal to him. They have a brother sister sort of relationship almost. She hates her actual brother. He was too overprotective and never let her find love for herself. He always underestimated her. She rebelled a bit, slept with his enemy. Some people tried killing her because of it, she was on the run and found the circus. Nikolas took her in.
Name of Act: She doesn't have one
Face Claim: Claire Holt

Name: Sirena
Age: 19
Sexuality: straight
Creature type/powers: werewolf
Weakness: silver
Personality: a cold hearted bitch to put it bluntly. Deep down she has a soft side, but until you get there she's probably not going to be nice. She's independent and sassy. She doesn't like to be helpless. She'll defend herself if needed.
Backstory: Sirena used to be in love. Like deeply in love. His name was Elijah. She thought that he was the one for her. They went on a date to the circus and well, that's how they got separated. She vowed to never love again, just flings and nothing more.
Name of Act: Monster of The Night
Face Claim: Phoebe Tonkin


Name: Caroline Swan
Age: 19
Personality: Perky blonde Angel of death. Never double cross her. Caroline's downfall is that she's extremely insecure. She's also very impulsive.
Sexuality: straight
Face Claim: Candice King
What are you most looking forward to seeing at the circus? Probably just seeing all the creatures.
Other: none

Name: Tyra
Age: 18
Personality: Very sassy, pretty blunt most of the time. She's extremely confident and won't take crap from anyone, well, except her boyfriend.
Sexuality: bi
Face Claim: Naya Rivera
What are you most looking forward to seeing at the circus? Anything involving fire.
Other: none

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