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Lea sighed as he continued to pat down the alcohol soaked rag onto the scarred up section of Tom's face, "You would think you'd know not to pick fights in prison." Lea rolled his eyes.

"Well excuse me for trying to set some ranks here." Tom folded his arms over his chest from where he sat on Lea's bottom bunk mattress in their cell block.

"You're Nineteen, Tom, we're nineteen, Tom, you know how freshmen feel their first year of high school? That's what we are here, freshmen." Lea shook his head, "Now close your eye, you've got blood all over it, you should know better especially that people are always going to target your scars."

Tom begrudgingly closed his eyes as Lea began patting the rag down on his eye, causing Tom to hiss out in pain as some of the alcohol dripped into his eye, prompting him to recoil and grab his eye, "Fuck! That hurt!"

"Do you ever stop cussing? Of course it's going to hurt, your scars are all beat up and bloodied and all we've got is some rubbing-alcohol and a rag from first-aid, this is our first aid, we don't have some fancy pain meds and tools to stitch up your face." Lea grumbled, "Now hold still and keep your eye shut."

"I can do it myself." Tom began to grab for the rag.

"Of course you can," Lea pulled the rag away easily, "But I'm not letting you fuss over yourself while you've got me around, dressing wounds is the only fun I get around here." Lea gave a half smile.

Tom looked down at his lap, not saying anything but not protesting as he closed his eyes again, "It just hurts...I didn't even want to be here in the first place..."

Lea gently wiped at the blood that was irritating Tom's eye, "Well, then you shouldn't have upset those theater geeks."

"Mind you, I myself am I theater geek, tread carefully." Tom warned.

"Which is probably why you couldn't win that fight you started with Terrance." Lea pointed out as he leaned Tom back to lay down on the bed while he finished wiping away at the irritated wound that was partially reopened.

Tom protested, pushing against Lea's hand before groaning and giving in, laying down to allow himself to be treated.

"Maybe they saw how you're babying me and figured it was an easy match." Tom suggested as he opened his right eye.

"I'm so close to squeezing this directly into your snake eye, I swear to god." Lea held the rag over Tom's bad eye.

Tom flinched before shaking his head, "I told you to stop calling it that anyway."

"It's not my fault, it looks just like one, it's yellow with a slitted pupil." Lea shrugged.

"And we know who's fault that is." Tom growled.

"Yours?" Lea cocked an eyebrow.

"Sometimes I wonder why I put up with you." Tom furrowed his eyebrows.

"I could probably kill you and the whole of these cell mates if I wanted to." Lea commented casually.

Tom let out a mutter that was incoherent.

"But we all deserve coming here, it's all our own faults wether we like to admit it or not." Lea remarked with a darkening tone.

"And why do you say that?"

Lea stopped wiping the wound for a moment, "We're a scourge to humanity, a plague."

"Wow, thanks." Tom replied dryly.

"It's true, it's not to say humanity is correct, humanity hardly ever is, but the sooner we accept it, the better."

"If you weren't so lazy, you could actually do some damage, you realize this right?" Tom opened his left eye to look up with both at Lea.

"Yeah..." Lea sighed, meeting Tom's eyes, "But those kind of actions led me here, led you here, led all of us here."

"Logan, Patton, Roman, and Virgil led me here." Tom scoffed.

"Logan, Logan, Logan, Virgil, Virgil, Virgil, blah, blah, blah, that's all you ever talk about, revenge and their names." Lea once again rolled his eyes.

"Can you blame me? Look what he did to my face!" Tom sat slightly in dismay.

"You say that, but how the heck did a brainiac like him do that?" Lea questioned with a cocked head.

"He used his smarts, obviously." Tom tapped on his temple for emphasis.

"Oh?" Lea smiled curiously.

"It was an accident though..." Tom added quietly.

"See, exactly, it-"

"-It still happened." Tom laid back down.

"From what I heard, you were standing outside the school, where'd he even get fire?"



"Held them up against the sun, of course, he was just trying to blind, that was all, or so her claims, but apparently without his glasses, he couldn't aim correctly and the reflected light hit my shirt instead, he was able to keep it there long enough while I...while Roman...was on the ground and...his ears- Virgil er or Patton was with him and- anyway- the next thing I knew, I smelled smoke and my neck was burning, Logan screamed and I could feel the flames growing against my neck, nobody was helping me though, they let it burn as it caught my hair and scorched the side of my head..."

Lea was silent as he looked down before speaking, "...at least your hair grew back..."

"Not the tips, it used to be a quarter inch longer at the ends."

"Wow, a whole quarter inch?" Lea gasped sarcastically.

"How many times do I have to use the term, shut up?" Tom snickered.

"Until my lips are burned off as well, apparently." Lea winked.

"Rude." Tom rolled his eyes as Lea had done.

Lea gently caressed Tom's cheek.

Tom looked up at Lea with slight confusion.

Lea quickly swiped the cloth there, "Er...just some blood under your ear."

Tom paused before nodding and looking at the wall, "Thanks." His voice was quiet and almost empty.

"...Well, I recommend staying in here for awhile...until someone else can be picked on, I'm fine with helping you out, but we've only got so much rubbing-alcohol, don't become a drunkard." Lea joked awkwardly.

Tom scooted over before turning on his side, facing the wall, "I hate feeling so...new to this."

Lea held his hand to his own chest to feel his heart-rate, looking down at where his heart rested in his chest, "Yeah...me too."

"Prison life sucks." Tom added.

Lea shook his head slightly as if waking from a daze, "Oh, prison life, yeah.."

"What else would I be referring to?"

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