Prologue (Pt. 1) (Still in Works)

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Waking up...




Staring at the ceiling light...




The constant sounds of the monitor filling my ears with the rate of my own heart




For 4 years, this has been my current life. But before all of this, I was just a normal person like you. And by my side, a loving family. But those four years ago, my body was weakening. My heart would act on an unnormal rate, where it feels like I am meant to be here for the rest of eternity till the end shall meet me. 

For hearing about the financial debts my loved ones had to go through for me, I just don't want this to happen to them. So I told the doctors my major decision. When the night came, my family were at my side. When I got the approval, I pulled the plug with what strength I had left, said goodbye to them, and closed my eyes with a smile of peace. Letting God himself take into his arms.













*cue to next scene*

Rise up, young one. Cause the fate of everything now falls to you.

Upon opening my eyes and breathing in fresh air, my eyes see an afternoon sky while feeling the touch of cold snow underneath me. Getting up to my feet, I noticed that my physical appearance is like I'm a Ghost or a Spirit. Even I was wearing something else than my hospital gown. 

The realizing the sound of feet marching, I saw a line of mage people to my left, and a line of armored individuals to my right. Looking ahead of me, I see that these people were heading toward a structure right beside a mountain. Feeling that I should probably follow where they're going, what happened was out of nowhere.

*cue to next scene*

After witnessing the explosion consuming everything in its radius and being hit in the face by that shield, I found myself at a dark, grimm void as if I have arrived at the doorstep of eternal despair. Hearing the sound of an unknown animal, I saw big spider-like creatures coming towards me. 

(Y/N): *screams*

Taking off as I ran, I noticed I had a scar on my left palm and it started emitting light green electric energy, hurting me. Trying to bear it and running in fear of my life, I went up a huge flight of stairs as the energy emitting from my scar started to get worse. Causing my nervous system to react to its unbearable pain, feeling like my heart was not beating, and my vision getting darker every passing second. I last thing I could remember was a spirit, shaped like a female, reaching out to me. And feeling my body hit a rocky ground, the breeze of cold air, and a collection of footsteps coming towards me. 

*cue to next scene*

Opening my eyes, I was laying on the ground that felt like stone. It was dark with a little bit of candlelight. Hands were cuffed, but my feet were not locked together, giving me some movement. The door was opened by a pair of guards when I got to my knees. The started dragging me out to the middle of the room and set me down. As I looked up, four guards had their swords trained on me. I checked on the scar on my left hand quickly, and the energy emitted itself, hurting me a bit. When I heard a door opened, I was then appeared by two women. 

???: Tell me why we shouldn't kill you now.

The malice in her voice made me feel my heart has stopped. I couldn't say anything. I don't have an honest answer. I then heard her continue. 

???: The Conclave is destroyed. Everyone who attended is dead. Except for you. 

(Y/N): What do you mean everyone died?

???" Explain this!

When she grabbed my left hand, the scar starts to flare again, causing me to grunt in pain as she lets go of my wrist. 

(Y/N): I... I can't...

Cassandra:  What do you mean, you can't?

(Y/N): I... I don't know what this is or how it got onto my hand.

I said when I looked down at the scar and back at her.

???: You're lying!

When she was about to strike me, I flinched and closed my eyes. But thankfully the other woman stopped her.

??? 2: We need him, Cassandra.

Seeing that as a bit of relief, I spoke what first came to my mind.

(Y/N): I don't understand. But all those people... I can't believe it.

??? 2: Do you remember what happened? How this began?

I retraced my steps and said what I could remember.

(Y/N): I remember waking up in a dark and grim place. I was running from these horrible creatures. And then... a woman?

??? 2: A woman?

(Y/N): I saw her and she reached out to me, but then...

The woman named Cassandra then goes to the other woman and puts her hand on her shoulder.

Cassandra: Go to the forward camp, Leliana. I will take him to the Rift.

(Y/N): (The Rift?)

When I saw the other name named Leliana exit the room, Cassandra then went to me.

(Y/N): What did happen?

When she brought me to my feet, I released from my metal cuffs and my hands were then tied together by a strand of rope.

Cassandra: It will be easier to show you. 

When she took me outside as opened the door, I felt the same cold atmosphere when I arrived here. Looking around, I was in some sort of outpost. But what really caught my eye was what looked like a portal piercing the heavens and its gray and cloudy atmosphere shadowing the clear sky.

(Y/N): (Dear God...)

Cassandra: We call it "The Breach." It's a massive rift into the world of Demons that grows larger with each passing hour. It's not the only such rift. Just the largest. All were caused by the explosion at the Conclave. 

Of my knowledge of fantasy stories and movies, I thought that the rift and the explosion that happened on the Conclave could be the resort of magic. 

(Y/N): An  explosion can do that?

Cassandra: This one did. Unless we act, the Breach may grow until it swallows the world.

As we hear to see the Breach being active, the scar on my left hand flares up, making me scream in pain and as I went down to my knees. What Cassandra said to me made my heart stop.

Cassandra: Each time the Breach expands, your Mark spreads... and it is killing you. It may be the key to stopping this, but there isn't much time. 

Hearing that this Mark on my hand killing me was making me feel like I'm living my old life all over again. But I have been keeping my composure so that I won't be seen as a emotional mess. I have embraced my death before. And didn't have of fear of it. So I'm not afraid to come face to face with it again.

(Y/N): You said it may be the key? To solve this situation?

Cassandra: We can only try. What matters to us is closing the Breach. Can be possible or something else we will discover shortly. It is our only chance, however. And yours.

(Y/N): You still think I done this? To myself?

Cassandra: Not intentionally. Something clearly went wrong.

(Y/N): And if I'm not the one responsible?

Cassandra: Someone is, and you are our only suspect. You wish to prove your innocence? This is the only way.

(Y/N): I...I understand.

Cassandra: Then...?

(Y/N): I'll do what I can. Whatever it takes.

Cassandra approves

Upon giving my answer, Cassandra got me on my feet as we walked through the town. But looking at the people and soldiers around us, I felt their hate towards me.

Cassandra: They have decided your guilt. They need it. 

(Y/N): (Can't blame them for it.)

Cassandra: The people of Haven mourn our Most Holy, Divine Justinia, head of the Chantry. The Conclave was hers. It was a chance for peace between mages and templars. She brought their leaders together. Now, they are dead.

I can understand that. When those that have lead powerful forces just perish from the world, it would only leave behind their followers to think and act for themselves. 

As we reached the edge of the town, the soldiers posted there opened the gate as we stopped past it.

Cassandra: We lash out, like the sky. But we must think beyond ourselves, as she did. Until the breach is sealed. 

I saw Cassandra pull out a dagger as she turned around, facing me. 

Cassandra: There will be a trial. I can promise no more. 

She used her dagger to cut off my binds, freeing my hands.

Cassandra: Come, it is not far. 

(Y/N): Where are we going?

I questioned as I followed her. 

Cassandra: Your Mark must be tested on something smaller than the Breach. 

As the gate opened, me and Cassandra have ventured out through the stone path. For every step I took, I would glance at the Breach. But when we made it halfway, the Mark started glowing and it was a bit more painful than last time, as if I got struck by an instant lightning bolt. But thankfully, Cassandra helped me back up. 

Cassandra: The Pulses are coming faster now.

Hearing that made me realize we must haste as he continued down the stone path. 

Cassandra: The larger the Breach grows, the more Rifts appear, the more Demons we face. 

(Y/N): How did I survive the blast? 

Cassandra: They said you... stepped out of a Rift, then fell unconcious. They say a woman was in the Rift behind you. No one knows who she was. Everything farther in the valley was laid waste, including the Temple of Sacred Ashes. 

When Cassandra said that, I remembered what occurred of me after I blacked out and woke up in that cell. And that woman she mentioned, I might have a feeling who that could be, but I'm just not sure. 

When we reached another bridge where four soldiers are stationed, I felt something bad will happen. And my hunch was right when I saw a huge energy projectile from the Breach coming towards us. 

(Y/N): Watch out!

As the projectile destroyed the bridge, it took the lives of those poor men. Me and Cassandra feel down to the icy surface of the frozen lake. When we got up, a green fireball from the Breach caused an impact in front of us. And where the fireball hit, black smoke was emitting with green energy till a black and green crystal spewed out until it formed into a demonic creature. 

(Y/N): (Holy...)

Cassandra: Stay behind me!

As Cassandra exclaimed. charging forward with her Sword and Shield in hand. But when I tried to go and help, another Demon starts spawning in front of me. Quickly looking at my surroundings, I equipped myself with a Sword and Wooden Shield as the Demon revealed itself and screeched. I got into a stance and prepared to defend myself.

(Y/N): *breathes* (Let's do this.)

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