Chapter 3: Rescue

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The next day Leaf learned some basic battle moves. He came back to camp near the afternoon. When he had gotten back to camp with Rabbit though, the only queen in the clan who was Berry was wailing; "My kit! What happened to my kit! He's gone!" She cried. Most cats were already on patrol. Only himself, Rabbit, Dove, Sparrow, Hay, and Thorn were there. Since Hay had sent extra patrols. Thorn was trying to comfort his mate. "Hay! My kit is in danger!" Hay emerged out of his den. "I need cats to look for him. Don't worry, Berry and Thorn." Meowed Hay, trying to comfort her. Thorn unsheath his claws and dug them in the sand. Hay looked at Leaf. "Leaf, I want you to look for Juniper in the Birch Forest. That's the only place where the patrols haven't gone too. I trust you to be responsible for leaving camp by your self." Leaf dipped his head politely. "Yes, Hay." Leaf meowed. He then shot off toward the Birch Forest. Once he was there, he was panting pretty hard, but he managed to catch his breath. Leaf started looking around. Finally, he heard a small squeak come from a tree. Leaf looked up to see the small cream tom-kit in a tree. He was in an eagle's nest. "Don't worry, Juniper! I'll save you!" Leaf cried feeling pity for the kit. He started to climb the tree. Just when he reached the top, he heard a loud screech. Leaf looked up to see an eagle coming straight at him. Leaf felt his body shrink. No, you need to be strong. Protect the kit. He thought. Leaf felt Juniper press against his leg. Just as the eagle was about to claw him to pieces, Leaf unsheath his claws and bashed one paw into the eagles head. The eagle screeched, falling off the tree and landing on the ground being crushed to death. Leaf looked at his pawpad, and saw he had a bleeding cut. Leaf ignored it. Juniper licked Leaf on the leg. Leaf purred, licking Juniper in between the ears. The small kit purred. He gently picked up Juniper by the scruff, and carefully climbed down the tree. He jumped down, and started to walk back to camp. Once he was in camp, he saw cats starting to come out of there dens. "Oh thank goodness!" Berry sprinted toward Leaf, looking at him gratefully. "Thank you, Leaf! I will remember!" She said, purring and giving Leaf a respectful lick on the cheek. Leaf licked his chest fur embarrassed. "No problem!" He handed Juniper to Berry. Berry licked her kit throughly. Thorn came up to Leaf, dipping his head respectfully. "Thank you for saving my kit. You are a true SunClan cat." Leaf shyly replied; "Thanks, Thorn."  Leaf saw Hay and Rabbit nodding there's heads and smiling, looking at him proudly. "Good job, Leaf! Are you hurt?" Rabbit asked, paddding up to him. Leaf showed Rabbit his cut, which had become deeper, but he didn't care. As long as his clanmates were safe. "You should go see Dove." Leaf nodded, before limping toward the medicine cat den. He entered, seeing Dove and Sparrow. Leaf collapsed on a moss nest. "Leaf! Me and Sparrow heard you saved a kit!" Dove meowed kindly. Then she looked at him. "Are you alright? Where's the wound?" Leaf showed her. Sparrow then began to heal him up. "Wow! You saved a kit! I'm proud to have you as a friend!" Sparrow purred to him. "Thanks." Leaf replied. Once he was healed up with water, dock leaves, and cobwebs, Dove had told him it would heal by tommorow, and he should go easy on it. "Also ... could I have a private word with you?" She asked, he gaze darkening a little. Leaf nodded a little confused, wondering why. Sparrow left the den to give them privacy. Dove looked around to make sure no one was listening then said: "I heard a prophecy." Leaf felt himself tremble. "Really? Wait ... why are you telling me this?" Dove unsheath her claws and sank them into the moss beneath her. "I think you play a part in it. Don't let anyone's know. Not even Hay. Here is the prophecy I received: 'The fallen will be enough to break the branch.'" Dove whispered. Leaf gasped. "But .. how do you know I play a part in it? And what does it mean?" Dove sighed. "I don't know. Though I don't think it means anything good. And I think you play a part in it because I saw you in my dream .. when Firestar was done saying the prophecy. Don't tell anyone though, okay Leaf? Cats are going to get worried and lose their minds. We can't afford that." Leaf nodded. "Alright.." He padded out of the den, trying not to look suspicious. By now it was night. Just as he was going to the prey pile, he felt a soft nuzzle in his side. It was Moon. "Hey, Leaf! I heard you saved a kit today!" She purred. It was spreading around pretty fast, and Leaf was proud of himself. "Yeah." He replied. Moon licked him. They later shared a fat mouse, and curled up together falling into sleep.

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