Story news.

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This chapter is dedicated to future stories I will be writing.

Ok first off, I would like to thank all of you who voted on this story or even just read it. I didn't think I could write very well, but you all kept reading through it anyway. So thanks.

Secondly, I will be putting news of new stories to come.

Like this:

Naruto Legends. It has nothing to do with the actual Naruto, as it is over 600 years after Naruto's time. This is about a character I made up, and me and my brother both roleplayed with our Naruto Legends characters in action figure form. I made up Poloshinae, and he made up Zaggarone. This will mainly be about Poloshinae, as I don't know how to act Zaggarone all too well. I may have Zaggarone say something every once in a while, but he will not fight at all. This will be after all disasters that they had to deal with; a.k.a. when they are about 46 years old each.

Stuck Between Two Worlds (Pokemon Version.) I know. 'Why is there a "pokemon version" label on there'? Because this story was originally meant to be a story with dragons. But I changed the idea. This man lives in a technologically advanced world at war. But, the problem is, every time he falls unconscious, he wakes up in the pokemon world. And vice versa. How, and why is this happening to him? Where is his real body? In the world at war, or with the pokemon? (May feature Tendo.)

Pokémon's Sam and Jacob. (May or may not be what it is actually called.) Two boys, one 16 one 15, both have terrible stories. One who's dad is evil, and another who is afraid of pokemon. When they meet up, they figure out that they must stop the evil villains from taking over the world with legendaries. Will they succeed?

Pretty much it.

I don't know how well these will turn out; and only Naruto Legends was pre-conceived. The other two I am making up as I go.

Show your support or try and take me down. Whatever.

But I warn you, if you do try and take me down, I may have to curse you, like Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz!

Thanks again for the support on this story.

I don't know if I will take a certain someone's suggestion, and make another story about them when they are parents or not. If I did, it would happen later.

But for now, all is right with my profile on Wattpad.

So later my peeperonis and cheeses! (Oh gosh, that was terrible. Never doing that again.)

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