Tendo's Christmas predicament.

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Tendo was disappointed.

He wasn't upset because of the busiest time of year, or because their school was only letting them take three days off from school...

No, he was disappointed... in himself.

It was already December 13, and he still hadn't even gotten Aurora, Cindi, or his mother a Christmas present!

Constan was easy to get for, as he's a male, and males are always easy to predict. Especially if their your brother whom you grew up with, and know everything he wants...

Yeper was also easy, as she made it abundantly clear what she wanted.

"I want a super fancy light blue dress, that compliments my fur!" She told him several times. "Oh! And I also want some nice jewelry! And, it would be nice if you could also make that compliment my fur. Please and thank you!"

Yes, yes, Tendo got something for everyone else.

It's just that those three were hard.

Well, more like those TWO as he already had an idea of what to get his mother.

But Cindi and Aurora... they were... hard to read.

He tried hinting on the matter several times, but neither of them understood what he meant.

(Example A: Tendo: "Hey, you two gals! How's it going?"

Cindi: *Looks at him* "Oh, hi Constan's older brother. I'm doing fine."

Aurora: *Also looks at him* "Hi! I'm doing very good! What about you?"

Tendo: *Scratches the back of his neck awkwardly* "Fine. So uh... Christmas is coming up huh?"

Aurora: *Nods*

Cindi: "Yep! And I know just what to get all of you!"

Tendo: "Awesome! So um... m-my mom was asking for you two. She's wondering what you want for a Christmas present."

Aurora: "Oh? Well cool! I'll tell her when we're done."

Tendo: "Well, I'm here, so you can go ahead and tell me now, and I'll get back to her."

Aurora: *Shakes her head* No, you don't have to. Plus, then you'll hear it silly!"

Tendo: [Thinks: that was the idea.] )

And this other time was just so much of a desperate act that he almost regretted doing it, but not so much after it all was over.

(Example B: Tendo walked over to Aurora's desk before school began, and set a note on her table. He snickered, and waited till school started.

Aurora sat at her desk, and saw the note. She opened it up.

It read: Hi there! I remain anonymous, but I have one question to ask you: What would you like for Christmas? I will get whatever you write down. P.s. leave the note on your desk when you're done.

Tendo thought it was full-proof. Nothing could stop him now!

Aurora looked around at everyone, and Tendo made sure to not make eye contact with her, and pretend like he was paying attention.

She then wrote down something back on the paper, and folded it up.

-After school-

After Tendo made sure that Aurora left, he sneakily went back into the classroom, and picked up the note. He unfolded it.

After he reread what he put down, he read what she responded with.

She wrote down: Hello mystery person! You want to know what I want for Christmas? Here's what I want. I want... to know who you are!

Tendo sighed, and fell onto his back.

As he looked up toward the ceiling her thought, 'Now I've got two options: one, I can just fess up and ask her what she wants directly. Or two, I can make a guess.'

He pondered what to do for a while.

And when December 20 rolled around, he noticed weird behavior from Aurora.

He was busy planning for the party, and he decided on trying to figure out what Aurora would want for Christmas, when she began trying to get him to go certain places.

She tried to sneak up behind him to do who knows what, and he only figured out that she tried, when he turned around and saw her kiss Constan's cheek.

Another time freaked him out a little bit.

She had walked straight up to him, and gotten really close, and looked straight into his eyes.

"Would you please follow me?" She asked all cute like.

I was trying to help my mom out that day, so I told that I couldn't at the moment, cause I was helping move some boxes.

The next few days she seemed a little sad.

After he saw her outside in the cold when they were at his house, he had walked outside to finally see what was wrong.

And, after a long conversation, he finally found out.

He ran a thousand different things to say through his mind at once, because this was an awfully romantic moment for her it seemed.

And when she turned her head, he took out the mistletoe that he had taken outside with him.

Yes, he was planning on kissing her, but that was just because he... well, he... never mind. He basically just wanted to kiss her at midnight.

And so, he did.

But what really almost made him lose all courage, was that the kiss... that single, little kiss under the moonlight, was the best moment, almost of his entire life.

He was afraid that he would ruin it by doing or saying something dumb or pointless as he always seems to do.

But, by some miracle, he kept his composure.

After they broke up their kiss, Tendo looked into her beautiful eyes.

Aurora seemed just as lost in him, as he was in her.

"You're the most handsome leafeon I have ever seen." She had told him.

He was too lost in the moment for countless amounts of thoughts to go through his head. "you're the most beautiful sylveon in existence..."

She had smiled, and giggled lightly and cutely as she does.

After a while of staring deeply into each other's eyes, they both decided to head inside, and sit by the fire for a while.

They snuggled up with each other, and... in a very pleasant way, fell asleep, all snuggled up next to each other.

His mom wasn't all too pleased with this.

But, she didn't scold him too long. She trusted him too much for that to happen.

And then breakfast rolled around, and they all decided to go to Aurora's for breakfast.

And that's when Tendo realized.

He knew what she wanted.

He had spent weeks trying to figure out ways to indirectly ask her what she wanted for Christmas the most, when it was right in front of him the whole time!

And now, he had thought of a way to give it to her.

But... since today was Christmas Day, he thought, that maybe... he should wait till that Saturday to give it.

And he was sure that she would love it, and even treasure it.

He was sure.

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