The after-school fight.

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Oh boy, back again are we? Ok. Well, I don't know why you have come back. Maybe to see me get beat up by that imbecile growlithe, or maybe just because you want to read this story cause you enjoy knowing more about me. Probably the former. Ok so, the story continues, after school...

The bell rang.

That meant school was over. Which was good and bad at the same time. I didn't want school to end, because that meant I would have to face the growlithe. And I didn't want to get pummeled so early in the day.

I went to my locker, to put my stuff away. But just then, that growlithe showed up.

"Hey Nimpo!" He said loudly. "Are you ready for this?"

Truthfully, I would never be ready for this, but I decided to make everyone else think I was.

I breathed in, and said a little louder than I usually would, "Yes. I am."

The growlithe was surprised a little by the volume of my response, but he quickly recovered. "Oh are you know? Let's see about that..."

He and his goons, lead the entire class outside, including me. I was not pleased that I would be humiliated in front of the entire student body, but hey. Maybe a teacher would come out and end the fight before it even began. Or, the growlithe would kill me quickly, so  I wouldn't have to endure the embarrassment for the rest of my school year.

Though, that probably would not happen because it required luck for it to happen, and as I said before, luck was not my specialty.

The growlithe walked to the other side of the yard. "Ok." He said. "You ready to lose to a natural born winner?"

I looked at him and didn't respond. But, he took it as a response in itself.

"Let's go then!" He started by using a roar attack.

I flinched at the noise and fierceness of the roar, which gave him time to run over, and slam into me, sending me flying backwards.

I hit the ground roughly. He was celebrating at his own success, while I was still trying to get back up. He saw me however, and proceeded to use an ember attack.

I had gotten all the way up though, so I jumped to the right; dodging the attack.

Then I started thinking: maybe I could win. Maybe, I could beat this guy. I was at a severe type disadvantage, but I had the brains for it, while he just threw attacks. I could win this thing!

I stepped forward confidently. But I thought about it more: But what would happen if I won? I would be praised for winning today, but what about tomorrow? That growlithe would come back and challenge me again. I would have to fight again and win again. Then, the next day, he would challenge me again. And so on and so on... I would have to always win! He would keep fighting me until I lost! And if I did lose, he might still challenge me until he would have beaten me as many times as I had beaten him! It was too risky.

I decided to lose the match. At least then, he would only challenge me a couple times, then after I lost consistently, he would find me boring and move on to someone else.

It wasn't the most thrilling decision but a necessary one.

I stopped and stood still where I was.

The growlithe stared at me. "Oh! Are you paralyzed by my awesomeness? Well, too bad! Now, I will win no problem!"

He shot another ember attack, but this time, I just stood and took the attack.

It hurt so badly. I could not even cope with the pain. I was burning as I fell to the ground. The growlithe had won. Now, maybe he would leave me alone. Hopefully.

I was thinking about that when I lost consciousness.

Hey guys! Just wanted to tell you, that some attributes of this story/leafeon is shared with my life. What that means is, there is some insight from this story into my life. Try and guess which ones are true, and I'll respond telling you whether they are truth or not.

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