Yeper's Valentine experience.

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(10 days before Valentines Day)

I sighed.

I could see clearly, (I was at school by the way,) that everyone was getting ready for Valentines Day.

Valentines Day... the one holiday that made half of the people feel good and happy, and the other half sad, and lonely.

I didn't like it.

It was like, a holiday that CHOSE who it liked and who it didn't. It wasn't a fair day for everyone.

There were the lucky guys and girls, and the unlucky ones. Lucky were either popular guys, or my brother-unpopular to the highest level. I was actually surprised he found Aurora. (Who, by the way, is REALLY fun to shop with!)

I almost fangirled over the fact that he came back one day, and said that he and Aurora had kissed.

I didn't leave him alone about that for a while.

And when Constan came back saying that him and Cindi had kissed, oh... I wouldn't stop asking him questions.

(Cindi is not fun to shop with, but she makes up for it, by giving me tips on what boys like what, and how to prank my brothers really well; especially Constan.)

It was great! I was for real, happy for them.

But, then... over time the truth sank in...

I didn't have a boyfriend. Where was my romantic kiss? Everyone else I knew had a special someone... would I get one?

The Christmas party was when I really started to think about it. I just pushed the thought away for a while, but it kept nagging at me. I was cursed with Tendo's over-active thoughts! Gah!

The thought kept growing more, and more until I finally just told mom about it.


I walked into mom's room one afternoon, and made sure that the two boys couldn't overhear me. "Mom?"

She was using her psychic to fold blankets and sheets. "Yes Yeper?"

I walked into the room, and shut the door. "Something... something has been bothering me, and I want it to go away."

That stopped mom and her folding, and she gave 100% of her attention to me. "Bothering you? What is it?"

I breathed in a lot of air. "So Tendo has Aurora as a girlfriend right? And Constan has Cindi, and the same thing? Well, I was wondering when I'm gonna get MY boyfriend, and if I will soon, or maybe later on?" I said everything really quickly to make it less embarrassing sounding.

But mom was like, super-mom. She could understand ANYTHING we said. Even Tendo, and his weird words he asks mom to give him the definition for.

She walked over to me. "Yeper honey, what you're thinking about... this is what happens when you are a teenager. These are hormones that are in your body, and make all sorts of things happen. There's not much you can do about it, but if you give it enough time, it will go away."

I exhaled. "Are you sure? Cause I don't want to think about it anymore."

She took a few seconds to answer, as if unsure of how to. "I can't say for certain. But, I promise, that it will all work out, even if you don't find a boyfriend until you're a bit older. But who could resist a cute smile, and adorable face like that!"

I may have blushed slightly in embarrassment. "Mom... don't say that stuff. I'm not cute or adorable anymore. I'm pretty or gorgeous. No more cute stuff."

She smiled. "Ok, I'll try not to."

(Flashback end)

She didn't really help all that much.

Why do moms always have to stay positive? I'm going through a teenage crisis right now!

But, I tried to keep myself busy on other things to avoid thinking about it. I tried not to think of any sort of handsome, super-romantic guys who knew how to treat a lady, and what I liked, and could kiss well...

N-not that that's what goes through my head!

Oh never mind. If you're all like me, you think about this stuff too. It's hard not to.

(7 days before Valentines Day)

I just left the room when Constan brought up relationship stuff between him and Cindi.

I made it sound like I was disgusted, but in truth, I was concerned with the thoughts coming back, as they did in that moment.

I paced my room. "Stupid Constan... why did he have to get that phone call when I was home? Ugh! Now they're coming back... stupid brain!"

I paced as much as I could while trying to get my head to go blank. I eventually just laid down on the floor, and sighed. "Oh well... maybe if I think about it today, it will go away tomorrow?"

I closed my eyes, and just... pictured it. Cause that was all I could do now.

(Valentines Day)

I was heading toward my locker, and trying to ignore all the couples in the hall. Cause there were so... darn... many of them!

What was with this school and people in it becoming couples?!

I couldn't help but watch some of them as I passed by. Either the guys were flirting with the girls, or the girls were teasing some poor nerd.

But no one even glanced at me. They were all too busy.

I looked back at a couple being a lucario and mienshao. I didn't realize we HAD either of those two kinds of pokemon here, or that they would get together. Odd, but ok.

I arrived at my locker, and stopped for a second as I looked down at the ground.

All our lockers had names on them to let everyone know who's they were. Mine said 'Yeper'.

So... what were all these doing here?

There were bunches of little gift bags or flowers, or cards right below where I was standing. It looked like a group of guys came over and accidentally left them here.

I looked around, and then sat down to look at them all.

I opened some of the cards and read them. Most had names on the bottom, but some were signed 'secret admirer'. I knew most of the names, and that about half of them were shallow guys who just dated a girl for a day or two, and then moved on. So I threw those away. The other half I knew were a bunch of different sorts of guys. Nerds, smart guys, cool guys, sporty ones, you name it. But, I didn't know if I would choose some of them...

The 'secret admirer' ones really made me excited. Some guy is in love with me, and either is too shy to say so, or wants me to figure it out. Like a game!

All the flowers were nice, and they smelled wonderful. Thought some were the cheap ones, and some were naturally colored, and expensive.

And... chocolate! I got loads of heart-shaped packages of chocolates! Regular, filled, oh yes! I would gladly eat them all!

I mean... within reason...

I couldn't help but smile at so many guys doing this for me. But... none approached me to give them to me themselves?

I stood up, and one-by-one began putting them in my locker.

Once I finished, I shut my locker, and turned to the right, where... a quilava was standing there; holding a few flowers and a card.

I faced him fully, and realized that his eyes were shut, and he seemed to be shaking a little bit, like he was afraid.

I tilted my head. "What are you doing?"

He breathed in. "G-giving you these!" He moved his head down more, so I guessed, if he opened his eyes he wouldn't look at me.

I blinked in surprise. "Me?"

He nodded quickly.

I took them from his shaking paws. "Um... thank you."

He took a few steps back.

I decided that he must've been really shy. "Hey, it's ok. It's not like I'm going to hurt you or anything. Why don't you open your eyes?"

He panted a little bit, and slowly, very slowly moved his head up, and opened his eyes.

When his eyes opened slightly, they suddenly snapped open really wide.

I smiled. "See? Isn't that better? Now you can actually see."

He nodded slowly. "U-um... I-I just wanted to give these to you... because I've been um... w-watching you and listening to you in class, and... you're r-really pretty and nice, and I just wanted to give them to you!"

He looked down again, as if I would get mad at him for looking at me.

I was honestly really... both shocked that he had been stalking me, and a bit flustered, cause he had (as a shy guy,) gotten enough courage to come up to me, and hand them to me himself. A small blush came to my face as I set them down.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

He looked up very slightly, but his eyes darted away from mine. "H-henry..."

I smiled as gently as possible. "Do you know my name then?"

He nodded. "Yeper. Tendo and Constan are your brothers. You like chocolates, and looking your best, and getting good grades in school."

I nodded. "Wow. You know lots about me. How have I not noticed you until now?"

I heard him swallow. "I-I was... trying to make sure you didn't see me..."

I tilted my head again. "Why? If you liked me, why didn't you talk to me before?"

He shook his head. "Too scared."

I chuckled. "What's to be scared about? I'm not exactly intimidating am I?"

He shook his head again. "Too scared because I was afraid of being rejected..."

And the truth sunk in. Shy guys I knew didn't like to approach girls they liked. They just watched them from a distance, or maybe they pretended to not care so they wouldn't be noticed. And he... he wanted to ask me, but didn't cause he was afraid I would reject him?

I took a couple steps toward him. "I... I don't know how I would've responded back then, but I know how I'll respond to you now."

He looked up, and noticed me being closer. He seemed like he wanted to back away again, but he didn't.

"I'll... I'll be willing to take a chance." I said. "I mean, you're the only guy who's given me the gifts face-to-face. And, you are pretty adorable, acting like I'll hurt you."

I saw him blush. I would guess he's never been complimented by a girl he's taken interest in before.

I took a few more steps until I was right in front of him. "We can... we can try dating, if you want."

His eyes went really wide when I said that. "R-really? You don't find it dumb that I'm... that I'm really um... shy?"

I shook my head. "No way! You have true feelings toward me, and any guy who can express his feelings to me like you did, is a really great catch."

He blinked as if still not believing. "I'm a great catch?"

He couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. It was a soft, and sort of quiet laugh to let you know. Didn't want to scare him off. "Of course! I mean, you're pretty handsome, and... and sincere, and you yourself approached me! Shy guys never really do that!"

He shrugged, and looked away. "Well... they sometimes have good reason."

I rolled my eyes. "Not in your case. In case you didn't get what I said before, I'll be your girlfriend ok?"

He nodded, and I saw a big smile come to his face. "Oh man... I-I need to tell my sister about this! She said it would never happen!"

I giggled, and booped his little nose playfully. That got his entire face to turn red, and flames sparked out from his back suddenly.

I smirked, and turned around. "Well, I've gotta go to class now. I'll see ya later Henry!"

I jogged off, and when I looked back, he was still standing there; touching his nose.

Well... I guess maybe I'll give it a shot. After all, Tendo and Constan both got their happily-ever-after sort of ending. Now, it was my turn.

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