Chapter 1 - Iika

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Thirteen years. It's been thirteen years since I've seen the sky. Thirteen years since I've seen the Blood Sea that borders South Melba. Thirteen years since I've seen my father's warm amber eyes.

I was 1 year old when I fell on that knife. I was lucky that it stabbed my eye and not my forehead where my brain is. I lost most of my eyesight that day. They were only able to put my eye back in, but they couldn't make me see through that eye again. I still had one eye left. My eyesight grew weaker and weaker each day until it got infected in the Plague. I survived, the Plague was in a way was merciful it took my sight not my life. They did the only thing that can do for me, give me a Seer's power.

Seers are people who see through the vibrations in the earth. I am a Seer and Seers are blind. Which I am no longer.

I remember a knock at the forge door. Someone touch my eyelids then ...

Something ignited in me. A surge of energy pulsed through my veins.

It felt like I had caught lightning in my bare hands.

But then a searing hot agonizing claw seemed to grab my core, my main source of energy and shattered it into a thousand fragments. A white spot appears in the black void that I've seen every day since I was 1. That white spot was a looking glass. To what I haven't seen since I was a child.Falling on my knees, blurs of different colors I recognized from my childhood. 

"By the gods among us," I cried, my breaths were growing shallow,"What's happening to me?"

The different blurs began to form into to shapes and object, uncontrollable tears of confusion and fear of what was soon to be off me flowed freely down my cheeks. My hyperventilation decided to kick up a notch when I saw my hands, my fingers wiggled like worms scaring me even more. I could see it every line, every vein I could see it my hands was still the same as I once remembered it tan skin the color of sand with long slim fingers. 

"Silence child," a soothing voice hushed me. Bang. Something hit me, knocking me out unconsious

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