Am i falling for you

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Even though Kylie is a yandare she does make me smile. She's kinda cute when she's trying to be angry. Sometimes I just gotta let out a laugh whenever I see her get mad. It's way too funny. I think I might be falling for her. Then Cody walked up to me.
Cody- Hey umm Eth you might not like this but I'm gonna put you in a love storyline with Kylie Rae.
Ethan- You know I normally would be mad at this but I've had a change of heart. And I'm actually happy about it.
Cody- Oh well I'll let her know.
Kylie- Hey Ethan. Can I give you a hug.
Ethan- Sure I don't care.
Kylie hugs Ethan.
Cody- So I was just talking to Ethan over here and he has agreed to the storyline.
Kylie- Yay. I'm so excited to be working with you. I think we're gonna make a great team. I have so many ideas.
Ethan- Alright what's one of your ideas.
Kylie- Well I have one idea where we both cosplay as Pokémon. As I really like Pokémon. What do you think about that?
Ethan- I think that's a great idea I don't really care.
Kylie- Bye Ethan see ya.
Kylie hugs Ethan before walking away. When Cody looked at Ethan he kinda had a look of love in his eyes.
Cody- Dude dude dude.
Ethan- What what's going on.
Cody- Are you alright cause when Kylie left you just watched her leave. Like you had a look of love on her face.
Ethan- Okay maybe I am falling in love with her. I mean her cuteness cannot be denied okay. And you should see her when she looks mad. She somehow looks even cuter when she's trying to act mad. It is so adorable.
Cody- Alright well I'll leave you in your thoughts.
Cody leaves. I had nothing to do tonight so I just sat at catering.
Ethan- Hey Britt. They don't have anything to do for you.
Britt- Yeah they don't. I'm kinda mad about that.
Ethan- Normally I would be mad that I don't have anything to do tonight but I'm used to not have anything to do.
Britt- Ahh I see your used to not being a major part of the roster.
Ethan- No I didn't say that. I'm a major part of the roster but sometimes management just doesn't have anything to do for me.
Britt- Okay whatever.
Ethan- So how are you and Adam doing.
Britt- Were doing pretty good. I really should be number one contender for the women's title right now.
Ethan- Why do you say that.
Britt- Well the number one contender should be the person who sells the most merchandise. Like shirts and stuff.
Ethan- Well I don't think that's fair to the people that have worked hard for the opportunity to become number one contender. So I think that it doesn't matter how much merchandise you sell if you aren't winning matches than you have no right to be number one contender. It just makes no sense. Because I feel like your just jumping all the people that have earned that opportunity.
Britt- Well than your just stupid than if you believe that.
Ethan- Okay and I don't care if you call me stupid. I've been called stupid before and you think that's gonna stop me no not at all.
Britt- Wow okay if you believe that than you shouldn't even be hear.
Than for some reason Thunder Rosa came and attacked Britt. I thought there feud was over but guess I was wrong.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I went back into my locker room to se that Kylie was going up against the women's champion Hikaru Shida. It was a very good match to say the least. And to my surprise Kylie won. I walked out to see if they were still brawling thankfully they weren't. I walked back out and headed to gorilla to congratulate Kylie. When I got there she hugged real tight and looked like she was planning on not letting go.
Ethan- Umm Kylie you can let go now.
Kylie- *blushing* Yeah sorry got a bit carried away. I can't believe I just beat the AEW women's champion. I'm so excited right now.
Ethan- As you should be. Congrats on the win. You looked impressive out there.
Kylie- *blushing harder* Thanks. Hey umm this might seem like a crazy question but do you wanna go out with me sometime.
Ethan- You know I shouldn't go out with you since you've been a yandare.
Kylies smile vanished when she heard Ethan say those words.
Kylie- Ok I'm sorry I know I should've have asked that question. I'll see you next week Ethan.
Ethan watched as Kylie walked away crying.
Ethan- What have I done. The one person that actually showed interest in me I shoved away. Maybe I am a bad guy.

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