[S2E] Chapter 1: Awakening

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He felt cold. Very cold, but he also felt warm...very warm. He didn't know how to explain it. It felt like he was getting frostbite and there was raging fire inside him at the same time. He couldn't move, and for some reason he heard beeping.

He felt a warmth on his head. It was gentle and soothing. His ears seemed to not be working right now, and he couldn't speak. His eyes would not open either.

He felt the warmth move to his chest before he felt hands prodding at him. That was all he felt before unconsciousness took him again.


"Be lucky...ever wakes..."

Voices. Now he could hear voices. He still couldn't open his eyes or move. Pain...yes, he was aware of a dull pain.

"Try our best...strong...Brown Eyes..."

He could only process bits and pieces of what they were saying, and he still had no idea what was going on.

"Love you..."

Love? Who loves him? His mind was trying to find out what was happening, but he couldn't figure anything out.

Unconsciousness took him once more.


Phee sighed. It had been months since Tech had been brought to Pabu and had surgery. She remembered everything so clearly.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" A doctor yelled, pushing Tech into the operating room.

Phee watched with tears running down her face, clutching a screaming Omega, making sure she didn't run into the operating room and disrupt the doctors' care.

They took off Tech's Imperial Prisoner clothes, revealing his bloodied chest and torso. The wounds that Hemlock had given him were still bleeding. They hooked him up to the monitors and an IV.

"He's flatlining!" A doctor said.

"Start CPR," the head doctor said.

"Yes Doctor," a doctor said, before starting CPR.

Phee held Omega as the child buried her face him Phee's stomach and cried. Her own tears continued to run down her cheeks as she watched the doctors resurrect Tech. They finally resurrected Tech and continued the surgery, putting Tech on life support.

Phee hopped he'd make it.

And he did. He made it, but not without consequences. Tech would have to relearn to walk, that or he'd paralysed be from the waist down...they couldn't tell yet...and he could have permanent nerve damage in his flesh arm and hand.

She held much sorrow in her heart as she looked at his sleeping appearance. Only he wasn't sleeping. His eyes were open.



When his eyes fluttered open, he was blinded by the light. He still heard the beeping he heard earlier and he felt something push air into and pull air from his lungs.


The voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. He felt the machine breathe for him again as his vision cleared as much as possible without his goggles. He could just make out Phee sitting by his bedside and he tried to say something, but he couldn't. All he could do was groan. He tried to sit up, but Phee pushed him back down.

"No Brown Eyes. You need to relax and rest. Understood?" Phee asked.

Tech groaned before giving her the best look of understanding he could and he stopped fighting her, falling back limply on the bed.

Phee went to go AZI, but when she returned with the droid...Tech had taken back asleep, which was considered normal for someone who had been through what Tech had been through. His body was exhausted, his energy being used to heal even as he slept. Tech would be sleeping a lot for a while. They just had to be patient.

They would be patient. Because he will be fine.

Wow! This took ages to get out! I know I said I wouldn't be writing while I recovered from my injury, but I'm bored, so yeah!

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