[S3E] Chapter I: You'll Be Alright

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TW: Medical Procedures are present in this chapter. Such as Cannulation, putting someone on Life Support, dealing dismemberment, stitching and cleaning wounds. Minor gore is present in this chapter too.

Omega has just gotten back from Barton IV when sadness hit her. She crawled into a corner of the ship and cried. She cried and cried until she felt strong arms talk around her.


Then she heard soft singing.

🎶 I remember tears streaming down your face when I said 'I'd never let you go'. When all those shadows almost killed your light. I remember you said, 'don't leave me here alone'. But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight.🎶

🎶Just close your eyes. The sun is going down. You'll be alright. No one can hurt you now. Come morning light. You and I'll be safe and sound Hunter, still singing: Don't you dare look out the window, darling. Everything's on fire. The war outside our door keeps raging on. Hold onto this lullaby. Even when the music's gone. Gone.🎶

🎶Just close your eyes. The sun is going down. You'll be alright. No one can hurt you now. Come morning light. You and I'll be safe and sound.🎶

🎶Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Ooh. Ooh, ooh. Ooh. Ooh, ooh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.🎶

🎶Just close your eyes. You'll be alright. Come morning light. You and I'll be safe and sound.🎶

🎶Ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh.🎶

(Safe and Sound [Taylor's Version] - Taylor Swift [Safe and Sound - Single])

She fell asleep to the sound of his voice. His soft, gentle and sweet, yet strong voice.


Omega watched as her brothers gently laid Hunter down on a bunk. She wanted comfort from Hunter, but he wasn't available, so she reached her Crosshair's hand, only to remember it wasn't there. She instead walked around to his left side and held onto to that hand. She buried her head in his chest and cried.

Crosshair swayed on his feet as she slammed her weight into him, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he tried to comfort her the best he could. This wasn't his thing. It was Hunter's, but Omega needed him now, so he put up with himself. His hazy mind was trying to comprehend what was going on, but his left wrist was taking most of his attention. It burned and stung. He felt tingly in his hand. Wait...that wasn't there.

Phantom Pain. Great.

Before he knew it, Echo had called a reg that claimed he was a medic to look at Hunter.

"I can't do much about the internal bleeding, but I can keep him alive. Every ship should have life support to be flight worthy. Can someone get it for me? This is also a medical ship, so it should have an advanced med kit. Get that too please," the reg, Needle, said.

The equipment was fetched and given to Needle. He opened the life support kit first. The machine itself was actually quite small and could fit on the bunk. Omega had never seen this type of machine before. She watched with partial interest. First, Needle put a tube up Hunter's nose. He then put one in Hunter's mouth and down his throat. He then secured both tubes with tape. Finally, Needle put a mask over Hunter's face and probes on his chest to monitor his vitals.

Omega looked at his semi-steady, but slow heart beat. Tears came to her eyes as she clung to Crosshair more so than before. She didn't want to lose Hunter.

"He'll be fine," Crosshair's snakey voice sounded. "He's strong."

Omega tried to believe him as she watched Needle open the other kit. It held various medical equipment. She watched him pull out a needle, a tube extension and a syringe of water. He placed them on a table as he got a tourniquet and an antiseptic wipe. Omega knew what he was doing, she'd seen it a million times before.

Needle felt in various places of Hunter's arms, but couldn't find a vein. He went to Hunter's feet. He found a vein and pushed the needle in. They didn't call him 'Needle' for no reason. He was amazing at this. Once the cannula was in, Needle attached the tube extension and then made sure the cannula flushed, which it did. He then taped it so it wouldn't come out.

Omega put a blanket over Hunter's cold body as she watched Needle checking Wrecker's wound. He peeled the dried blood-stained bacta patch off her brother's chest. He then cleaned and stitched the wound out, once being satisfied nothing serious had been damaged.

Next was Crosshair. He had insisted he didn't need medical attention, but the pain that he was getting from his stump was evident.

"It was nice of Hemlock to cauterise this," Needle commented as he unraveled the bandage. "Still, if you want a prosthetic, you'll need surgery. You'll need to let this heal first though. You look fine, so I don't think blood loss is a problem now. I'll give you hypo to help with the pain."

Crosshair grumpily accepted the treatment and then went to rest. He was out the minute his head hit the pillow.

Omega eventually fell asleep on Hunter's chest, but was awoken soon after by Echo announcing that they were arriving at Pabu.

They were finally going to get help. They were finally...


Um...sorry for any medical inaccuracies...I'm not a medic, so...yeah. Also...I feel sorry for Crosshair. He deserves better! Poor guy's been through so much. So had Wrecker!

I NEED your guys help though! I need a name for the OC that Cross falls for. It's a female btw.

While I do support LGBTQ+ and I'm totally comfortable with it, I just don't wanna write it cause I'm afraid of upsetting people or doing it wrong, so yeah. That's why none of my stories really have that in it.

And...a lot of people have been asking about the BotW Novelisation. *sighs* It's coming guys. Don't worry. I haven't abandoned it. It's just...I'm up to where Link and Tech meet Sidon at Inogo Bridge and start making their way to Zora's Domain. I'm having trouble with the Prince's enthusiasm lol and um...I kinda had trouble with motivation.

I haven't played the game for a while because a) I was busy playing TotK, Princess Peach Showtime or Stardew Valley and b) I've been dealing with a sore hip and I went to emergency for my hip once and was then admitted to hospital 2 weeks later and was there for a week due mostly to nausea.

It's been hectic. So I'm sorry. I'll get something out soon :-)

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