Chapter 1-Sweet 16

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"Marinette! Get up!" I opened one eye to find my tiny red kawmi hovering right over my face. "You're going to be late for school! And on your birthday too!" I shot up straight out if bed and hurried to get dressed. Since today was special, I decided to wear a cute flower print dress, white and gold flats, and my hair down from their usual pigtails. It was September 18th. My birthday! My sweet 16 to be exact! It was the day I get my soulmate mark!

I was crossing my fingers and praying that it was going to be Adrien. I have had a crush in him since the 7th grade. He was a famous model, and he was the best known model in all of France! He was sweet, kind, polite, and caring! He was 6 foot 3, blond, and not to mention super hot with his mesmerizing green eyes.

Unfortunately, I couldn't check for my mark right now because school was starting soon. I ran out the door while a croissant in my hand. Oh no! I forgot my chocolates! I ran back inside and gathered all my presents. One for all of my closest friends, which consisted of Adrien, Alya, and Nino. Alya's gift was a purple wrapped box with a black bow, Nino's blue on red, and Adrien's white with a green ribbon. Even though it was my birthday, I wanted to give other people gifts instead of receiving them. I stayed up the last couple nights making them.

I rushed into the building but not many people were around. I whispered yelled, "Tikki.....I wasn't going to be late was I?" I heard snickering from inside my purse. I blew my bangs out I my face succeeding in only make them messier. Now what? I wandered into my home room class and took out my designer notepad. I added more detail to my dress for the party this Saturday. I had 5 days to make my dress, and I intended it to be the best I have ever made! This party was a shared birthday party between Adrien and me. His birthday was on Friday. I could tell that he was super excited since his father doesn't usually allow these things. The party was masquerade themed so masks were a must.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I looked to the left and saw my best friend Alya. She crushed me with a hug almost squeezing the air right out of me. "Happy birthday girl! Sweet 16! You look so cute today Mari! Have you found your soulmate mark yet?!" she squealed.

I giggled softly and tucked my bangs behind my ear. "Thanks Alya! No, I didn't look for it yet. I thought that I was going to be late again so I came right to school."

"Oh Mari. You didn't even bother to check the time?" She chuckled while patting my back.

"Hey, dudettes!" another voice said. It was Nino....with Adrien!!! My body temperature immediately rose.

"Hey guys! Before we do anything in honor of my birthday, I made everyone chocolates!" I handed out of the carefully wrapped boxes.

Each took a bite of their chocolate, all rolling their ese to the back of their head. "Mhm! Raspberry, my favorite Mari!" Alya giggled.

"Coconut! My favorite! Thank you so much dudette!" Nino said.

"You gave me carmel! You really know us, Marinette!" Adrien complimented. I immediately blushed.

"Thanks guys!" I felt accomplished.

"Happy birthday by the way. Hope your ready for the party this weekend!"

"Yep. All I need to do is my dress."

"Knowing you, it will be amazing! By the way Mari, I really like your hair down." He winked at me and made my heart almost melt.

"Alright class. We are going to start our lesson now." Mrs. Bustier said leaning against her desk.

The day went by fast. Alya and I walked to my house. Alya wanted to know who my soulmate was right away. Once we got home, we searched almost everywhere! We were about to give up, but I remember something. My hair. My hair was down. "Alya! Check the back of my neck!" I exclaimed!

"Good idea girl!" She pushed aside my dark hair and gasped. She started squealing loudly. "Omg!!!!"

"Well?!" I said turning around.

"Your soulmate is.....*drum roll* Chat Noir." My expression plummeted. My partner was my soulmate? I couldn't love Chat Noir. His dumb cat puns, his flirtatious attitude, it all annoyed me to pieces. I loved Adrien. I didn't have to date Chat Noir. Soulmate marks are only a friendly suggestion right? I rushed to the bathroom and held out a mirror to double check. There it was. A black and green paw right on the back of my neck.

Magical time pass to Friday

Adrien's POV
"Adrien! Wake up! I have a surprise for you!" Plagg said opening my eyelid. He flew right up to my ear and yelled,"GET UP!" I groaned and rolled out of bed. I smelled a terrible stench. I held my nose and looked at my cat kawmi.

"What do you want? I still have like 5 minutes before I have to wake up." I complained. Plagg grabbed my finger and dragged me to my counter. Happy sweet 16 Adrien! was spelled in cheese. All kinds of cheese like cheddar, Swiss, blue, everything! No wonder it was smelled so terrible in here. "Oh Plagg. Thank you, you may eat it now." I said smiling knowing what my black cat wanted to do. This was only an excuse for him to eat more than usual.

"THANK YOU!" He dived into the sea of cheese and began munching away. I inwardly sighed at my kawmis addiction. I got dressed in my usual attire but adding my sky blue scarf. My father gave it to me for my 14th birthday. I smiled at the memory. I brushed my teeth, hair, and head out the door with my book bag slung on my right shoulder.

When I came to open the front door, I heard cheering. Loud cheering. Oh no...I thought. I opened the door and appluase, yelling, and a whole lot of whistling. There were people crowding around my house and all the way down the block! It was insane! People were holding banners saying happy birthday or I love you. Paparazzi were taking pictures. You can get through this Adrien. Just smile and wave. I heard laughing in my school bag. I hit the bag lightly shutting him up. I smiled and waved while I walked to my car. Some people were trying to touch me but I give them a wink making them fall I the ground. Fangirls I tell ya. Crazy, crazy people. Once I got in the car I sighed in relief. When we were driving by I noticed tents? Tents by our house. Wow, people really are insane.

I got to school and rushed inside trying not to get noticed. People started pointing at me and whispering....I wonder why. I made it to home room with the whole crew already there. I waved and smiled sincerely at them. Marinette and Alya hugged me and congratulated me. Nino gave me a bro hug.

Marinette has been wearing her hair down all week. It is probably because of her birthday but then again I am not completely sure. Class started, and I heard a lot of muffled laughs behind me. When lunch came around, the pointing and whispering got worse. Marinette was blushing a lot.

Alya came over and whispered in my ear. "Go to the bathroom and check the back of your neck." (I realized halfway through writing this that Adrien is wearing a scarf so there was no possible way for them to see his neck but I was too lazy to change it....sorry. :P) I ran to the bathroom and turned around using my phone as a second mirror. A pink needle and thread. My soulmate mark. It was Marinette! I loved Ladybug but Marinette was amazing too! If only they were the same person. I sighed. *face palm* I covered my mark completely with my scarf and continued on with the rest of my day.

After school

I sat in my black office chair and spun around to think. Marinette. She was really the one for me. I decided to go visit her as Chat. "Plagg! Claws out!" I jumped from building to building in hopes of seeing my princess.

Marinette's POV
"Oh Tikki! What am I going to do? I don't love Chat Noir! I love Adrien." I held my head in frustration as I paced across my room.

"What does you heart say?" Tikki asked me.

"I don't know! That I love Adrien! His soulmate mark was had a needle and thread! That's me!!! We are meant to be together!"

"Well, Marinette, you know that the soulmate marks never lie, but if you love Adrien then be with Adrien!" She twirled midair happily.

"Oh Tikki. You're so adorable! No one is cuter than you." I poked her lightly. She giggled and hugged my cheek.

"Shh! I can sense someone coming!" She rushed to go hide somewhere. I heard a tap on my window. I ran over I the window and opened it up for my visitor.

"CHAT NOIR? What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to cat-ch up with my purrincess." He smirked coming through the window.

I rolled my eyes at his stupid pun. "Do you always go into people's houses like this?" My voice was filled with annoyance.

"Meowch! What's with the tone, princess?" He glared.

"Sorry Chat. I'm just frusterated. My soulmate mark wasn't who I wanted it to be." I admitted.

"Oh I'm sorry Mari. I'll go now! See you later purrincess. The answer is no." And with that he left me to my thought. Tikki flew up to me patting me on the back.

Time pass to 3:00 on Friday
"Hey girl! You ready to get your party on?" Alya said excitedly.

"For sure! You're helping me get ready right?" I could not for the life of my do my makeup or anything.

"Yes indeed!!! Let's start with your hair! Are we putting it up? Curling it?"

"Let's curl it." This would be a new look on my so I was hoping it would look good.

Alya pulled out the curler that she brought. She had a whole duffel bag of makeup and hair stuff. With each curl can a whole lot of hair spray making me cough at first. Once she was done, she began squealing in excitement! "Oh Mari! You look beautiful!" I looked in the mirror and stared at my reflection. Wow! I looked amazing! The curls looked almost too perfect on me. Alya curled her hair also but it looked a lot looser than mine. I had to say it still was stunning on her. She did her makeup then mine using very natural looking colors. I felt like a princess. I pulled out both our dresses that I made myself. Mine was scarlet red and hers was black. She wanted hers to go to her knees but I liked it all the way to my feet with many layers. She wore black wedges while my shoes were red high heels. Our masks where identical but with our corresponding colors and for a nice final touch a feather on the right side. We finished dressing and practically gushed at each other's beauty. My parents took about a billion pictures before we left.

We entered the town hall and was greeted by a huge chandelier. People have us both cards with a list of people's names and songs. They also gave me a crown that sparkled in the light. I placed it on my head and strapped my mask to my face.

"Wow marinette! You really do look like a princess!" Alya complimented.

"Attention everyone!" the mayor said. "To begin the night please look at the cards you have been given. The people on there are going to be the people you dance with tonight. After every song or movement, you will switch off partners. Have a good evening!"

I scanned the card looking for Adrien's name. It was about 10 songs down with 13 songs in all. I guess I will have to wait for then. First person I am dancing with is Nathaniel! I searched the huge crowd of people for a red head. I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hello, Marinette. You look lovely tonight! Care to dance?" I smiled at his voice. (WHY AM I WRITING THIS?!?! I HATE YOU TOMATO HEAD! GO TO HE CORNER WHERE YOU BELONG. Go hang out with Chloe or Lila for all I care JUST STAY AWAY FROM MY OPT!) He grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. All the songs were waltzes thankfully. That was the only dance I knew really. One, two , three. One, two, three. "Did you make your dress? I haven't seen anything like it." He said softly.

"I did! You look very nice today, too. Your suit makes you look very proper, and your mask is stunning." I said smiling. We danced till the song was over, and then I was off to find my second partner for the night. Conversations went smoothly and only one person has stepped on my foot so far. Finally it was Adrien's turn to dance with me. I wanted to jump up and down in excitement, but as a proper lady I refrained myself from doing so.

I finally found him. "Hey adrien! This party is amazing!" He turned around in what seemed like slow motion. With a smile on his face, his kind eyes sparkling, and his hair swooshing to the side.

"Hey Mari! I'm having a lot of fun myself! I don't have a lot of nights like this. May I have this dance?" He bowed and held out his hand. I giggled and grabbed it.

"Of course. What's with that weird crown on your head?" I laughed as we began the dance.

"What? You don't like it?" He chuckled. "You look beautiful tonight. Amazing craftsmanship as expected. You look gorgeous." I blushed at the compliments.

"You look quite dashing yourself. You look like a real Prince Charming."

"Thank you. You look like a real princess...." He leaned forward a little and so did I. My eyes fluttered closed as I leaned even further in. Our lips finally met and fireworks went off in my head. My butterflies in my stomach flew out. Euphoria was rushing in my veins.

*boom* I heard an explosion go off and people screaming. I reluctantly pulled away and jerked my head toward the sound. A huge hole was in the wall and in front of it stood three ladies. One was a fox, the other a bee, and the last a lion.

"Marinette, YOU WILL PAY!"

A/N: cliffhanger!!!! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I made it long just for you guys. I am really excited to see the feed back and results of this story! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it! Stay tuned for the next chapter! I love you all!
Remember live, love, learn!!!
Signing off, ~Epic♥️

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