A/N (I'm Truly Sorry, Lovelies)

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(Thank you to Wafflz4DAYZ and Lunaria_princess18 for their amazing words that helped convince me to publish this.)

Ok fuck it I'm gonna say some things and you can skip it and go to the end of you want idc the end is really the only important part.

So we reached not only 10K, but 11K. What teh fuck. Why're you still here. I barely update, literally over two thirds of this book is authors notes, and I'm just fucking shit at writing. I don't know what to do to celebrate it, and I'm very willing to take suggestions from you all.

Next I want to clarify why I barely update this story, besides the fact in my schedule it's only updated once a week.

As I've mentioned in my Random Shit And Updates book, two, possibly three, of our animals are sick. And on top of that, we're most likely getting rid of my cat.

That, along with everything falling apart around me in slow motion, and my grades being shit, is not so slowly eating me alive. I'm not trying to be an attention seeker, thus why I asked you to skip this if you're done with my bullshit. I'm just letting you all know I'm a fucking mess, because you probably didn't know already.

I don't want pity, or sympathy, or anything besides your understanding in what I'm going to be doing for the sake of myself.

I'm going to be taking a break from this book, and only updating the books I really like when I want. I'm not going to push myself to meet a deadline, or do so much anymore, because I simply can't handle it. It's stressful, and I'm overwhelmed, and I'm fucking eleven and I don't feel like I should be going through this so I'm going to stop, no matter how much I enjoy it.

I'm going to stop subjecting myself to what others say, and I'm going to come to terms with who I am, and then I'm going to get over this fucking pit boiling in my stomach so that I can really live life to the fullest again.

A kid in my class had a panic attack today. I don't want to end up like her, with people giggling and poking fun over something that should be a big fucking deal. The second I let it slip that I'm anything but what they think is normal, as I'm already on the edges, is the second I lose it and I hurt myself and I hurt my friends. I hope you can understand why I've decided to do this.

This is the end of my blubbering.

Ok, so, if you skipped ahead, sorry about that huge ass rant. If you actually read it, well, thank you for going the extra mile and giving a shit. In short I'm taking a break from Wattpad for the most part, though I will be coming back. I will update things I really want to occasionally, but don't count on it, because I have new things to worrying  about. Thanks in advance for understanding. (It's taken me thirty minutes after I was done to actually hit publish.) - Destiney Is Crying As She Writes This, And They're Not Tears Of Joy, Yet She Still Loves All You Lovelies And Hopes You'll Never Let Yourself Get Like She Is.

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