A/N (I swear Ill update soon)

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*gets on to check on some stuff because the phones a bit charged*

*checks out all the new updates from the books I'm reading and replies to comments I missed*

*decides to check reads because I'm bored*

*starts squealing, attempting and failing at being quiet because the doors open*

HOLY. FUCK. I started the 1k special not a week ago (even though I postponed it) and NOW WE'RE AT 2K LIKE HOLY FUCK HOW. I love each and every one of you who have commented, voted, followed, or read this book or me! I honestly never thought this book would get a hundred reads, as this shop was basically unheard of, yet here we are, at TWO THOUSAND READS. This is an actual ship now! I'm just so happy! I'm almost crying tears of joy I'm so happy!

Thank you all for being there when normally, if the things I wrote about happened, I'd have fallen into yet another depression. Thank you for making this a safe enough environment that I feel safe enough to share these things with you all. Thank you for giving me a purpose, one of which I was lacking.

(Story time starts here, you can skip if you don't wanna learn about when I first came here and shit.)

When I first came back to Wattpad, I'd finished research on all the things I was researching, and for a while, I was extremely happy and satisfied. But then the feeling of determination left, and I had nothing to do. So I started writing again. About things I liked, not things I was an expert at. And I loved it.

When I first made this account, I was nine. I had a now discontinued story about Skylox.

Then something happened that I'll explain later on because it's very personal, and I stopped writing. At first it was a day, and I said, 'Oh, I'll update tomorrow'.Then it was a week, then a month, and then almost a year. And I came back because I got tired of writing  Reader Inserts about Creepypastas. At first I didn't wanna write anything, or for people to even know I was back, but then I got tired of there being absolutely NO books or shippers out there besides me and the closest thing to reading or writing it was RPing with my Girlfriend, so I wrote a story. It was basically just a shitty prologue that I'd come up with the idea for, and probably wouldn't finish. But here we are.

Of course I had the rewrite of the discontinued story first, but I already had it all planned out to be a relatively short story.

Imagine my surprise when this book surpasses my most popular book on Quotev! I just want to thank you all again. You're amazing.
(Story time over)

Also! I have an idea for another MithRoss book, but I have to either finish a book or put one on hold to do it. So what do ya think? Should I finish he rewrite first, this first, or just put the rewrite on hold? Or should I come up with an actual schedule where I can have like 5 stories and update them once a week or so? Because I have plenty of ideas. Your choice!

And I'm going to continue the one week 1k thing soon, so if you have requests or questions or anything like that, still put them in the comments of either this or the other book. After that I'll update the cover and start a similar thing. So look forward to that!

Anyways, I'll leave you to whatever it is you do while I go watch YouTube and come up with story ideas. Bye! - Destiney Is Still In Awe

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