Chapter Three: Filler-ish/PlsReadTheAN

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Ross stared longingly out the window. He HAD to get back. It was almost Christmas! He couldn't leave them alone in Christmas. It wasn't right.

He felt tears well up in his eyes at the thought of missing a Christmas with his family. No matter what, they always agreed to put aside everything for Christmas. He couldn't break that tradition. It'd be a first he wouldn't let happen. He refused to let the tears fall. He sighed and sat at the bed, trying to take his mind off of things.

Pretty soon he heard a gentle knock on the door, and went to open it. It was Jerome. The Bacca looked almost devastated, and looked to be holding back tears. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asked, kneeling down and pulling the child into a warm embrace.

"I-I-I-" he tried to say, but burst out crying before he could finish.

"Hey, it'll be OK, c'mon." Ross said, standing back up with the Bacca still in his arms and shutting the door. He walked over to the bed and sat down, rocking back and forth in an effort to soothe him, which he'd picked up from his Mother.

"I-it was a b-bad dream....."

After a minute or two, Ross gently asked, "You wanna talk about it?" Receiving a small nod.

"Mi-itch didn't care about me a-anymore, and M-Mamma and P-Pappa were dead, a-and everyone h-hated me!" He said, bursting out into tears and sobbing into Ross' chest.

Ross sighed, knowing to just run his back and whisper comforting words from past experience with Seto and his panic attacks, and bad dreams/visions, which were a product of being a sorcerer.

Eventually the six year old stopped crying, falling asleep, which was what he'd expected. He decided against taking the kid back to his room, and instead, just tucked him in on his bed.

He sighed and shook his head in a futile attempt to clear his head. He couldn't figure out, why exactly good people got it so bad, while bad got so fucking wonderful. First his brothers, then his Mom, and now this poor kid.

He felt a sudden wave of anger pulse through him. He wasn't sure who he was angry at, though. Himself? The king? The government? He didn't know. He sighed, leaning against the foot end of the bed, and eventually drifting off.

A/N: (Important-ish) Hiya guys! Sorry this is so short, only around four hundred words. And I missed the Christmas Due Date! I'm so sorry. I thought I'd have free time to finish it up, and I'd have a huge chapter for the Christmas Special, but I failed. I'll have a huge chapter for a late Christmas Special, if you all still want it, but it'll be a minute. Anyway, if you all didn't know from the update thingy on my thingy, Updates will be a lot less frequent as I'm constantly deleting and redownloading the app so I don't get caught. Sorry. I'll try to still do it once every two weeks at least, but no guarantees. Sorry. -Destiney Feels Really Bad About Less Updates But Can't Help It

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