Holy fuck I'm Litteraly Crying Tears Of Joy

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Eight. Thousand. Reads.

Holy fuck.

I'm so fucking happy!!!!!!! I know this is getting old, and you all want a story and not me rambling about how happy I am and shit, but I can't help it!!!! I love this!!!! I love all the friends I've made, all the laughs I've caused, all the people I've made laugh, and every single one of you all!!!! I don't know what to do for 8K, almost 9, so give me suggestions????? I don't think I've ever been this happy. I have so many amazing people supporting me, so many new friends, an amazing girlfriend, and everything else that comes with writing this story!! I'm ELEVEN!!!!! Do you know how many eleven year olds have 8K FUCKING READS on a GAY FANFICTION of a completely NONEXISTENT SHIP?!? Not that many!!!! Today was shit, but coming home from feeling horrible and wanting to cry my eyes out (and doing so) to this amazingness makes everything so much he more bearable. I love you all. So much. Thank you.

Also I need the shit for the suprise tomorrow max!!!! No exceptions (maybe one or two)!!!!! MakiNishikinooo, that means you!!! And everyone else who's doing it of course. Anyways, I love you all, Lovelies!!! Thank you!!!! - Destiney Is Currently Writing A SetoXBajanCanaidian One-Shot And Is Questioning Her Life Choices

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