Chapter 27 Special Chapter Part 4/4: Hamara Pyaar (Our Love)

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Edit 12/03/2019: I highly recommend that you read my explanation of the promo and the future storyline to understand why I have decided to write this track in the storyline :) This explanation is essential to understanding Shivaay and Anika's characters and the storyline in the long run along with how Anika will become a stronger woman.

Cover Photo Credit: Pininterest

Edit: I posted a preview of the upcoming chapters for "Learning to Love Him Again" as the next update will be back on December 19, 2019.


Hi everyone :) I want to begin by thanking God for His blessings and all readers who have continued to read, support, and appreciate this story. Thank you for making this story trending all week on #13 on the "Ishqbaaaz" tag on Wattpad. This truly means a lot to me and thank you so much :) I want to thank all of you :)

Part 1 is the longest part and parts 2, 3, and 4 are quite short :) I have received a lot of requests from readers to increase the pace of this story, so this chapter was definitely sped up with a lot of things happening at once. Please let me know if you liked the pace of this chapter or if you would want the pace of the story to be a little slower.

I am not sure if you will like this chapter, but this chapter is really focused on a love confession and Anika's upcoming wedding sequence.

If you wish to encourage me to continue writing, then if you liked this chapter, if you wish you can upvote on this chapter.

P.S. I have just posted a new Shivika FF: "Our Forbidden Love" on Wattpad that explores a young Anika falling in love with a much older Shivaay Singh Oberoi during her sister and ex-fiancé's destination wedding.

This story is a rendition to "Learning to Love Him Again" as there are some similarities and big differences with a stronger Anika being the big difference. If possible please do click the link below and read this story :) Thank you :) I am still considering whether I should continue writing this story, so if possible please do let me know if like the concept once you read the story :)

P.S. I tried my best to balance Shivaay and Anika's point of view, but some parts of the storyline demanded Anika's point of view, so that is where her point of view is seen, but Shivaay's point of view will be seen in Chapter 28.


Part 4

Anika's Point of View

"Anika...All these years I tried to hate you, but I failed. I tried to justify my actions, but I failed. I failed in front of your love. My ego, my selfishness, my aggression all failing and becoming vulnerable to the love you gave me and I know the love that you still carry in your heart...I cannot stop thinking about you these days. Everywhere I go, I think only about you and what we could have been...Your innocence, your vulnerability, and your need to do good is enchanting and it has stolen my heart..." His words slowly unraveling my heart as it felt it pounding in excitement and fear. What is he saying? Where is this conversation going?

I leaned back against the wall as Shivaay traced his hand down to neck looking into my eyes intently. Old feelings reigniting as I found a buried love coming back slowly as Shivaay's words breathed life into it.

"Anika...I know you don't deserve me, but I want to heal you. I want to weave my dreams with you. I want to be the one who gives you happiness. You complete me. You make me want to live...Anika you have changed me...Your love has changed me Anika...Anika...I love you..."

The three words pausing time as I stood still shocked...lost thinking I had captured myself in a dream. The three words suddenly lighting my lost love in fire as it jumped back to life. Tears beginning to stream down my cheeks as I began to take deep breaths shocked and confused as I grabbed his arm pulling myself closer to him.


"Anika I love you. I cannot live a day without you Anika. I love you so much!" And in an instant he pulled me closely capturing my attention. My thoughts vanquishing as my heart skipped and fluttered as it became intoxicated with the knowledge that the man it loved the most in the world had finally given in. His words...his voice reflecting honesty as the cloud of darkness and manipulation appeared to vanquish from his eyes. His eyes reflecting the truth seen in the tears they formed.

My heart beating loudly as the lost love I had for him began to return in shattered pieces. The ache of betrayal mixed with an unforgettable, toxic love all returning back to me. The love that enchanted me and hypnotized me rushing back inside of me as I looked at him.

Happiness, joy, anger, confusion, and sadness all erupting inside of me at once as I did not know what to say or experience. Without saying another word, he grabbed the back of my head and captured my lips as I began to cry. His lips running against mine as I blubbered and I pulled him closely against me.

The pain over the loss of my love from years ago returning back in an instant as I kissed him deeply realizing that he had finally acknowledged my love. That he had finally realized his mistake and realized how much he loved me.

I don't what it was that pulled me towards him, but in an instant I allowed him to kiss me and I kissed him back. A set of various emotions erupting as passion, sadness, and anger from years over separation erupted between us.

Joy erupting inside of me as I realized that he finally loves me. That my love that I once had for him won over him. That a man like him fell weak to my love.

He deepened the kiss as I bit his upper lip as he moaned pulling me closer against him. Our lips sloppily running against one another as they tangled with one another and my tears that continued to run down my cheeks.

"I love you Anika...I love you..." He whispered against my lips as he began to kiss my cheeks as I felt his passion and love for me take over my soul. I closed my eyes as I buried my face into his chest taking in the moment.

He loves you Anika. He finally has given in. I smiled as I felt redemption realizing that even though the time has come late, he finally has realized what love is. He finally has weakened to my love.

But...Anika...isn't it late? The thought crashing my dreams as my eyes shot open as I felt Shivaay kissing the end of my jawline.

Anika...isn't it late? Isn't it too late now? Hasn't the time passed? Don't you remember about the promise? Don't you remember what you have promised to your parents? My body going numb as reality hit me bringing me down from reality.

What are you doing Anika? How low can you fall? Don't you realize what you are doing right now is a complete mistake? Don't you have any self-respect Anika? You will give into pleasure for a lost love...for a man who threw you out of his life in the middle of the night for money and power? How do you know that he is speaking the truth? How do you know if he knows the meaning of love?

Shivaay placed his lips on mines' as he began to kiss me as I loosely responded. My fear coming back in full force and overpowering me. Don't you dare give in Anika...don't you dare let this injustice happen. How can you allow him to do this to you? So what if he has shown concern for you since the past few days? How can you forget the years of injustice he did to you and they way he treated you? How can you even dare to hope that he will love you? Why were you expecting this and why are you happy now? This man doesn't deserve this. This man doesn't deserve to be let go of easily. This man doesn't deserve your can you allow yourself to be played by him since the past few days? Shame on you Anika!

Without a second thought, I pushed him letting go of his lips.

Shivaay suddenly stumbling back as he looked back at me appearing shell shocked from my sudden change in demeanor. I took a deep breath as reality hit me. Everything suddenly tumbling down...from the promise, to the confession, to the realization of how I have almost lost my self respect by being lost in the concept of love.

"What?! What happened?!" Shivaay yelled as he took a step forward as I took a step back holding my arm out for him as I kept a distance.

"Anika...what's wrong? Everything is finally coming together..." Shivaay argued as I sighed clasping my hands on to my cheeks as I wiped my tears bringing myself back to reality.

"Coming together?! What is coming together?! God, I am fool for even standing here and giving myself into you!"

"What do you mean?" Shivaay appearing taken aback as he took a step towards me.

"What do I mean? I mean the truth. I cannot believe I gave into my urge for retrieving pleasure by allowing you to touch me. I cannot believe I dared to even fantasize and ponder over the thought that you loved me before you confessed...I don't deserve this...I don't deserve any of this! I don't deserve you! Look at you!" I screamed as I threw my hands up in the air in frustration as my dupatta slipped off my shoulder suddenly falling down on a candlelight.

My eyes widening as soon the dupatta began to burn with fire igniting it. "Anika!" Shivaay screamed as I stood in silence not knowing how to react. My emotions numbing me and choking out even fear.

Shivaay grabbing my dupatta as he pulled it from my shoulder slapping the dupatta down on the ground. I began to cry as suddenly everything felt overwhelming.

He blew out the fire as I snatched my dupatta from his hands angrily.

"Anika are you ok?" Shivaay grabbed my shoulders as I shrugged him away.

"Leave me! Will you?!"

"Leave you? What do you mean? I love you Anika and you love me!"

"Love you?! Do you even deserve love Shivaay? Are you even capable of being loved and loving someone else?!" I screamed as Shivaay's eyes widened as he grabbed my hand pulling me towards him as I pushed him away.

"How can you say that? You love me and I can see it clearly in your eyes. I also love you Anika and now look we can be together and everything can be like it was before," He spoke clearly deluded.

I looked at him observing him and trying to think about what this man is made of and how low he can get. "How can you ignore everything and think that we can be together? How can you forget how you treated me? Huh? How can you think this Shivaay? Nothing can bring us together now...Nothing..." I whispered the last word as if I was speaking to myself and not to him, shaking reality into me.

"Our love can bring us together."

"A love that is dead..." I spoke as I looked at him. My love for him did resurrect, but it cannot live and survive knowing that there was a possibility that this same man would break it.

"Don't do this Anika. Please don't you dare do this. You cannot walk away from me. I cannot let you be someone else's Anika! I cannot let you be someone else's!" Suddenly he began screaming as his eyes turned bloodshot red with a crazy obsession being seen in him. Darkness overcoming him once more as his anger began to overpower him. He grabbed a vase suddenly throwing it against the wall as I screamed taking a step back feeling frightened. He took a large step towards the photo on the wall as he threw it on the floor shattering the glass screaming loudly.

"Stop! Stop this obsession right this minute!" I screamed as Shivaay grabbed the dresser throwing it down on the floor as I screamed again running towards the door.

"Obsessed! You think this is an obsession! This is love!" He screamed as I stopped holding on to the door handle as I looked back at him. His declaration stopping me and making me pause for a moment. I turned back towards him as I looked at him. The buttons of his shirt open as his hair appeared as a mess. He appeared as a man of love evident across his face.

"Love? If what you think is love then you are wrong...A moment ago I found joy realizing that the love I gave to you when I was your wife finally made you weak and vulnerable allowing you to fall in love with me, but...what I see right now is making me question you and your love? Right now what I see is an obsession...not cannot be forced and that is exactly what you have been doing since the past few days and I as a typical fool gave into you...but Shivaay Singh Oberoi, this time this game is not in your favor...this time these tricks will not work..." I paused as Shivaay stood still. My words putting him at crossroads and a deep sense of contemplation.

Without another thought, I opened the door and began to walk down the hallway. Shivaay's footsteps running after me as I quickened my pace holding the burned end of my dupatta in my hand as I walked ahead not wishing to turn back once.

"Attention! Attention everyone!" I heard the mic loudly go on speaker as I walked down the stairs with Shivaay following me. My eyes falling down at a crowd that surrounded Armaan who appeared to be in the center.

I looked at him confused as I made my way through the crowd looking at him confused.

"Um...where is Anika? Anika?" Armaan called out as I looked at him confused as I felt a sudden push behind me. Looking back I realized it was my mom urging me to move forward. I looked at Armaan with curiosity as Armaan smiled as he caught me in the crowd.

"There you are! Um...Anika can you come here please?" Armaan questioned as he grabbed my hand pulling me forward.

I looked at him utterly confused as he smiled and helped me sit down on a sofa in the living area.

"What's happening?" I asked as my voice still trembled from the screaming. My eyes wandering back to Shivaay who stood still appearing shocked and at a loss as he grabbed a glass of water from the waiter. He appeared in a sense of anticipation and worry as he looked at us.

"Um...Anika and I have actually been courting each other for a couple of weeks. The minute I met Anika, I had a feeling she would be the perfect woman for me. She is innocent, kind, and very relatable to me. I knew the moment I spoke to her and began to learn about her that she would make the perfect wife..."

My eyes widened as I heard the last phrase. What is happening? Oh no. I felt my chest tighten as I looked at him anticipating what was to come next.

"So...I have decided to take this relationship a step forward...I want us to move ahead together in life and so...Anika...will you marry me?"

My heart skipping a beat as I looked at him shocked. Armaan kneeling down in front of me as he opened the box with the ring in it.

My eyes stood still as they widened looking at the ring in front of me. My heart pounding loudly as conflicting thoughts soon erupted in my mind leading it to draw a blank. My hands sweating as I looked at the ring that he held in front of me.

"Choose me Anika." The statement continuing to repeat in my mind as I bit my lip clenching my fists tightly as I grabbed on to my dupatta nervously.

"Promise me that this time you will listen to us..."

Conflicting statements continuing to bounce up and down as they weighed down my heart pulling on to, ravaging it, and telling it to give in to someone else's power.

Anika, move forward and for once think about your happiness.

My eyes slowly moving up towards Shivaay meeting his eyes for the first time as he stood far away near the corner of the room. His hands drumming and tightly holding on to the glass as he looked at me waiting to hear my answer. His eyes showing a tinge of hope that for once I would give into him and listen to my heart...but the truth is my heart doesn't want to speak for him. It doesn't want to speak anymore longer and fight for a man who has always betrayed it.

This is your time Anika. Prove to Shivaay that you are worth more than he thinks. Prove to him that he doesn't matter to you anymore. Most importantly...Anika thinks about the promise you made to your parents. You cannot back away from your promise now...Anika listen to fate...your fate has been sealed already by your parents...I looked back at my parents smiling proudly with sheer joy...Don't disappoint them...don't repeat your mistake. Say it Anika. Prove your worth to Shivaay.

"Yes..." The word slipping out of my mouth and sealing the deal. Tears slipping down my cheeks as the crowd broke out in an applause clapping loudly around us. I felt the clapping as a taunt...a taunt at how I had signed by life off to a man I didn't even love, but I had to. I made a promise to my parents. I have already disappointed them. I have already betrayed them in the past. I can no longer do such.

Armaan smiled happily as he grabbed my hand slipping the ring down my finger. My eyes standing still as I looked at Shivaay standing in the back. His eyes full of tears as he looked towards me. An unusual ache seen across his face as he held the glass tightly. have lost your chance. Fate doesn't want us to be together. This is what fate has decided and it is for the best. We cannot turn time back and be together. It is impossible to do such.

Next on Chapter 28-30:

Anika's wedding sequence and Armaan's exit.

If you wish to encourage me to continue writing, then if you liked this chapter, if you wish you can upvote on this chapter.

P.S. I tried my best to balance Shivaay and Anika's point of view, but some parts of the storyline demanded Anika's point of view, so that is where her point of view is seen, but Shivaay's point of view will be seen in Chapter 28.

P.S. I have just posted a new Shivika FF: "Our Forbidden Love" on Wattpad that explores a young Anika falling in love with a much older Shivaay Singh Oberoi during her sister and ex-fiancé's destination wedding.

This story is a rendition to "Learning to Love Him Again" as there are some similarities and big differences with a stronger Anika being the big difference. If possible please do click the link below and read this story :) Thank you :) I am still considering whether I should continue writing this story, so if possible please do let me know if like the concept once you read the story :)

Edit: I posted a preview of the upcoming chapters for "Learning to Love Him Again" as the next update will be back on December 19, 2019.

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