Chapter 29 Part 1 of 2: Matters of the Heart

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I want to thank God for continuing to give me the courage to write. I also want to thank all readers who continue to read this story :) I had placed this story on a brief hold due to my confidence hitting rock bottom, but I want to thank all readers who reached out to me and gave me words to encouragement to continue to write. I want to thank all of you who encouraged me to write and all readers who have read this story and have led me to continue to write :)

I will not be leaving a lot of notes from now on for the next couple of chapters because I want the story and the characters to speak for themselves. I will say I find this as a filler chapter as the next 3 chapters are going to be the crucial ones in the story, so I am not sure if you will find this chapter interesting, but still thank you for reading :)

I will be replying to the comments left on the previous chapters. I am so sorry for the delay in replying back to all of your comments and messages :(

You may follow me on Wattpad and my Twitter account on JasmineDarcie

Edit: Twitter Account name: Iridescentlove4 made this amazing video based on this story all on her own by putting in a lot of hard work and using my favorite song with amazing Shivika scenes! She deserves a lot of appreciation from all of you because the scenes in the video are on par with the storyline and it is as if the story has come to life, so please please watch the video and appreciate her because she deserves it! :)

If you are not able to click the link then please do go on my Twitter account called JasmineDarcie to click the link for the video as I retweeted the video :) Thank you :)


My hands ran against the note as I sealed it shut placing it against my nightstand. Tears running down my cheeks as I stared at a picture of my parents feeling an ache in my chest with realization of what I was about to do.

"I am so sorry...I love you both, but then I love him the most. You have given me a roof and raised me with such good values, but then I have still felt empty Mom and Dad. A sense of emptiness and loneliness that even you both couldn't fill, but was filled by him...Mom and Dad love is what heals loneliness and somehow you both have cared for me, but I don't know if you both have loved me..." I whispered as I hiccupped placing the back of my hand against my lips as memories rushes back...memories of how my mother treated me...hit me...the physical and emotional...I stopped the thought as I bit into my lip grabbing on to my suitcase not wanting to remind myself of the bitter memories that I shared with my parents.

"I know what I am doing is wrong, but then...I have a right to my life and right with whom I want to be with...And I am sorry, but I tried my best, but you both just didn't want to listen to me. If only you both would've listened to me once," I muttered as I gathered my strength and rolled my suitcase opening the door.

I took a deep breath as I slowly walked towards my parents' room as I heard light snores. My hand trembling in nervousness as I twisted the doorknob slowly to catch a glimpse of my parents one last time.

As the door opened, I peeked through catching a last glimpse of my parents as they laid sound asleep. My heart breaking in an instant as I saw them with guilt falling down upon me. A sense of confliction erupting inside of me as I stood still watching my parents...What am I doing? Am I taking the right decision? Should I be leaving them? My eyes falling down to the engagement ring, Shivaay's ring, that I had slipped on to my finger tonight...a ring that is symbol of his love for me.

Should be leaving my parents for my love? Should I? I sighed as took a deep breath. Mom and dad have cared for me, but love? I don't know if they have ever loved me...they rarely have expressed it...discipline in the form of punishment is what they have always expressed...But, Shivaay...he has loved me with his entire heart...He cares for me. He makes me happy. He fulfills my emptiness...Most importantly, I can feel his love that I have never felt from anyone else, not even my parents.

Anika, fight for your love and take it...fate is finally being good to you, so don't let this love go. Don't let this love go.

I gathered strength mixed with a sense of determination as I looked at my parents once more before closing the door shut.

Placing my hand on my heart, I gathered courage as I grabbed my suitcase and picked it up slowly walking down the stairs realizing with every step I was moving a step farther from my parents and moving a step closer towards Shivaay.

I didn't want it to be like this, but if fate is finally giving me love then I have to choose it...I have a right to be loved and I deserve this right...Years of my loneliness can now finally be healed with love and that is what I will choose because I too am human. I deserve happiness. I deserve love.

Thunder screamed as I unlocked the front door. Stopping in my steps, I looked back at my home realizing this might be the last time I will see it. My eyes lifting upstairs towards my parents' room...I am sorry mom and dad...I made a small prayer before I took a step out of the door leaving home forever.

I dragged my feet down the steps as I looked ahead realizing Shivaay was standing across the street as he leaned against his car. His head immediately shooting up as he caught sight of me. My tears building up with happiness as I felt overwhelmed seeing him after days as my parents had forcefully kept me home for my engagement to Kunal.

"Shivaay..." I whispered as I quickly dragged my suitcase down the driveway. My pace quickening as I was scared that my parents just may come out of the door ready to take me away from him.

Shivaay smiling as he took a step towards me as I let go of my suitcase and without a second thought I leaped into his arms tightly wrapping my arms around his neck as he lifted me up.

Tears streaming down my cheeks as I began kissing his cheeks with a sense of restlessness as I laid my love upon him. My love erupting inside of me as it enchanted my soul setting off sparks.

"Anika...I love you..." His words immediately melting my heart and embracing me into his heart as he rubbed his nose into the side of my neck laying kisses on my shoulder.

"I love you so much Shivaay...more than anything...You don't know how I have lived so many days without you..." I whispered as he lowered me down to the ground as I buried my face into his chest hugging him tightly.

"I also couldn't live so long with you Anika...I am so glad you are here...I cannot believe you left your family for me..."

"Shhh..." I placed his hand against his lips stopping him from saying more.

Looking into his eyes, I found myself captured by the love they showed. His love making me untangle my own heart and its feelings as I spoke, "I love you so much Shivaay...You are everything to me...I know I have done wrong by running away, but then this heart doesn't want to leave you. This heart and its love for you has pulled me towards you and this love now will not let me live without you anymore...I love you..."

A soft smile appeared on Shivaay's lips as I felt his hand trace towards my cheek as I leaned my head into his hand.

"I promise to always love you Anika and now I will fulfill this love by making you wife...after which you will always be mine and only mine..." His words slowly unraveling my love for him as my heart lit up at the sound of his words...his promise...his words fulfilling a sense of emptiness within me, telling me that I was going to be alright and his love would always protect me and give me strength.

Shivaay leaned his forehead against mine as I looked at him shyly.

"Now let's get married..." He whispered as I smiled pulling him into an embrace.

Flashback Ends

The rain pondered against the window tapping lightly as I traced my hands against the raindrops breathing on to the cold glass.

Why didn't you fulfill your promise Shivaay? I gave up my world for you, but you didn't value my sacrifice once...Now you expect me to leave my parents again and forsake their decision for you? Perhaps, if I listened to my parents back then then I wouldn't have gotten myself stuck in a mess with you. I was a fool to have left my parents for you.

I can take control of my life and once again resist my parents, but I have done that before and due to that fate has been horrible to me as it has punished me for forgetting my parents' sacrifices and harming their pride and honor for the sake of love.

I had taken control of my life before and that decision harmed me, so how can I guarantee that if I resist my parents now that this decision will not harm me as well? But then this is so wrong. How can I marry Armaan knowing I was married to Shivaay before and then a few weeks ago we...this is wrong. Absolutely wrong, but then if I tell my parents they will likely resist my decision. I know them too well...whenever I have been disobedient, they have...I stopped the thought as I heard my phone ring.

"Hello Dr. Malhotra, we couldn't get hold of you on your pager, so we called you on your phone. Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi is expecting you at his office," The receptionist noted as I raised my eyebrow in curiosity.

"Expecting me?"

"Yes, he wants to meet you immediately." I sighed as I fixed my stethoscope hearing my pager ring once more as I grabbed hold of it.

"Well tell him that I am busy right now in the ER and I will not be able to meet him alright?" I replied as I hung up the phone without allowing her to say another word.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I quickly made my way back to the ER stuffing my paratha back into my lunch bag finally having lunch at four in the evening.

This is not the life I had wanted. I had a plan that I was going to graduate from medical school, complete residency, and then embark on my mission of serving others. I had a dream I would probably move to central valley or more north up and live on my own...finding peace in my loneliness.

My life wasn't supposed to get this complicated due to love...I never believed in the idea of love actually...until Shivaay came along. If only I had not given into this illusion called love...if only I had not chosen Shivaay as my life partner then life would've been easy.

Shivaay left me. I didn't leave me. So, why is he running after me now when I am moving on? Why is it that he has confessed his love for me when I am stuck in the worst mess in my life and I myself cannot think of a way of getting out of it? Does he even love me or what he calls love is something else...a sense of obsession perhaps...obsession with how he doesn't want someone to take his marked territory...after all I have always been like a piece of object to him.

Whatever it is, it doesn't concern me. All I know is that a sense of shame has become stuck to me since yesterday's proposal. Shame over the fact how I am going to marry a man from the same family that my ex-husband is from. The thought of it making me nauseous and disgusted with myself. I know this is against my values and morals. All of it...I did get caught in the heat of the moment to pursue a relationship with Armaan as a way to show Shivaay I was moving on, but I was wrong...I shouldn't have fully given into fate thinking fate decided this for me...I should've fought against this and I didn't, but now I will.

I have to do something to stop the wedding. I have to convince my parents and tell them that I cannot marry Armaan. I have to give one last try to this...

Suddenly, I felt someone grab my arm as I realized it was the nurse. "Dr. Malhotra, thank God you are here! We have a possible patient with a ruptured gallbladder." My thought vanishing in an instant as I ran towards the unit.

Shivaay's Point of View

Laying my head in silence against my chair, I looked out once more towards the rain as it hit itself against the glass windows.

She doesn't even want to see me...What has she become? Is her desire for revenge so passionate that it has even dominated the love she has for me? Is her desire to see me hurting and suffering in angst over not having her more important to her than the possibility that she can have me?

I don't know what I am going to do, but I do know that I have to stop the wedding. Anika cannot marry Armaan. She cannot. The truth is that I have a child with her and she was my wife, so how can I let her go and marry my cousin? She is mine. She is my love. She is the mother of my child and in no way will I let her go.

Anika loves me and I can see it in her eyes. I know I have wronged her, but I know only I can heal her wounds...Only I can heal her heart...Only I can love her and give her the love she deserves.

I have to do something to convince Anika to not marry Armaan. I could tell her about Chaaya, but then why will I use Chaaya as a pawn to stop her from marrying Armaan? I cannot use Chaaya for my own motives. Right now, is not the right time to tell Anika about Chaaya considering how convoluted and messed up everything is. I cannot drag Chaaya into this mess...she's too innocent...But then what else can I do?

I chewed on my lip as I pressed my temple. Lovers never give up. How can you give up once? Confess your love to her again. Speak your heart out...describe your love to her. You know Anika and know how soft hearted she is. She is not cold. She will listen to you and your love will string the cords to her heart. Give it a try. Be vulnerable to her and perhaps she will listen. Her soul will shake with your love.

A loud knock on the door immediately broke my thoughts as I turned in my chair immediately.

"Come in!" My eyes shot up as the door opened realizing it was Papa.

Papa? What is he doing here? He never comes to the hospital. "What are you doing here?" I questioned as Papa rolled his eyes as he closed the door shut and grabbed a seat in front of me.

"Good evening to you too beta," He replied sarcastically as I threw him a glare.

"I could ask the same about what are you doing here at the hospital today? Haven't you been at the headquarters for the past few weeks?" He questioned as I looked away towards the computer avoiding his questioning gaze.

Of course, I should be at the headquarters right now, but then I had to meet Anika today, so I brought up an excuse on how I wanted to check in on the hospital and ensure that the new processes we had implemented were working since the takeover.

"Um...well we just took over this hospital and its' important we keep check, so I decided to come in and make sure everything is going well. But, what has dragged you out of your company and here? Aren't you supposed to be dealing with a new deal on oil?" I asked as Papa sighed before sliding a file towards me.

"What's this?" My hand swiftly opening the file as I looked at it.

"Look I know you have been resistant lately with the idea of helping Om with his startup company, but I have a good idea in my mind...A great one actually. Wouldn't it be nice if we take over his company?"

My eyes widened as I heard the preposition from Papa utterly shocked at his flawed business idea. Slamming my chair back, I immediately leaned over the desk as Papa gulped appearing nervous as he could tell I was getting angry.

"What?! His company is failing! Do you even realize we might get a huge loss by taking over his company? Plus, how much do you want to expand Papa? We already are dabbling in different forms of businesses and this is too much. You know it as well. How are we going to handle this?" My temper clearly losing itself as I was utterly shocked.

Papa took a deep breath as he closed his eyes shut before opening. "I-I know, but look...Om is our own. I know I have taught you that never mix business with family, but...still Om has a family and he needs to secure a good future. So, we will incorporate this company into the Oberoi empire and then he can run the company on its own with our investments..."

I threw my head up in the air as I shook my head back and forth. "Let me guess...this was Om's idea and you agreed?"

Papa lowered his gaze looking guilty as he knew I had spoken the truth.

"What is the guarantee that this idea will work? Hm?"

Papa looked up at me as he slightly smiled. "Because you will be there to ensure he is on the right path. Look I know all of us are not getting along recently..."

"We never got along Papa. Never," I replied coldly as Papa shook his head.

"I agree, but...I am getting old Shivaay and you know that I will be retiring soon. You are going to lead this empire, but as a leader you also have to support Om because he is going to be your right hand when I will be gone," Papa noted as I looked at him. I don't know why, but his words made me felt unusual...It felt odd to hear him say that he might be gone. I have never gotten along with him and frankly I hate him, but still there is a sense of discomfort when I hear him speak in such way.

I sighed as I looked at Papa as he gestured towards the file. "Well bloody hell I should be the one who will lead this empire because you know how hard I have worked to bring it to such level and status..." I spoke as I sat down in my chair opening the file.

Should I help Om? Well, he has been rude, but then yesterday the way he supported me when I broke down was definitely something different. Perhaps, he would be a good right hand man as Papa says it. Sure, we have had differences, but then isn't it better to have less enemies in business and Om is my brother...I remember how Anika always told me to value relationships more than money, perhaps, I should listen to that advice today.

I looked up at Papa as he gave a smile shrugging his shoulders expecting my answer.

"Fine. I will look over this file. I will consider the takeover because indeed it will help Om. Now, may you please leave? I am busy right now." My voice sharp with a sense of command as it appeared to catch Papa off guard.

"What?" I asked curiously as I looked at him as he smiled.

Papa smiled as he looked into my eyes. "I can see myself in you Shivaay...that passion to get everything that you desire...that drive to fight for what you want..."

My eyes widened as I heard his words. Somehow disgust over whelmed as it was a bitter pill to swallow. "That is what I don't want. I don't want to be like you and I will ensure I am never like you." I kept my voice strong attempting to hide the disgust and shame over past memories...memories of how he was the worst father and the worst husband...he might have been as shrewd businessman, but he was the worst human being and perhaps he still is.

Papa stood still as my words appeared to have taken affect upon him. "W-What?" He questioned licking his dry lips.

"Get out. Business talks are done and over, so get out," I ordered as I got up pointing towards the door as Papa stumbled back. His gaze shifting away from mines' as I knew my words had brought a sense of guilt to him. Without saying another word, he slammed the door shut behind him as he walked away.

My hand trembled as memories rushed back...Quickly grabbing a glass of water I gulped it down as it had been long since I had remembered my childhood...I always remember the facts, but the emotions related to my childhood is something I have always blocked out. But, somehow those memories are coming back today...The tears and screams Ma and Papa would exhibit in their fights whenever Ma would catch Papa having an affair....the way I would sit in silence watching them as without shame they fought before me...The way Ma would drown herself in parties and forget about me and the rest of her children thinking we were just a symbol of her broken marriage...the way Papa would never look at us, but indulge in his affairs and the lust and greed for money...

I bit my lip as I took a deep breath feeling that sense of loneliness, bitterness, anger, frustration, and shame all hitting my once again...that I felt as a child...feelings that I have always buried within myself because that is the way to live, but then why am I so vulnerable today? Why am I feeling so alone today? Is it because I might just be scared...that Anika will also forever walk away and leave me to suffer just the way my parents did?...

I felt a tear drop down on to the table as I stared at it with realization that I was crying.

Anika, don't do this to me. Don't walk away like others did. Don't leave me... I am tired of being alone...I am tired of being brave....I am also human. I also have a heart. I know I have wronged you and even last night I treated you horribly, but then I don't know what I can do to keep you and win your heart...No one has ever taught me how love is won...In this moment, I just know that I cannot let go of you and I cannot let you let go of me...I love you Anika...And now I will do anything to have you.

Anika's Point of View

"Well thank God, we got a surgeon arranged for Mr. Jones and he is in surgery for the gallbladder. So, how is Mrs. Stafford? She was having cramps due to her pregnancy right?" I questioned Nurse Lily as I finished up documenting Mr. Jones' chart.

"Well, Mrs. Stafford's pains have decreased. We did an ultrasound and here is the copy for it," Nurse Lily handed me the ultrasound as I looked at it.

I smiled as I looked at the copy seeing a bundle of life. I ran my hand over the ultrasound seeing the baby did appear in normal position and no anomalies were to be seen.

"'s a girl..." I whispered as I felt my heart skip a beat. Chaaya's innocent face immediately appearing in front of my eyes. My reality slowly blurring as my mind jumped back immediately to the past. Her babbles...Her loud giggles when I would tickle her...Her innocent smile when she would fall asleep... I took a deep breath as I felt tears building up as I felt an unusual need to hold her once again in my arms even though knowing that I would not be able to as she is gone...she is dead.

"Dr. Malhotra. Are you ok?" I immediately snapped out of the thought as I blinked trying to stop the tears.

"Um...yes...I will go see Mrs. Stafford alright?" I remarked as I quickly grabbed my clipboard with the ultrasound and made my way through the nurse's station and towards the patient rooms.

I miss you so much Chaaya. I don't know why fate took you away from me...Why fate was so cruel is something that I still cannot wrap around my mind. All I know is that I still love you Chaaya and I will always love you. No one can ever replace you. No one. If only I could hold you once more...kiss you...tell you how much your mother loves you...

I knocked on the door as I peeked through the door as I saw Mrs. Stafford laying alone on the patient bed.

"Hi, Mrs. Stafford how are you?" I asked smiling as I tried to hide my tears and divert my attention.

Mrs. Stafford beamed with a smile as she lifted herself up from the bed rubbing her visible stomach that held a small bundle of life.

"I am good actually. My husband just walked out actually to get a snack," She replied as I nodded grabbing a stool as I sat next to her.

"Do you want me to wait until he comes or?"

"No problem you can tell me right is she ok? I have a feeling that she is husband just forcefully brought me here even though I knew she was ok to be honest," She said with a sense of confidence as I smiled quite taken aback as generally another woman in her place would have been quite scared and nervous by having false labor pains.

"Well, I guess a mother's instinct never fails them. Your baby is fine. These are actually Braxton Hicks or false labor pains as well call them colloquially. Um...she is perfect and looks healthy for a five month old," I said happily as I showed her a copy of the ultrasound as Mrs. Stafford smiled cheerfully.

"Braxton Hicks are quite common after four months of pregnancy, but it is still good you came to the ER since your Ob-Gyn was out of town for the veterans day holiday, but not a problem, I will definitely forward your notes to your OB alright?" I noted as Mrs. Stafford nodded.

"Thank you so much Dr. Malhotra. You truly are a kind soul. I mean I was slightly worried when I came here, but your presence and aura gave me an unusual sense of comfort," Mrs. Stafford replied as she grabbed my hand squeezing it.

I smiled and shook my head. "Not a problem at all. I am glad you are fine." I grabbed the computer in front of me as I quickly charted down a note.

"So, how far along are you in your pregnancy?" Her question immediately catching me off guard. My hands stopping against the keyboard as I felt my face flush red. My heart beginning to beat fast as a sense of fear came inside of me for some odd reason. A sense of confusion immediately erupting as I looked up at her puzzled.

"W-What?" I questioned curiously as Mrs. Stafford winked as she grabbed my hand turning it over as she appeared to look at my palm.

"Remember I said it's a mother's instinct that nothing would happen to my baby?" She noted as I looked at her seeing an uncanny, eeriness in her eyes. Her eyes showing a sense of secrecy...I felt goosebumps as she ran her hand across my bracelet and looked at my palm.

"Y-yes..." My voice barely breaking out as I suddenly felt a sense of discomfort in her presence.

"And remember how I said you have a good aura...that you are a good soul?..." She said as her voice lowered as I shook my head slightly still confused and puzzled.

"Well...I know you people who practice the sciences and medicine do not believe in such things, but I am gifted so you speak..." She whispered as I raised my eyebrow looking at her confused.


"Oh come on as if you don't know...I have a gift to read people and their lives..." She whispered as I suddenly shivered flinching as Mrs. Stafford smiled running her fingers over my palm lines.

" how is your pregnancy going?" She questioned as my eyes widened quite surprised by what she was saying.

"I-I am not pregnant...I mean it's impossible.''s complicated..." I whispered as I remembered my syndrome. Polycystic ovary syndrome to be exact...It's difficult to get pregnant when you have this syndrome which was why I was surprised when I was pregnant with Chaaya...indeed she was a blessing, but who was taken away from me too soon.

Mrs. Stafford smiled as she looked at me. " wasn't impossible the first time," She noted as I immediately looked up at her as I knew who she was referring to.

"Chaaya is her name right?" She whispered as my mouth gaped open in shock. How does she know? No one knows. No one except Shivaay and I. How does she know this? My mind began to spin as my hands began to tremble as I looked at the woman in front of me quite astonished by her.

Fear began to pump through me as the moment began to feel unearthly to me. Run Anika. Just run. My mind spoke.

"I-I should get going...Um...I mean will go get a flyer to talk about Braxton Hicks with you and how you can differentiate..." I immediately got up as Mrs. Stafford grabbed on to my hand not letting go of it.

"Usually I am not wrong. Take care of yourself and the pregnancy...I hope Chaaya is doing well as well..."

"W-What?" I stood dumbfounded as I heard her last statement. Chaaya doing well? Chaaya is not alive then what is she saying? I chewed on to my lip as I looked at her confused.

"She misses you a lot and tells her father that she wants to see you, so go see her ok?" She noted.

I felt my heart beating quickly out of my chest as her words began to choke me. A sense of mystification taking over me as I stood still feeling utterly lost and confused by her choice of words. What is she saying? Why is she saying Chaaya is alive?

I stood confused as I looked at her as I grabbed my clipboard immediately looking through it trying to see if any psychological diseases were noted, but none.

"I don't have a psychological disease," She replied happily as I gulped nervously looking up at her.

"Everyone knows me here in the ER since I used to frequently come when my father was sick and used to get seizures. Ask anyone and you will know who I am..." She said as I felt my hand tremble.

"Don't be scared alright? You are a good soul and I never say anything to good souls...You are a kind being...A broken being to be exact..."

"Broken?" I questioned curiously as she smiled.

"Yes broken and confused...Love has indeed mystified you and charmed you...You carry a broken heart, but always smile. You always think of others, but not yourself. You are selfless while everyone around you is selfish. People misunderstand you and they never listen...they think you are emotionally weak....but there is more to the picture..."

I stood still as I felt my body shaking as I felt she was speaking the truth. How does she know so much about me? She grabbed on to my hand and held on to it.

"You are strong for what you have seen in your life...abusive parents...betrayal..." My eyes widened as she revealed secrets that I myself have hidden that even I don't dare to think about...scared of the pain they will cause.

"It's nothing like that..." I whispered at a weak attempt to defend myself as she smiled.

"Well I say what I feel...don't struggle with all of these feelings on your own. You are strong...never think you are weak...He's a good soul by the way..." I looked at her bewildered as she gestured towards the door as I immediately turned around.

There stood Shivaay outside the door as he looked at me before looking away quickly.

"He's broken just like you...Your soulmate..." Her words stunning me as I stood still not knowing what to say or how to react.

My mind beginning to spin as I stood confused and lost with what just happened. What is she saying about Shivaay? How does she know so much about me?

Most importantly, how does she know about Chaaya? Is Chaaya alive? Is my Chaaya alive? I began to feel my breaths getting shallower as my legs began to tremble with adrenaline rushing through me. I quickly slipped my hand out of hers and grabbed my clipboard.

Chaaya cannot be alive...It's impossible. But, then why have her words affected me so much? Why do I feel that her words hold some truth? Placing my hand on my mouth, I looked up at her as she sat calmly not appearing fazed.

" will be back discharge papers...." I began to stutter and without saying another word I grabbed the door immediately dashing out of it. Fear grabbing hold of me as the moment itself become uncanny and ghostly

My shoulder brushing roughly against Shivaay's arm as I immediately looked up at him. His gaze matching mines' as I continued to tremble with fear. The uncanny moment getting to my nerves as I felt a cramp in my womb as I grabbed on to it. He's my soulmate? How can he be my soulmate? What was she saying?

"Anika...Anika..." I felt Shivaay's arm wrap around my shoulder as I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down. He wrapped me inwards towards his body as I laid my head against his shoulder finding myself weaken as I stumbled.

"Anika...sit down here ok?" His voice appearing to soften as I looked up at him seeing concern in his eyes. They didn't have the usual anger and aggression that are typically seen in them.

What is he doing here? I sighed as I pushed his arm off of my shoulder taking a step away from him. "What are you doing here?"

He took a step towards me as I stood ground. "To see you. I need to talk to you alright?"

Talk? What does he want to talk about? There is nothing to talk about. Considering our fight last night, I don't think there is anything left to talk about. His choice of words clearly revealed what he thinks of me, so there is no use in talking anymore.

Already, I am stuck in a mess and I cannot tolerate his rage right now because I know exactly what he wants to talk about and I know he is only going to yell and scream at me nothing else.

"I don't need to talk to you alright?" I began to walk quickly as Shivaay quickened his steps behind me.

Before I knew it, he grabbed my arm stopping me as I immediately looked up at him. His eyes showing command as he leaned closely towards me.

"As your boss I order you to meet me. Your shift ends in half an hour, so meet me in my office...Alright?" His voice lowered as he appeared to project a sense of dominance.

"If you don't come and meet me then I will create drama right here...Perhaps talk about our private matter" He threatened as I felt stunned by his statement. Quite shocked how he had the audacity to threaten me about talking about our private matter in public. This is so unlike him...he never did this.

Tightening his grip on my arm, he caught my attention as I looked up at him realizing how close he stood next to me. We stood an inch apart as he looked into my eyes in a threatening way, telling me that he was serious. Anika, just go or else he likely will create drama here. You can see it in his eyes. I looked around noticing employees looking at us as they walked past further fueling their suspicions.

I sighed as I looked up at him. "Fine. Just leave now will you?" I hissed as I looked up at him as I notice a small smile appear across his lips.

"Good. Meet me soon or I will be back here alright?" He noted as I shook my arm out of his grip and began to walk away.

I shook my head as a sense of confusion overwhelmed me. What is happening? How did he show up out of nowhere and then why did Mrs. Stafford say he is my soulmate? What is fate telling me?

How is your pregnancy? Mrs.Stafford's question jumping out at me as I felt a sense of fear take over me. Pregnancy? What pregnancy? I cannot be pregnant. It's near impossible for such to happen. The chances are so low...But then, I did...I paused the thought as I felt disgust touch me. No this cannot be true. I cannot be carrying his child...No...I felt my face heat up and turn red as I began to become anxious with just the thought of it. The thought that I might be carrying a child in my womb...a child who is a part of me, but also Shivaay's...

She must be referring to Chaaya...She has to be referring to Chaaya...But then why was she asking questions as she is alive? Chaaya cannot be alive...Never...But what if she is? What if she is here?

I felt a sense of hope arising inside of me as I made my way down the hall. A hope that perhaps my child would be Chaaya would be alive...

Stop it Anika. Stop raising hope knowing your reality...simmer down this hope with...your reality...a reality of being the mother to a child you have lost...

I slowly made my way to the nurse's station as I grabbed a seat at my desk.

"Dr. Malhotra? Are you ok?" Nurse Lily questioned as I grabbed my water bottle downing it quickly trying to shake myself back to reality.

"Let me guess...Mrs. Stafford made some crazy prediction," She said as she let out a small chuckle. My lips immediately letting go of the water bottle as I slightly choked on the water coughing it out.

"Wow, you look so pale Dr. Malhotra. She really got you didn't she?" She noted as she patted my back as I coughed out the water.

"S-She...what is she? I mean who is she?" I questioned curiously as Nurse Lily smiled leaning against the desk.

"She's just a gifted person...Not a phony I think considering this is not her profession. She actually owns a hardware store downtown, so she likely isn't a charlatan. But, she is gifted..." She noted as I looked at her puzzled.

"Gifted? As in what?" I questioned as Nurse Lily shrugged her shoulders.

"I honestly don't know. I have been seeing her for years when her father would come in sick. She always would walk the halls and stop people sometimes giving predictions. She is a bit peculiar, but she is quite nice and kind...She doesn't have any psychological disease. I mean she even went to a psychiatrist when she was young, but nobody could pinpoint her diagnosis at least so I have been told and what I have seen in her medical history."

I clasped my hands together looking at her curiously. Was she speaking the truth inside? I mean she doesn't know me at all, but then how did she know so much?

"H-How accurate are her predictions?" I questioned as Nurse Lily shrugged.

"I would say 50-50. I mean she is gifted, but it's not like she knows everything right?" Lily said as she giggled and grabbed a chart.

"Anyways, I can tell Mrs. Stafford got to you, so I will handle her discharge papers..." Nurse Lily said as I smiled.

"Um...I also had to advice her on how to caution for Braxton Hicks, but she began the predictions before I could get to the topic and then I kind of freaked out," I mumbled as Nurse Lily chuckled.

"It's fine Dr. Malhotra. I will advice her on it ok? Believe me you are not the first one who got fazed by her. Many employees do," Nurse Lily said as she walked away.

50-50? Hm...I chewed on to my lip curiously as I tried to ponder over her predictions. Perhaps, she is gifted as she knew so much about my life, but then her predictions? I don't know...Chaaya is not alive and that is the truth. I cannot allow a prediction to raise false hope in me even though in this moment I want this prediction to come true. I sighed as I took a deep breath.

Pregnancy...what about that Anika? I felt my heart thumping loudly against my chest as I stared into space. No it can't be...The chances are slim. It's not possible that I can be pregnant...Not possible...But then that night we were quite senseless. We forgot everything...but still I cannot be pregnant. Probably the symptoms I had for the last few days were polycystic ovary syndrome related.

But, then what if I am pregnant? I placed my head into my hands as fear struck me. No I cannot be pregnant. It's not possible. Absolutely not. It was just one night...What am I thinking? I shouldn't be thinking this type of nonsense.

I felt my body beginning to shake in nervousness as the thought began to loop my mind. My anxiety is getting the best of me. I should ignore this thought once and for all. I am a doctor and I myself know my chances are low then why am I thinking about it?

Do the test. The thought immediately erupting in my mind as I placed my hand on my heart panicking with the thought of it. No absolutely not. No way am I doing the test. I am thinking wrong. I am definitely on the wrong track. This is definitely just my anxiety working me up. Nothing else, just anxiety. I am definitely not pregnant.

Shivaay's Point of View

She should be coming soon. I should remain calm, cool, and collected in front of her. This my chance to express my love to her in a better way...Not the ideal spot, but still I have to speak to her and I have to try my best to convince her.

I know I am being impractical as how can she be convinced so easily after what I have done to her and how I have treated her love, but I do know that if I am genuine and if she see's that then she will come to value my love. I know I shouldn't be reaping the benefit of Anika's forgiving nature, but I do know she will forgive me soon and that she will accept my love for her.

I tapped my hand against the desk as I looked at the file for the takeover of Om's company. The company is in a complete loss, I don't even know how we are going to put it in profit.

Hearing my phone vibrate, I looked at it noticing it was from an unknown caller. Who can it be? I looked at the phone confused as I picked it up.

"Hello," I answered with a sense of coldness.

I heard the caller take a deep breath as he spoke with a deeper tone. "Shivaay Singh are you?"

I raised my eyebrow as I heard the unfamiliar voice on the other line as I couldn't recognize the individual. "Who is this?"

"It doesn't matter who this is...all what matters is that you fulfill a deal..." His voice appearing threatening as I raised my eyebrow quite confused by his statement.

"What deal? Are you threatening me?" I felt anger building up as I sat still quite taken aback by the caller's audacity to threaten me.

"We have photos..." The man on the line whispered catching me off guard as I got up from my chair. What is he talking about?

"What photos?" I questioned with curiosity as I felt there was more to the conversation that I was not gauging on to. I heard the man on the other line laugh as he sighed.

"Photos from that night..." My eyes widened as I heard the words slip out of his mouth. My heart beginning to beat loudly as I felt its pulse against the side of my neck. Anger beginning to slowly creep up from the stranger's threat.

What night is he referring to? What night could it be? It can't be...No. Absolutely not. I took a deep breath as I began to chew on to my curiosity.

"Wouldn't you ask from what night?" He hissed as I clenched my fists tightly.

"How dare you threaten me? Hm? Who the hell do you think you are?!" I screamed as I punched my hand against my table as he continued to laugh eeringly as if he was finding the thrill in the moment.

"Now, what's the use of screaming? What is done is done. If you love your pride and love that money and power you like to flaunt everywhere then send me money and you will get the original copies of the photos. Alright?"

I glared as I clenched my hand against the end of my chair. "What photos damn it?! I am not scared of you! Hm! Why will I give you money?! Don't give me such baseless threats alright?!" And in an instant I slammed the phone shut.

Anger dashing through me as I pressed my hands against my temples feeling outraged at that stranger's audacity to threaten me without any reason being. Who is he? And how did he get my number? Well...whoever it is...they do not know they are playing with. No one can threaten me like that and walk away.

His threats are probably baseless. Likely baseless after all no one was there that night except some media and they never got pictures, well clear pictures of Anika at the beach...I am just overthinking everything. This man is probably a fraud who is trying to make money off of me. But, it's alright, I will trace him...No one can get away from me...No one.

Anika's Point of View

I drummed my fingers anxiously against the elevator doors as it made its way to the top floor where Shivaay's office was. I closed my eyes shut as I tried to tune out my anxious thoughts that were running wild inside of me.

My hand somehow placed on my womb as it felt odd to me. It didn't feel empty...that emptiness of not having a child appearing to be gone...Something feels different and I know I shouldn't be overthinking, but that woman's prediction has been running through my mind ever since I have encountered her.

Pregnancy?...There can't be a pregnancy. I mean Chaaya was my only pregnancy and she wasn't conceived easily then how can I be pregnant so fast? It's just not possible...The chances are low...not extremely low, but low.

I placed my hand on my mouth as I felt anxious in the elevator finding myself suffocating in the four walls and in my thoughts as well.

Fate cannot do this to me. I mean I know I sinned, but for one sin I cannot get such a large punishment...Already fate and my own actions have both messed up my life and if it is true that I am pregnant then I cannot even think what I will do. I am already in a huge mess and I don't even know how I am supposed to get out of it.

I sighed as I ran my hand through the pink pastel colored long coat I wore as I found myself warming up in it as I tugged on my shirt trying to get air. The elevator doors opening as I took a sigh of relief quickly walking out of it as I held on to my tote bag tightly.

I cannot be pregnant. Absolutely not. God, I cannot even imagine the idea of giving birth to Shivaay's child. Chaaya of course was a blessing and at that point I hadn't realize Shivaay's truth, but now knowing what he is and who he is, I cannot digest the fact of giving birth to his child.

Running my hands through my hair as I felt suffocated in my angst, I made my way towards the receptionist that sat in the front.

"Um...Hi...Mr. Oberoi wanted to see me," I noted as the receptionist looked up from her computer.

"Yes, he is expecting you in his office. I will lead you the way," She noted as she got up walking me down the path of cubicles as I noticed certain heads turning towards us. A sense of curiosity seen in their eyes as they looked at me.

They probably still are suspicious about Shivaay and I. Of course, they would be considering the rumors in the media about the both of us. They would obviously be suspicious why their boss would personally call a medical resident to his office. Anyone would. Honestly, Shivaay doesn't give a damn about anyone in this world except himself and his needs and desires. He doesn't care what his employees would think of me because why would it matter. Not one of his employees would dare to look at him with a questioning gaze or directly comment on his relationship status with his employee since he is their boss. However, considering I am an employee, I would obviously get the questioning gaze by other employees. It's my image that gets affected not his.

The receptionist knocked on the door as she peeked through it.

"Um...Mr.Oberoi, Dr. Malhotra is here to see you," She spoke as I stood behind her patiently.

The receptionist smiled as she opened the door for me as she gestured me to go in.

"Thank you," I whispered as I took a step forward into his office.

I stopped in my tracks as I looked up seeing him. He sat still leaning back in his chair with his foot over his other thigh. His fingertips running against his lips towards the end of his chin as he looked at me appearing to observe me.

The door suddenly shut behind me as I looked back realizing the receptionist had closed it. Now it was just only the both of us. Only us and silence.

My eyes followed their way back to him as I turned seeing him sitting still at his desk appearing to gather his thoughts. He hasn't changed one bit. There is a sense of fire in his eyes, but somehow he hasn't changed in years. Somehow, in that moment, I began to admire his features. I know I shouldn't. I shouldn't be looking at him in this way, but somehow I am. I am finding myself complimenting his jawline, his blue eyes, that aura of dominance that he has that I somehow endear even though it is wrong to...Stop Anika. Focus. Focus alright?

Suddenly, I felt a sense of déjà vu approach me with realization how this was the exact thought I had in mind when I met Shivaay months ago in this exact office...our first meeting all alone after the divorce.

What is happening? My eyes fell back towards Shivaay as a small smile appeared to play across his lips. Immediately he pushed back the chair as he got up trailing his hand against the desk as he made his way towards me.

I stood still as I looked at him confused trying to figure the reason behind his silence. He made his way towards me eventually closing the distance between us both.

"You're wearing the same color when we met alone a few months ago..." He spoke as I looked at him confused looking down at my coat and my shirt realizing they were pastel pink just like the dress I wore that day when I met him in his office.

How does he remember? I looked up at him puzzled he continued to smile. Suddenly I felt his hand wrapping into mines'.

"W-What are you doing?" I questioned as I tried to snatch my hand out of his, but failing as he tightened his grip on it. His eyes set still on mines' as I looked into them trying to figure what he was thinking, but failing to see anything as his eyes appeared cold, but ignited with a sense of madness.

Without a second thought, he began to walk dragging me towards a brown colored sofa chair. In an instant, he pushed me down on to the chair as my back hit the back of the chair. Strands of hair falling on to my face as I pulled it back puzzled by his reaction and frankly angry as well.

"What is wrong with you? Huh? How dare you push me like this? Who are you to treat me this way?" I questioned angrily as I furrowed my eyebrows looking up at him expecting him to say something, but realizing he has pursed his lips tightly.

He stood still towering over me as he appeared to take deep breaths with a sense of nervousness appearing across his face. I don't know why, but the way he stood tall without saying a word is inciting fear inside of me. The way he appears nervous, but at the same time appears to hold a sense of madness scares me. My mind flashbacking to last night as I remembered our argument and the way he was madly yelling...I gulped nervously as I held on to my bag besides me feeling scared.

I felt him take a step towards me as I flinched inching back into the chair. In an instant, he dropped in front of me as I yelped suddenly taken aback. My eyes widening as my heart began to beat quickly with a sense of surprise as I saw the vision in front of me.

His knees hitting the ground as he lowered himself in front of me. His head slightly lowered as he knelt in front of me. A sense of vulnerability appearing to overcome his aggressive, dominant demeanor. His eyes lowered as I noticed tears running down his cheeks falling on to his lips which quivered.

I sat in shock as I looked at him. He is kneeling in front of you Anika...He is kneeling in front of me. Oh my God.

My world immediately spinning as I couldn't realize what I was seeing in front of me. The Shivaay I know would never do this. Never. He would make the world kneel to him, but he would never do this.

What has happened to him? Without a second thought, I immediately grabbed his shoulders as he lifted his head up looking at me. My heart breaking in an instant as I saw his eyes full of unusual obsession as well in how he looked at me.

"Shivaay...please don't do this. Get up..." I spoke as it felt odd to see him like this. I felt odd in having him kneel in front of me in such way.

Suddenly, I felt his hands wrap around mines' as he took them off his shoulders and laid them in my lap. My hands immediately flinching as he entwined his fingertips into my hands.

I lowered my gaze as I looked at our hands perfectly laying against one another. His teardrops falling on to the palm of my hands...his tears making me feel a sense of angst.

"S-Shivaay...please get up...please..." I whispered as he looked up at me.

"N-No...Anika....I deserve to be here at your feet. Anika...I have wronged you so much. I have betrayed you. I have hurt you. I have broken you..." His words touching me minute by minute bringing back hurtful memories-memories that I did not want to face. Tears slowly streamed down my cheeks as I felt a sense of agony come back.

I felt Shivaay staring at me as he squeezed my hand. "Anika...I am so sorry. I know I have committed a sin that can never be forgiven. But, still I am sorry..." I felt his hand lightly brush against my cheek wiping my tears away as I looked up at him. His eyes reflecting a sense of guilt that I hadn't seen before.

Perhaps, he is guilty and ashamed of what he has done, but then can he bring back what he stole from me? Can his sorry do such? "Do you even realize what you have done? Hm?...You stole everything from me Shivaay. You stole my purity. You stole my innocence. You heart...breaking it without any regrets..." I looked into his eyes attempting to make him listen to me.

Wrapping his hands around mines' he pulled them as he leaned his head against them. I sighed shaking my head not wanting to indulge further in the conversation.

"I know I began our relationship as a trap, but...Anika...I don't how to say this, but when you told me that you were pregnant with Chaaya...something changed..." I immediately looked at him confused by his statement.

"W-What are you saying?" What does he mean? What changed? I tried to go back in my memory and remember the moment when I told him about Chaaya...a day after a big argument we had...I remember how I had decided to walk away as I was tired of the fights, but only staying back once I found out I was pregnant...Did he do the same?

"I-I couldn't leave you when you told me about the pregnancy. I walked into that room that day to leave you and end everything, but then I couldn't...I had to stay for my child...our child..."

What? He was going to leave me that day?...But he didn't for Chaaya? I looked at him quite confused. Is he being honest? Did he really stay back for Chaaya? He actually cared...

"Anika...I wanted our child to have a normal family and after I found out I did everything possible to make us work...and...I cannot say more...." He stopped as he appeared hesitant. His eyes lowering as they moved back and forth with a sense of contemplation.

His words sending shockwaves through me as this was something new. The statement itself shocking as I never knew he stayed back for Chaaya and that he was trying to make the marriage work. Is that why he changed during my pregnancy? He did change didn't he? I began to knock at memories as I began to remember how somehow the fights decreased and how he did begin to change...

Shivaay's touch catching my attention as I felt him caress my cheek lightly as I laid my cheek against his hand looking into his eyes attempting to see if he was speaking the truth.

"Please do not think that everything that we had in our marriage was a lie...not all of it was a lie...Not all of it..."

"Then why did you leave?" The question slipping out of me. A question that I have had for years...knowing part of the answer, but still feeling that it was incomplete.

Shivaay bit his lip as he looked into my eyes appearing to want to say the truth, but stopping himself. " know why I left you. It's a bitter truth that even I cannot say, but know that it is the truth..."

I smiled lightly immediately feeling a sense of hope breaking down....hope that for once he would've given a different reason.

"So you left me for money...huh?" I said as I let out a small chuckle at my foolishness. How could I even think he would've left me for another reason? How could I even think there was a bigger reason? How could I? I am such a fool.

Shivaay sighed as he wiped his tears holding on to my hands tightly as I began to cry. The moment overwhelming me as a sense of hope had been lost. Moreover, confusion also becoming a bitter pill. I don't get it. He was going to leave me, but then he didn't for Chaaya. In fact, he tried to make us work, but then later after....I stopped the thought remembering the moment I lost Chaaya. The memory of that moment getting to me as my thoughts stopped.

I lost Chaaya...I lost a piece of myself and then he also left me?...For money? He left me at my worst days after Chaaya...passed away....Oh my God...I cannot believe it. I cannot believe that he stooped this low...he left me at my worst and now he expects me to come back to him?

Placing my hands against his lips, Shivaay caught my attention as I felt his lips brush against my hand sending a shiver down my spine. I sighed trying to not given into his touch that appeared passionate... I looked at him shaking my head signaling that I didn't want to listen anymore because it was too painful to hear the truth...that he left me for money...

"Listen to me...." He whispered as I leaned my head against the cough shaking my head wanting to escape the moment.

"I don't want to listen...Why don't you understand? I don't want to listen..." My voice coming out as a whisper as I felt him kiss my fingertips, imprinting comfort on it as I tried to stay strong not giving into his moment of seduction attempting to snatch my hand away from him.

"Listen...please..." He begged as he still sat on his knees.

I slowly looked back at him leaning forward as he looked into my eyes. His plea somehow catching on to me and making me want to listen.

"Anika...I know I was my worst when I left you, but the moment I left you was the moment that my love for you began....It ignited. I was in denial all these years, but I would be lying if I said I didn't think of you..." His eyes reflecting a sense of truth as I looked into them. A sense of hope that I previously lost weeks ago coming back...hope that somewhere our marriage was real...Did my love really affect him? Did he really begin to love me all these past years?

The palm of his hand lifting my face up looking directly at me capturing me. "The moment I saw you, everything came back. All the memories...even the ones in which I was 'trapping' you or 'playing' you because perhaps even then when I thought I was playing with you, I wasn't...I didn't rehearse the words I spoke...what slipped out of my mouth was in the moment because I don't know made me so vulnerable....and still do...and I guess that is what love is makes one vulnerable..."

I bit my lip holding back tears as I began to remember each and every moment we spent with one another. Each moment I questioned somehow now appearing real. His words giving me peace that perhaps not everything was a lie...perhaps the whole marriage was not a lie.

His eyes indeed reflect vulnerability...His words reveal vulnerability. He has never been so open with me the way he is being right now. He never shows vulnerability and some how he is today.

"Anika, I know I have hurt you. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. I know you deserve a better man than me, but I love you Anika. I love you so much. I will lay this world at your feet. I will give you so much happiness that there will be not a tear in your eyes. I love you so much Anika. I love you more than anything. There's not a minute when I don't think of you. I find peace in you. I find life in you. I want you. I need you because I love you..."

Without saying another word, he wrapped me into his arms as I began to cry. I don't know why, but the simplicity of his words somehow broke down the barriers I held inside of my heart. My heart somehow crying as it found peace knowing that somehow his love might have been real all these years...that somehow all the memories were not a lie...that he might've loved me and he just failed to realize it.

Why is this so hard? Why is it so hard to let go him despite knowing how he has treated me? Why is it that his proclamation of his love for me is breaking me down into pieces?

I felt his lips run against the side of my neck as he kissed the spot trying to comfort me as I continued to cry burying my face into his neck finding comfort in its warmth.

But Anika...he betrayed you...what about that? How can you just give into his words...You shouldn't be vulnerable.

Indeed, I shouldn't be vulnerable. I don't love him. I can never love him considering what he has done to me. In fact, I can never love anyone as he has rendered me incapable of doing such. I don't love him then why am I crying?

Keeping the thought in my mind, I immediately pulled myself out of his hug slipping his hands off of my back. He looked at me confused as I clasped my hands against my cheeks attempting to gain control of myself.

" cannot expect love from me...A broken heart cannot love again...What you have done can never be forgiven. Never..."

Shivaay grabbed my hand once more trying to gain my trust. "Anika listen to me-"

"I don't need the world Shivaay. I don't need materialistic things to make me happy. What I need is someone who I can trust. Someone who can protect me. Someone who can be my strength. And may claim your love for me, but one thing is true that you haven't changed, so how can your love be any different?" I questioned as I began to trace memories to how he would go in a fit of rage, just like last night. How in the moment he would forget about my pride or honor and continue to make me feel the worst for his sadistic pleasure...He hasn't changed.

"What do you mean?" His eyes darkening as he tightened his grip on my hand as I stood still seeing a sense of ego and anger creeping up in him. I slightly smiled realizing that I was correct.

"This is what I mean. The moment I question your love, anger and ego come up inside of you. Your love is this Shivaay. Your love isn't selfless, kind, comforting...Your love is rage. Your love is this selfishness that you have...I don't even know what you are labeling as love is love just as I said last night...I want to believe you that perhaps the entire marriage was not a lie, but then...what will that do? Will time turn back on us? Will it change the fact that you betrayed me? Will you make me learn to love again considering you have rendered it incapable of doing such? Will my heart be able to take you back? No. The answer is plain and simple Shivaay...No."

I slipped my hand out of his as reality shook me hard. My reality....the one in which I know that Shivaay and I can never turn back time and be together again...the reality in which I know that Shivaay's love can never be pure...

"Anika...why don't you understand? I will become the way you want me to be. I will change for you. I will do everything to be the man that you want, but for once just allow me to love you Anika...please...Once I will love you then you will learn to love me again..." Shivaay lowered his head as he appeared to beg for mercy...something that I cannot give him. Moreover, how will his love make me love him again? His love is not pure...what he calls love is likely not love.

"Only God can give mercy...If you want to change then change for yourself and for God, but not me...Be a good man for once." I felt a chill go down my spine as the words slipped out of my mouth...The feeling unusual as Shivaay looked up at me with the comment somehow creating a sense of confusion inside of him...he appeared bewildered by it.

I smiled realizing he hadn't understood what I said. "This is who you are Shivaay...this is the man you are that I saw last night...You make claims, but never fulfil them. Just now you said you will change, but then when I said change for seemed lost...My statement was foreign to you. And you know why that was?..."

Shivaay raised his eyebrow looking at me as he held on to my hand.

"Because you yourself don't know what makes a good man. You don't know what is the path of goodness or righteousness. Your love will always be tainted with ego, selfishness, and a sense of aggression until you change yourself..."

A sense of silence fell upon the both of us as we looked at one another. No words, but just thoughts...feelings...full of anger, sadness, and I don't know what I am supposed to feel right now. I don't know if I should be full of joy knowing that the man I loved selflessly may just have begun to love me or whether I should be sad and angry because of his betrayal that still irks me and has made me incapable of loving someone. I just don't know.

Slipping my hand out of his, I slowly got up as Shivaay immediately got up from his knees grabbing on to my arm immediately turning me towards him.

"Then be with me. Be with me and teach me how I am supposed to me the path to being a good man...Choose me Anika. Love me..." He hissed as he pressed me closer towards him leaning closer against my ear as I felt his warm breath against it.

"I did choose you. I did love you. I tried my best to change, but also to change you...what happened?" I looked into his eyes as he appeared tongue tied by my statement. I smiled as I snapped my fingers in front of him.

"Nothing." I let out a small chuckle as Shivaay pulled my closer towards him as I attempted to push his hand off of my arm.

I felt him breathing hard against my ear as he appeared to stumble upon my words. "I don't get it. Why isn't my love affecting you? Why aren't you listening?" He let out a trail of questions revealing his puzzled mind over how I was behaving. I smiled immediately looking into his eyes seeing his confusion...speak Anika...look him in the eyes and speak your truth.

"Because that love is long gone. I don't have the will to love anyone again...not even you. How can someone's love affect my broken heart?" I whispered feeling angst curling up inside of me feeling emptiness and hallowness in my heart that was shattering moment by moment with realization how it was unlovable.

"Anika..." He whispered as I lowered my gaze not wanting to say more as why would I? Why would I show vulnerability to him considering how he has treated me?

"Don't do this Anika...don't. If you cannot love anyone then why are you marrying Armaan? Hm?"

My eyes widened as his question struck me. Armaan is someone who is forced upon me. If I had a choice then I would have walked away and perhaps I might just do that now. I was a fool to think I would move on, but now I know that I cannot move on. I am stuck between Shivaay and my future...I cannot walk back to him nor walk away towards the future. Somewhere my broken heart is not allowing me to do anything, but it has just frozen me in time.

"I don't owe an answer to you."

"Are you taking revenge from me?" He questioned as I bit into a smile realizing how his claim of loving me is likely false if he thinks I am taking revenge from him. If he knew me, he would know I am not like this.

"Think whatever you want to think. But, please leave me alone. Please..." I snatched my arm out of his hand holding on to my purse as I made my way towards his door.

"Anika stop!" He called after me as I made my way towards the door as he continued to yell after me and suddenly I heard a loud crash behind me.

My feet stopping in midair as I suddenly felt glass bursting into pieces and running after my feet. My eyes immediately turning back towards him as they widened seeing glass shattered everywhere across the spread out from the broken vase.

Shivaay trembling as rage had gotten to him fast. He looked straight at me with piercing eyes and without a moment's thought he stepped on the pieces of glass making his way towards me as I stumbled back feeling fearful...scared of what he might do as I felt goosebumps.

In an instant, he pushed me against the wall holding on to my shoulders tightly as I slammed my hands against his chest trying to push him away feeling his rage being breathed upon me as he looked straight into my soul with a sense of darkness.

"Don't you dare walk out on me! Do you hear me?! Why don't you understand that I love you?!" He screamed as I jumped back feeling freaked by his sudden scream.

I attempted to push him as he resisted holding on to my shoulders tightly. "Let go of me! You have gone mad!" I yelled as I dug my elbow into his stomach as he stood still not flinching once holding me firmly against the wall as I tried my best to resist him.

"Listen to me once alright," He ordered as he leaned closely attempting to get my attention as I resisted him. His eyes speaking fear as rage began to take over. I stood still not knowing what to do as he began to lean closely towards me. His face inching closer minute by minute as my gaze lowered feeling fearful of what he may do. He breathed loudly as I felt his breaths fall upon my face...touching the locks of my hair. I lowered my head as I felt him lean closer with his lips barely touching the side of my ear as they appeared to quiver against it.

"Look can come back to me in a nice, good way...A way in which you accept my love, allow me to love you, and then spend your life with me as Mrs. Shivaay Singh Oberoi..." My head immediately shooting up, stunned by his statement...Mrs. Shivaay Singh Oberoi? What? Is he considering the idea of me becoming his wife? What is he saying? I stood shocked as I looked directly into his eyes finding a sense of determination inside of him as he smiled...a dangerous smile that raised goosebumps inside of me. My stomach beginning to flip flop at the thought of it...No. This is not can he even think of it?

"Or you will come back to me in a way that will not be good..." He hissed as I raised my eyebrow confused trying to gauge on to what he meant as a small smirk played across his lips. Somehow, his statement held darkness...a sense of evil that I didn't want to know...

"Either way you will marry me with your will, but...I will say the not so good way will involve our truth being revealed..." He hissed against my ear immediately initiating fear inside of me.

My eyes widened as I heard the threat. Last night he had said the same and now he is saying it again. Is he really being honest? Will he really do that? I looked into his eyes seeing a sense of toxic evil inside of them as he smirked. Fear beginning to jump inside of me as I couldn't even imagine what would happen.

No. He cannot do this to me. He can never do this to me. Absolutely not. Never.

"You cannot do that...The truth will not only hurt me, but you as well. You are just bluffing," I spat as Shivaay let out a small chuckle shaking his head back and forth.

"I never bluff Anika. I am saying this for your benefit. Wouldn't it disgust you to become the wife of your ex-husband's cousin? I mean honestly Anika....doesn't it disgust you that you slept with your now fiance's cousin who was your ex-husband?"

"Shivaay!" I yelled as Shivaay threw his head up in the air as he began to laugh. Slowly turning his head down towards me as he looked at me up and down as I pulled my coat tightly around me feeling uncomfortable.

"Then if you don't want to face will break off the proposal. Do you understand Anika? Do you?...I will ruin you. I will do everything to destroy you Anika if it means to have you. You have seen my loving side just a few moments ago, but you also have seen what happens when I go rouge and set my eyes on something that I want...So, go home now and call off the engagement that you have tomorrow..." His words having a sense of command as they irked me, making me feel uncomfortable, but also scared...I could tell his words held some truth. Somewhere, I felt he was telling the truth.

What mess have I gotten myself into? What am I going to do? One side is my parents' promise and the other side is this man's threat...I also want to call off the engagement considering its disgusting to be with my ex-husband's cousin, but then my parents are not going to agree...They will never agree...I have seen what they could do...But, then I also know Shivaay and once he becomes determined to gain something or do something then he will do it...

I began to feel my head spin as I felt my womb cramping up again as I placed my hand on it closing my eyes shut. My body quickly going off balance as I tried to hold myself in place.

"Anika..." I heard Shivaay's voice as I took a deep breath leaning against the wall as I began to feel nauseous. My lunch slowly rolling its way up as I tried to lean my head back taking deep breaths. My eyes falling towards Shivaay who stood confused as he took a step towards me placing his hand on my shoulder. I felt a tinge of anger as I slapped his hand away.

"Just move will you!" I yelled at him as I pushed him away lightly trying to gain space to breathe.

I took a small step feeling dizzy as the world began to spin in front of me. My heart beating loudly as I felt myself go pale. A sense of anxious mixed with fear began to overcome...fear of a pregnancy. Cramps, nausea, I cannot be pregnant. I cannot. I tried to convince myself as my eyes fell on the shattered pieces of glass on the ground as I looked up at Shivaay...

No. This man cannot be the father of my child...Absolutely not. In no way am I pregnant. I took deep breaths as I opened my tote bag quickly drinking water from my water bottle as some of it fell on to my mouth. My hands trembling as I quickly wiped my mouth dry as my mind began to spiral with fearful thoughts of what might just be happening to me. Shivaay and my child?...No. Absolutely not.

"Anika are you ok?" He questioned walking up to me as I furrowed my eyebrows angrily looking at him considering he was the cause of the most stress in my life...first this confession of love, then his threat, and now the possibility he might just have a fathered a child with me...Oh my God...the thought of it just sending chills down my spine. Just leave Anika. Walk away. Just walk away and think of what you will do. Only you can clear this mess. Just try for once, my inner conscience urged.

"Just shut up alright!" I yelled as he looked stunned by my outburst. He appeared puzzled considering he always has thought of me as a weak person, but no he is wrong. I am just a woman of patience, but it doesn't mean I am weak.

I threw my water bottle back in my bag and without saying another word I grabbed the door open walking out in an instant as I heard him call after me.

As I shut the door, I quickly turned around only to encounter wide eyes as some employees appeared to peer over their cubicles. Whispers running around as I could tell they likely heard what happened in his office.

I felt flustered as I quickly turned only to see Priyanka standing in front of me with wide eyes as she appeared stunned. Oh no. I hope she didn't hear everything...This is so embarrassing. I placed my hands on my cheeks trying to hide the fact they had completely turned a deep shade of red.

Priyanka slowly made her way towards me as she appeared puzzled. "A-Anika...what was that?"

I lowered my gaze not knowing what to say as I didn't know what exactly to say.

"Why were you both screaming and I heard glass shattering as well...I mean what is going on?" She appeared utterly confused as I looked down feeling ashamed of the fact how I had just become a mockery in front of so many people. Shivaay loves this. He loves to make me look like a fool in front of everyone and today he succeeded again.

"Um...nothing. I have to go..." I mumbled and without saying another word I began to walk down the row of cubicles feeling everyone's gaze at me as I continued to hear whispers. This is awful. All of it. I cannot believe he would do this to me...why is he so adamant on making my life miserable day by day? What pleasure does he get from this?

As the elevator doors opened, I made my way in placing my hand on my temple feeling overwhelmed by the day's happenings as I began to cry. What have I done? What mess have I created? I looked at my hands staring into the lines of my hands finding them foreign...a complete mystery, but knowing that these lines have somehow led me into this mess. I shut my hands tightly into fists as I cried out angst, pain, sadness....all mixed with one another.

What am I going to do? I have created the worst mess in my life. Only in the name of moving on and showing Shivaay I could move on, I set myself on a path with Armaan which I shouldn't have done....and now I am stuck between my parents who I know will never budge and Shivaay who also will not accept defeat.

Slowly tracing my hand across my womb, I placed it on there as I took a deep breath with a realization of what might just be happening to me. A possible truth that I cannot bear.

There is a chance I might be pregnant...a chance that I might once again be carrying Shivaay's child...Oh my God...the thought of it scares me. What will my parents say? How will they react? But most importantly, what will Shivaay say? What will he do?

I tried to clear my mind as I felt my mind continuing to spin with fear and anxiety. Where is my life going? I have do something. I have to clear this mess somehow that I have created. I have to address all of these issues, but most importantly, I first have to convince my parents and ensure this wedding is called off.

Shivaay's Point of View

My eyes stared at the shattered glass...a symbol of my rage that had finally erupted in front of Anika. This was not how I imagined our conversation to end like...I didn't think we would end up having another argument, but somehow we did.

I just cannot believe that she still wants to marry Armaan despite knowing how wrong it is. She always has been good at judging and assessing relationships then why is she acting as a fool now? Why doesn't she understand how wrong this entire situation is? I don't understand how she can move on with Armaan after so much has happened between us...not only the fact that we were married in the past, but also how close we have gotten to each other since the past few that attraction and that love has not died...She knows and see's all of it then why is she so adamant? Has her desire for revenge consumed her so much that she has forgotten the true meaning of relationships, values, and most importantly love?

Suddenly, I heard my phone ring as I pulled it out of my pocket noticing it was a message from an unknown number. Who is this person? I slid my finger across the message as it immediately opened.

In an instance, I felt my heart drop as a sudden shock ran through me as my eyes fell upon pictures.

Pictures...of...Anika and me.

My thumb running through the pictures as I stared at a picture of Anika and I at the beach with Anika's face clearly visible as she appeared to kiss me...another picture from the morning after that night in the beach as we appear to leave a tent.

Oh my God.

What is this? Who the hell dared to do this to Anika? I don't give a damn about myself, but what about Anika? What will everyone think of her? I continued to run my thumb through the range of pictures as suddenly it stopped from a recent one at the club...My eyes widening as it was the one in which I was seducing her in the hallway of the club. Our faces clearly visible as I noticed there was a video. I immediately clicked it realizing it was the one in which we were dancing and how later I led her to the hallway and then...

No this is not possible. Absolutely not. I felt my blood pressure rising as I clenched my fists tightly furious over who dared to do this. Who must it be? Who could have been following us? How did they get all these pictures and then the video....? Who dared to do this to Shivaay Singh Oberoi?

I felt a sense of fear setting inside of me...fear for Anika. What will happen if someone get's hold of these inappropriate pictures of her? What will they think? My God...I cannot imagine what will her family do considering how conservative they are...

Suddenly the phone rang as I noticed it was from the unknown caller. Immediately picking up the phone I placed it on my ear as I heard a sudden laugh on the other line...a vicious, evil, vindictive laugh.

"How dare you, you bastard?! How dare you mess with Shivaay Singh Oberoi? Who the hell do you think you are?" I hissed at him clenching my jaw tightly trying to hold on to my anger.

"I don't give a damn who you are. Give me cash and the original copies of these photos are yours..." He muttered as I raised my eyebrow in curiosity.

Cash? Well, for Anika I would definitely give cash. Money is not a problem, but the main issue is that how can I just let him get away after committing such an outrageous deed? Plus, how would I know he will give me the original copies of the photos?

"What proof is there that I would get the original copies?" I questioned as he laughed.

"I only need the money and you will get the memory card to the camera...Well, either way you don't have an option..." He noted as I appeared puzzled by his comment.

"Why? I can definitely track you and find you..." I noted confidently knowing my sources.

"Not me. You can never find me," He said pridefully as I furrowed my eyebrows feeling angry over his dare.

"Don't you dare challenge me..." I noted as he chuckled.

"I am not interested in challenging. Now you listen. Launder money from the company accounts to give me 500,000 dollars in return for the memory card..."

My eyes widened as I heard his demand. An unusual demand considering he wanted money from the company account...Who is he? Why is he interested in getting money laundered from the company accounts? I raised my eyebrow in curiosity as I felt there was something deeper to this situation than a mere reporter threatening if there is more to this man.

"Why launder money from the company accounts? Hm?" I questioned as he sighed in annoyance.

"Don't question me. Send me the money and you get the card. Now you can try to track me, but it's impossible to do so. So, how about you send me money and we can end this conversation right here..."

"Or what?" I asked not fearing his threat.

"Or your lover will be everywhere on the news..." And the line went silent.

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