Chapter 30 Part 2 of 2: Secrets Revealed

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Hi :) I want to begin by thanking God who continues to give me the courage to write and all readers who are amazing and continue to read this story :)

Thank you for reading :)

Please do read Chapter 31 that is now available after this chapter :)

Author's Note: I will say that I do not condone the actions that Shivaay is taking and portraying in this chapter and the actions he will take in the future chapters. What I am show Shivaay as is purely due to storyline and dramatic purposes only and none of this should ever be done by anyone to anyone else.

You may follow me on Wattpad and my Twitter account on JasmineDarcie

Friendly note: Twitter Account name: Iridescentlove4 made this amazing video based on this story all on her own by putting in a lot of hard work and using my favorite song with amazing Shivika scenes! She deserves a lot of appreciation from all of you because the scenes in the video are on par with the storyline and it is as if the story has come to life, so please please watch the video and appreciate her because she deserves it! :)

If you are not able to click the link then please do go on my Twitter account called JasmineDarcie to click the link for the video as I retweeted the video :) Thank you :)

Author's Note: This chapter has long monologues for Shivaay and Anika which were necessary to understand their thought process and allow them to emotionally connect with the readers. The next two updates will have less of these, but these monologues are essential to understand their thought process. Thank you for understanding :)

Thank you for reading :)

P.S. I hope I did justice to the revelation scene, but please be lenient on me as I feel I can only write emotional scenes and it is a bit hard for me to write family scenes that involve drama. I am so sorry if this chapter disappointed you or anything, but this storyline was in my mind since I wrote Chapter 1. I am sorry if the writing got a bit bad for the dramatic scene as again I am not an expert in writing revelation and family drama scenes.

thE last revelation shows only the beginning of the drama. The last scene only showed Anika's shock and her family's shock so there was less dialogue, but in Chapter 31 more family drama will be shown along with an unusual twist at the end.


Shivaay's Point of View

This is just the beginning Anika. Now I will slowly make you mine and you cannot do anything, but accept it. Fate has only made you for me and now I will accept this fate. You are meant to be my wife and I claimed you with my blood, but that is not enough. I will claim you tonight in front of everyone...let everyone know you are mine and then we will begin our journey.

I smirked as I made my way down the hallway feeling a sense of pride inside of me. My hand brushing against the side of my cheek as I wiped the mehendi staring at his color and realizing how she colored me with her love tonight.

Anika you love me. I know you do. I know you are scared that you might get your heart broken again, but it I promise I will not repeat the past. However, I know you might be hurt tonight, but this is should've stopped this wedding, but your need to take revenge is getting the best of you. However, that's fine, I will end this matter tonight. In no way in hell will I allow you to marry that man.

"Shivaay bhai!" Stopping in my tracks, I turned around realizing it was Priyanka who was rushing towards me quickly appearing worried.

"What?" I questioned curiously as Priyanka stopped in her steps as she looked towards me. Her eyes falling down towards my clothes as her eyes widened seeing the green mehendi stains all over the white shirt I wore.

"W-What is t-this?" She stuttered in confusion as she looked at the shirt. Her eyes darting back down the hall as she looked at the room where Anika was in. She raised her eyebrow curiously before looking at me appearing to contemplate upon her thoughts.

"Speak will you!" I yelled quite frustrated at her silence and the fact that she was wasting my time.

Priyanka shuttered as she took a step back being caught off guard from the loud tone of my voice. "I-I...I saw you leaving Anika's room...what is going on?" She grabbed my arm attempting to take my attention.

Clenching my jaw, I immediately looked at her feeling furious over the fact that she was questioning Anika and me. "You have no right to question me and what I do in my own home. Do you understand?" I warned as Priyanka lowered her eyes as she appeared to realize she had made a mistake indulging me in such a nonsensical conversation.

"And now don't you dare question Anika alright? What happens between her and me is our business and not yours' to get involved in. You are my younger sister, so behave like one. Don't try to dance on top of my head alright? I don't like this nonsense and you know it as well," My voice having a sense of command as I knew I was speaking the truth and clearing the boundaries of our relationship as brother and sister.

"I-I...Look bhai, I heard what you did at Anika's engagement and do you know how angry everyone is with you? I mean they kicked you out of the sangeet for God's sake due to this aggressive and rage filled behavior you portrayed at the engagement! I mean why?!" Priyanka's voice letting out a high screeth as I winced being annoyed by the tone of her voice.

Kick me out? Well, these low lives don't know that it is because of me this entire family is dancing and playing the lap of luxury. So what if I punched Armaan? He deserved it considering how he was shamelessly pursuing Anika.

Once Papa and Ma found out what happened we had a blow up argument and then Chachi and Chachu got involved of course and ordered me to stay out of the wedding. Well, I obeyed which was a surprise, but guess what? Who are they to kick me out because I will be kicking them out of their own son's wedding tonight? I smirked at the thought of it as I placed my hands on my waist.

Anika you should've listened to me. You should've listened and given me a chance tonight, but it is ok. If you choose the hard path then fine, I will pursue it.

"Priyanka back off from my issues alright? I am giving you a last warning that don't you dare question what I do or how I behave. I know what I am doing exactly alright? And secondly, I can read this face of yours' and I know exactly what you are thinking..." I muttered as Priyanka raised her eyebrow looking at me confused as I clenched my teeth tightly feeling angry over the fact what I knew was true.

"What?" She questioned.

"You are internally questioning Anika and her character. I can see the way you were looking at that room she is in and back towards me. You are questioning that purity, so don't you dare do it alright? Stay away from Anika and that will be the best for you," I warned and without saying another word, I turned on my heel walking down the hallway.

I will never let anyone question Anika. Not a soul. She is mine and now I will let the world know so no one can dare to lay a finger on her. My eyes moved up to the clock on the wall as I looked at it and smiled. One more hour and it's the end of this mess and beginning of something new Anika. From tonight and onward, will be the beginning of our journey...our love...Soon you will marry me and then it will only be you, Chaaya, and I and we will build our own world together where not even a negative soul can enter.

Anika's Point of View

My hands ran through the cool water as the mehendi slipped through falling apart through the cracks of my fate lines. The touch of Shivaay's skin appearing to linger on the mehendi that he seemingly grazed against appearing to mark it.

I slowly looked up into the mirror as my eyes fell on to the blood in the partition of my hair...thinking how moments ago Shivaay claimed it....thinking how years ago he had done the same. I took a deep breath remembering how I would lovingly fill the partition each and every day knowing that I was only his. Remembering the first time he filled it...This sindoor has a symbolic meaning Shivaay...a deeper meaning that perhaps you will not understand. But for me, I understood the meaning of it the day you and I were bonded together in something so sacred and pure...My hands ran against my kameez as I looked at myself feeling a sense of déjà vu as I eeringly appeared to have dressed similarly to the day I became his wife. What is fate telling me? Is the past beginning to repeat itself? My eyes widened as I felt my mind beginning to spin with memories rushing back...bitterness, happiness, and anger all rushing back to the day I became his....the day we became one.


His hand wrapped around mines' in an instant as I smiled shyly looking towards the agni that was lit in front of us. The moonlight seemingly falling through the intricate, brown marbled ceilings of the temple as it blessed us both. Hymns appearing to slowly fill in the distance that existed between us- threading our hearts and uniting our souls.

My saree's pallu slipping down my head as Shivaay grabbed hold of it immediately as I smiled towards him before pulling the pallu away and taking hold of it. Shivaay raised his eyebrows as he appeared to have fallen for the belief that right now was the correct time to indulge in romance. I sighed in frustration at his lack of concentration on the mantras as I gestured him to look towards the panditji and focus.

Shivaay led out a small laugh as the panditji continued to speak the mantras gesturing us to spill the puffed pieces of rice into the agni. Shivaay smiled leaning forward as I felt him inch a bit too close. I sighed as I lowered my face trying to keep my distance as I noticed him smile from the side of my eyes. His warm breath appearing to brush against the side of my ear as his hand held mines' tightly.

"I love you," I heard the three words as a whisper. A small smile appearing across my lips as I looked immediately towards him catching sight his wide smile that appeared to reach his eyes.

My cheeks becoming a blush red as I placed my hand on my knees looking into the scared fire that was slowly binding us together in a bond that no one could ever break not even the both of us.

"You also say it now...You have to..." He whispered with a sense of urgency as I bit into a laugh in an attempt to tease him. His fingers appearing to trace the red bangles on my wrists as he appeared to tease me. My eyes widening as I threw him a glare indicating to him that he should remain serious. However, he appeared to smirk as he continued to tease my hand that began to tremble under his tender touch.

"Acha, now you two will exchange the var mala," The panditji spoke as Shivaay entwined his hand in mines' lifting me up on to my feet as I smiled grabbing on to his hand and looking towards him. A genuine smile appearing to grace him which was quite unusual since smiles are rare for him.

My hand slipping on to the garland made of roses as I looked towards him. My heart beginning to pound in nervousness as I looked towards him.

A sense of guilt slowly twisting in a knot inside of me as I looked at him with realization how everything was being done in secret...away from our families. If only his family agreed to the wedding then things would have been different, but he claims that they will not understand us and that right now is not the time to bring this topic forward since he just assumed responsibilities for the Oberoi empire and his family might just take it away since may not accept our class differences. Moreover, I know I have done wrong by leaving my parents, but it isn't my fault that they don't value my independence. I cannot leave Shivaay...I love him too much to a point that I will not be able to sacrifice myself for my parents.

"What's wrong?" He whispered as he looked at me with a sense of concern. Biting my lip, I shook the thoughts out of my mind as I smiled feeling tears slip down my cheeks.

"Nothing. I cannot explain how happy I lucky I feel that fate has finally helped me meet my soulmate...You know this life was getting quite lonely and unbearable until I met you..." My voice barely cracking as I lowered my gaze attempting to hide my tears.

"Anika..." My eyes lifting as I looked towards him seeing his eyes had appeared to soften. His eyes for once unveiling a set of emotions that they appeared to hide with a rough demeanor.

I weakly smiled as I realized he appeared to be at a loss of words. His eyes showing a sense of contemplation as they fell down towards the var mala I held in my hands.

"Thank you for filling my loneliness and loving me that no one has ever dared to do before..." I spoke softly as I pulled the var mala up looking towards him. His head lowering as the red velvet colored turban brushed against my arms. I smiled placing the var mala over his head as it dropped down to around his neck fulfilling me in an instant knowing that I had finally made my choice.

"And now you will always be mine. Only mine," I spoke as I smiled. Shivaay's eyes moving up towards me as he gave me a soft smile appearing to be lost in his own thoughts. His hand still holding the garland as he stared at it.

A moment of silence falling between the both of us as he held the garland staring at it before looking back towards me. He took a deep breath as he looked into my eyes. I looked at him confused and puzzled upon why he appeared to be at a loss.

"" He paused as he bit his lip shaking his head appearing to hide his gaze from me. He sighed as he looked towards me appearing to ponder over something.

He gulped appearing nervous as he finally spoke,"And I choose you to be my soulmate."

I smiled as I wiped my tears away with my lips quivering with a sense of vulnerability that love tends to set upon one. The rose garland slipping down upon me as his hands traced down to the nape of my neck grabbing my attention.

"Now let's begin our journey," He spoke as he smiled tenderly rubbing the side of my neck before looking back towards the panditji.

"Now you two shall do the pheras," He spoke as he grabbed the end of Shivaay's creme colored shawl while I handed him the end of the red velvet dupatta I had wrapped around me.

My heart beginning to flip and jump as a sense of happiness and pure joy touched it with realization that we were soon to be married. A bright smile appearing across my lips as I looked towards Shivaay who softly smiled looking back towards me.

As the knot was tied, I looked at it once more realizing the knot held a deeper meaning...a meaning that now how both of our souls will be bonded for a lifetime not once daring to part. A warm touch brushing against my hand as I noticed Shivaay slipping his hand into mines'.

"You will always be mine," He whispered as the panditji began the mantras.

"I will always be yours'. No one can part me from you. No one," I replied as he smiled squeezing my hand and tightening his grip on it as he began to lead us towards our new journey.

The panditji began to chant the mantras as Shivaay began to walk leading the way as I held on to him finding myself mesmerized in the moment as each step we took slowly fulfilled my emptiness and strengthened my love. The chants purifying a relationship that we both shared.

"I promise to always nourish you with wealth, prosperity and happiness," He spoke as I lifted my eyes up stunned with realization that he had memorized the vows. A small smile appearing across my lips as I felt tears filling up in my eyes as the moment appeared to overwhelm me.

"I promise to always take care of you and share all responsibilities that you will have," I softly spoke as Shivaay smiled looking back towards me as we began to walk our second round.

"Anika, I promise to be faithful to you..."He stopped suddenly in his words as his eyes widened. Placing my hand tenderly on his, I looked at him confused in why he stopped. His gaze lowering as he looked at agni appearing to observe it intently before looking back towards me. Giving him a soft smile, I encouraged him to proceed as his eyes showed a sense of alarm. What happened? Is he having doubts? A set of fear setting inside of me as I looked at him confused trying to gather his thoughts that appeared to be a puzzle.

Shivaay took a deep breath as he cleared his throat before looking up towards me and tightening his grip on my hand. "I-I promise to be faithful to you and always stand by you no matter what come be," He finally spoke allowing me to take a breath of relief.

"And I promise to always stand by you no matter what circumstances may come by," I spoke with a sense of pride and determination knowing that now it will only be him and I and now it was my duty to always stand by him no matter what ills we may face in society.

"I promise to work hard and bring prosperity to the home we will form together as husband and wife." The simple words slipping from his mouth tugging warmly on my heart strings as I felt tears stream down my cheeks remembering how I came from a broken home...something that I wish will never touch the both of us and our marriage.

"And I promise to be chaste and loyal to only you. I shall never love any other man besides you. I will selflessly love you with asking nothing in return and I will put a lot of love, care, kindness and peace in our home." A sense of shyness came upon me as I declared my love for him knowing that I will always stay true to my words. My heart knows that now I have completely surrendered myself to Shivaay and that now this Anika will never be able to love anyone besides him...No man could complete me the way he does.

We began the fourth vow as Shivaay looked back towards me capturing me with an innocent smile as the vows appeared to tie our souls together making them one. "Since the day you entered my life, you have brought peace and happiness to it and through these sacred vows, I know you will continue to bring beauty, happiness, and peace to my life. I shall always respect you because now you will be my wife," His voice appearing to tremble as I noticed his eyes appeared to have sorrow to them...A sorrow that was never seen before. Tugging on his hand, I made him look towards me trying to gauge on to whether he was feeling fine.

"Um...the moment is surreal and...My life has been very broken Anika and now when I said those vows, I realize that indeed your presence has appeared to heal this shattered life that I carry," He whispered as I felt a sudden pang on my heart not being able to bear him in such sorrow that he appeared to carry inside of him not letting anyone know about it. No matter how cold he appears to portray himself to the world, there is more to him than is seen.

"A-And I promise to always protect you and stand by you even if danger is present. I promise to heal your wounds and mend the broken pieces of your life," My voice barely making it through as tears slid down my cheeks realizing the imminent truth they held and how I knew the path in our marriage will be tough to walk on, but that I was ready to walk on if it meant to heal him and bring solace to his life because now he means more to me than the world...he is the one whom I love the most and for whom I can even sacrifice myself.

We stopped as Shivaay looked at me appearing to hold back tears...My eyes widening as I had never seen this vulnerability that his eyes appeared to project in the moment. His eyes reflecting a broken soul that he seemingly carried and hid from the world, but one that was torturing him making him suffer in pain and angst. Placing my other hand on top of his I tenderly caressed it grabbing hold of his gaze as he looked at me appearing to have a sense of hope finding comfort in my vows seemingly knowing that I was speaking my truth.

I smiled as the panditji gestured me to walk in front of Shivaay. Grabbing hold on to Shivaay's hand, we began to walk as I realized what this vow held. A sense of shame falling down upon me as I lowered my head knowing that I might give Shivaay an incomplete life...something he didn't deserve. Hearing the panditji's speak the mantra, I gathered remaining courage as I felt tears streaming down my cheeks feeling a sense of incompleteness in my womb.

"We promise to share our happiness and sorrow with one another only," Shivaay spoke as I felt a sense of nervousness approaching me realizing what was about to come.

"I-I...We pray to be blessed with children..." My voice faltering realizing that how that might not be a possibility, realizing that perhaps fate might not bless me. I felt Shiaay's grip tighten on my hand as he tugged on it appearing to know what I was thinking.

"Children are God's blessings and if we have them then we will love them more than we love ourselves and love one another. If we do not have children then we will love each other and build a beautiful home," His voice tender and soft immediately clasping on to my aching heart and attempting to heal its wounds that were received from my truth of how I may not ever conceive.

As we moved on to the six round, I closed my eyes making a prayer. "May God bless us with prosperity in its greatest form which is happiness and allow us to stand by one another, respect one another, and love one another in a never ending means." I smiled realizing how now fate was changing towards me and now fate was finally working in my favor as it finally was giving me happiness in the form of tying me in such a sacred bond with my soulmate.

My feet trembling in excitement and nervousness as I stepped on to my seventh round with Shivaay following me close behind. "Now we are not only finally uniting as husband and wife, but in this moment, these sacred vows have now united our souls..." Shivaay spoke as a smile appeared across my lips. The spoken mantras and our spoken promises uniting in this exact moment making us become a part of each other's soul.

My eyes looking back towards Shivaay as I finally spoke the last vow. "Now for eternity no one can separate our souls because the divine has blessed us and allowed us to be tied in such sacred vows which we ourselves can never break. Now we are bonded by such a thread that we can never break. This thread now unites us forever and this thread will never let our love fall. Our love will never fall because now it has been blessed the divine..." Shivaay smiled widely as I smiled feeling our souls awakening with the truth that now has approached us...our truth...which is our marriage...A sacred bond that now fulfills our love for one another.

Thank you for blessing me with Shivaay. I looked up thanking divine and fate as finally they had heeded to my prayers that I made in moments when I felt the most alone in loss of hope. When no one was there for me...Thank you for making me find my soulmate...Thank you for blessing me with such a sacred bond...Thank you for finding someone who loves me...Love has always been distant from me and now finally t has touched me...Thank you...I felt tears stream down my cheeks emitting joy from the fact that finally the wounds of my heart, from years of sadness and loneliness, were now going to be healed with love...his love.

My eyes fell on to the small box held in the palm of Shivaay's hand. Lifting my eyes up, I looked towards Shivaay whose eyes stood still on the sindoor that spilled over and fell on to his fate lines. He pursed his lips together as he appeared to be in deep thought. His hand appearing to tremble as he reached for the sindoor grabbing a pinch of it. His gaze lifting towards me as it appeared to directly capture my soul and look at it. I looked at him confused as he stood still looking towards me with a loss of expression and thought as he appeared to be at a loss.

"Please put the sindoor," The panditji spoke as Shivaay stood still looking at the sindoor before looking up at the parting of my hair. My body standing still in patience and anticipating waiting to be claimed by him.

In an instant, he lifted his thumb and without saying another word, he dropped the sindoor in the parting of my hair. My eyes closing shut as I lowered my head surrendering my soul to him completely...knowing that now I was his wife....that now I was a part of his soul that no one else can claim besides him and his love.

As I opened my eyes, I looked towards him as he appeared to stare into space lost in his world of thoughts seemingly enamored by them. What is wrong? Why do I feel something is off? I felt my heart drop down inside of me as I looked towards him a bit caught off guard from his reaction at the moment.

The mangalsutra fell between our line of sight as the panditji held it for Shivaay. My eyes standing still as I looked at the black beads that tenderly threaded the mangalsutra seemingly representing our fragile bond that could easily be broken, but also strengthened when purity and sacred love...It stood as the symbol of my love that I would carry in front of the world...a love that I will hold on to tenderly and selflessly.

Shivaay's hand wavering as he grabbed the mangalsutra holding it up in front of me as he looked towards me. His eyes unveiling an unknown pain and angst that he seemingly hid within himself. He's a shattered soul...that suffering that is seen in those eyes tells me he is shattered and now I realize why he is hesitant...He comes from a broken life and has fear...fear that this relationship may also be sacrificed and shatter when facing the hardships of life.

Gathering my courage I folded my hands together looking towards him meeting his gaze. Anika now it is your duty as his wife that you will mend his fears, gather the broken pieces of his life, and love him selflessly...It is now your duty to heal him.

"I love you and I will sacrifice this world if it means I can heal you...I promise to give you the happiness and peace that you deserve. I promise to love you more than anything and anyone without asking for anything in return...I promise to mend you and give you so much love that you will be able to finally be relieved from your pain and suffering allowing you to fully love me..." My voice coming out a small hymn as Shivaay appeared to break out of his trance. The words appearing to touch his shattered soul as his eyes softened. My words appearing to give him peace and courage that our future will not have the same dark fate that his past had.

He sighed as he looked at the mangalsutra before taking a step closer towards me. Our bodies stood close as our souls touched one another and began to unite. The agni appearing as the divine as it blessed us. The beads of the mangalsutra slowly trailed against my neck as he held it tenderly in the palm of his hand.

He weakly smiled as he looked into my eyes. His voice was gone, but his eyes spoke the words...Love and passion reflected clearly in his soul as he looked into my eyes. His hands grazing against the side of my neck as he clasped the mangalsutra on me fulfilling the last step to completing a sacred bond that we now had become part of...our bond that no one else can dare to step on or burn down...A pure bond that no one can take away from us.

Without saying another word, he wrapped his arms around me tightly bringing me into an embrace as I smiled closing my eyes shut finding peace in his arms knowing that now we were one.

"I love you Anika...I love you..."He whispered as he appeared to be at a loss of words the moment overwhelming the both of us. A sense of surrealness present as everything appeared to be a dream. We had crossed a long path full of thorns that seemingly created hurdles to become one...and now this is the beginning of our new journey...a journey towards creating a beautiful life with one another.

Flashback Ends

The memory toxifying my soul making it once more suffer in pain and angst as the shards of a broken heart pierced it. Vows and promises returning back that became a part of my soul that fateful day...questioning me if what I am doing right is correct...questioning me how I could forget them as they are sacred and blessed by divine...But what can I do? I did everything to save my marriage and fulfilled each and every vow selflessly, but what more could've I done to mend a man who solely made those vows and promises to break them and break me in the process...break my soul...break my love...

Now suddenly, he remembers all the vows and now he attempting to claim me? How could he do such? How could he dare to impose such right and impose such vows that he never committed himself to?

My heart continuing to beat fast against my chest as I took deep breaths to maintain composure, but failing do such as Shivaay's words continued to repeat in my mind. His words inciting fear of the unknown.

He is planning something big...something destructive and I know it. The confidence and sense of determination heard in his voice tells me that he knows exactly what he is doing and he has through it completely. But, he will be a fool if he thinks he can claim me by destroying and brining my life to the ruins...he will only lose me.

Anika, you have to do something and stop him. You have to convince him and stop his actions.

You have lost everything in your life...your marriage, your husband, your child...angst creeping up on to me as the memories slowly touched me burning on to my wounds and taunting my loss...Tears escaping my eyes as the wounds still laid fresh.

You only have your honor and pride left Anika...something you have already thrown filth upon by running away from home and then committing the biggest sin...sleeping with Shivaay in an illicit rendezvous for pure lustful pleasure...You have already soiled your honor and this is your truth, but, this honor is still clear as glass in front of the world as the cracks in it cannot be seen by others, so maintain it this way. This is the best way in order to keep the littlest that you order to salvage your family's reputation. Despite how your parents treat you, you still love them and you cannot let their reputation and honor be ruined due to your filth.

Running my hand through the partition of my hair, I splashed cold water on it. My hand trembling as it etched the blood. A part of me not wanting to remove it as it felt somewhat wrong. Shivaay's words running through my mind as I realized he has repeated what I had told him ages ago which was that no piece paper can end our pure sacred relationship and that no piece of paper could relieve us of our vows and did he remember? Does he truly believe in this statement now or is it manipulation?

"Anika!" My eyes widened as I heard Priyanka's voice outside of the bathroom door. My hand running seamlessly through the partition as I rubbed on it immediately splashing the blood away only leaving a few remnants of it trying to vanquish it from me before Priyanka or anyone else saw it.

"Um...I will be right outside," I replied as I placed my hands under the cool water washing the last clumps of mehendi off from my hands.

Fixing my dupatta on my shoulder, I wrapped the other end around my left arm trying to straighten the creases of my suit that Shivaay had left. I sighed as I took a deep breath attempting to hide my anxious mind that was running in overdrive thinking about what Shivaay was going to do tonight.

Grabbing the door open, I walked out as Priyanka turned around appearing to look at me intently. Her eyes moving up and down as she looked towards me as if she was trying to put pieces of a puzzle together. She crossed her arms as she walked towards me.

"You took quite a long time in there. Is everything ok?" She questioned curiously as I weakly smiled nodding as an attempt to hide the state of panic I was in at the moment over Shivaay.

"Um...uh...did anyone come in here after me?" She questioned as my eyes immediately shot looking towards her catching a sense of curiosity and confusion she appeared to hold back.

" No one came," I replied as I looked away immediately avoiding her gaze not wanting her to catch my lie. Why do I feel that she is suspicious about something? Something is going on in Priyanka's mind that I myself do not know of.

" should get going. The girls are lined up by the stairs holding the phulkari. So, um...shall we get going?" Priyaka said as she appeared to plaster a smile across her face, but the genuineness of it lost as she appeared to contemplate upon her thoughts.

"Sure, let's get going," I spoke softly as I placed my hand on her shoulder grabbing her attention as Priyanka smiled.

"You look absolutely beautiful by the way. You are already looking like a bride," Priyanka noted as she smiled fixing my dupatta once more.

I smiled as I ran my hands through my kameez feeling the sleeves tighten on my upper arms as it opened up and flowed down my arms. The kameez further suffocating me as I attempted to gather my bundle of nerves.

Fixing the small diamond stud on my nose, I grabbed on to Priyanka's hand as she helped me walk out of the room towards the stairs where my cousins stood with the red colored phulkari as golden flowers emitted from it.

"We had a great friendship Anika." My eyes widening as I heard Priyanka's voice reach me. My head turning back immediately as I looked at her confused.

"Had? What do you mean had?" I questioned curiously and confused as Priyanka's smile appeared to falter as she looked ahead leading me towards the phulkari as I took a step underneath it.

"You will soon know that what appears on the surface is not real..." She whispered as I looked towards her completely puzzled by her statement on what she meant.

Without saying another word, Priyanka looked ahead as the girls began to sing a folk Pujabi songs. What does Priyanka mean by her words? We had a friendship? Does that mean we are not friends anymore? My eyes widened as I looked towards her as she stood with a poker face not once looking towards me. How can she say such words considering how much we have gone through as friends? Priyanka knows me the most and she has always been there to comfort me especially when Shivaay broke my heart...of curse she doesn't know her brother was culprit, but she is aware how broken I was when Shivaay left. I have always been there for and she always has been there for me then how can she break our friendship like this? I cannot believe it as I felt a sense of disbelief regarding what just happened in a moment. She was fine before then how can she just make a turn like this?

Biting into my lip, I tried to hold back my tears as we began to walk down the stairs towards my destination. Well, fate has indeed been good to me. Bits by bits, pieces by pieces, fate is now on a path to lead me to ruins. Slowly, fate is snatching each and every person that I have cared about not once caring about who would be there to hold me when I would eventually fall.

Closing my eyes shuts, I swallowed my tears as I looked up towards the crowd with a blurry vision as tears continued to form in my eyes. Why is fate doing this? There is something deeper underneath surface that I am not able to see. Fate has a plan in store for me and I cannot see it, but I do know that something is going to happen soon and my heart is telling me about it. My thoughts drifting back to Shivaay as his words rang through my ears consistently enveloping a state of panic inside of me. My legs continuing to shake and tremble as I felt ripple currents run through it making me feel less in control.

I felt my mom's hand wrap around my waist as she stood near the end of the stairs. Her eyes showing a state of command as she looked at me sternly before lifting my dupatta and placing it on top of my head.

Leaning closer towards me, she whispered her threat in my ears. "Let's go. Not a word should be heard from you tonight. Don't you dare ruin this for us Anika." Letting go of my waist, mom walked away to the side leaving me with a sense of fear.

I took a deep breath as I sighed feeling a helplessness approach me. My body seemingly wanting to give up in the moment as it has become tired of fighting, tired of staying strong, and tired to sacrificing and being selfless for others who are always selfish.

Stop Anika. Don't think even think about such ill thoughts towards your loved ones. You cannot give up now. This wedding will now happen and you too know it...It is best you give into it for the sake of your family's honor. You have to fulfill your duties as a daughter and if it means to sacrifice yourself once more then do it.

My eyes moved up across the living area as I looked through the red and orange lighting barely able to capture faces and locate the one I was looking for. Where is he? He must be somewhere here. I craned by neck looking up towards the second floor through the sea of orange and red curtains that fell from the ceiling with flower arrays hanging as small chandliers. Shivaay must be here somewhere and I have to find him. I must not let Shivaay implement a sick, devious game he is conspiring. It is integral that I meet him once again and stop him.

Daadi smiled as she placed her hand on my arm leading me towards the crowd of flat red colored sofas on which guests sat and indulged in deep conversations and laughter with one another as they looked towards us.

"You look beautiful Anika. We are blessed to get you as our daughter-in-law," Daadi remarked as she smiled leading me towards a large golden colored sofa at front and center of the guests.

Armaan sitting there as he got up holding his hand out for me to hold. A sense of hesitation approached me as I looked back towards my parents standing on the side as they looked towards me expecting me to move forward.

"Wow, you look amazing," Armaan remarked as I lowered my gaze not wanting to indulge in any conversation as I placed my hand in his. The hold of his hand feeling odd and foreign unlike Shivaay's who somehow came back to my mind in an instant.

Stop Anika. You cannot do this are now going to bind yourself in a sacred relationship with another man. You and Shivaay have a nameless relationship...a relationship that cannot be justified by society's norms and values...The sacred relationship you and Shivaay shared has been broken and you have to accept this truth.

"Well, I am so lucky to get such a wonderful daughter-in-law," Jhanvi aunty exclaimed as she took out some money waving it over my head before handing it off to a household worker.

"Hm? Wonderful?" Pinky aunty remarked questioningly as she looked towards me. Raising my eyebrow, I looked at her confused as Pinky aunty looked away avoiding my gaze.

"Of course, she is a beauty with brains. Who doesn't want a daughter-in-law like her? At least she is not an alcoholic, socialite like Tia," Jhanvi aunty said with a taunt as my eyes widened immediately looking up towards her.

Pinky aunty furrowed her eyebrows as she looked away angrily quite frustrated over how Jhanvi aunty might've just humiliated her in front of everyone.

"Acha, can you both please keep quiet and peace at least for today and tomorrow? Everyone is looking towards you both and I cannot bear this family becoming a mockery in front of society! We have an image to hold!" Daadi ordered as she appeared furious while looking towards the both of them.

"Indeed, Ma is correct. Jhanvi can you please keep quiet? I at least want this ceremony to run peacefully considering how the last one was," Tej uncle remarked as he side eyed Shakti uncle.

"Oh please! Can we not talk about that issue?! Shivaay is not here as you requested, so can we move along please!" Shakti uncle pleaded as I realized what he had just said.

Wait, Shivaay got kicked out of the sangeet tonight? Mye yes widened as I remembered what happened at the engagement ceremony as I looked towards Armaan noticing remnants of the bruise on his cheek that he had appeared to cover with makeup. A chill went down my spine as I remembered how Shivaay went into a moment of rage pushing him to attack Armaan. If he can do that then think Anika what he is capable of doing tonight? His rage, ego, selfishness make him do a lot of things...he is dangerous and you know it yourself.

"Well, I think we should divulge in discussion later and begin the choora ceremony before the official sangeet begins," Taayee remarked proudly as we walked towards us holding a large silver plate with the red ivory colored bangles or chooras. My eyes falling on the chooras as I felt my heart skip a beat realizing how close I was coming to my once I would wear these chooras, I would officially begin my journey to becoming another man's bride and eventually his wife.

"Of course, I think we should first get this ceremony done so we can enjoy the night!" Jhanvi aunty agreed as Mom sighed looking towards me with a general sense of frustration as she brought a large silver colored pan with rose petals and milk inside of it as she set it on the glass table in front of us.

"Yes, I agree. Let me call my brothers who will do the ceremony," Mom spoke with a serious demeanor as she walked away.

Feeling a sudden flash on my face, I looked up realizing it was a group of reporters who were beginning to take pictures of us. A felt a touch brush against my hand as I immediately looked down realizing it was Armaan's hand. The unfamiliarity making my hand flinch as I immediately slipped my hand out of his grip.

"Anika come on stop being shy. We are about to get married tomorrow," Armaan whispered as he smiled looking towards the cameras one more time. I am not being shy Armaan, it's just I felt a sense of discomfort feeling your smallest touch. I don't know what it is, but something just doesn't seem right when I am with you.

"Well it is good that she is being shy the way brides should be. Brides these days are so shameless!" Daadi exclaimed as she scrunched up her nose with disgust reflecting a sense of conservative values she appeared to hold.

My eyes fell on to Jatin and Akshay mamaji who made their way towards me as they took a seat next to me grabbing on to my hands.

"Well, I hope are Anika get's all her happiness in the world," Jatin mamaji said smiling as I weakly smiled. My eyes falling on to the single choora he slipped in the milk before bringing it towards me.

Let go of him Anika. Now it is time to let go of him and move forward. You don't love him, so why do you have to hold on to him and his memories...Let go of him.Accept this as your fate, my mind spoke as I closed my eyes shut feeling the choora slip down my wrist. A tear slipping down my cheek as I looked at the choora realizing how I never wore it in Shivaay's name. Perhaps, that was an indication of fate that Shivaay was never meant to be mine.

"Of course our Anika will get her happiness. She is a blessing from God himself," Akshay mamaji noted as he smiled slipping the choora down my other hand.

"Well then I am guess I am the lucky one," Armaan retorted as everyone laughed around us as I noticed guests looking towards us observing the ceremony intently.

"Take a picture of the entire family!" Daadi ordered as she fixed the dupatta on her head before crossing her legs over in the single chair that sat next to us. My eyes immediately shooting up as I realized the entire family stood around us putting on a happy, joyful fascade in front of the reporters as they took pictures.

A sense of ego and self centeredness reflected on their faces as everyone posed for the camera in hunger of being noticed. Indeed, I would be wrong to say that reputation, pride, and honor mean nothing to all the Oberois and Malhotras...perhaps what they all appear to thrive on. Well, who am I to judge knowing that this is the truth of life...everyone has an ego that they want to satisfy.

My eyes fell towards a group of dancers making their way in traditional Punjabi clothes towards the center of the dance floor. "Acha we have a gidda performance ready to start the sangeet because what is a Punjabi wedding without gidda of course!" Taayee exclaimed in excitement as Pinky aunty rolled her eyes side eyeing her.

"Oh please. We could've begun the sangeet with another type of more modern, elegant performance before divulging in tradition," Pinky aunty argued as Mom threw a glare at her.

"Don't forget all of you are also Punjabi Mrs. Pinky Oberoi and our Anika is trained in doing gidda, so we will begin the ceremony with a dance that represents the bride," Mom remarked as I looked at her quite taken aback. Pinky aunty and Mom always used to get along then what is this sudden change? It feels really odd.

My eyes diverted towards the dancer as they began to dance to the beats of a traditional Punjabi folk song appearing to light up the night as the guests began to clap in rhythm with them. I weakly smiled appreciating them as my mind diverted back to Shivaay...The fear still lingering somewhere. I have to meet him one more time and plead my case to him. If he said he will do something tonight then he likely will because once he becomes determined he will go to lengths to fulfill his desire.

"What happened to your mehendi?!" Gauri exclaimed as she quickly walked up to me snatching my hand from Jatin mamaji's hand and looking at it.

I gulped nervously looking up at Mom who appeared shocked as she looked at the design. The design appearing to vanquish and die underneath large streaks and smudges across the entire palm of my hand. Armaan's name seemingly erased as large blotches of red fell upon where his name was engraved.

"Arre! This entire design is ruined!" Jhanvi aunty appeared frustrated as she looked at my palm holding it up to the other women who begun to surround me.

"What happened Anika?" Mom looked at me clenching her teeth tightly as she grabbed my hand squeezing it tightly making me wince.

My mind flashbacking to Shivaay whose hand appeared to entwine with mines' merging our skins with one another as my mehendi spilled over on to his hands. "Um...uh...I...I...fell on the floor and the design smudged....Um...then it was almost time for the sangeet to begin as I was told, my hands..." The lie barely coming out of me as Priyanka appeared to raise her eyebrow in curiosity standing right behind Mom.

"Well this is not good beta. I mean this is inauspicious for a bride to be," Daadi noted with concern as I lowered my gaze not wanting to indulge further in the conversation.

"Acha...we will think about the mehendi later ok. Let's finish up the choora ceremony," Daadi noted trying to divert the topic as Mom threw me a glare before walking back to Dad who appeared equally upset over the situation.

Jatin and Akshay mamaji slipped the last remaining pieces of chooras on to my wrists before blessing me with a small gift. I attempted to keep a fake smile, but failing do such as I looked around trying to see if Shivaay could be spotted in the background.

I noticed a dancer coming up to me as she grabbed my hand gesturing me to join her in the gidda as I shook my head not wanting to dance as my mind was elsewhere at moment.

"Come on Anika! You dance so well, let's dance!" Gauri said excitedly as she grabbed my hand pulling me up on to the dance floor.

My legs barely dragging themselves up as I clapped my hands slowly moving in a circle as Jhanvi aunty and Mom joined us. Energy seemingly vanquishing from me as I didn't feel the desire to dance in my own reckoning knowing how immoral and sinful I had been and how tomorrow by marriyng Armaan I will committing another immoral deed. All my life, I have fulfilled relationships without any selfish intentions and that is something that finally has bit me in the back. Now all my life, I will only suffer with guilt, shame, and disgust-feelings that I will never be able to get rid of as each and everyday I will have to stand besides Armaan as his wife knwong that I was once his cousin's wife.

I sighed as I felt a sense of suffocation in the large crowd of people who began to dance around us. My hand clasping on my chest as I attempted to maintain calm. My eyes beginning to wander until it stopped seeing the figure looking directly towards me.

Shivaay...that is him isn't it? I peered closely towards the second floor as I noticed he was standing by the railings of the stairs appearing to look at all of us intently. I have to go meet him right now. This is the best moment to meet him and convince him to not do anything that will further ignite the mess that already exists in our lives.

My dupatta slowly slipped off of my head giving me an idea. Tapping mom's shoulder, I grabbed her attention as I leaned closer to her. "Um...uh...Mom, I am going to go upstairs for a moment." Mom immediately turned her head towards me looking at me suspiciously as I avoided her glance knowing how good she was at reading others.

"I-I need to fix my dupatta properly. Um...I will be back," I muttered as Mom sighed shaking her head back and forth.

"I can help you Anika," Gauri intervened as she appeared to have heard our conversation.

"No, I mean...uh...don't worry, you stay here and enjoy. It will just take me five minutes to fix the dupatta. I will be back alright?" I noted as I looked back towards Mom waiting for her to allow me to go.

Mom rolled her eyes as she looked back towards me, "Fine. Come fast ok?" I took a breath of relief as I nodded and without saying another word, I slipped past the crowd of dancers quickly rushing up the stairs tracing my steps to where I had seen him.

My eyes quickly searching for him attempting to find him amongst the crowd of guests. Where did he go? I thought feeling puzzled by the fact on how he had quickly disappeared without a trace.

My heart pounding against my chest as I felt a sense of discomfort inside of me. Anxiety gripping on to a tight knot of fear that was bubbling inside of...Be brave Anika. You cannot falter to Shivaay now. You have lost almost everything with only your pride and honor now remaining and it would be a shame if you do not fight for this. You know you have already initiated cracks in your honor by the sins you have committed, but it is integral you hide these cracks from the world for your sake and for your family's sake. Even though, my family is forcing me to marry someone that I may never be able to love, it is part of my duty as a daughter to still protect my family's honor and pride because that is what my relationship with my parents requires me to do.

Dragging my feet down the hall, I attempted to muster courage as I looked around attempting to find him, but failing do so until my eyes fell towards his room. He might be there...he likely is there. My mind spoke as I sighed looking around if anyone was paying attention. Just go Anika. Right now is not the time to be scared. You have to stop him and the devious plan he might be initiating at this exact moment.

Placing my hand on the door to his room, I knocked lightly expecting an answer, but not getting any response in return. Grasping on to the door handle, I slowly opened it peering through the room as I noticed it was bleak dark inside with only a single lamp that was the lit in the distance. Taking a small step, I widened the gap of the door and made my way inside closing the door shut behind me.

He is here. I know it. I thought as I picked up the end of my sharara and slowly walked looking around in the large room trying to catch sight of him, but failing. As I looked around, my eyes stopped in an instant as I immediately jumped back shocked clasping my hands on my mouth.

Layers of photos scattered on the floor and the bed appearing to be unending all winding down to one person...a single soul...which was me. My legs immediately faltering in balance as I stumbled back stunned.

What is all of this? Why does he have pictures of me? What is Shivaay doing with all of these that are lying in immediately public view that anyone can catch sight of?

A set of goosebumps slowly raising themselves across my arms as I suddenly felt a sense of fear inside of me. Slowly kneeling down, I ran my hands through the layers of photos that laid in silence as I ran my hands through them realizing there were multiple pictures of not only me, but Shivaay and I as from years ago that I thought had gotten lost...Where did he get all of these? Was he keeping all of them for all these years? But, why?

My hands trembling as they ran through the photos...from our wedding to our honeymoon...everything. All of them present that appeared to represent a timeline of our relationship. A sense of tightness forming in my throat as bitter toxic waves of memories rushed back to me. All of them coming back minute by minute as each and every false promise he made rushed back while my foolish love began to replay as well.

Running my hands through the waves of photos, my hand stopped as I saw a photo of me with red markings on it. Raising my eyebrow in curiosity, I grabbed hold of it as I looked at it. There I stood with a shy smile wearing the red saree from the day of our wedding. My eyes lit up with joy as my hand laid against my chest clasping on to the mangalsutra I wore. The moment creating a painful knot inside of me as the memory came back. The vows and promises I once made slowly awakening themselves inside of me and questioning me if our marriage has truly ended.

My love, you will soon be mine...12/19.

My mind beginning to swirl as I read the date running my fingers along it. He is planning something dangerous tonight...Why did he write this date if something is not going on in his mind? Something wrong is trailing in that mind of his and this confirms it...This is an obsession. A pure obsession with winning and satisfying his sadistic ego on which he thrives...Yes, this is not love. Love is not like this. He has gained an obsession with the fact that how someone else, especially his enemy, can take away the woman he had once laid his finger on and marked her as his...That is what is hurting him and that is why he is ready to go to any lengths.

"Well, fate brought some light to this darkness..." My body going still as I heard his voice behind me. His voice appearing uncanny with a sense of menace in it.

My body beginning to tremble as I felt the ground beneath me beginning to spin as fear touched me. Grabbing hold on to his bed, I slowly lifted myself as I turned around catching sight of him.

His eyes full of peril as they appeared to darken once laying themselves upon me. A small smile, toxified with a love for immorality, as red wine touched his lips as his hand trailed against his bare chest slowly buttoning the black shirt he wore.

The smell of alcohol burning in the air as he appeared to shamelessly have consumed it losing his sense with it. Lowering my gaze, I took a step back as I felt his eyes gazing towards me with wicked intent.

He let out a small chuckle as he took a large sip of his win before slamming the glass on the ground as I let out a small scream feeling the glass hit my foot in an instant. Grabbing hold of my dupatta, I held it tightly in my hand as my body continued to waver in anticipation of what he was about to do.

A smirk appearing across his lips as he began to take slow steps towards me as I took a step back stumbling against the edge of his bed. Letting out a devious laugh, he grabbed my hand instantly as I shrieked attempting to pull it away as he clasped both of his hands on to my palm slowly rubbing it back and forth observing the color of the mehendi on it.

"Shhh....don't be scared. I am here to protect you. Don't fear me," He spoke softly, however, his voice appearing to hide a sense of anger that he was holding on to. Immediately kneeling down, he grabbed on to my foot making me jump back as I felt his fingers brush against it.

"Oh good, the glass didn't hurt you...This alcohol, it makes one go insane at times..." He said as he smiled looking up towards me as he lifted himself up. The smell of booze wrapping itself around him indicating he was drunk. Insane...indeed he has gone insane. That sense of insanity reflected in his eyes and laughter screams that fact that he might have just lost control of himself.

Wrapping his hand around mines', he pulled me closer as he looked at the palm of my hand. "Once you come in my life, I won't need this poison to intoxicate me. You will be a drug that I can continue to indulge in and find solace in..."

He smiled as he leaned his face directing his eyes towards my lips. "And find pleasure in..." The words slipping out as a whisper making my heart skip a beat as seduction screamed from the proximity our bodies held in the moment.

Don't be vulnerable Anika. Do not let him scare you. Be brave. This is your last chance to stop him...My eyes wandering back to the photos laying on the ground on which both of us stood...obsession reflected in them.

My gaze matching his as I looked into his eyes. "You have gone mad," I spat as I attempted to build courage and bring a sense of reality to him. He rolled his eyes as he trailed his fingers tenderly against the palm of my hand.

"Madness?...Shivaay Singh Oberoi will never indulge in madness..." He led out a chuckle as the tone of his voice darkened. His fingertips slowly tracing the choora I wore as he smiled looking at them appearing to admire them.

"I love how your mehendi turned out, pure, sacred red just like my love is for you..."He whispered as I tried to snatch my hand out of his grip.

"Don't be shy," He commanded as I sighed in frustration attempting to gather my thoughts and speak whatever I had come to say, but failing as his presence incited a sense of fear inside of me.

His eyes moving up and down as he appeared to graze his eyes over my features. "Heavenly is too small word to describe your beauty. Such a beauty could only be made for Shivaay Singh Oberoi...tonight you look like just the way Shivaay Singh Oberoi's bride should be...pure and sacred...unique to a point that no one can parallel you...I cannot wait till the day I will marry you..." My gaze instantly matching his as I heard him...Marry? No. Why is he continuing to make such claims that can never happen? How can he even think about marrying me?

Anger beginning to slowly build inside of me as I looked towards him. I felt my blood boil as I clenched my hand snatching it from his grip. Am I just someone he can play with-in someone whom he could find pleasure in and satisfy himself until he get's tired and then betrays only to return back to and complete his hunger for sadistic pleasure? How sick can he get?

"Have you ever loved someone Shivaay?" My voice barely coming out in a whisper as I held on to my anger attempting to begin manipulation of his mind knowing that was the way to get rid of him and sick mind. I looked back in the dark night that fell upon us through the open balcony doors where the darkness somehow enveloped us and reflected a similar fate.

"Yes...only you...I have claimed such love multiple times for you Anika...This intimate, sacred love I have for you is something that I have never formed for anyone else except you," He spoke as he looked into my eyes attempting to make me believe his words... A small smile appearing across my lips as I looked into his eyes attempting to find love and perhaps finding remnants of it, but in the form of an obsession. The way his eyes had that peculiar darkness to them mixed with a sense of madness screams obsession.

"What is your love like?" I questioned as I looked into his eyes. Shivaay smiled as he looked at me with a sense of expectation that I was falling for his trap unaware of the fact that I was attempting to break his obsession and bring him out of his delusion.

Grabbing hold of my hand he wrapped it in his as he looked into my eyes. "My love is the one that only lives and breathes for you. My love will make me do anything for you. My love is the one that wants me to keep you in front of my eyes without any regrets. My love is the one that wants only you and nothing else...This love makes me think of you day and night and makes me go to any lengths to have you...only you..." I felt a smile reach my lips as I heard the definition of love slip from his mouth with such confidence despite being utterly mistaken.

Love? Indeed, he doesn't know the meaning of love...And somewhere I had hope that he loved me. The obsession, the ego, the sadistic pleasure reflected in his words screams the fact that he doesn't love me. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I sighed realized how wrong he stood on the definition of love.

"So an obsessive love? A shallow love seen in the choice of your words..." I whispered as I smiled knowing in an instant that Shivaay's love was nothing compared to the love I had for him.

Love is something that only I have touched Shivaay...I committed the sin of loving you and it was sin that I relished in...A sin that consumed me. A love that made me sacrifice everything and everyone for one man. A love that made me go to the lengths of changing myself and becoming the woman that he found pleasure in. A love for which I became selfless.

My words appearing to puzzle him as he looked at me with confusion not being able to come in terms with the name I had given to his "love". "Obsession? You see this as an obsession?" He spat as anger appeared to creep up inside of him.

Be brave Anika. Speak the truth and for once he will understand and walk out of your way not committing any sins that he has thought about doing tonight.

" is not what you are thinking it is. It doesn't is selfless. It gives up its own happiness for their love. Love makes one understand the one whom they love....If you loved me then you would understand that now it is time to let go...Let go of me and let me be someone else's..." I spoke softly as I felt a sense of angst recounting my love for him. Tears slipping down my cheeks as the bitterness of a broken heart and betrayal remained as a poison inside of me. He eyes widening as he appeared to be at a loss of words from hearing my statement. His grip loosening on my hand as I slipped my hand away from his grasp.

Anger still leeching on to me as I realized that now my heart was finally screaming the angst and pain it had kept inside of it from his betrayal. Speak Anika. Say everything to him and convince him to let you go. He has to. He will.

"Shivaay...I did everything as your wife to make you understand the meaning of love, but you never did...You never understood. How can I wait ages for you to understand the meaning of love?...If you think that now you can suddenly take me back with this shallow love of yours' then you are wrong! This Anika will now leave you because...because that's what you deserve...You deserve this suffering and angst that I also went through! You deserve it, so if you respect this so-called love of yours' then let me go!" My voice echoing loudly through the room as I slapped my hands together folding it in front of him. My body trembling as I felt my heart beating loudly pumping the rage inside of me that I held for so long.

Silence catching hold of him as he stood still appearing to be in a state of daze. Suppressed tears making their way down my cheeks as I held my hands together in front of him hoping that he would now let me go. Hoping that he would not further send my life to the ruins tonight...Praying that he would finally walk away from my life. How can he even think that now he can mend the distance between the both of us and make us walk down a path that we walked down before where we only faced the end of a pure, sacred relationship.

His eyes appearing to lift up towards me revealing a change in his demeanor. Darkness appearing to take control of him.His body stiffening as the softness of his eyes appeared to vanish and pull itself towards a demonic, toxic poison he appeared to hold. Loss of sanity seen in each and every inch of him as he ran his hands through his hair into its tangles.

Taking a step towards me, his hand immediately grasped on to my arm as he pulled me towards him in an instant slamming me against his chest. His hand tracing the side of my cheek as he grabbed it forcing me to look into eyes that appeared to pierce the soul.

"Anika...don't do this. My love for you is pure. I will be selfless for you. I will try to be the best I can, but I cannot let you leave me! You cannot leave me Anika! Do you hear me?! You are mine and will always be mine! I claimed you and now I will not let be anyone else's besides me!"

I was right...It's this ego that he appears to label as love...He cannot tolerate the fact that someone else will be claiming a woman he had "claimed". Clenching my teeth tightly, I looked into his eyes unfazed by his anger knowing it was his ego speaking inside of him.

"Why do you not understand?! I can never be yours now! Never! The way you have treated me, thrown me away like trash, played with my emotions and the most pure relationship in the expect me to take you back...You expect me to give you a chance!Never...Never....I have given too many chances that were broken don't think I will give you another one...Marry? How dare you even think about this?! How dare you think that I will walk down this path again with you?! How can you think that you are worth being my husband?!" Placing my hand against his chest with all my force I pushed him away as he stumbled back.

My hand immediately clasping against my mouth as sense of shock ran through me...shock over what I had just spoken. Anger getting the best of me and pushing me to spew out venom...pure venom that his betrayal had led me to form. Immediately looking up towards Shivaay, I noticed his rage appearing to have become ignited by the words I had just spoken. A sense of awareness reaching me as I realized I had hit his ego directly. I took a step back as anger slowly began to melt away becoming replaced with fear. My hands beginning to shake as I realized I may have just spoken more than I should've...This is not good.

My gaze lowering in an instant as I attempted to stand ground, but failing to gather the courage I had just held moments ago in front of him. He has a horrible temper...he is not going to take my words lightly...he never did before and likely will not now.

"I am giving you one last chance Anika. One last chance," Shivaay's voice barely trembling with anger as he took a step towards me appearing to assert his dominance.

My eyes lifting up as I noticed tears were beginning to slip down his cheeks. His tears showing a sense of vulnerability as he lifted his eyes looking towards me...A sense of pain creeping on to my heart as I felt the tears burning on to my heart and falling on it in the form of ashes....I have never seen such vulnerability in him...He has never dared to show this side. Somewhere, my words have hurt him and I could see that in a sense of angst that was swirling and twisting in his eyes.

Don't give in Anika. Don't. It is integral that you stand your ground. Prove to him that he is not worthy of you...prove it to him and push him away...You have to give this a try in order to put an end to his schemes. It is important you do such to protect your pride and honor...Your family's honor. This is your duty.

"Chance? You will give me a chance? For what Shivaay? For what?...Honestly, I don't care. Your presence makes no difference to me anymore. I do not love you anymore then why would I want you back? It's not possible," My words speaking the bitter truth as I sighed taking a deep breath.

I wiped my tears realizing my truth...the fact that indeed I would never be capable of loving him again...knowing that it is not a possibility. He broke such a sacred relationship, forgetting all the vows and promises...if such a sacred bond has been destroyed between two people then how can they both come back and be together once again? How can such two people fall in love again? It is not possible and this is the truth. Our truth.

Sliding my feet against the floor, I began to walk towards the door as I looked back towards Shivaay who stood still appearing to stare into space as tears continued to stream down his cheeks. My words somehow piercing and toxifying his obsession as he appeared to have approached a loss of words.

I know I have spoken too much...I know I spewed venom, but this is the only way I can fight back against you and your wicked mind...I hope my words reached you and I hope now you understand the truth...the reality that I will never be able to love you. Your betrayal has toxified my heart to a point that I don't think I ever will be able to love you...This Anika is now incapable of even learning to love you again.

Shivaay's Point of View

So this is how it is Anika...So now you will dare to walk away from me and go ahead and pursue a relationship with my cousin...a relationship that requires intimacy. I clenched my teeth tightly feeling disgust even at the thought of it. So, now you will dare to humiliate me and make a mockery of me in front of the world by marrying my own cousin...Oh how dare you even think of it? How dare you think about committing such sin Anika? I am not someone to be played with...You cannot be intimate with me in one moment and then throw me out of your life as if I hold no significance in your life...You are out for revenge Anika and I know the betrayal I have given you has pushed you to want to seek sadistic pleasure in seeing me suffer in angst and pain from losing you...Anika you made a big mistake by daring to do such.

I claimed you Anika. I marked you as mine...years ago and I did it again tonight. Rich blood, that was a part of my soul, was placed in the parting of your hair tonight...that blood signifies my name...That sindoor that I placed upon you moments ago holds a significance for me...I marked you because I still see you as my wife. No piece of paper can steal my vows and promises that I made to now I will fulfill my duty...But beyond that, I will let the world know that only you belong to me.

Salvaging my tears, I wiped them away in an instant. Now I will show you Anika what I can do. You thought that you could spew such venom and break me down, so I will not fight for you tonight...well you are wrong my love. I will fight for you, I will tame you, and then I will keep you forever. I smirked as I heard my phone ring.

My eyes shooting down to the name as I realized it was Sam. Placing the phone against my ear, I let out a small chuckle realizing how close I was to starting a new journey with her...our journey. You will be hurt Anika, but then you will return to me like you always do. There is no one else in this world who can wipe your tears away and love you the way I do. There is no one who can heal your wounds the way I can do.

"Tell me that everything is in place," I commanded as Sam sighed.

"Yes. Sir are you sure?" He spoke as I took a deep breath. This is the only way Shivaay. She had a chance which she lost, so now you will fix things your will end this mess and then focus on rebuilding your relationship with Anika.

"Do it in the next fifteen minutes," I hissed as the line went silent.

The matters of the heart can make one lose sense of reality...My love for you has reached a point that now I cannot think about living a single moment without you Anika. Never would I have thought that I would fall in love and never would I have thought I would sacrifice my entire pride, honor, and hard work for love, but Anika you have changed me...Your love has changed me...And now I will do anything to have you because now you are the one who can give peace to this heart that suffers in the need of love. If having you means destroying myself then I am ready. You claim that you may never fall in love with me, well if that is the truth, then if I cannot have you I will not anyone else have you either. If I am going to go down then you will also go down with me...However, my heart tells me that your heart will change towards me and that one day you will come back to me and only be mine.

Anika's Point of View

Fate cannot be so cruel me. Fate has to work in my favor tonight and support me. Already, fate has stolen so much from love, my it cannot steal the last remaining thing I have which is my pride and honor.

Dragging my feet towards Armaan, I took a seat next to him feeling a sense of hopelessness. Loss of hope touching me as I realized that now fate was going to act out of my control. I have done everything tonight to save the last remaining bits of wealth I have...A girl's wealth is her pride and honor. Modern society laughs when they hear this bitter truth, but it is a toxic reality of the society we live in. This society never lets a woman live whose pride and honor shows cracks according to their eyes, their values, their norms...

"Where were you?" Mom's voice breaking my trance as I looked up spilling a tear down my cheek.

"'t feeling I sat down for a little bit..." I remarked as Mom raised her eyebrow looking at me suspiciously.

"You weren't feeling well? Are you ok now Anika?" Armaan questioned with a sense of concern as he looked towards me.

"Um...yes...I am feeling better now," I replied as I looked up towards a crowd of dancers that were about to finish their dance routine.

"Thank God, Anika you are back! We were just about to welcome the guests officially and introduce you to everyone," Jhanvi aunty exclaimed with excitement as she grabbed a microphone leading Tej uncle to the dance floor.

Tej uncle tapping a spoon against his glass to get everyone's attention. The large group of guests' voices faltering and falling down as the music stopped in the background.

"Well, good evening everyone. I am so glad you have come to celebrate such a joyous occasion with our family. Truly, I am grateful that all of you have come to give your blessings and share our happiness that we have to see our son, Armaan Oberoi marry Anika Malhotra," Tej uncle spoke proudly as all the guests began to clap loudly.

My eyes lowering as I felt a sense of guilt still weighing on my soul on how I was betraying them and hiding such a big truth from all of them...a truth that could potentially ruin everything and create a storm that will bring my reckoning.

"Indeed, we are so lucky to have found such a beautiful and intelligent bride for our son Armaan. Anika truly is kind, lovely, and gentle human being who will bring beauty and prosperity to Armaan's life and of course our lives..." Jhanvi aunty spoke as she smiled gesturing towards me as the guests looked towards us and continued to clap with cheer and joy.

"So before we begin this lovely night with happiness, fun, joy, singing and dancing...we made a special video for Armaan and Anika to celebrate their lives so far and the journey to their relationship," Jhanvi aunty remarked as everyone jeered directing themselves towards a large projector screen that set in the front and center of the guests near the stairwells.

Classical music slowly beginning to play in the background as the lights dimmed dark. Photos of Armaan began to play on the screen from his childhood as everyone laughed looking at his memories.

I sat in silence, staring at the palms of my hand and observing my fate lines that had become a deep shade of red from the mehendi. Where have you brought me? Indeed, it is not completely fate's fault. I have committed so many sins from hurting my parents and ruining their honor by running away from home only to marry a liar...I slept with this same betrayer and indulged in an illicit relationship...I sinned by moving forward in a relationship with my ex-husband's cousin in heat of the moment to prove to the cheat that I didn't love him...Indeed, perhaps, I do deserve everything that is happening and that will happen to me, but then it so hard to accept this cruelty of fate and life.

My hands trembled as I grabbed a glass of water taking a sip of it as I soaked through guilt and shame that I had brought upon myself.

Suddenly, the music stopped playing as I heard a loud ringing sound from the speakers. My eyes slowly moved up as I looked at screen which went blank. Raising my eyebrow, I looked at it in a state of confusion as the ringing sound continued only to bring back a blank white screen.

The sound vanquishing in an instant as a video came forward.

My eyes widening as I stared at the screening able to recognize my past...My soul breaking through as pieces of filth spilled upon it. Shockwaves immediately crashing through threatening to destroy the life it held as the video ran through.

"So we are finally here!" The familiar voice exclaimed in the background as he panned the camera towards me. My giggles filling up the hotel room as I looked outside of the window. Wearing a deep blue colored, chiffon saree, I merged myself with the background of the ocean whose waves crashed against the sand seen through our window.

"Yay! We are finally here my love!" I yelled as I immediately turned towards the camera revealing myself.

There I stood wearing a mangalsutra that I twirled around my fingers looking at the camera innocently in an attempt to tease the maker of the video.

My eyes widening as a sense of shock hit me. My heart dropping and shattering just like glass upon realizing that my truth was now out. The pride and honor I held so dearly finely cracking.

"We are finally here in Ibiza, Spain!" He exclaimed as I giggled and pumped my hands in the air.

"Ibiza with my love only!" I exclaimed with a sense of joy as I looked towards him biting my lip as I grabbed a hold of his hand placing a kiss on it.

"On our honeymoon Anika! How can you forget to say that?" He exclaimed as I threw my hands on my face hiding my blushing cheeks as I giggled intoxicated with love.

A loud gasp erupting from the crowd as my eyes stood still staring at the projector...waiting for my reckoning knowing that now it was end.

"Now say I love you. I am warning you to say I love you!" He commanded appearing to be serious as he panned the camera close to my face. I laughed as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms looking towards him.

"Hey this video making was your idea, so now you will have to obey the video maker who gave into this request!" He exclaimed jokingly as I looked at him shyly before unraveling my heart out to him. Clasping my hands together, I gathered my anxious nerves together as I took a deep breath before speaking the three words.

"I love you..." My voice coming out as a soft, tender hymn as I smiled, grabbing his arm and in an instant pulling him towards the front of the camera.

Shivaay's face appearing as he wrapped his arm around me immediately placing a kiss on my cheek. His eyes capturing mines' as I looked towards him with a soft smile mesmerized in the moment. "I love you too. You are more than my wife as you are my soulmate," He spoke softly as he kissed my forehead before the video went blank.

Loud gasps erupting in the crowd as whispers and chatter erupted in the crowd. Their eyes showing disgust as their words threw filth upon me cracking my pride and honor in an instant. My soul dropping lifelessly as the last remaining bits of pieces it lived on...pride and honor now shattered.

A news reporter appearing on the screen with a wide smile that appeared to taunt me, mock me, and further demolish my soul's honor. "Welcome to another bite of popular culture news. Recently, the CEO of Oberoi Hospitals, Shivaay Singh Oberoi, who is one of the top ten richest men in the U.S. and top twenty on a large level along with projected to run the Oberoi Empire and its various business organizations, has been in the media for the wrong reasons from being charged for battery for an incident at a nightclub to possibly breaking business ethics. Indeed, he has recently broke ethics as he was spotted with an employee of his on multiple occasions from a local hospital branch to a recent charity fashion show that she herself organized. The woman in question has created a lot of debate about ethics in business considering she is an employee of Shivaay Singh Oberoi, however, tonight we reveal there is more to the story. Dr. Anika Malhotra is not only Shivaay Singh Oberoi's employee, but also is his ex-wife..."

Glass shattering loudly as it slipped out of my hand as life now slowly slipped out of me. My heart stopping its beats upon realizing that now life might not be worth living. The ground beginning to slip beneath me as the truth hit. A secret that I had buried deeply within my soul...a secret that poisoned my body slowly piece by piece since years finally erupting threatening to end the last thing I had to pride and honor.

My eyes lifting themselves up as my past stood in front of me revealing my dirty secret...a secret that now will spread filth and poison across my entire soul from which it will never be able to get rid of.

There stood in front of my eyes my truth. Our truth. I stood in the plain red saree proudly wearing a mangalsutra and sindoor in his name. He stood next to me with a wide smile as he wrapped his hand around my waist holding me tightly against him.

My heart began to rapidly fire up, beating loudly and fluttering up and down as fear rumbled through it...fear of what will happen, but beyond that...disgrace touched it weakening its strength as the last thing this heart thrived on was the remaining honor that its soul had.

"However, there is more to the story. This employee, Dr. Anika Malhotra is not only his ex-wife, but now apparently Shivaay Singh Oberoi is pursuing a romantic relationship with her once more as a recent video has been uncovered which confirms the couple is in a relationship..."

My body went cold as I heard the lie...A sense of shock hitting me as I gripped on to the sofa tightly looking straight at the projector failing to gather the courage to look towards anyone else...

My eyes widening as I looked at the video beginning to play...There stood Shivaay and I dancing closely in the nightclub. My head rested on his shoulders as Shivaay held me closely against him with his hands wrapped around my waist as his lips grazed the side of my neck.

"Indeed, this video raises quite a lot of questions on ethics and the secretive life that Shivaay Singh Oberoi apparently holds. We reached out to his spokesperson who confirmed that indeed Anika Malhotra is Shivaay Singh Oberoi's ex-wife who was actually his first wife before he married Tia Sharma...Now the question remains why he kept this marriage a secret..." Suddenly the screen went blank.

My body slipping down as I felt my conscious losing its hold. A sense of dark sorrow embracing me tightly trying to protect me from the reality that now will soon strike...I had one precious thing, which was my was the last piece I had that would allow me to live in this cruel world. Fate took away my husband, my child...everything I cherished and now this was the piece on which I lived on and carried myself in pride in society and now I have lost this as well.

Tears began to stream down my cheeks as angst wrapped around my soul tightly while pain began to poison it making it twist and turn.

The lights slowly turned on emitting on to our truth....our dirtiest secret that we had buried within ourselves. This cannot be happening. No. No. The secret that I have hidden for so many now known. I cannot believe that fate has turned this cruel. How could fate do this?

Pin drop silence apparent in the room as everyone's chatter died down...All eyes turning towards me as I sat in silence...My world slowly crashing down as it fell upon my soul burdening it and setting it on fire. My breaths slowly down as I felt my body losing its life.

A loud tapping sound erupting as I lifted my gaze slowly catching sight of my betrayer...Knowing in an instant that he was the criminal who stole the last thing I cherished tenderly...There he walked down the stairs with ego dancing on top of his soul, anger running in veins, and pride sitting like a crown on his head...There he walked, dressed in all black, appearing demonic, wicked, and pure filth as smiled deviously knowing he had won the game again. There he was the betrayer, the man who will now seek my reckoning...Shivaay.

His devious eyes set intently with passion and madness upon me as he looked at me sitting in front of him completely shattered...Filth and smell of disgust emitting from me that now surrounded each individual's senses making them aware that I was now an outcast.

Laugh now. Laugh. You know you want to laugh seeing me like this. You finally did what you were threatening to do tonight. Now here I sit as a beggar in front of you...vulnerable, ill of pride and honor, and impoverished from the greatest wealth that a woman holds which is her honor and pride...I know I sinned...I know I initiated the cracks in my honor, but you are the criminal who decided to walk on these cracks, instill filth in them, and proclaim it to the world to let it know that I am the decaying part of society that should be uprooted since I am immoral by not following the values and norms that society holds.

Glass shattering loudly as I began to hear screams erupt behind me. "What is this?! What is this?!" My eyes lifting up as I realized it was my father. His body trembling in shock as my dirty secret began to taunt him dancing on top of his soul and making him lose control of his sanity. Taayaa ji holding him back. Mom standing still next to him with her eyes drawing a blank as she saw her kingdom based on its sole wealth of honor and pride collapsing and falling in front of her eyes...her heart not being able to understand where she went wrong.

I sat still not moving as my soul stalled in time not wanting to get up, move, or even listen to its own thoughts...My soul was now on its own journey poisoned by the truth...poisoned by the loss of pride and honor. As the scene in front of me unfolded, my will, my courage, my dignity all began to fall down shattering into irreparable pieces.

There he stood smiling as he looked at my father and then towards me. Our sadness, sorrow, anger, and my humiliation feeding his sadistic pleasure as he saw the initiation of the reckoning that he himself has borne. However, the hunger for wanting more appearing his eyes as he looked towards me.

He walked slowly as he made his way towards me without any shame or any guilt apparent in that wicked smile he gave. His body trembling in his vanity that consumed his mind reigning on it. A silence erupting as news reporters' cameras continued to click at the both of us.

Slowly, he began to clap as he looked towards Armaan with a wide smirk. Alcohol consuming him and toxifying his soul as he looked back towards me.

His eyes full of lust as he looked at me up and down...His soul ignited with a sense of passion and a desire to solely capture me and imprison me...A proud smile across his lips as he made his way towards me with everyone watching the both of us observing each and every move of ours' wanting to confirm if what they saw and heard was the truth.

My eyes lowering as I stared at the ground he grazed with his filthy presence...Not once wanting to look at him as the presence of his mere soul brought a sense of revulsion inside of me. Anger slowly beginning to boil inside of me as my body sat and relished in shock with realization that everything was now over.

Suddenly, I felt his grime soul touch me as he wrapped his hand tightly around my wrist digging his fingers into my wrist. My eyes standing still as I sat lifeless looking into the distance and seeing the world taunting me with disgust as they looked towards me. Without saying another word, he grabbed me with intense force pulling my body up trailing his hand down my wrist to my hand entwining his hand in it.

My eyes widening as I looked towards him in silence...My soul screaming loudly inside of me in torture and angst knowing that its honor had been stolen, but the screams seemingly not making its way out of me...becoming lost somewhere in the tulmutous sadness and anger that was boiling inside of me.

Shivaay smiled as he looked back towards me pulling me against his body imposing his sense of ownership upon it. His eyes showing dominance as he looked at me as if I was his prisoner. Leaning closely against my ear, I felt his warm breath brush the side of my ear as he spoke, "I gave you a chance and you didn't listen, but it is ok because that doesn't matter...what matters is that now it's only you and me and no one else."

I felt a shiver go down my spine as I listened to his insanity. Closing my eyes shut, I felt tears spill down my cheeks as a sense of helplessness touched me making me realize how fate had stolen everything from me, including the one thing that allowed me to still hold my head high and live...

Finally, he roared as he looked back towards the guests and our families that stood still in shock not being able to comprehend whether what they saw was reality or a mere illusion. "Indeed, everyone expected a beautiful night tonight and it is still beautiful..." He stopped as he looked back towards me appearing to admire me as I kept my gaze lowered unable to comprehend what just had happened to me.

"It is quite unfortunate that I have to announce my relationship in such manner, but circumstances required such. What you have all seen in that news report is absolutely true. Anika Malhotra was my first wife who I married years ago and due to unfortunate circumstances we parted ways..."

"Shivaay!" My body trembling as I heard the loud, aggressive voice tumble its way through. My eyes lifting up in an instant as I realized it was Shakti uncle who began walking towards us full of rage as he looked at the both of us seeing us as a bitter poison that had just made his kingdom fall.

Shivaay tightened his grip on my hand as I felt my pulse beginning to drum hard against the palm of my skin. I bit my lip trying to hold back tears realizing what this man was doing was completely outreagous and insane, but knowing that there was no use fighting. I fought my war upstairs, begged in front of him, and even spewed venom with all failing as he still fulfilled the crime that he had intended to commit since the start of the night.

"Stop right there!" Shivaay commanded as he held his hand up. Shakti uncle's eyes widening as he stopped in his steps appeared shocked by his courage to order him in front of the large group of guests. My eyes widening as I looked back towards him stunned by the authority he appeared to hold not once wavering in front of his family despite revealing such a painful, shameful truth. No guilt seen in his eyes...not an ounce.

"This is what you all shall see...Look at my father and look at my family and her family...We had and still have class differences and this led me to hide such a beautiful marriage because my family would've never accepted such. This family thrives on pride and honor valued by the amount of wealth one has. Such differences and my ability to not confess my marriage in front of my family made Anika quite upset. So, we parted ways. However, years later we encountered one another again and then fate happened...My love for her never died and once I saw her I fell more deeply in love than ever before..." His voice softening as I immediately looked towards him. His eyes appearing to soften as he looked at me with tenderness.

Swallowing my tears, I immediately looked away in disgust wanting to resist and speak, but failing to do so as my soul appeared to have fallen not once wanting to fight...shock still running through me leaving me puzzled and lost in what I was supposed to do. Love? This is your love? Your love humiliates the one it lays its eyes upon? Your love plays with your lover's honor?

Placing my hand on top of his, I attempted to snatch it trying to gesture him to stop immediately.

"Anika and I recently began to pursue a relationship before this marriage was arranged between the two families...I should've fought on earlier against this proposal and fought for Anika, but...I didn't have the courage to until...tonight. I couldn't see her walking away like this from me and I know she cannot walk away from me. Anika as usual is selfless and she wanted to give into this wedding, but I cannot let go of her...unlike last time of here I am and I want to tell everyone that Anika and I love one another." My hand slowly slipped away from his as I heard the lie slither out of his mouth. A lie that hit the last nail in the coffin in my pride and dignity...A lie that now has filled the sense of everyone. My eyes moving up as I looked at the guests who looked towards the both of us shocked, angry, and in disgust...Their eyes not looking towards Shivaay, but me...Their eyes looking towards me as they began to unravel my character, picking on it and poking on it, as they began to whisper amongst themselves. His lie placing the veil of disgrace upon me that I can never remove.

Clenching on to my dupatta tightly, I looked towards him as he stood tall with a devilish smirk knowing he had won again...won his sick game...Anger beginning to pump through me as I shook my head in utter disgust. How. Dare. He. How dare he even spew such lie about me in front of everyone? How dare he claim that I love him knowing how wrong he is? How dare he ruin my honor and reputation in such manner? What gave him the right to?

"Now all of you may leave. This night and this wedding officially cancelled. Please give us and our families the privacy that is needed at this time," Shivaay spoke loudly instructing the guests to leave.

I stood still not knowing what to do and what to even say as fear rushed through me. My eyes moving towards Mom and Dad who stood across from the both of us full of vexation and rage. They stared directly at me ready to commit sin if it meant to save their remaining honor that they had in small pieces.

My body beginning to tremble as I remembered my childhood...remembering what happened when I disobeyed...What are they going to do? What will they do to me? This is the last straw. Each and every time I have broken their trust and dishonored them and now they will not stay in peace.

As the last guest left, an eerie silence fell upon the living area. Shivaay standing right next to me not moving an inch as he looked at our families who looked towards the both of us with pure anger and disgust not being able to digest the truth...Our truth. His eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms looking and observing each and every one of them. His demeanor appearing threatening as he placed on an aggressive stance in front of them.

Suddenly, I heard a loud crash as I screamed suddenly shocked as Armaan threw over the table in front of us. My body stumbling back as I bumped against Shivaay whose hand immediately wrapped around my waist. I bit my lip immediately snatching my waist out of his grip as I looked at him with pure anger not wanting to be touched by his grimy hands.

"What sick joke is this?! Huh! Anika speak to me!" Armaan screamed as he grabbed my arm shoving his finger in it as I suddenly squealed in pain not being able to bare it.

Suddenly my body flew back as Shivaay pushed me away grabbing Armaan's collar and before I knew it I heard a loud slap as I clasped my hands on my mouth shocked by what Shivaay did.

"How dare you?!" Armaan yelled as he got up from the floor ready to lunge on to Shivaay before Om intervened holding him back.

"Stop it! Stop Armaan!" Om yelled trying to stop him as Shivaay began to laugh loudly looking towards him appalling me as I felt a sense of fear rising up inside of me as I looked towards him finding a sense of insanity in him.

"You deserved this a long time back when you dared to look at my Anika with that disgusting, perverted gaze of yours'! How dare you look at her in such manner?! Do you know that she is mine?! Only mine! I could've done worse to you, but this is just a slap!" Shivaay spat as Armaan clenched his teeth tightly pushing himself towards him as Om pulled him back.

Suddenly, I felt a tight grip clasping on to my wrist as my body swung over swiftly towards Mom. I stood still as I looked at into her rage filled eyes that were ready to touch my flesh. My lips beginning to quiver as I felt a sense of fear tying itself inside of me. My heart beginning to collapse as I looked towards her feeling a sense of panic arise inside of me upon thinking what she would do?

Dad emerging behind her as he looked at me with tear filled eyes...His eyes showing a sense of shame as he appeared to have lost the pride that he carried. Guilt beginning to spin its wheels inside of me as I lowered my gaze realizing what a sin I had committed. My father never showed this vulnerability that I am seeing in his eyes right now...Never. The way he is standing with his head lowered in front of everyone as he appears to have lost his pride is something that I cannot bear to see him as...He is my father after all.

"Anika...tell me. Were you married to Shivaay? Was this the boy with whom you ran away from home for?! Huh...Tell me!" He suddenly screamed loudly as I took a step back feeling a sense of despair over come me.

Closing my eyes shut, I took a deep breath as I realized everything was over. The secret is out and now I cannot do anything about. All I can do is admit my sins...This is all I can do now. The filth has been thrown on me and now cracks are apparent in my honor. There is nothing except to admit the truth.

"Y-Yes..." My voice coming out as a small whisper as I opened my eyes looking towards my father.

Suddenly, I felt a force slam against my cheek making a loud sound igniting a burning, stinging pain against it. My head moving swiftly to the side as tears spilled out of my eyes. My body stumbling back as I felt my mind beginning to feet losing its ground as I slipped against it. Ready to fall...but I didn't.

In an instant, I felt a pair of hands wrap around my back as my face buried into the warmth of his chest instantly knowing who it was. Tears beginning to roll down my cheeks as I clenched on to his shirt finding my body losing its grip as my head began to spin. My body slowly giving up as life began to slip out of it.

Slowly lifting my gaze up, I found Shivaay holding on to me tightly as he looked towards me. His eyes appearing to soften as they moved towards my cheek where the slap had been laid. Tracing his hand up to the nape of my neck, he grazed it against my cheek looking at it intently.

My eyes lowering as I felt my tears slipping on to the palm of his hand as they appeared to plead for mercy. What have you done Shivaay? What have you done?...Not once did you think of me. You claimed your love for me then how could you do this to me? Love cannot be so selfish.

Suddenly I felt a sudden rush of wind as I looked up realizing Mom was about to raise her hand again. My eyes closing shut as I felt my body tremble in fear ready to once again be punished for my sin.

"How dare you?!" Shivaay yelled as my eyes suddenly opened finding myself in shock as Shivaay grabbed hold of her hand. My fingers digging into the seams of his shirt as I clenched on to it tightly in fear anticipating what may happen.

Mom appearing stunned as her body became still with her anger simmering down. Her eyes moving towards me as she looked at me intently with a questioning gaze before looking towards Shivaay as he let go of her hand.

My eyes following towards Shivaay as he appeared to be caught in a moment of rage. His eyes bulging with the color of red as he clenched his jaw tightly read to commit sin. "How dare you lay a finger on Anika?! How dare you even think about committing such sinful act?! Huh!" He screamed as he pulled me tightly into the side of his body not once wavering in front of her.

Suddenly, he took a step towards her as I grabbed his arm tightly squeezing it gesturing him to stop instantly. No. He cannot dare to lay a finger on my parents...He cannot considering what sin he has committed tonight...He should've expected this ordeal knowing what he has done.

"She is a characterless girl and you are defending her! She was your ex-wife then she decided to commit to marriage with your cousin while also romancing you! This filth is after your money! I can see it!" Pinky aunty yelled as she took a step towards me appearing angry as she gave me a look of disgust.

Pinky aunty's words piercing my soul like a thorn as I felt a sense of disgust overcome and embrace me tightly. My eyes lowering realizing my reality...realizing that her words held truth. Indeed, I am characterless...indeed I am a disgrace...Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stood still not being able to fight back because her words held the truth.

Shivaay immediately slipped his hand off my shoulder entwining his hands in mine as he took a step in front of me...appearing as if he wanted to protect me.

"How dare you?! How dare you question Anika's character?! Who are you to do that?!" Shivaay spat in anger as Pinky aunty's mouth widened appearing appalled by his statement as he appeared fully ready to attack her if she said another word.

"Pinky don't question a stranger, but first your son! Look at what he has done! He has ruined our family's pride, honor, and reputation all in a minute!" Shakti uncle intervened as he took a step towards Shivaay full of aggression ready to unleash his anger upon him.

"Oh don't you dare even say that! Don't you dare considering what you have done! What sin and crime did I commit by marrying her?! Huh! And now what sin am I committing by loving her again?! At least I am not a walking disgrace like you who indulges in extra marital affairs in the public view for everyone to see!" My eyes widening as I heard the words slip out Shivaay's mouth. His eyes reflecting a sense of pain as he appeared to cover it with his anger not wanting to contemplate on the truth that he just spoke.

"Shivaay!" Shakti uncle raising his hand towards him as Shivaay immediately pushed it away slamming his arm against his hand.

Holding on to my hand tightly, Shivaay took a step towards Shakti uncle lowering his face as he looked directly into his eyes. A small shiver from fear running through me as I looked at Shivaay finding a sense of danger in his threatening gaze.

"Get one thing straight Mr. Shakti Oberoi. Stay away from my business and that will be the best for you...Do you understand?" He spoke through his gritted teeth as Shakti uncle lowered his gaze appearing to give into his demand.

His sense of dominance bringing a sense of disgust inside of me. Realization hitting me that the questions now being raised towards me were due to him who revealed this btiter truth along with a lie. I sighed shaking my head as I tried to tug my hand out of his grip feeling a sense of disgust overcome me with realization of what Shivaay has done...Disgust over how he broke down the last remaining thing I honor.

"Well what about us?! What about the fact that this lover of yours' indulged in marrying my son while enjoying a romantic rendezvous with you! What about the fact that you both hid such a big truth from us and the fact that she was your ex wife and now apparently your lover!" Jhanvi aunty screamed in anger as I took a deep breath not being able to bear more humiliation despite knowing how much truth her words held. My soul trembling not being able to face the sins it committed as I closed my eyes standing still.

"Romantic rendezvous? Oh really? She was always mine until your son forced his way! And how dare you question her character?! Huh! I am warning all of you that don't you dare question Anika's character and her honor because you will see the worse of me! The worst! You all do not know what I am capable of! I love this woman and she is now claimed by me! So, don't you dare...don't you dare point a finger at her!" Shivaay screamed as I sighed shaking my head not being able to hear his hypocricy...not being able to digest his words knowing how untruthful they were...What honor? What character? I have none of that Shivaay...You have broken it and killed it with your own hands tonight...With your own hands...Love? Now you are claiming love for me in front of everyone? What kind of love is this?

"I love Anika! Do you all hear me?! I love her and now I will not hear another word! If I hear another word from any of you then that is it! Do you understand?! I love her and now she will be mine! I will make her mine! She stays in this heart and she rules it...She is pure...Not one ounce of filth is present in that soul of hers'! So think before you speak! Think!" Shivaay screamed as he began slapping his hand against his chest right where his heart was. A sense of rage slowly beginning to posses him as his body began to tremble. His hair standing up in the air as his face reddened with his veins throbbing out of it.

My eyes turning towards everyone as they stood still...Shivaay's threat appearing to take hold of them as they looked at both of us stunned and in absolute shock not being able to comprehend what had gotten hold of Shivaay leading him to go into this moment of rage.

Purity? I am his? That is it. That is it Anika. Don't you dare stand in silence like this while allowing this man to show his hypocrisy failing to realize what a sin he has committed. Do not allow him to play with your honor like this...But wait...what honor? You don't have any honor. So, why are you standing like this? What is there to lose? Speak your mind. For once show him his place. How dare he do this to you?

Suddenly, I grabbed a hold of his arm and with all my force I turned him towards me. Shivaay appearing taken aback as he looked at me not being able to understand. Gathering all my courage and my anger, I finally decided to speak. "Love?! This is what you call love?! This is your love! Shivaay how dare you?! How dare you do this to me?!" I screamed as I slammed my hands against his chest pushing him hard as he stumbled back. His eyes widening as he grabbed hold of the stairs preventing him from falling back. He appeared stunned as he heard my screams reach him...the screams of my soul that has been buried tonight.

"Anika..." He stopped as he took a step towards me as I dragged my feet too him immediately grabbing his collar pulling him towards me. Shivaay's hands wrapping around my wrists as his eyes appeared to darken showing that his ego had been hurt.

"Let go! Let go of me!" Shivaay yelled as I tightened my grip on his collar trembling in rage...rage over how he dared to lay a finger on my honor. His gaze moving towards our families whose eyes fell upon us not saying a word, but standing bewildered and confused over what was happening unaware of the truth...the reality that I do not love him...that what he said was a lie.

"Let go?! Let go of sick beast! You are a snake! How dare you do this to me?! Haven't you done enough already in breaking me! In shattering me and leaving me on the side as a piece of trash that you stooped so low tonight?! You stole everything from me! Every single damn stole my ability to stole my belief over the institution of marriage...and now you stole one last last thing that I cherished the thing that was my honor! You killed my honor tonight! How dare you?!" My grip loosening on his collar as I felt tears beginning to stream down my cheeks. My body beginning to fall weak as I felt my head spin. His face becoming a blur as he stood in front of me as I felt my soul crushing down...not being able to bear any more despair, pain, and angst that it had been suffering for days...for years.

"Don't you dare yell at me in this manner! Do you hear me?! Do not make a mockery of our relationship in front of everyone! What happens between us stays between us!" He spat as he grabbed my wrist pulling me towards him in an attempt to assert his dominance.

My eyes widening as I looked at him shocked at what I heard...his hypocrisy. "Are you kidding me Shivaay? Huh? You are the one who brought our relationship out in the open like this! But then why are you lying?! Tell them the truth nah?! Tell them and show them what a great man you are! Tell them what a great deed you did! Tell them why you divorced me! Tell them that I am not the characterless one, but it is you! You!" I slammed my finger into his chest looking into his eyes with a sense of determination...ready to lay out the true reality of what our marriage was like. Shivaay stood still as he looked at me...My words appearing to strike reality inside of him and hit his ego...My words piercing the right place which was his heart.

"Tell them that I was the one who sacrificed everything for our marriage...Tell them that you were the one who was running away and I was the one who was pulling you back...Tell them the truth! The damn truth! Not this one in which you claimed such a big lie! How low can you get?! Don't you have any shame?! " My voice echoed loudly.

Suddenly I felt a cramp in my womb as I took a deep breath placing my hand on it immediately as my body began to tremble with anger still running through it. My heart pounding loudly against my chest as I felt tears continuing to stream down my cheeks as they screamed the humiliation that I suffered tonight.

My eyes lifting towards the members of our families who stood shocked. Mom and dad looking at me furiously as they shook their head in disgust looking towards the both of us. Shivaay's family looking towards us in complete bewilderment and at loss of what the actual truth was.

"Come with me! Come with me now!" Shivaay screamed as he grabbed my wrist. What is he doing? How dare he treat me like this after what he has done? Doesn't he have any shame?

"Let go! Let go of me!" I screamed as Shivaay furrowed his eyebrows looking back towards me reflecting a sense of madness and obsession in his eyes.

"Shivaay let go of her!" Shakti uncle yelledafter us.

My feet stumbling against the stairsteps as Shivaay began to drag me up the stairs. My hands holding on to the railings trying to stop him. A sense of fear arising inside of me as I looked towards him seeing a sense of insanity reflected in his eyes that darted back and forth looking back twice towards me ensuring I was there.

"Come on! Let's go!" He yelled as my hand slipped against the floor making my knee hit the ground as my dupatta slipped off my shoulder.

With all his force, he pulled me back up once more as he began to drag me down the hall towards his room. A state of panic erupting inside of me as I shook my head attempting to slip my hand out of his grip as I looked at him realizing that my anger had hit a sensitive nerve and incited his rage.

"Let go of Anika! This story does not end here!" Mom screamed after us as I began to hear our families scream loudly behind us.

"Let go of me! Let go!" I screamed loudly as Shivaay smirked looking back at me with danger screaming in his eyes. His intentions not appearing good.

He grabbed the door open to his room and with all his force pushed me inside. My legs slipping against the small carpet crashing on to the floor. A cramp igniting against my womb as I clenched on to it tightly feeling the ground spin beneath me. My eyes falling on to his feet as he stood above me. Lifting my gaze, I looked into his eyes as I saw a man consumed with passion ready to destroy everything if it meant to have me.

Please do read Chapter 31 that is now available after this chapter :)

I hope I did justice to the revelation scene, but please be lenient on me as I feel I can only write emotional scenes and it is a bit hard for me to write family scenes that involve drama. I am so sorry if this chapter disappointed you or anything, but this storyline was in my mind since I wrote Chapter 1. I am sorry if the writing got a bit bad for the dramatic scene as again I am not an expert in writing revelation and family drama scenes.

This last revelation shows only the beginning of the drama. The last scene only showed Anika's shock and her family's shock so there was less dialogue, but in Chapter 31 more family drama will be shown along with an unusual twist at the end.

Please do read Chapter 31 that is now available after this chapter :)

Thank you for reading and if you wish, you may vote, comment, and share this story :)



If anyone curious the saree Anika wore for her wedding with Shivaay then it is something like this that I had in my mind:

Photo Credit: ,

If anyone is curious what Anika is wearing for the sangeet then the outfit is something like this that I had in mind:

Photo Credit:

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