A Lead, A Snake, A Girl

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Hey, Readers! Despite all my little romance stories, I absolutely hate the month of February -_-. I hate romance; especially since my friends make an absolute fool of themselves. And yet, I'm writing this chapter so close to the holiday. Anyhoo, here's Chapter 12, ENJOOOOY!!!


I woke up to the sound of my cell phone. I groaned and stretched out  my arms. I blindly searched for my phone until I felt it's cold metalic skin across my fingertips. I picked it up and answered it. "Hello?" I answered drowsily.

"Finally! This is the sixth time I called!" Levy's shrill voice yelled.

"I was taking a nap." I groaned.

"With Lucy, right?" She chuckled. I could feel  my cheeks slightly burn up. "What do you want, Levy?"

"We've got a lead on where Liora is." She informed me. I sat up straight, my brain now wide awake. My whole body was now filled with adredeline. "Are you serious!"

"Yup. The papyrus paper is only common in one area: Tenzanamu." Levy confirmed. Tenzanamu was a day and a half journey from Fiore. "We can get there faster if Happy and the others fly us there!" I exclaimed.

"That might be a problem then." Levy said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"All the Exceeds have been called by the Queen hersefl. Even Sting and Rogue's Exceeds have been called out." She explained.

"Damn it." I cursed under my breath. "Then I guess Lucy and I will be going there by foot."

"And Lisanna."

A sudden jolt hit me. "What do you mean Lisanna."

"She has a powerful nose, Natsu." Levy sighed. "You're going to have to forget your former relationship and focus on this mission."

"Shouldn't I be the one giving orders?" I asked.

"When it comes to my best friend, I give the orders." She growled.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell Lucy and we'll meet you at the guild."  I told her. I hung up on her and sighed. Why of all people do we have to bring Lisanna? I turned over to wake up Lucy when I realized she wasn't in bed. Did she get up early? I wondered. I suddenly heard the sound of snipping coming from the bathroom. I gingerly got up and walked towards the bathroom. I open the bathroom to see locks of blond on the tiled floor. I looked up to see Lucy, her hair cut to the same length it was before she was a Celestial Priestess. She had a familiar blue ribbon on her head. I could feell my cheeks turn red. She just looked so...beautiful. She notices me in the reflection of the mirror, her face turning red. "...What do you think?"

I smiled and walked up to her. I wrapped my arms around her neck and sighed. "It brings back old memories. Good memories."

Lucy smiled. "I thought an old look would look better. I was sick of my long hair anyways."

"You look beautiful either way." I smiled. She smiled even more and placed her hand on mine. I'd almost forgotten what I meant to tell Lucy. "Lucy...they found a lead on where your sister is."

Lucy's face lid up. "You found Liora!"

"We didn't find her, but Levy thinks her location is somewhere around Tenzanamu." I informed her.

"Tenzanamu?" Lucy asked, her eyes wide.

"Yeah. Is there a connection?" I asked her. Lucy's face fell a little, her eyes turning sad. "We use to go there every summer. It's my mother's birthplace. Lots of people know us."

"Do you think there was anyone who wanted to take Liora?" I asked intentively.

"...One man. His name was Jonas, a former lover of hers. He was...abusive towards her, even a little obsessed." Lucy muttered. I could see a tiny tear fall across Lucy's face. I wiped it away with one thumb stroke. "We're going to find her." I whispered.

Lucy took a deep breathe and smiled. "I know. I trust you." I smiled and kissed her on the head. Suddenly, I remembered one small, horrible detail. "Also...Lisanna is coming with us."

I could feel Luy's body tense up. She no longer looked at our reflection and was now staring at the ground. "I...I should've expected that."

I turned her around so that she was no longer facing the mirror, but at me directly.I placed my hands on her shoulders and announced, "I no longer have feelings for her, Lucy. I'm in love with you and you only."

Lucy smiled. "Once again, I trust you." She placed her lips on my forehead and left the bathroom. I placed my fingers on my forehead and smiled. "This is definetly going to get interesting."

We arrived at the Fairy Tail doors to see Artemis, Wiyah, Hoohoo, Lisanna, and Levy waiting for us. "Lucy! You got a hair cut!" Levy and Artemis exclaimed in unison, pointing out Lucy's hair.

"It's about time." Wiyah muttered, jumping on Lucy's shoulder. Lucy giggled. "A change is good, aint it?"

"You look seventeen now!" Levy laughed. I laughed along with her, agreeing with her. "Can we just go already?" Lisanna grumbled. I ceased my laughing and just stared at her. She was glaring at Lucy, who wasn't noticing it. I cleared my voice, annoyed by her anger. "Let's just head out to Tenzanamu and rescue her, alright."

"I'm fine with that. I haven't shot anything in a while." Artemis snickered, rubbing her golden bow. We all said goodbye to Levy and headed out to Tenzanamu.

Five hours into the journey, I could hear Lucy groaning. "Oi, are you alright?"

"Yeah, it's just my feet are killing me." Lucy sighed, rubbing her feet.

"That's what shoes are for." Lisanna grumbled.

"I'm not allowed to wear shoes." Lucy hissed. It fealt weird being in this kind of drama. Actually, it was more awkward. I see from a distance a couple holding hands heading the opposite direction I quickly rushed over to them and asked, "How much longer is it to Tenzanamu?"

"Hmmm," the pregnant woman thought, "probably another two hours." Suddenly, she winced, clutching in pain. "Ah..I hate contractions."

Lucy walked up to her and gave her a small bag and a dangled bell on it. "Here, it's a tailman. Keep it, and you will have a healthy child."

The woman stared at her with amazement. "Are you a...priestess?"

"Yes I am. Why do you ask?" Lucy wondered.

"Well.." the husband sighed, "I'm all tied up wth my business, and the only way to save it is if I have a baby boy to take over. But if we don't have a boy...we'll end up on the streets." I couldn't help but pity them. They were dressed in what looked like rags, and the woman was pregnant and weak. Lucy sighed, but gave them a gentle smile. "I will determine the gender of your child." Lucy grabbed her staff and placed it upon the woman's stomach. She closed her eyes andchanted, "I combine the spirit of the Caring Mother to the soul of the Celestial Priestess! Demeter!" Her clothes suddenly changed to a white and brown robe. Her long blond hair was now braided back. She actually looks like a mother, I thought in amazement. She placed her hand on the womb and began to mouth sme sort of chant. After almost a minute, Lucy smiled. "It's a boy..."

"Yes! Thank you so much!" The woman cried, a tear spilling from her eye.

"...And a girl..." Lucy suddenly added. We all looked at her as if she was crazy. "Um, what do you mean? Is the baby some kind of unisex?" I asked.

"No!" Lucy laughed. "They're having twins!" The couple gasped. They began to slowly cry, but not out of fear nor sadness.

It was pure joy.

"Thank you." The woman whispered, grabbing Lucy's hands. "I don't know how we can ever repay you."

"Just...be happy." Lucy smiled. "Make your kids your pride and joy. That's all I want."

"Oh, we will! Thank you! Thank you!" The man thanked, bowing his head. She bowed back, and soon the couple was on there way. "That...was so....beutiful..." Wiyah whispered, a tear falling down his fur.

"Hoohoo!" Hoohoo weeped.

"Oi, stop blubbering!" Lucy laughed, returning to her normal clothes. I laughed along as well. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer to me. "Nice job, priestess."

"All in a days work." Lucy smiled, giving me a gentle peck on the cheek. I smiled, and we continued our journey to Tenzanamu. I looked back to see Artemis chatting away with Hoohoo, Wiyah talking to Lucy, who was laying her head on my shoulder.

Then came Lisanna.

Her head was in  her leather bag, as if she was talking to it. I tried to stare deep into it, when Lucy and Artemis suddenly stopped walking. I looked back in confusion. "Lucy? Artemis?"

"You feel that too, don't you Lucy." Artemis whispered.

"Yeah." Lucy whispered back.

"What are you guys talking about?" I whispered. But all they did was freeze. Suddenly, Artemis quicklly grabbed a bow and aimed it for the air. "Celestial Arrow: Reveal!" She released the arrow, and it went flying up towards the sky. The sky suddenly turned purple, and a figure suddenly appeared from the sky. I examined more closely to see that it was a little girl with blond hair, wearing a pink kimono and a white python around her body. "Lucy..." Artemis whispered.

"She has the same aura as Boreas." I hissed.

"Oh, sssso thissssssss issssss the twin of the prissssssssssoner." the python snickered.

"What have you done to Liora!" Lucy screetched.

"Oh, a feissssssty one." the python hissed. "Xihe, ssssssshould we attack and ssssssspill ssssssome blood, or allow them to walk freely?"

Xihe took on arm out. She raised her thumb and put upside down in the form of thumbs down. The snake smiled. "Oh, I will love this." The python flew down and grew tripple the sixe it was. When it hit the ground, the whole earth began to shake. "You're mine, Priesssstessss!"

"Oh no she isn't!" I growled, getting a running start. My hands begin to light up in fire.  "Fire Dragon's Roar!" I could feel the hot burning fire burst out of my mouth, attacking the giant snake. I could see him wince out of pain, but shook it off as if it was nothing.  "I combine the spirit of the Elements to the soul of the Celestial Spirit! Ether!" Lucy transformed into a rainbow dress and ribbons. The snake ignores me now and goes straight to her. "Lucy! Watch out!" I cried.

"Got it!" Lucy cried. "Tornado Attack!" Tornadoes began to form in every direction. The snake began to cry out in pain. "Celestial Arrow: Lightning!" Artemis's arrows shoot out of her bow, turning into lightning. It attacked the snake, and he shreiked out of pain. "Xihe, I could ussssse a little help!"

Xihe nodded, and she began to free fall towards the snake.Suddenly, a purple light appeared, blinding all of us. Then, the light dimmed, and the snake turned into something comepletley different....thing. Xihe's head was on the body of the snake, as were the hands. The rest were just snake parts. "Hehe....hehehe." The snake/girl chuckled."Good work, Danh."

"Well sssssorry, Xihe." The nake's normal voice arose. "Let's just get this thing over with." The hybrid began to split into three different persons, chasing each of us. I tried to get to Lucy and the others, but a piece of the freak was standing in front of me, screetching a horrible cry. "So I have to defeat you first, huh?" I growled. I began to crack my knuckles as I cried, "I'm fired up!" I began to punch and kick the creature. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" I punched the creature, and he screetched out in pain. He opened his giant jaws and tried to bite me, but I was able to dodge it in a second. Getting sick of the whole situation, I took a deep breathe and exclaimed, "Fire Dragon's Roar!" I spit fire from my mouth, and it engulfed the creature. Pink gass began to arise from the creature, and it simply turned into flower petals. I panted in relief, glad that it was finally over. "Artemis! Are you guys alright!" I called.

"Yeah, but Lucy's in a jam!" Artemis called out, taking teh final blow on the creature. I quickly began to sprint  towards Lucy and gasped.

She was being strangled by the thing, scratching to break free but not doing any good. "Lucy!" I cried.

"Danh, Master said we had to keep the girl alive." A female voice said cooly.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Xihe. I have to kill her!" Danh cried. He opened his mouth and began to lunge at Lucy. "No!" I cried.

Without thinking, I jumped in between them and ended up getting bit by the snake. I cried out in pain, feeling a burning sensation on my right chest. "Natsu!" I heard Lucy screamed. I helplessly fell to the ground as the pain began to consume me. "AAARGH!" I continued to cry out

"You'll...You'll pay!" I heard Lucy cried. "Elemental Bullet!" I could see her staff glow a little, and something small busted out of the scepter. As it made contact with the creature, a giant explosion appeared. A gruesome cry was cried, and a giant explosion occured once again. A giant puff of smoke appeared, as did a giant pile of saukura petals. Lucy quickly rushed towards my side, tears all over her face. "Why! Why would you do something so stupid!"

I began to loose energy, knowing I would soon pass out. "Because people do stupid things when they're in love."

Lucy's eyes widened, her hands covering her opened mouth. "Oh Natsu."

I began to see the world fading, my heart slightly burning up. "Lu...cy" I muttered, before passing out.

But too my hearts dismay, the last thing I hear was Lucy crying my name. I could feel her tugging on my black vest. The last few words that would've made me cry were her saying, "Please, don't leave me. Natsu"

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