Don't Play With Water

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Hey, Readers!! So I added a little something to my bio about me, just in case you were curious. But not more so that the creeps wont come to my house and molest me 0.O Sorry sickos! lol Anyhoo, here's Chapter 15, ENJOY!!!


I've seen this situation before. But where?

Oh yes, I remember. I've been in this situation several times, back when I was seventeen. I was the damsel in distress, while Natsu was my  knight in shining armor A part of me was kind of glad that this was happening once again, but another was filled with sorrow. I've trained my hardest  to make sure I wasn't a weakling, and here I am, shaking out of my mind.

Why am I still weak?

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu roared, a blue, not red, fire spitting out of his mouth. With just a simple tune, Pan dodged it with the power of his flute. Then, the fire suddenly took a turn, as if it had a mind of its own."GAAAH!" Pan's back was burned severly, burning flesh peeling off of his skin. Pan growled and raised his flute. He played a dark, eerie tune. Rocks sharp as a knife came flying up, their points pointed at Natsu. They flew at Natsu, but Natsu was fast. He dodged almost every single stone. But just as he dodged them all, one hit Natsu on his right arm. "AAaGH!" Natsu roared with pain,

"Natsu!" I cried. Blood trickled down Natsu's arm and to the ground. Natsu glared at Pan, his eyes filled with fury. "Fire Dragon's Burning Strike!" A massive wave of fire arose from Natsu's body and hit Pan, almost hitting me as well. Pan was hit, crying out with pain. The smell of burning flesh burned in my nose, makig me gag. "Face it, Pan. you can't win," Natsu panted.

Pan gave him a look filled with pain. He knew he couldn't win, but there was something about him. Something suspicious. He was up to something, but I just didn't know what. "I guess you're right, Dragneel...I can't win."

"That's right. Now let Lucy and me go," Natsu hissed. But Pan did something else. With the rest of the strength he had left, he lifted his flute up to his mouth and played a tune; a tune filled withs o much anger and fury. At that moment, water began to burst from the walls , and the cavern began to fill up with water. "You know what they say. 'End the show with a BANG'" Pan laughed.

"You bastard!" Natsu yelled.

"Oh, and you better hurry with releasing your lover. Acorrding to what Master told me, Heartfilia's can't swiiim," He sang. did he know that?! I screamed in my head. No one knew that! Pan, with the puff of his breathe into the flute, disappeared into thin air, leaving just Natsu and me. The water was rising, and it was rising fast; already up to my hip. "NATSU!" I screamed.

"Hold on!" Natsu yelled. He swooped down by my side and started working on the metal vine. I could feel the heat burning on my wrists, but I bore it. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise coming from the ceiling. "Natsu, did you hear that?"

"Hear what? Let me concentrate!" He yelled with frustration.

I hear it again, this time louder. "Na..tsu.."

And at that moment, the ceiling broke through, releasing tons and tons of water. I screamed, but it was silence by the water now rising above my head. I held my breath, thinking, Shit! How's Natsu gonna cut the metal wire! I could feel Natsu's teeth biting on the wire and the skin. I was beginning to feel light headed. No, no, no, no! Don't black out now! Finally, my hands were released, but I couldn't swim. I slowly began to sink to the bottom, loosing vision.

Suddenly, I felt a harsh tug on my arm, pulling me up to surface. What's....happening.. I could hear someone calling out my name. "!...ucy!...LUCY!!" My eyes slowly opened to see Natsu holding me tightly, the water continuing to rise. I coughed and coughed, water still in my lungs. I began to splash around, scared of the water consuming me once more. "Hey, hey! It's alright, I got you," Natsu yelled, the sound of rushing water making it hard to hear. I look past Natsu to see my scepter floating on the surface, coming closer and closer. I reached for it, feeling my fingers touch it's golden skin. Finally, I grabbed it, holding on to it for dear life. "Where's the exit!" I yelled.

"It's down below! I don't think we'll make it!" Natsu told me. The water was rising fast, and we were about to hit the second ceiling. After that, everything would be under water. "We have to make it! We just have to!" I roared. Natsu stared at me. He gently touched my face. "Hold on to me. Hold on and never let me go."

I nodded. Out of nowhere, I press my lips against his wet lips. His lips were tense with surprise, but soon softened after kissing me back. We pulled away, our faces a light shade of pink. He reached for my hand and  sqeezed it tightly.

And with that, we dove under.

We both swam to the bottom, trying to find the exit. I try my hardest to pass out, and I could feel my lungs begging for oxegyn. I tighten my grip on Natsu's hand, scared that I might let go. Then, I notice something sticking out of the rest of the setting. It was a whole that seemed to be sucking in the water. That must be the exit! I cheered in my head. I tapped Natsu's hand, trying to get his attention. He looked at me, and I pointed to the exit. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Then, I do something stupid.

I breathe in the water.

I began to choke underwater, but Natsu was too distracted by reaching our destination.The world began to grow darker.

And darker.

And darker.

And darker.

I slowly opened my eyes, my head so dizzzy. I could feel something on my lips, but I didn't know what. I could feel my chest being pushed inwards, making water spill out of my mouth. I cough and cough violently, gasping desperately for air. I then feel a warm body wrap around mine. "Thank God!" Natsu's voice cried in a hushed tone. My vision  cam too as I saw Natsu holding me very tightly, not willling to let me go. "What..hapened?" I asked.

"You almost drowned, that's what happend!" Natsu exclaimed with pain. "I thought I lost you.." My vision came too and I finally realized where I was. We were in some kind of hotel room in front of a warm fire. I looked through the window to my left to see it pitch dark. I also felt something on my skin other than my silk gown. I looked down to see that I was in nothing but a white cotton robe.

And to my surprise, so was Natsu.

I quickly backed away from Natsu and stuttered, "W-W-Where are Artemis and the others?"

"They should be here by morning," Natsu muttered. "The cavern had a lot of routes, and we ended up in Le Feux, which is six miles away from Tenzanamu."

"Shit," I cursed under my breath. I laid down on the soft, warm bed. I was still shivering from the cold water, goosebumps forming goosebumps. My mind flashed back to everything that happened today.I never knew Arachnolia had a little brother, I thought softly. he knew my weak points; my greatest fears. I shivered at the rememberence of all those spiders crawling against my skin. Suddenly, an image flashed in my mind. Me punching Lisanna. Although it was such a pleasure to do so, I felt guilty.

I still had to tell Natsu about what had happened the night before.

"You were right," I whispered silently.

"Huh?" Natsu asked.

"I...I was hiding something from you," I confessed. "Something I should've told you when I found out..." His eyes looked a little hurt, but he was still intent on hearing what I have to say. "I...I had a dream..I saw Liora.."

"You did!" Natsu exclaimed.

I nodded. "We bonded autimatically, like normal sisters....and then she faded when she was awakening."

"Oh..." Natsu said.

"But there's still more...She told me secret.."

"A secret?" Natsu asked me.

"Yeah...It's about Lisanna," I whispered. "...She's helping the person who kidnapped my sister.." Natsu's eyes went wide with shock, nowo staring at at the empty space. I could feel guilt building up inside of me, and tears beginning to burn in my eyes. "I wanted to tell you...I really did!" Tears began to roll down my face as I grabbed my cotton robe tightly.I could hear myself quietly crying in a hushed tone. I could feel Natsu's hand on my face, wiping away the tears on my face. I looked up, and I'm suddenly pulled into his chest. He was sqeezing me tightly, with probably no intention of releasing me. "Natsu?"

"Just shut up for a while," Natsu muttered. "Please." I nodded, and I just rested on his chest. i could feel his heart beating moderately fast, making my heart beat as well. Suddenly, Natsu pulled me up to the point where the tip of my nose was touching his. "Na...tsu..You're not mad?"

"No, I'm not mad," Natsu chuckled. He pressed his muzzle against mine, making me slightly shiver. "I can understand why you didn't tell me: you were scared."

"I...I was," I said softly. Natsu's beautiful eyes were staring at mine. I slowly leaned in, as did Natsu. Soon, our lips were gently pressed together. It felt so sweet, so serene, I thought I was going to melt. When we pulled away, I couldn't stop staring at him.

At that moment, Natsu laid me down on the bed, my hair flying all over the place.

He kissed me with more passion, making me melt inside. I kissed him back, giving him the right abount of passion. His wet, warm tongue slipped into my mouth, giving me more and more pleasure. He bit the bottom of my lip, letting a moan slip out of my mouth. Suddenly, I felt his hand travel lower and lower down my body. No, wait! I'm not ready for this! "Natsu...wait.." I moaned, trying to push him away, but my arms were too weak. I could feel a slight pain from lower half from Natsu's fingers, making tears stream down my face. "Wait!" I cried.

Natsu looked at me, his face so wide. "I'm...sorry..." He quickly left my side and  sat on the corner of the bed, muttering words I couldn't understand. I quickly wiped the tear from my face and crawled across the bed to Natsu. I gently touched his back. "I'm sorry..I'm so, so sorry," He whispered, his body trembling with fear and anguish.

"It's not your fault, it's mine," I whispered, "for not being ready."

"...I've never fealt this way towards Lisanna," Natsu whispered. Alarmed, I looked at him, waiting to hear more. "I've never fealt like kissing her this passionately...or sqeezing her breasts..or anything else I've done to you."

"Oh..." I muttered, not sure if I should feel happy or not. He turned to me, his face a little wet from tears. He gently touched my face and confessed, "I know you can only have sex with one man for the rest of your life, and that I myself am a virgin....but I want to be that man. I can't imagine you being with someone else...It just makes my heart ache just thinking about it.."

I could feel even more tears trickle down my face. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I love you, Natsu. More than I ever did. I want it to be you who becomes one with me," I once again stared deeply into Natsu's eyes. I never how much they sparkled until now. "After this whole mess is over, after I get my sister back, after we finally get home...will you be that man, Natsu? Will you be my lover then?"

Natsu smiled softly, grabbing my hand. Our fingers intertwined with eachother, sending sparks by each touch. He kissed my hand and whispered, "It would be my honor." I smiled and gently kissed Natsu's cheek. "Can something to you though?"

"Huh? Like what?" I asked with confusion. He lowered his head to my neck, gentley tracing his fingers upon it. Suddenly, I felt his warm tongue upon my neck, making me quake. "Na..tsu?" I suddenly felt his lips on that spot, sucking my skin as if it had sugar coated on it. I moaned softly as Natsu continued to suck on the skin. After almost  two minutes of this, Natsu finally released me from his clutches. We were both panting, inhaling and exhaling like there was no tomorrow. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized what he had done.

There, on the corner of my neck, was a hickey. I gasped softly, gently touching it. I looked back at Natsu, who whispered, "This'll prove that you're mine," I couldn't help myself but to smile. Natsu laid down on the bed, and I snuggled next to him. "Good night, Lucy.." Natsu muttered. "I love you."

I placed my head on Natsu's chest and muttered, "I love you too, Natsu. Good night." I could hear Natsu drift to sleep, I just stared into space. Wait...what's today's date? I thought in my head. I looked around for a clock, until I noticed a watch attatched around Natsu's wrist. Please let it work, i begged in my head. I examined it to see that it was working.

June 29th.

Two more days until my birthday.

Two more days until Aurora's tears.

Two more days until I'm suppose to be captured.

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