Enemies, Confessions, and a Mole

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Hey, Readers!!!!! So, guess what? I've caught the horrible flu :P. Luckily, my room is warm and toasty and I still have enough energy to type. I hope this chapter won't be as crappy as I'm feeling. Anyhoo, here's Chapter 10, ENJOY!!!!!


Back at the mysterious castle, Rafeef was called by his Master. What could Master want THIS time! Rafeef cried in his head. He rushed over to the Main Chamber, which was where Master always stayed. He's never seen Master leave that room.


Rafeef finally managed to get to the Main Chamber, where Master sat in his black amber throne. Rafeef got on one knee and praised, "You called me, Exalted One?"

"Everything is going too slow." Master grumbled. "We need things to be...sped up."

"How so?" Rafeef asked.

"...Bring in Boreas, Xihe, Pan, and Tritizina." He commanded, a smile forming from his shadowy face.

Rafeef stared at him, flabbergasted. "N-N-Now?"

"YES, NOW!" He roared. Rafeef jumped back and ran to a giant wool rope. He jumped on it let his weight do the rest. Soon, the sound of towerbells rang throughout the castle. The bell was so loud that everything in the castle began to vibrate. When the noise began quiet down, a sudden rush of wind appeared from nowhere. Rafeef looked back and gasped. They're already there, waiting for the Master's command.

Boreas was a muscular, older looking man, despite the fact that he was only twenty. His arms where covered with muscle, and his face was covered with red flamming hair. He wears a winter coat all the time and has a giant axe on his back, bidazzled with ice crystals. His pale skin was practically white, almost like snow.

Xihe was probably one of the pretiest among all the women from her land. Her skin was fair; a creamy white color. Her long, blond hair with pink streaks fell perfectly to her face; a cherry blossom headband matching her fairness. She wore a short kimono with a pink colored flower pattern. She was the youngest in the group; only fifteen. A pink katana rested on her waist, it's blade sharp and threatening. She never spoke, but her white python, Danh, that would never leave her neck talked for her.

Pan was probably the most girly looking man to ever lay eyes upon. Despite the fact that he was the oldest at the age of twenty eight, he only looked the age of seventeen. He wore brown tights under his green shorts. He wore a white polo. His short brown hair, green eyes, and high cheekbones added to his young-lookingness. His weapon was just a mere flute, was spun around in his leather gloved hands.

 Tritizina was only a year younger than Boreas, but she was probably just as strong as him. Her olive-colored skin, long black hair, and hazel eyes probably what made her look beautiful, but that didn't stop there. Her body was almost like a seductress; her giant breasts almost reaveling and her long legs appearing everytime she walked. She usually wore a short skirt with a top that only was only half the length or a normal one. Her scythe was carelessly against her cheek. "You called us, Master?" They all asked in unison.

Master threw a couple of photos onto the ground, sliding at their direction. There was a picture of the prisoner, a pink haired man, a white-haired woman, and a purple haired girl. "Whos the purple haired girl?" Pan asked.

"Artemis Ambrosia; Child of the Moon. She's a Celestial Being, one of the last three. Although she may not look like it, she's quite blind." Master informed them. "She's probably the most skillful archer in the world. She's a minor character to our plot for now."

"What about the pink-haired beauty?" Tritizina purred, licking her blood red lips.

"That man is Natsu Dragneel; a Fire Dragon Slayer. He plays an imortant role in out plot. He's strong, powerful, and passionate to those he cares about. In the future, he will truely find someone he cares about."

"So does that mean I can't fool around with him!" Tritizina groaned.

"Now's not the time to think about fooling around with people!" Boreas roared.

"I'm a female: we have to have a little fun from time to time." Tritizina protested.

"Enough!" Master roared, quieting everyone. Xihe walks up to the photos and points to the picture of the prisoner. She looks up and gives the rest of the gang a questioning look. "Ssshe wantsss to know what that picture hasssss to do with anything." Danh said.

"Yeah." Pan agreed. "Why is there a picture of the prisoner?"

"That is not the prisoner. That is her twin sister, Lucy." Master informed them.

Everyone looked at him with shock. Twin sister? How were they only told of this now after holding this girl for almost seven years! "Lucy? Is the girl's twin?"

"That's right; a Celestial Being of the Stars. She's extremely strong, wise, and passionate about finding her sister. Your job is to capture her and bring her here ALIVE!"

"What! No blood!" Boreas complained.

"Only for those who get in your way! And don't attack all at once. I don't want to loose all my subjects at once!" Master roared.

"Yes, Master." They all said in unison. And with that, a cold gust of wind appeared from nowhere, and they disappeared, turning into snow particles. "Do you really think they can do it, Master?" Rafeef asked Master.

"If they want to survive, they will succeed." Master said. "We will get Lucy Heartfilia here so that we can unfold the master plan; the climax of this story book!"

"If you don't mind me asking," Rafeef said, trying not to upset Master, "what is your master plan?"

Master slowly began chuckle, and soon it turned into a malicous laugh. Rafeef, frightened, recoiled away from Master. "Master?"

"isn't it obvious, Rafeef?" Master asked, a laugh sneaking out of his question. "I'm going to bring the Spirit World to Earthland."


It's been almost a week since Lucy's been back from the Spirit World, and I've barely talked to her the whole time. She's been by my side, but usually reads, texts, or listens to music. As I continued to do paperwork for the guide, I suddenly see a pair of hands slam onto my desk. I look up to see that it was Lucy with a mischevious look on her face. "You've been behind that desk all night. Let's go out for drinks!"

"Fairy Tail has a bar, ya know." I reminded her.

"I know, but I want to go out somewhere, get some fresh air!" She exclamins, sitting on my desk.

I chuckle, loving Lucy's enthusiasm. "Alright, alright. Where do you want to get drinks?"

"I know exactly the place." She winks.

Lucy takes me to the new bar in town, Sizzling Goodness. There were people singing on stage, drunk out of their minds, music blaring from the speakers. "Why did you take me here?"

"Because you really looked stressed out." She told me, a concerned look on her face. "I thought maybe a couple of drinks would help you out."

I smiled. "You sure do know me well after five years."

"What can I say: Your easy to detect." She winks. We walk over to a booth and sat next to eachother. I see a menu in front of us. I look inside to see a lot of cheap items. A waitress walks over to us and asks, "What will it be for tonight?"

"Um...I'll have a Sex on the Beach with some spicy wings." I ordered.

"I'll have Gin on the Rocks that's sweet with Apletini with a side of...fries." Lucy ordered.

I whistled. "You sure know your alchohol."

"Okay, it'll be ready in about ten minutes. Enjoy your date night!" The waitress smiled.

I could feel my cheeks burn, and I looked up at Lucy to see her pink too. "T-T-This isn't a date!" We cried in unison.

The waitress laughed. "If I had a Jewl everytime I heard that, I would be rich!" She walks away, leaving me and Lucy in silence. We were silent for what seemed like forever, until Lucy spoke. "So what did happen between you and Lisanna?"

I stared at her with shock, and then looked down. I could really use that Sex on the Beach right now. "It's complicated and such a long story."

"And I'm here to listen." Lucy said, her eyes wide with curiosity. Our food and drinks arrived, thank the heavens. I grabbed my drink to chugged it down. "I couldn't give Lisanna what she wanted."

"And what was that?" She asked.

I sighed. "Sex."

Lucy's face suddenly went pink, as if realizing something big. "So that means you're a..."

"Virgin? Yes." I sighed. Lucy took a sip of her drink, not looking at me. "She thought of it like a game; a joke. I was taught that sex was like-"

"Eternal love." Lucy finished my sentence. I looked at her, and she looked at me. My heart was suddenly beating fast. "You knkow, Natsu, you and I are kind of in a similar situation."

That caught my attention. "Huh?"

Lucy sighed, taking a few bites of her fries. After she swallowed, she began to speak. "While I was training in the Spirit World, I learned several things; several concequences."

"Concequences?" I asked, taking a bite of my spicy wings.

"For example, I can only make love to one man for the rest of my life."

I almost choked on my food after hearing that. "Is that true?"

She nodded, and soon her face turned grey. "There's also something else."
She took out a small bag and placed it on the table. She begins to take out bottles. Several bottles. "Ever since I became a Celestial Being, I became...weaker..."

"Weaker magically?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Medically. My immune system dropped to the point that I can get sick at any point. I could get sick if you simply just coughed on me."

I stared at Lucy with disbelief. Was she really telling the truth? She began to shake a little, until I noticed what was happening.

She was crying.

"I thought that I could change." She whimpered. "I thought I could change. I thought I could become stronger than I was back then. But I'm still the same. Same old helpless, weak Lucy."

Suddenly, my hand surges out of my food and onto Lucy's hand. She looks at me with surprise, and I'm surprised as well. "Y-You're not weak. You're a strong-willed woman. Strength doesn't matter; it's spirit."

Lucy's face turned rosey pink and smiled. "Thank you, Natsu."

After we finished our drinks, we pay the bill and walk home. It was kind of nice to just talk like this. I let everything out ina  single breathe, releasing weight from my shoulders. Lucy, who was half drunk, wanted to take the long way home. She suddenly collapsed onto the green grass. "Oi, Lucy? You alright?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, just fine!" She suddenly sings, laughing between each word.

I sighed. "You're  half drunk, yet you seem totally drunk. It's going to be hard to walk."

"Carry me, Natsu-kuun!" She cheers.

I could suddenly feel  my heart skipping beats. "Um..sure." I crouched down to the ground, and she crawled on my back. "Natsu's back is warm."

"I'm a Dragon Slayer, remember?" I chuckled.

"Oh yeah!" She remembered. "Hey, Natsu. Do you know what I can do?"

"What can you do, Lucy?" I asked, playing along with her games.

"I can read people's hearts." She whispers in y ear.

"No you can't!" I laughed.

"Yes I can!" She whined. "Do you want me to read yours?"

"Sure, why not." I laughed. Suddenly, I felt two hands placed on my chest. I realized that it was Lucy, humming a little tune out loud. I see a small flash of light, and soon it disappears. "You're confused." Lucy began to recite. "You're in love, but you don't know it. You want something so badly that it hurts you." She moves her hands to my shoulders and asks, "What do you want so desperately, Natsu?"

That's when it hit me.

I now know what I want.

I've been so stupid these past five years; how could I have not known!

I know what I want.


"Um...I want....I want..I want-"

But before I could finish my sentence, we heard a scream coming from the house. "What was that?"

"That sounded like Artemis!" Lucy yelled. She jumped off my back and began to sprint to the house, holding her scepter tightly. "Lucy, wait!" I called.

We ran to the house to see the door wide open. "Artemis!" Lucy called out. "Wiyah! Hoohoo! Happy!"

We see Happy on the staircase, battered up and bruised. "Happy!" I cried, running to my buddy's side.

"Na....tsu!" Happy groaned with pain.

"It's okay, buddy. You'll be alright." I hear Lucy scream from upstairs. I quickly run to see her on the floor, crying. "Lucy, what's wrong!"

All she did was point, and I followed her finger and gasped.

On the floor were Artemis, Wiyah, and Hooho, their skin as white as ice; their eyes empty with fear. "Oh my God." I whispered. I quickly rushed to their side and checked their pulse. Thankfully, there was still onee, but it was a slow pulse. "Thank God." I whispered. I quickly reached for my cell phone in my pocket. I dialed Levy's number rapidly, praying for her to answer. "Hello? Natsu" She answered.

"Levy! We've got four Fairy Tail members in critical condition! Get the top three healers here now!" I yelled.

"Now?" She asked. "Wendy won't be back for another ten minutes."

"Then call her!" I roared. "Tell her to come here now!"

"Alright, on  it." She answered. She hung up, and I quickly rushed to Lucy's side. "Their alive, Lucy." I whispered to her, holding her tightly. I pulled her towards me, and she continued to cry on my chest. As I calmed her down, I noticed something in Artemis's cold fingers. I reached out and grabbed it, realizing it was a folded letter. In papayrus. Just like the other letter, I realized in my head ."W-W-What's that?" She blubbered, tears still falling down her face. I continued ot unfold it. Something fell out of the letter and onto Lucy's lap. Lucy picked it up, and I felt a different aura from her.


"Lucy, what is it?" I asked. She calmly gave me the mystery item, and I noticed that it was Lucy in a cell, drawing a picture of something. It took me a while to realize something.

This girl wasn't Lucy. It was Liora. I put the picture down and read the papyrus note. It read:

If you ever want to see this pure girl again, you will surrender yourself to us. Each day you don't, we will use force. We know you will choose the right decision.

Lucy sqeezed my arm tightly. "They're going to pay." She muttered. She soon bashed her scepter against the ground and yelled, "THEY WILL PAY!"

"Hey, Lucy, calm down." I warned her. Soon. she suddenly fell to the ground, not speaking a single word. "Lucy?" I called her, shaking her arms a little. "Lucy! Oi, can you hear me! Lucy!"


"I see we've gotten her stirred up a bit." Master chuckled, stroking his armchair. "The little kitty is angry."

"Uh, Master? I do have a question." Rafeef said cautiously, hiding behind a black marble column.

"Oh? ANd What will that be?" Master asked. Rafeef came forward, holding something in his hand. He gave it to Master.

It was the picture of the white-haired woman. "Who exactly is she?" Rafeef asked.

"Lisanna Strauss." Master murmmerd. "She is absolutely no threat to us."

"How can you be so sure?" Rafeef asked with confusion.

Master smirked. "She's one of us."

"EEEEH!" Rafeef exclaimed.

"That's right." Master smiled. "She's been a double agent for us for the past seven years."

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