Yue Village

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Hey, Readers!!!! Yes, after almost two weeks of not writing any NaLu, I HAVE RETURNED!!!! I have missed writing about how Natsu and Lucy are meant for eachother :3! This story will have a little more drama than fighting, but i think that's what a lot of people like ;). For the first time, i wont be doing a Prologue, because I don't really see the point of it. And also like one of my stories, "The Forbidden", I will be doing the sort of:  First chapter Lucy, Second Natsu, and so on and so forth. So without further ado, here's Chapter 1, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!! :D


 "Hey, Lucy!" Natsu yelled from across the room. We were at Fairy Tail, everyone chatting like there was no tomorrow. When I hear Natsu's voice, two things pop up in my head : A) Natsu needs me! And B) Should I be scared? I looked behind me to see that Natsu was already behind me, Happy standing on his shoulders. "Let's go on a job!"

"Right now." I groaned. "I just want to do nothing today."

"That's not the way to act!" Happy protested. "You have to loose that heavyness so that it'll be easier to for me to carry you when I fly!"

"I'm not that heavy!" I roared, strangling the blue Exceed.

"Natsu..help!" Happy pleaded for help. Natsu removed Happy from my clutches. Happy began to pant for air until he finally fainted in Natsu's arms. "Oi, Lucy! You didn't have to do that!" Natsu exclaimed.

"But he deserved it!" I pouted, sticking my tongue out.

"Anyways," Natsu said, ending the subject, "who do you want to bring to the mission?"

I didn't really have anyone in mind, so I just say, "You choose."

"Alright! Let's bring Lisanna!" Natsu exclaimed. 

I suddenly felt a tiny prick on the center of my heart. Why is Natsu so obsessed with Lisanna? But I hid my jealousy with a friendly smile and said,"Alright then! I'll pick the the job!"

"I'll meet you in the front!" He called out, already looking for Lisanna. I began to head to  over to the job bulletin board when I suddenly heard someone calling my name. "Lu-Chan!" I looked over to see Levy running over with a giant smile on her face. I smiled. "Hey Levy!"

"Watcha doin'?" She asked me.

"I'm pick a job." I told her.

"Who's going with you?" She asked.

"Natsu, Happy, and.....Lisanna." I listed, adding a little attitude to Lisanna's name.

Levy grimaced at the thought of Lisanna coming. "Why her? I thought you didn't like her?"

"I DO like her. We just have a lot of disagreements." I explained.

"Mmmmhmmm. Anyways, what job are you gonna pick? There aren't that many on the board." Levy pointed out. 

I looked at the board to see that she was right. There were only puny jobs like tutoring kids or helping the elderly. These were not jobs that Natsu nor happy would do. I groaned loudly. "What am I gonna do!"

As if God answered my prayers, Mirajane came skipping to the job bulletin, posting a flyer on the board. "New job is posted, guys! And it seems like a tough one!"

At that moment, I gave Mira a giant, tight hug and kept on repeating, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Well, someone is happy, isn't she?" Mira smiled. I released her, and she skipped back to the bar and continued to serve beer. I quickly ripped the flyer from the wooden board and examined it. The info said:

We are in drastic need of help! There is some....thing lerking around our village! We don't care how powerful you are, just please save us from this hell! 
Location: Yue Village
Reward: Surprise

This sounded like the perfect job for Natsu! Excited, I stashed the flyer into my bag. "Well, I'm off!" I told Levy.

"Good luck! Especially with Miss Pain!" She smiled. At that moment, I ran off towards the front, excited to see how thrilled Natsu would be.

To my dismay, when I got out front, I saw Natsu and Lisanna playing around. In my opinion, Lisanna was probably the most perfect girl I've ever seen. She was gorgeus, brilliant, and a very powerful wizard. 

And the fact that she was so "buddy-buddy" with Natsu practically made my heart ache. Natsu finally notices me and smiles. "Hey, Lucy!"

My heart then bursts with glee. "Hey, Natsu! I've got the job!"

"What is it? You know Natsu can't be impatient!" Lisanna laughed.

"I can to be impatient!" Natsu growled, pouncing on Lisanna. They both fell, laughing with so much delight. Natsu never does that to me..., I thought sadly in my head. I began to hear them talk about past memories they've had of eachother, and it became a bother to me. I cleared my voice to get their attention. "Here's the job." I took the job out of my brown leather bag and handed it over to Natsu. Happy, who was Natsu's head, examined it as well. "I hope the reward is fish!"

"I'm already fired up! Let's get going!" Natsu roared.

Yue Village was only just a two hour walk from Fairy Tail. I knew that Lisanna and Natsu would continue talking about their past, so I put my headphones on, but the volume on my iPod to max, and just listened to music as I continued to walk. I took out my favorite book, Les Miserables, and began to fall deep into their world. The literature was just so sad, so romantic, so historical that I could never let this book go. So into both the rock music and the book, it took me a while to realize that someone was tapping on my shoulder. I looked back to see that it was Natsu. "What is it?" I asked.

"How long until we get to that village?" Natsu groaned. I grabbed the map from my bag and looked at it carefully. "Another thirty minutes."

"GAAH! I can't take it anymore! I want action!" Natsu groaned.

"Just calm down! We'll be there soon!" I hissed, not really in the mood to talk right now. Natsu shut his mouth, stared at me for a while, then went back to Lisanna. I put my headphones on and continued to just listen to music, putting the book back in my bag. Suddenly, I see an old lady running towards us from a distance, her face covered in fear. Worried, I removed my headphones and began to run towards her direction, oblivious of what Natsu or Lisanna are yelling. "Are you okay, ma'am?" I asked.

"Oh yes, I'm fine. Are you the wizards who've accepted our request?" She asked frantically.

"Yes we are." I told her. Happy suddenly fell from the sky and into my arms, and I could here Natsu and Lisanna catching up to the three of us. "Thank God, someone has come to save us!"

"Whatever the problem is, we'll take care of it!" Natsu roared. "I'm a Dragon Slayer!"

"I'm an Exceed!" Happy cheered.

"And I'm a Take Over Mage." Lisanna smiled gracefully. The old lady's face suddenly turned grim. At first, I thought she was gonna faint, so I said to her, "Please sit down. You look awfully tired." 

"No, I'm alright. Please tell me what type of mage you are." She asked, or maybe pleaded.

"Umm...Celestial Wizard." I told her. At that moment, she her face lit up like the sun itself. She jumped up, chanting something in a foreign language, and hugged me tightly. "Your the one who can slay the beast!"

Everything was silent. Did she just said me? I only had keys! What on earth could I do! "Um, don't you think that maybe Natsu or Lisanna could be the ones who can slay the beast?" I asked.

"Nope, it has to be you, and only you." She told me. "Now come! I will explain more of the beast at my cottage!" She grabbed my hand and began to pull me towards the woods. I looked back at Natsu and Lisannna, but they just shrugged. I don't like the sound of all this, I thought. 

Yue Village was actually quite a big village. There were probably three hundred villagers living there, and they all wore old fashioned clothes. The kids were so adorable as they played with an inflatable ball! I continued to hear Natsu and Lisanna whispering to eachother, which was still putting me out of ease. Finally, we stopped at a small little wooden house with what looked like sealings in another language on them. We stepped into the house to see that it looked like a normal old house. "Go ahead and sit down! I'll bring tea." She smiled, making all her wrinkles slide up. She walked out of the room, and I immediatley fell to the couch with exhaustion. "I'm so tired!" I groaned.

"Same! And hungry!" Natsu groaned. The old lady returned with a tray of hot tea and a plate of chocolate chip cookies on the side. "Eat as many as you like." She smiled.

"Gee, thanks Granny!" Natsu and Happy exclaimed at the same time.

"No problem." She smiled. Lisanna, who took a sip of her tea, had a serious look on her face. "Granny-"

"The name's Aditi." She smiled.

"Aditi." Lisanna corrected. "Why does a Celestial Wizard have to be the one to slay this beast? I bet Natsu and I could defeat it in one swipe." I felt hurt by her words, and I think she meant for that to happen. I took a quick glance at her, and she was staring at me with fury. 

 But Aditi ignored the remarks and looked at me. "How many golden keys do you have, dear?"

"Um...ten." I answered.

"So you are the rumored girl that all the Celestial Wizards been talking about. You are quite the prize." She winked. She stood up and walked over to a cuppord by a grandfather clock. She took out a wooden box and brought it over to me. "There is a reason why Celestial Wizards are looked down upon. Do you know why, Lucy?"

I shook my head. "It's because it's been thousands of years since someone has possesed all twelve golden keys. When they have all those keys, that's when the power truly builds. It is rumored that once you obtain all the golden keys, you become so powerful that you level is the same as a Dragon Slayer."

I silently gasped. I never knew about all this. Was there really more to Celestial Wizardry than the keys itself? Aditi opened the box, and I almost fainted at the items. I heard Natsu, Happy, and Lisanna gasp with shock.

Inside the box was the golden key of Pisces and Libra, the final two golden keys.

I didn't know what to say. I was utterley speechless. "These...these are.."

"That's right, child. The final two keys of the Zodiac Keys. With all twelve of these, you will defeat the beast." She smiled. I reached out to touch the keys, but I hesitated. I was truly terrified of what might happened. If what Aditi said is true, I'll have so much power. I suddenly felt Natsu's hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"I'm...scared.." I admitted. "Scared that something bad will happen."

"Your a strong girl, Lucy! And even if something bad does happen, I'll be there to save you!" Natsu smiled. I suddenly felt my cheeks burning up, with the addition of Aditi giggling. I smiled at Natsu. "Thanks."

I took a deep breathe and reached my hand out toward the keys. I haven't even touched them yet, and I could already feel power building up from them. Finally, I picked up the keys, and a massive amount of magic filled the room. "Lucy..did you feel that?" Happy asked, crawling next to me.

I nodded. "Yes I did, Happy."

"So much magic..." Lisanna whispered.

"Now that's done with," Aditi sighed, "we must talk about our problem."

"Which is?" Natsu asked.

She was uncomfortable for a moment. She wasn't looking at us in the eye, and I felt fear all around her. "The beast that preys on the souls of women."

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