Chapter Nine

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The group ran into the gardens, acting as if they heard nothing. Percy was unconscious, his head laying in Darcy's lap.

"What's going on?" she cried. "Is he alright?" Piper nodded.

"It's just a flashback. It should be a good one." Darcy looked worried as a screen appeared in front of them.

Percy and Darcy were walking through the park. Percy was wearing cargo shorts, a striped shirt, and brown sunglasses. Darcy was wearing white shorts -with one side covered in lace-, red flip flops, a red tank top, and zebra striped sunglasses. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she was using a plaid bandana for a headband.

"Come on, walk faster! We're going to be late!" Darcy yelled, shoving Percy.

"Late? For what?" Annabeth asked, suspicious.

"They were giving out free ice creams for the hour since it was such a hot day! The sale was about to end! I don't want to pay five dolloars for one cone!!!!" Darcy exlained, and Percy rolled his eyes.

"You just wanted to see Kenzi!" He teased, and Darcy glared at him.

"Shut up!" she whispered.

"Fine!" Percy looked at Darcy. "Race you to the cart!" He took of running, and Darcy started after him.

People stared as the ran, trying to knock each other over and push the other into a tree. Finally, Percy beat Darcy to the ice cream cart.

"Damn you! You got a head start!" Darcy cursed. Percy stuck his tounge out at her.

"Just get yor ice cream already, I'm burning up." he said.

Darcy walked up to the man in the cart. He smiled at her. "We'd like one chocolate, and one rocky road cone please." Darcy said. She watchd as the man scooped their ice cream, giving them each two scoops.

"Here you go. And darcy, if you're looking for Kenzi, she called in sick today." Darcy blushed.

"Thanks Jim. Bye-bye!" Darcy and Percy walked away, licking their ice cream.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Percy asked, looking down at her. Darcy shrugged.

"I don't know. Wanna hit the beach?" Darcy joked. Percy glared at her.

"No....I'm tired of making up excuses to swim with a shirt on."  Dracy bit her lip.

"If you don't say anything, or act uncomfortable, no one will notice. They only start looking for something wrong when you make it obvious." she said.

"Darcy, I said no."

"But-" Percy took of his glasses.

"If you don't shut up, I'm gonna do something to you." Percy threatened.

"Like what?" Darcy questioned. Percy took his ice cream and shoved it on her face. Darcy screamed.

"Like that!" he took off running again, Darcy straight on his tail.

"Come back here! I'm going to kill you!" Darcy screamed.

She caught up to him and jumped on his back, wrapping her arms around him.

"Caught you!" Darcy yelled, smoothering him in kisses. "Now you must do whatever I say for the rest of the day! Now, carry me home!"

Percy sped off, Darcy clinging to his back.

The scene ended, and Percy sat up slowly. He looked very tired, but that changed when he saw Annabeth's face. Her face was full of anger.

"Why the hell was she kissing you?!" Annabeth screamed.

"Because he's like my brother. I kiss my real brother all the time." Darcy said, standing up. She helped Percy up, who looked very frightened.

"That doesn't mean you have the right to kiss my boyfriend. " Annabeth hissed, glaring at Darcy. Darcy spun around and planted a quick kiss on Percy's cheek.

"It doesn't mean anything. I don't see the problem." Darcy snorted.

"The problem is that he's dating me, but letting you kiss him!" Annabeth had pulled her dagger know, advancing on Darcy.

Darcy smirked. "So you think he's using me to cheat, on you?!"

"What else am I going to think?" Annabeth was closer now, her hand shaking.

"Well, here's some things to change your mind:

A)He never shut's up about you

B)He's like my little brother

c)I've known him my whole life, and I'd die if I had to date him,

and D) I'm lesbian! I know you were listening to our earlier conversation, so I'm surprised you didn't figure out what the 'L' word is." Darcy shouted. Everyone went quiet.

"You mean- you mean you're only intrested in girls?" Darcy nodded.

"Yeah, so if you're still jealous of mine and Percy's friendship, the you don't deserve someone as good as Percy." Darcy said.

She then grabbed Percy's hand and they walked out of the garden.


so, to those of you who guessed lesbian was the 'L' word, you are write. i award you all blue cookies. And, did you like Annabeth and Darcy's little argument?

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