Chapter 1

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Two cloaked figures walked through a village, looking around. Heliconia looked around, holding a small boys hand. "Kovu stay close to mommy, alright"Heliconia whispers. Her son looked up, the sun reflecting off green eyes, blond hair tied back into a low ponytail. "Okay, mommy!"Kovu beamed his eyes sparkling. She stares at him, a deeper part of her hating her son for looking exactly like the man she loved the boy more than practically anything and would do whatever it takes to keep him safe. She picked up some fruit dropping them into her basket, Kovu bringing over bread and vegetables. "Here mommy"Kovu smiled. She held her basket out, her son dropping the food items inside. She looked around, noticing the guards patrolling the area. She pulled Kovu's hood up more securely, then grabbed her son's hand and hurried away.

"We're back!"Heliconia calls letting her hood fall. "Thank goodness!"Wendy smiled relieved everything went smoothly. Heliconia took her son's cloak off, hanging it up alongside her's. "Look what I found"Jessi says walking over. Heliconia took the wanted flyers, staring in shock. "He's still searching for me?!"Heliconia mutters shocked. "One week go...two weeks go...three weeks ago, he's not giving up"Heliconia mutters reading the wanted posters all the way till she reached the six years ago mark. "Six years and that terrible man still hasn't given up"Wendy sighed shaking her head annoyed. Heliconia sighed and went outside, tossing them in the trash. Kovu ran over to her, holding an apple. "Cut it for me, Mommy!"Kovu beamed. She smiled and nodded, taking the apple. "Want me to carve something too?"Heliconia smiled. "Yes, please!"Kovu beamed his eyes sparkling excitedly. She smiled, taking a knife from her pocket and sitting underneath a tree humming. A twig snapped, causing her eyes to dart over to the sound, spotting a guard running towards them.

"MOTHER, SISTER! MOTHER!!"Heliconia yells grabbing Kovu and running over to the house. She bursted in and slammed the door shut. "GUARDS! GUARDS ARE COMING!!"Heliconia yells her mother and sister staring in shock. "But they never came close until today...unless, someone tipped them off that you were here.."Wendy mutters. Jessi looked sharply at Kovu, a livid look on her face. "Or they saw his hair! Disgusting little brat!"Jessi yells grabbing a knife. "NO! LEAVE MY BABY ALONE, JESSI!!!"Heliconia yells hugging Kovu close, shielding him with her body. Banging came from the door, a scream of fear erupting from Kovu when a window shattered. "Go out the back door, quickly! Go to the tethered horses, ride one and don't look back!"Wendy orders. Heliconia stared at her mother and sister, Kovu clinging to her. She turned and ran away, bursting out the back door. She held Kovu close, to running down the path, her eyes wide. She untied the reins of the horse, quickly placing Kovu on its back. She quickly mounted the horse, footsteps coming from behind her.

She looked back, blond hair filling her vision. The horse took off down the path, galloping beside the river. Kovu looked back, staring as King Nyah watched them leave. "Look forward honey, don't look back"Heliconia mutters. Her son looked up, staring at the falling tears. "Mom, will gramdma and auntie be okay?"Kovu asks. "I don't know, but for now, we gotta get out of here"Heliconia replies. Something grabbed the reins of her horse, shocking her. Her horse reared back, tossing her and Kovu off. She hit the ground, Kovu letting out yells of fear as a guard grabbed him. "LET GO OF MY SON!"Heliconia yells hitting the man with a branch. She grabbed Kovu, bolting away, her hair flying behind her. She hurried towards a rushing river tightening her grip on Kovu. A hand grabbed her, stopping her a split second before she could collide with the water. "You remained hidden for such a long time, you don't think I'm gonna let you leave me a second time do you, that will not happen on my watch."

She looked behind her, King Nyah smiling down at her, dark bags underneath his eyes. "I've spent six years looking for you, and now I finally have you again!"King Nyah smiled gripping her arms. Kovu turned his head, Nyah staring in shock. "Is this....a joke...."King Nyah demands staring the scared child down. Kovu stared at him, Heliconia tightening her grip on the child. "Don't be scared of me, Heliconia, I'm not gonna hurt you or my son"King Nyah grinned. He hugged her close, her body tensing up. "We're gonna be one big happy family"King Nyah promised. "NO! LET GO OF ME!!"Heliconia yells shoving him away. She fell backwards, her eyes widening when she saw King Nyah holding Kovu. "Mommy!"Kovu yelled Nyah quickly reaching for her. "KOVU!"Heliconia screamed. Water surrounded her, her hands reaching towards the surface. A pair of hands shot into the water, grabbing her as her vision started to blur. "Heliconia!"King Nyah yelled holding her in his arms. "Kovu, my baby..."Heliconia mutters her eyes closing.

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