What holds us together.

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Frost made her way into the group, ready to say farewell. " Frost.." Flora managed to say. Sylver was sniffing and Spark and Glace looked miserable. " It's been an amazing time here... Thanks to you. All of you." A single tear of regret fell from Frost's eyes. " We are all different." Frost continued. " But the same. The same hearts. The same hopes."  All the memories seemed to flash before her eyes." The thing is." Frost said "We will always be together." A murmur of uncertainty ran across the group. Everyone knew that wasn't true. Frost was leaving, right? There would always be a gap in their group. Frost ignored them. " I'll always know... That we are connected. As friends. And who knows?" Frost managed to smile. " Maybe one day I'll appear in your dreams. But for now" Frost could hardly bear to think  about it, much less say it. " Goodbye." Frost touched noses with them for the last time.

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