I'm sorry :(

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Hello everyone. It is with a heavy heart that I let you know I will be leaving this app.

Some of you may know, some of you may not, but I have very very bad anxiety, and also a panic disorder.

When even the littlest things make me anxious I get violently sick, mentally and physically to a very very atrocious extent and level.

I always had that fear in the back of my mind using Wattpad; that something would happen regarding me or my account that would be negative or would have a negative impact on me.

And that fear has honestly just consumed my mind, and in general, Wattpad is always on my mind and it's been difficult for me to really focus on anything else.

I love writing. I literally love it so much, it consumes my mind. I love being able to just know that others are enjoying my writing as well.

However the negative impacts of mental health outweigh the positive impact I get from being a writer/author.

I love every one of my followers so so so much, and I've made some amazing friends on here, but my time has simply come.

Unfortunately for me, my Wattpad story and journey is over. And I'm sorry to those who may have enjoyed my presence here.

I've deleted all of my other social media accounts as well!

I would like to clarify, although I will not be deleting this account, I will be deleting the app itself off of my phone. If I do come back, it will not be to write, however it will be to help support all of my mutuals, friends, and followers.

I felt like I owed all of my followers an explanation, and I'm so sorry to cut you all off like this, but it's better for my mental health if it just do this as quick and as painless as possible.

I may check in from time to time to read your beautiful stories and comment using good old fashioned chrome (lol)  but for the meantime, no more writing for little old me

As much as I love writing, and I know it's a quicker way to spread my positivity, I love reading just as much. Somewhere along the way I lost that part of myself, getting excited to read a good story a mutual puts out, or seeing one and getting excited.

Hopefully with the time spent away, it will do me some good.

I understand if any mutuals or followers would like to unfollow, I completely get it! However if you're someone who enjoys me and my account, please feel free to stick around, I'll be back from time to time :) either way, I appreciate you for being here at all.

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