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As I headed for detention, I saw Aiden, the school's most popular guy walking towards me. Psssh...Not. I was like one of those people who was really bad at socializing with others yet I don't know how I ended up with Summer and Zoe. They were kind of popular too with Summer's jet black hair that hung a bit below her shoulder in waves. I remember how I had adorned her hair and wished it was mine. All I had was a total mess of hazel brown hair that ended just above my waist and although I really liked it's colour, I somehow couldn't manage to get it to obey me.(A/N that's my hair!) Zoe. Well, Zoe was a beauty. Many people were always behind her asking her out and stuff but she always rejected them though I seriously din't understand for what reason. If it were me, I would've jumped up to the first popular guy I met but Zoe seemed to not take any notice of anything whatsoever. Her straight hair, wide and greenish-blue eyes, perfect shape and soft, pink lips could make anyone fall for her in a second.

I was quickly snapped back to Earth when Aiden clapped his hands in front of my face.

"Uh, what?"

Way to go Ash. You just made yourself look like a fool in front of the school's most popular guy.

Aiden chuckled.

"Well, not exactly what I was expecting but...I'm Aiden."

Uhh...Is this why you came to me? Just to tell your name? Obviously I know that. Everybody knows.

"I know."


"I know everybody knows my name."

Uh-oh. Did I just express my feelings out loud?

"Anyway, you're Alisha right?"

I nodded my head in excitement.

The popular guy knows my name! Now I just wanna die...

"Easy...easy girl..." He stifled a laughter.

"You dont need to die!" He let out a laugh.

Arghh...why am I so bad at controlling my thoughts? Thoughts are meant to be in the head not out of my mouth!

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