Zoe and Summer

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This chapter is dedicated to _Hikari_Uchiha_ for helping me out...Thankyou. It means a lot!

I reached my locker just in time to find Zoe and Summer, my two best friends whispering about something. 

"Hey Guys, wassup?" I asked cheerfully.

"Umm...nothing Ash" Zoe replied quickly. She avoided my eyes and began looking at the floor. God, I never knew anybody could take such interest in their shoelaces.

"Huh?" I asked confused. I knew she was hiding something from me but unfortunately...I didn't know what that was.

"Zoe, are you alright? You look like you're hiding something from me." I voiced out my thoughts.

"Ash, about today morning...that guy was...." Summer replied but Zoe stopped her abruptly.

"Wait that guy was what?"

"Uh...just nothing Ash...just nothing" she said, broke into tears and ran towards the washroom. I quickly followed her sensing that something really bad had taken place.

"Zoe, it's fine. You can tell me whatever it is." I looked at her mascara streamed face. One reason why I hate wearing makeup.

"No Ash. I don't wanna hurt your feelings."

"Your feelings are more hurt than mine. Anyway, my feelings have been hurt too many times already and the least that is gonna happen to me is I am gonna die. Once loved is more than enough. I don't think I can love anyone anymore........." I sighed.

"Ash, you look..." She said in an attempt to comfort me but I suddenly felt a rush of emotions...an urge to cry. I fought back my tears because I had to sort out Zoe first. Nobody cared about my life anyway. Atleast not me.

"Quit that topic and now let's talk about what is wrong with you."

"Ash...are you sure that you won't feel..."

"Zoe, tell me." I said sternly. 

"Ok. So...so the guy you saw in the morning... I actually had a crush on him but then you..."


"You fell over him and then you both were looking in each other's eyes...and...and then you both were friends...and laughing after the whole incident out of class....." She blurted out.

"Oh Zoe, is this all?" I began laughing and she stopped crying, looking at me with a confused expression.

"Oh God, you thought that he had already asked me out? No way...then what are beautiful girls like you for? No one's gonna ask me out...I don't look good...anyway let's get over this ok. And yeah we kinda became acquaintances. What if...I told him that you had a crush on him and was head over heels for him?"


Every heads turned in our direction at Zoe's really loud voice.

"Ok then. Have a class in 10. Byeee...." I said.

"Bye Ash. Love you!" She exclaimed. More like screamed from behind me. Pffft....that girl could never get more girly.

Chapter 9 is officially over....Thanks so much for reading. Bye!❤️

Jen ^-^

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