Left for Dead 3: Crossbreeds (a fan fiction)

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Left 4 Dead 3: Crossbreed (fan-fiction)

The wind was hot and dry from the ash, smoke, and fires that burned throughout the city. My gas mask, though not claustrophobic, was a bit oppressive in how I breathed. I was thankful now that I had cleaned the lenses for the goggles since from the looks of the others rubbing their goggles, they had poor visibility. My glasses were pressed against my face and though they fogged up easily, I ignored the urge to wipe them clean.

I carried only a simple pistol and a sickle I had managed to find from the remains of a shop. I wore ACU combat fatigues with gloves and combat boots. A helmet was on my head and a Kevlar vest protected my back and chest. Around my neck was a recon wrap, something that I wore when I didn't have my gas mask on.

"Hold position." Said a voice in my ear, coming from the headset I wore.

I halted, as did the rest of my squad as my squad leader took out his M4 and looked up ahead of us. The buildings remains were once a fully functional hospital but now blood and bodies were all around its front while a lot of its windows were smashed to pieces.

"Front looks clear," said my squad leader, Staff Sergeant Cody Tippit," but I have a bad memory from last time we entered a hospital... And that was a field hospital!"

"Well, we're gonna clear it, even if its gonna get us killed." Said Private Bryce.

I sighed as I took point, my gun in my right hand and my sickle in my left. Behind me, the rest of my squad came: Cody, Bryce, Private Tanner, Private Mell, Private David, and Private Grace.

As we all entered, I clicked on the flashlight on my vest and as I shone it around, my gun was always up. The reception table before us was a mess and behind it, the wall was stained with dark blood. I couldn't see the other side and so I slowly sidestepped till I was looking behind the counter. There was a body and it had been torn up and before anyone could say something, I drew my sickle and plunged its blade into the corpses head.

I got up as I wiped my blade on some papers before I sheathed it. I followed the others through a doorway as they went from door to door, checking to see which ones were locked and which were opened.

"Locked." Muttered Bryce as he twisted the knob to a room.

We moved on, keeping a sharp eye out for anything up ahead. I went to a door and before I touched it, I put an ear to its surface. I didn't hear anything on the other side and I slowly checked the handle.

It slowly opened as my light pierced the gloom. I shined the beam around as I drew my blade and aimed my pistol around. It was apparently a storage room and I could see medicine behind some of the locked cabinets.

"Cody, got Meds here... Maybe some other stuff." My bean glinted off a tray full of scalpels and even a few nasty looking bone saws.

"Good. The base could use more of it." Said Cody as we all began to grab bags and stuff everything we could in them.

I took a few scalpels and even two bones saws before I saw what looked like a medical tomahawk and I managed to secure it in my belt. We were rummaging through the cabinets when suddenly we heard something hit the door down the hall.

We froze.

"David, check the area. Don't go out, just peek." Ordered Cody.

David gulped but he nodded as he tiptoed to the doorway. I watched as he peek his head from the doorway then he ducked back and he closed the door silently.

"Umm... We got a situation here.... A really bad one..." He said.

Cody looked at me and held out his hand.


He pointed to my belt and I rolled my eyes as I palmed him the medical tomahawk.

He went to David and together they opened the door while the rest of us resumed taking the medicine, but more quietly this time.

I heard a short moan, followed by something wet splattering walls, and finally a body hitting the ground.

Cody came back, the tomahawk covered in sticky, dark blood.

"Ok, we need to move now. Extraction is about to happen and we need to be there soon so let's go." Cody said.

As the others went, I managed to palm into my bag a few more meds before I followed the others out.

As we made our way out, I suddenly heard a door groan open and as the others went, I risked a glance back.

It was a solitary Infected and it looked in my direction.

"Aaauuurrrrrggggkkkk." It softly moaned to me as it began to run after me.

"Ah cripes!" I muttered as I double-timed it to the exit. We got out of the hospital as I said,"Ok, let's keep going. We may have company behind us soon enough."

"What did you do?" Asked Grace with a groan.

"Nothing! It pushed open a door, saw me, then came after me. Nothing I did to make it know I was there." I said.

"Just come on!" Said Cody as we all moved away from the building.

"The Extraction point is only little away, at the old winery." Said Cody as he folded up a map and stuffed it in his pocket.

Suddenly, I heard something shriek and I moaned as I looked to see a spitter, its mouth open as it spat a string of acid at us.

"Incoming!" Screamed Grace as we all dived to the sides. The acid splashed the pavement behind us as it began to sizzle and bubble. I watched as Cody fired a round trough its head. It pitched back as the round tore a opening in its skull, blood splashing the ground with acid.

"Okay, we really need to move now!" Said Cody as we all took off at a run.

Sweat got in my eyes as my glasses began to fog up but I couldn't do anything about then as I ran forward. I heard more groans, roars, and shrieks from behind as we ran and I pushed my body faster. We were within shouting distance when something struck my back. I yelped in surprise as the Medusa spine was stopped by my Kevlar plate but I didn't dare stop moving.

The extraction point was only two bunkers with a barrier of sandbags connecting them into a half-circle. Barbwire was strung over the sand bags and at one bunker was a radio. Mell dashed to the radio as she immediately turned it on and began to broadcast while the rest of us prepared for the coming Horde.

"Helo two-niner-alpha, this is Roger Charlie Two, we are requesting extraction at Extraction Zone Alpha. Do you copy? Over." Said Mell.

"This is Helo two-niner-alpha, we read you Roger Charlie Two. We are inbound from your six. Be advise, this will be a touch and go. I repeat, touch and go." Came the reply.

"We copy. Touch and go. Out." Mell said as she threw the mic away and pulled out her pistol.

"One of these days, your going to let us raid a store with hardware. Get some better weapons here." Muttered David.

"Guess what, you want to get sick or all of the battalion sick?" Asked Cody, his voice about to break.

I managed to look and immediately opened fire with my pistol as a boomer crashed into the open. The shot pierced its head as it blew up in a shower of goo as the Horde, though small, came charging at us.

I fired when I could at the Infected as I heard the choppers blades slicing the air towards us.

"Ten seconds!" Shouted Cody as we began to tense out muscles to make the run.

It came down too fast but it didn't touch ground as we all ran for it. I was last on as I managed to grab the radio and its mic before launching myself into the helicopter. It slowly took off as the Horde vainly tried to catch us.

I was breathing ragged breaths as I tore off the mask when Cody said,"Put it back on, Jonathan. I know it sucks but it won't be long till we get to base."

I sighed as I put it back on.

Grace leaned over and pulled the medusa spine from my vest and she managed to say,"Do yourself a favor and maybe not get shot by one of these things again. I don't want to have to put a bullet in you."

We passed over the remains of a city, Clarksville Tennessee specifically. Smoke rose from still burning fires while some buildings were mere rubble and ruins. Vehicles were all over, most abandoned and most destroyed by fires. I could see groups of Infected all over the place and I shuddered as the Helo kept going, regardless of the swarm below.

Fort Campbell had changed. A few months ago, the military were overrun by Infected and only recently do we have some of it back under our control. But a lot still was Infected and this was almost 80 percent we were talking was Infected. Our small section was fenced, walled, and barricaded off while regular patrols of true military personnel went along the wall. We only had a few heli's still around with what's left of APC's, Bradley's, and a few artillery pieces. All of the Abrahms and the other vehicles were abandoned at Nashville, along with enough gear to keep the base alive for awhile. Buildings inside our area were mostly ruins since we had no choice but to destroy the heavily infested structures and though now we had a lot of tents to be in, I knew the buildings would have come down without our help anyway.

Dust kicked up around the makeshift helipad as we all prepared to disembark. As the skids hit the ground, Cody led us from the heli as we walked to our Battalion barracks. It was, in truth, no more than a tent but it was home and as we entered its front entrance, I managed a small smile with the familiar sense of being home. I took off my gas mask and felt sweat drip off of its edges while it ran done into my eyes from my hair. My glasses were fogged up and dripping in sweat and I took them off as I shook my head.

"I hate this hair of mine... By any chance you guys could help me make it shorter than it is?" I muttered to the others.

"I would but right now, we need to report in." Said David as we opened a door and entered a room.

We saluted as we all stood at attention."Sir!"

Former-Cadet-Colonel Lieutenant Chapman looked up from some papers and he saluted us."At ease."

He put down a report he was going over and he asked us,"So, did you get anything from the raid?"

"We got medicines, I got some scalpels and bone saws and we found a medical tomahawk for Cody." I said.

"Private, take the medicine bags to the hospital. They're in need of all of it, I'm pretty sure."

I saluted, took the medical bags, and left the room. I exited the tent as I managed to look around while I walked. People went to and fro as I walked along, carrying items and sometimes just marching on patrol.

I entered the Hospital tent and immediately a wave of sickness hit my senses at what I saw and smelled: blood, festering flesh, antiseptic, filth, and death. I could hear screams and a lot of moaning was heard as I slowly walked forward.

A doctor, a blood-stained medic with a expression of tiredness, came forward and asked,"What do you need?"

"I have something for you all." I said as I gave him the medical bags.

He took them, looked in them all, and he shook my hand as he said,"Thank you so much."

He ran off as I exited the tent without a further glance as I reported back to my Battalion tent.

Inside, I walked to a door, knocked once, then waited as Cody opened it for me. As I went in, I began to take off my vest, my helmet, and my gas mask and placed them onto my cot. I unloaded my pistol and I ejected the round in the barrel before I flicked the safety off. I placed my sickle with the gun as I slowly sat down on my cot.

David, Bryce, Tanner, and Cody were at a table, playing cards from the looks of it. Mell and Grace were helping eachother with something and I kept to myself as I slowly laid down onto my cot and began to doze off.

Suddenly, the door opened and I opened my eyes before jumping up and standing at attention.


The others stopped what they were doing as they looked and soon they jumped up and went at attention.


The figure walked in slowly as we all stood still. The man was a bear, nearly seven-foot tall and bulging with muscles. He carried a revolver on his hip and in his teeth was a still smoking cigar stub.

He was General Jefferson Smitty, the only active general we had left here. Although he was our CO, sometimes I felt he was just trying to get us all killed.

"Alright boys and girls, you better not get comfortable. We need you all to do another mission."

I almost groaned but bit it back.

"We got a situation near Rossview road. I have been hearing reports about Bandits and I need you all to deal with them. We will be providing support with a machine gun team. You have five minutes."

We all saluted as the man left and I immediately began to put on my boots as we all rushed to get our gear back on.

We all were tense as our Hummer came closer to our exit. Behind us, another Hummer with the support team was following us. I looked out my window as the landscape went by us, a mixture of rural and city with the ever present columns of smoke rising into the sky.

"Ok, get ready. We're almost at our exit. Check your weapons, ensure you have everything set. Remember, try not to get infected. I don't want to have to put a bullet into your head."

The Hummer came to a halt at the top of the intersection as we all jumped out and fanned out. The other Hummer came to a halt and the support team of four fanned out from the vehicle.

"Ok, our objective is to recon the area and eliminate any and all threats. Remember, Bandits could be using any gear so if you can, try to recover their gear." Said Cody.

"Keeper." I looked over my shoulder at him.

"You got point." Cody said with a nod.

I nodded back as I began to move forward, the others following behind me at a distance of at least arms length. We covered all angles as the machine gun team followed up behind us. I kept a vigilant eye out for anything that could clue me in on trouble: branches snapped, a bullet casing... A body.

I stopped at the body and I checked it.

It was an Infected, its body torn by bullet holes and its head was shredded apart. I looked around and saw a nearby casing. I picked it up and said,"We may have problems..."

"What caliber?" Came the reply.

"50. Cal. Machine gun type... I also can say where it has to be.."

My eyes caught a nearby trip wire and I took out a knife from my boot. I wasn't the best but as I threw it, I got lucky as it cut the wire cleanly. I traced the wire and saw the first leg to a tripod turret.

"Cody... You remember that story I told you about how I made a pro rage?" I said over my shoulder.

I didn't really do that but Cody knew what I was talking about."Yeah... Didn't you, like, spawn camp or something?"

I edged forward as I trained my gun on the turret.

"Kinda. I blew up his mine which was suppose to kill me at spawn.. However, he didn't hide it very well..."

Everyone was now all looking in my general direction, guns at the ready.

"So.. I'm guessing he came running?" Cody said.

I saw the tripod quiver slightly and I said,"Running and Gunning. But that's the thing."

I heard, very faintly, the scrape of the slide to the turret racked back then forward as a bullet was chambered.

"... But he didn't expect I was ready for him."

I aimed a little above the tripod leg and I fired as the others scattered into cover. I heard a yelp as gunfire erupted all over. I fired a shot as I saw a head pop up from behind a bush and I heard a branch snap. I wheeled around, drawing my sickle from its sheath as the Bandit came at me with a axe. My blade sliced his throat as I shot one who was on top of Cody. He fired past me and I watched as the bullet drop a Bandit holding a SAW. I ran to the Bandit and I brought up the gun just as another came at me with a machete. I sprayed the bullets and watched as it tear the Bandit to pieces before me. I set the withering hailstorm of lead into the bushes and I heard screams while I saw a bit of blood splash from it.

Then, all was quiet.

I put the SAW down as I began to loot the Bandits corpse of everything we could use. I shoved all ammo I found in every pocket I had that could hold them and I slid the SAW's strap over my chest as I managed to take off the other Bandit a RPG, which I was surprised by. I took the machete as the others began to appear with all sorts of gear.


"Um.. Cody.." Came the voice of Bryce.

I recognized that voice since he had used it before and I ran to and through the bushes and found him staring at three bodies hanging on crosses of planks. They were so bloody it was hard to discern features but I could see the dog tags on their necks and the ACUs they wore.

"Cody.. We need some body bags..." I said sadly as I began to cut down the bodies.

Later that day, we stood with our company as the three soldiers we had found were burned ceremoniously on a pyre. As the smoke rose into the sky, I felt my eyes begin to water with tears and I managed to wipe them off with my shoulder. I, for whatever reason, would always cry at these things and as I watched, I felt more and more tears forming in my eyes.

When it was done, we all went back to our rooms in our tent and as I wiped the tears from my eyes, Mell asked,"You okay there, keeper?"

I nodded as I said,"I don't know why I do it, but these things always make me cry.... I think something's wrong with me."

"The only thing wrong with you," said David as he popped up next to me," is that your hair is past regs. I am going to shave it off till it's at regs or less."

I rolled my eyes." Just please spare me a Mohawk or anything else that's not part of regs, alright?"

That night, after my hair was cut, our battalion came together at the mess hall. As I waited with my squad to get our meal, the noise from everyone talking filled my ear.

"Well, at least we all are still here." Said David as he looked around.

I nodded in agreement. The other JROTC companies were always becoming less and less in numbers as more of them died. Sometimes, whole squads from a single battalion would come back dead and the battalion would slowly have this happen till it died out.

As I got my food, Bryce said,"Looks like another day of being alive... Hopefully we won't have to deal with a Horde tonight."

" I have my sincerest doubts that no Horde will come. There's always one nearby and there's always a night attack..." I heard Mell say.

I knew that she was right. Each night, as the sun came down and the what lights from the base we had still working turned on, large groups of Infected would come at us in a huge mass, thus the name Horde. We usually repelled them but it was exhausting work and and it was also exhausting our ammunition supplies.

"Honestly, let's just hope the Infected don't break through. Otherwise, we're are royally-" I said when David said,"Screwed?"

"I was going to say royally frakked but that's okay."

David and the others rolled their eyes as we all sat down at a table with our food. I began to mutter a prayer as the others began eat and when I had uttered the last word, I began to eat my food.

Suddenly, just as I began, I heard the wails of a siren and I wolfed down my food so fast, I nearly choked as everyone in the hall jumped up and ran for our barracks. But, unlike the others, I always have my gear somewhere nearby and as I buckled on my vest and my helmet, I made sure my sickle melee was on me as well as my pistol. I took my pistol out as I checked the magazine and then chambered a round.

I jogged out of the mess hall as I waited for my squad to come out of the barracks as more sirens began to sound off and soon I heard the chatter of automatic weapons and the coughs of mortar teams firing at the Infected.

Then, everyone came running out as I managed to find my squad and as we ran to our designated positions, I heard Cody say for the millionth time,"Hey... Did you bring your gear to the mess hall again?"

I rolled my eyes."No, I teleported and went invisible so you couldn't see me. Of course and it's only because I liked to be ahead of the battalion at times."

Cody sighed as we ran past several mortar teams, some who were launching their munitions. We ran past a few howitzers and even a few Hummers as I finally saw our positions: a wall and barrier of Hesco blocks, topped in sand bags and in razor wire.

We all got onto the firing step and as I pulled out my pistol, I could see fire way out in the Infected zone.

Suddenly, something flew over us and I saw it was a massive chunk of debris and I heard a roar in the distance, followed by screams and gunfire.

"Another Tank... Great." I heard Mell mutter as I saw a shape coming towards the wall.

I fired as the Jockey pitched back with a bullet in its head and I saw more shapes coming nearer. I saw the gunfire from fleeing military personnel and then gunfire from the battalion began in earnest as we picked out targets. I suddenly saw a Medusa spine flash by my face and I shot my pistol at the hideous creature. It screeched as the bullet tore its head open, sending spines flying all over.

More Infected were coming closer but it wasn't a growing number. I could tell the line ahead of us was doing their job well as less and less Infected showed up.

Finally, as the last one fell down dead, I heard a weary cheer come up from ahead and our battalion commander shouted to everyone,"Another Horde dead, and other night to rest. Good work everyone."

Dawns rays slowly rose up over the wall around our Fort Campbell as the light just so happen to shine down onto my face. I tried to squeeze my eye shut but it was impossible as the light shone directly into them. I sighed to myself as I got up and began the day with getting my gear on. I slipped on my Kevlar vest as I buckled my helmet onto my head before slipping on my recon wrap over my face. I holstered my pistol after I reloaded it and I sheathed my sickle into the custom sheath I gave it. I put my gas mask into its case as I put on my gloves and finally, put on my combat boots.

I managed to quietly slip out of the room when someone tapped my shoulder."Keeper, you're not going to get away so easily."

"Jeez girl, what do you do? Cat nap?" I said as Mell followed me out of the tent.

We walked along at a nice, slow pace as we were headed towards the positions we had taken up last night. As I reached the Hesco barriers, I could see to where the tank had come through. The hole had been repaired and barricaded by more hescoe's and as I looked at it, I thought I could hear the faint taps as Infected banged their fists on the metal wall.

"Another day, another list of missions." I quietly muttered.

"Hopefully it won't be as eventful, right?" Asked Mell.

I meekly smiled at the thought of her words as I said simply,"Thats all we can do at this point. Hope for the best."

I watched as Bryce slowly crept through the tight crevice as the whole squad tried to make its way through the ruined building. It was suppose to be the main center of a Firebase but it had been overrun by Infected. We were lucky to not have been spotted by the dozen or so Infected around us or else we would all have been either dead or running to extraction.

I slowly crawled after Bryce when he stopped and said,"Hold up!"

Everyone behind me stopped in their midst as I heard something metal squeal then hit the ground. I held my breath as I waited for hands to snatch Bryce out of the crevice but he slowly slid out of the crevice as we all cautiously followed him.

"Support team, this is Roger Charlie Two. We are beginning the to extract the files." Muttered Cody into his headset as he slowly inserted a flash drive into a nearby computer. I went to a window as I cautiously peeked outside and I saw the Infected were all just oblivious to our prescience. I walked away as Cody detached the flash drive from the computer."Ok, we're are moving out and heading for extraction."

We all stacked up on a door as I opened it slowly. The hall was quiet as I looked up and down it before I grabbed Bryce's vest and dragged him after me, soon having everyone grabbing someone's vest to create a human chain. I kept my eyes moving as we all tried to stay as quiet as possible when suddenly-


We all whipped around as the fallen metal sheet came to a rest. But the zombie had noticed us and it moaned a part roar, part choke as it began to run after us.

"Ah cripes!" I said as I began to haul everyone at a faster pace. We ran down the halls as more and more Infected began to join the chase as Cody began to say in his mic,"Support Team! This is Roger Charlie Two! We have the files but we are being pursued by Infected! We will need some cover fire to make it to extract!"

"Roger that. Support team is on standby, over." Came the reply.

I turned a corner as I crashed through a thankfully thin glass pane. I fell to the ground admits the shards as Grace grabbed my arm and hauled me to my feet, shouting,"Move your ass, now!"

We all ran out of the firebase's front gates as the Infected came after us in a horde. I kept going even though I was beginning to tire from the extortion but I knew that if I slowed down, I would fall to the Infected.

Then, I heard the chatter of assault fire and watched over the shoulder as the front ranks of the Horde began to fall to gunfire.

"Come on! We're almost there!" Shouted Cody when I saw a shape fly from a tree.

"LOOKOUT!!" I yelled as I hurled my arm over Cody to put myself between him and the Hunter.

It landed on me and a sharp, hot pain lanced up my arm as Cody shot the Hunter in the head. I dared not look at the wound as we all ran, shortly followed up by the support team. They were running backwards, firing off and almost unceasing barrage of lead at the Horde as it tried to get us. But then, the helicopter arrived and as we all jumped on, I managed to fire a few shots from my pistol before we were out of range. I cradled my arm as Mell leaned over and said,"Lemme see it."

I shook my head."Its nothing but a scratch. Just gimme the dog-on bandages."

She paused before she took the roll of bandages from her medical bag and gave them over to me. I thanked her as I began to slowly wrap the wound up as I felt a sort of sluggish pain begin slowly creeping up my right arm.

I cradled my arm as the professional medic looked over it. The claws hadn't gone deep and would leave only small scars that would eventually disappear.

"Alright. Looks likes its only a scratch. Wrap it up and wait for it to scab over. In the meantime, you'll have to shoot your pistol one-handed."

I nodded as I rewrapped the cuts with a roll of bandages before I walked out of the tent. The squad was waiting for me as Cody asked,"Well?"

"Its nothing serious. Just some minor scratches. Should scab over and disappear eventually." I answered.

"You took one heck of a gamble there." Said David as they led me to the mess hall.

As we got inside, I noticed something immediately.

"Wait... Did we just get new guns?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sure did. A whole pile of old M16A3's and a few M4's. We got plenty of ammo and some even have M203 grenade launchers on then." Said Tanner.

I nodded as we got in line for food when our Battalion Commander said,"Battalion!"

We all looked at him in rapt silence.

"We all been getting recent reports about the Infected. Some say that some Infected are still human but others say the opposite. I need all squads to make sure no one is infected, otherwise they must terminate the Infected soldier."

"I assume your cuts are from the glass?" Asked Cody.

I nodded as I ate my food using my one, good left hand.

When we were done and had cleared our stuff, we headed over to the barracks. I tried to ignore the pain in my arm as we entered the room and as I slowly took my gear off, nighttime was setting outside.

"Don't think a Horde is coming tonight. It's been quiet as of late." Muttered Tannner.

I nodded in agreement as I slowly, carefully began to put my arm down so I didn't have to sleep with it becoming stiff. But it still throbbed and it it hurt just to have it around but I was stubborn and I was going to get a decent nights rest no matter what.

The figure climbed over the wall as she tried not to make a sound from her sharpened, Witch claws. She glanced around in fear as she scampered from the wall and behind a tent. Lights from nearby guard towers searched for any hostiles in the compound as small patrols moved around, using the only night-vision goggle the base had. She made another dash for a building when a light almost caught her. She squealed for a moment before she ran under the wall of a tent and waited there for a short period.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her around and she came face to face with a boy, wearing the uniform of the military. She swiped her claws at him but he caught her wrist and then twisted her arm around as he put a choke hold on her.

"Who are you?" He hissed as he jerked her arm hard.

She winced as she punched his face with her free hand. He reeled as he let go of her arm and she took the time to kick him, sending him into a desk. Then, she saw his right arm and before she could say anything, several hands grabbed her and pulled her to the floor as more came with duct tape to bind her feet and her hands. She screamed but it was cut short as duct tape was placed over her mouth and lights were turned on as voices picked up in volume.

She squirmed and she fought those around her but someone smashed a fist in her as they dragged her away from the room, a muffled scream coming from her gagged mouth.

"Would anyone like to explain to me what the heck just happened here?!" Barked General Jefferson, looking at us all in obvious anger.

I looked at the Witch as it was slowly dragged away from my squads room and I looked back at the General and went to attention."Sir, that Witch slipped under the tents walls and I just so happen to be awake because of my arm hurting to see it come in. So, I decided to be a idiot and I managed to make just enough noise for everyone to wake up and come help me."

"Idiot, indeed. Had you had a shotgun, you could have crowned her and dealt with her in a less dangerous fashion." Said the General with a snort.

I simply nodded as I said,"Yes, sir." as the General walked out of the room and out of the building all together.

We all stood silently before Mell asked,"You got lucky."

"Wait, you noticed? Of course I did! I'm shocked I'm not scraps of meat and bone now." I said as I went back to my cot and laid out on it.

I watched from the sights of my M16A3 as another of our Battalions squad, under Staff Sergeant Jordan McAlister, crept towards a store that was suppose to both have stuff we needed and also a small group of Bandits camping in it. I had grown accustomed to the rifle and though I still had my pistol, I was finding myself using the AR more, especially since I had an M203 grenade launcher. I watched McAlisters squad reach the edges of the store as they stopped and waved on to us.

"Alright, let's go." Said Cody as we all picked ourselves up and began to move forward to where's McAlister now was. I tried not to rest my hand upon the tube under my rifles barrel as I tried to hold my rifle by the ammo clip, even though it wasn't probably the best idea. As we moved on, I tried to keep the pain in my arm from resurfacing. Even though it was somewhat healing, I could tell it might be infected with something.

We stopped a few feet from McAlister squad as flashed his hand, palm out, to McAlister, who nodded as his squad began to move into the store. We followed after them.

I could smell and slightly taste ash in my mouth, even though I wore my Gas mask. I tried to steady my breathing as Cody said to us,"Ok, split up and search the place. Kill any targets as quietly as you can. Go."

Mell and Grace went one way as Tanner and David went another way. Finally, Cody said to me,"Keeper, I need you to secure us some more weapons and ammo for those weapons. If I remember correctly, they should be at the far left side from here."

He and Bryce soon left me alone and I made my way towards the direction Cody pointed me to. I slung my rifle over my shoulder as I took out my pistol and my sickle and moved onward. I saw someone walking nearby and I ducked behind some shelves as I edged around it to the opposite side. I peeked around the corner as I began to slowly creep past the unsuspecting sentry and towards where I saw some guns. I reached another shelf and I saw two guards nearby, facing in different directions and both with AR-15's. I holstered my pistol as I began tried my luck in trying to slip past the watchful eyes of the the guards.

"Uh, why do we have to guard these things? Why can't we just use them? You know, carve some land from the Zombies around here." Said a Guard as he began to sat down.

I slipped behind a counter that use to hold guns, now directly behind the guards as one said,"I hear you, man. But, we not only not have the man power but Big B made it off limits to take them and use them."

I looked at my feet and I quietly winced as I saw the broken shards of glass. I slowly tip-toed through the floor of fragile glass as I continued my attempt of stealth past the guards.

"Man, Big B is such a bitch! He won't let us do anything about these stupid mother fucking zombies and yet he always seems to say we gotta do something about it." The guard muttered with a huff.

I managed over a big piece of glass when I stumbled upon a axe lying near the counter. I picked up the small, survival-built hatchet as I took my sickle out and prepared to throw them at the guards. I knew I would only get one chance at this and as I pulled my arm back to throw, I was determined to drop them both quietly.

I hurled the axe first then the sickle and I watched in relief as the sickle and hatchet slice the necks of the guards, both falling over with a small thump.


I jumped at the voice as I watched Tanner and David slowly materialize from the darkness. I sighed in relief as Tanner said,"Man.. Look at all these guns... And plenty of ammo, too."

We took our packs off and we immediately began to stuff guns, ammo, and other things into them. I stuffed mine up first, full of AR's and shotguns with their respected ammo. I slung the pack over my shoulders as I tip-toed to the guards corpses and I ripped the hatchet and sickle from them. I placed the hatched into my belt as I wiped the blood from my sickle on one of the killed guards.

The rest of the squad appeared, as did McAlisters squad, and we all took the time to take everything we could. I was going through some aisles when I stumbled upon a familiar shape. I picked up the compound bow and I gave a small laugh at the fact it was in perfect condition. I decided to keep it as I scavenged for some arrows and some broad heads. Then, I looked for some allon wrenches and after I was completely done, I regrouped with the others. We all moved out of the store in a line formation, myself now seen toting a bow and a quiver of arrows on my back.

I worked the wrenches as I twisted them to lessen the poundage on the compound bow. Beside me, at least a dozen assorted arrows that I had found that weren't destroyed. Next to those, a bag full of the best broad heads I could find, all that had a 2-inch cut width span. I kept twisting the wrenches before I finally stopped and as I put down the wrenches, I got off my cot and I tested the strength. It wasn't easy to pull back but it wasn't impossible for me and as I slowly allowed the string to go back to its normal spot, I knew it was at the right poundage. But all I needed to do now as maybe find the range on it.

Then, Cody came in, followed by the others and as I put down the bow, they all began to take off their gear.

"Why did you have to take a bow?" Asked Tanner as he looked in my direction,"Its not exactly useful against Infected or people... Well, maybe Infected."

"Because, besides our blades, how many silent, stealth weapons to we have?" I asked him as I gingerly inserted a broad head into an arrow.

Tanner sighed as he said,"Whatever. I hope you will still use your gun."

"Are you nuts?" I asked him," I would be insane to just take my bow. No, I'll only use it for stealth."

"Well, either way, make sure you don't try to do anything stupid with it or get in trouble with it." Said Cody.

I nodded as I inserted another broad head into an arrow shaft.

Then, suddenly, a military soldier opened the door and we all looked at him.

"Is there a Private Jonathan-" began to soldier when I said,"Yes, that's me. What's up?"

"I need you to follow me, please. And bring a sidearm or two." The soldier left the room and I shrugged got he others as I grabbed my gear and left to follow the soldier.

My recon wrap couldn't mask the smell that came wafting from the cell door. Inside, the Witch that had snuck into the camp the night before. She was more bruised than last time, the purple spots vivid on her very pale skin. She was merely sitting, head lowered and hands resting on her knees. I looked towards General Jefferson and he nodded as the guard opened the cell door slowly and I slowly stepped into it. The cell light was turned on and as the door closed, I just stood and stared at the Witch. I took a ginger step forward and as the sound reverberated around the cell, the Witch's head lifted up so I could see her eyes. I immediately stopped and we both stared at each other in silence.

"Your afraid of me, aren't you." A statement, not a question. Her voice was half hoarse, half tired and she lowered her head back to its original place.

I was part repulsed, part confused as I placed my foot down completely. I slowly got down on my haunches as I tried to take a nice approach to the conversation.

"You can talk... How?" I asked her slowly.

She lifted her head up and I could see the cell light glint off her eyes.

"What? Is it truly that strange?" She asked back.

"Kinda... I didn't think Infected could talk." I said, slightly sheepishly.

"Infected? Why does everyone think I'm Infected? I'm not infected." She muttered.

I looked at her closely, trying to see what I was missing and as I looked back at how Withes are, I realized-

"May I see something?"

She lifted her head as I slowly got in a crouch and I went to her ever cautiously. I stopped before her as I took a hand and gently raised her chin till I could see her eyes. Her eyes were normal but puffy and red, like she had been crying day-and-night. Her face was pale and though Witches were normally ugly with their face twisted in fury and hatred, her face was still full of beauty.

"Wow... Well, as much as I can see, your only... Partially Infected? I don't know. You don't seem to be full on Witch but you aren't exactly... human anymore." I said hesitantly as I withdrew my hand.

She gave a sniff, like she had a runny nose, and I realized-

"Ah.. Please tell me your not going to cry, are you?" I asked with a sigh.

"No." She said as she wiped her nose," but this place doesn't exactly help me. Its stuffy.. And hot."

I felt the air. It wasn't hot but it wasn't cool.

"Not for me... You okay or are-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence as she lunged past me.

I grabbed her by her shirt and I threw her back as I stood up and faced her. She reeled as she landed on the floor and she snarled as she looked at me, her eyes a bright, blood red now. She screeched as she are up the distance between me and her and I threw my body left as the air where my head had been was sliced apart by her claws. I jumped up as she came at me again and I dodged left and right as she tried to slice my head off my shoulders. But then, I grabbed her arms as I stepped forward and head butted her. I felt blood splash me and I looked up to see that I had broken her nose, the blood gushing from it. I stepped forward to deliver another punch when she looked at me and said,"Your Infected."

I froze, my closed fist mere inches from her head and face.

"What are you talking about, I'm not Infected." I said when she, while holding her nose, ripped an opening into my uniform that covered my injured arm. I looked at it and saw something that I had feared was happening to my arm.

It was a deep red, pulsing veins just beneath the skin were of bluish-purplish-greenish tint that was unnatural. Black, curved claws came jutting from my fingers.

I scrambled back as I clutched my arm, my eyes wide with fear of what was going to happen to me. The Witch watched me, still holding her broken nose, as from the door came a gruff voice,"Private... Come to the door."

I slowly, shakily, got up as I went to the door and it opened as I looked into the face of the General. He looked at me with eyes of no emotion but next to him was Cody and he looked at me with a sad look. I looked at them, sighed, then I began to take my gear off. I took off my helmet, my armor vest, my weapons, everything except for my boots, my recon wrap, and my ACU uniform.

"I'm sorry... For doing this." The General gave Cody the gear as he closed the door on me.

Leaving me alone, rejected, and now stuck with a Witch.

Cody walked away with the General as he true to keep a straight face and show no emotion. He didn't know Keeper really well, only seeing him when school was around occasionally and talking to him very little. But now, as he looked back on what he just saw, he felt a hole forming in him and he fought to hold back the tears that were brimming around his eyes. But keeper had been part of the squad and Cody knew this was going to blow a hole in both the morale of the squad and also make a hole in the tightly-knit relationship they all had.

"I'm sorry son... I truly am sorry." Said the General as they kept walking along.

"How could he become Infected? The guy didn't deserve it.." Cody muttered slowly and quietly.

Suddenly, there was an explosion and they heard screams as the Horde attack siren began to wail out its tone. Gunfire erupted nearby and Cody brought up his M4 to bear as the General said into his walkie-talkie,"Defend the base! Don't let them take over what we just took back!!"

Cody dropped Keepers gear as Infected rounded the corner and he fired a burst off at them. They turned to his direction as two dropped with chunks of their head gone and they ran towards him.

Suddenly, the others popped up and they sawed down the Infected in a barrage of withering fire. They joined Cody as they surrounded the General, just as another group of Infected came towards them. Tongues of fire leapt from their rifles barrels as bullets tore apart the Infected.

"Sir! What should we do?" Asked Cody as he looked behind him."... Sir? Sir?!"

The General was gone and Cody watched as a Blackhawk lifted off and fled from the base. Cody watched as the helicopter slowly fade into the distance and he heard Bryce asking,"Cody? What should we do? Where's Keeper? Cody!"

And then, the Infected overran them.

I awoke to a start with someone scooting next to me. I slowly opened my eyes as I managed to turn my head to see the Witch next to me, her head hug low and her eyes now normal.

"What do you want?" I growled as I went to go back to sleep.

"Nothing.. Just wanna talk." The Witch said.

I opened my eyes as I looked at her, all ears to what she had to say."Go on."

"Did you really know you would be put in here with me?" She asked me as she looked at me.

"No. Most get a bullet in the head, which is what I was expecting... But now.. I can't say for sure what will happen..." I said to her.

"But why does the military kill Survivors?"

That caught me out of the blue and I straightened up as I asked her,"What do you mean? We only kill Bandits."

"Are they really Bandits? Or have you been killing Survivors?" She asked me and she looked deep into my eyes.

"All I have seen are gangsters and cultist that prey on everyone. Pretty sure that's a Bandit." I said to her, slightly infuriated.

"Well how come then that the Safe Zone I was in with others was attacked and destroyed by the Military, huh? Is every person besides the Military a Bandit?" She countered, her voice rising and more infuriated than my own.

I almost said something when suddenly, the door opened and I turned my head to see-

"Cody.... Wha-.. What happened?" I asked in plain horror.

Cody wasn't completely Infected, like me or the Witch, but it was obvious that he was Infected. His left and right arm were like that of a Hunter and as he entered the room, he tossed my gear to me.

"That rat of a General left us to die.. Luckily, the squad is still alive, maybe more of us are." Cody said as I went to the gear.

I strapped it all on as I followed Cody out. The Witch followed us and neither is us minded or cared. We left the building and I saw what had become of the others. Bryce and Tanner were both Hunters while David had become a Smoker. Grace and Mel were now Medusa's and as we all looked at each other, I silently wept for what had happened to us all.

"Hey, Keeper, its okay." Said Bryce.

"How can you say that? Look at us! We're Infected and it doesn't matter if we aren't fully Infected... We still are Infected." I said as I looked at him.

"Actually, you aren't Infected."

We all turned around and I saw a military man in dress blues, holding a pistol in one hand. He wore glasses and heals both a white beaded and white hair. He approached us as he said,"You are now a Crossbreed."

"Crossbreed?" Asked the Witch.

"Yes. You are a cross between a unite red person and a Infected person. It's more common, as you have notice, with special Infected doing this. We don't know why it happens, only that it just does." The man said to us as he stopped.

"Is everyone on base like this?" I asked him.

"No.. Your the only ones. We lost a platoon to the Infected but the hole had been plugged... But what of the General? Have you all seen him?"

"Him? I saw him, in a helicopter headed away from here. He left us to die!" Spat Cody.

The man looked at us in shock, as did myself.

"You.. You serious?" I asked him.

"He didn't even bother giving us orders of what to do. Just high-tailed it out of here." Muttered Cody as he looked to me.

"Then let's go after him." I said as I began to leave.

"Where do you think he headed, though?" Asked the man.

"One place that I remember being close by. A FOB near Nashville." I said.

"And this time, we won't let him get away."

I watched from inside the APC as the night covered landscape went by. Everyone hadn't believed us until someone had made the discovery of some files in the General's office. They contained everything from plans, to troop displacement, to target portfolios, so much intel that we couldn't deny it.

Now, fully geared up and fully ready, my squad had been sent to do our final mission: kill the General.

I had my bow, my M16, my sickle, and my pistol and I had at least three standard frag grenades. Everyone else around me was the same way: geared up and ready for anything.

I looked from the window and to the person that sat across from me.

The Witch had decided to come along with us and now her she was, dressed in ACU's, wearing armor best and helmets, and holding a M16 and a knife she managed to find. She had a veiled put on her helmet and had in not been black, you would have thought it to be a wedding veil.

I asked her over the comm line,"We never got your name. What is it?"

She looked up and she said to me,"Its Jennifer."

I nodded slowly as suddenly the APC came to a halt. The back lowered and we all rushed out as we all stood in a half-circle before the APC's ramp. My eyes very quickly turned the night into day and I looked around to see the bright lights of the FOB.

"FOB is only a klick from here. We need to move fast if we are to catch the General before he can go." Said Cody.

"Roger." We all responded.

We all ran from the APC as we headed for the the nearby woods next to the highway. I took my bow out as I leapt several feet into the air and landed on a tree. Bryce followed me and together we leapt ahead of the others, scouting the route ahead. It was unusual for me to jump this high but I had to quickly adjust to is or else I won't last if I went over an edge or a cliff. We stopped on a tree as we heard Cody ask,"You see anything?"

The FOB was busy. Vehicles were moving into a huge convoy outside the entrance while teams and squads moved everywhere. I could see a few picket squads out from the base but the main thing I saw was what was in the FOB. Someone had set up a concert stage and I could see what appeared to be the General on it.

"Looks busy. I think they even set up a concert stage. Wonder who's playing." I said.

I looked below me and saw the rest of the squad appear. Tanner jumped up to me with Cody as we all surveyed the scene. Finally, we leapt down and then grouped up with the others.

"Okay, we got at least a hour to get this done. I want Grace, Mel, Bryce, and David to set up nearby as the support team. I will go with Tanner and provide back up for Keeper." Said Cody as he looked at us.

"What about me?" Asked Jennifer.

Cody looked at her, thought about it, then said,"You can go with Grace's group."

Jennifer nodded as I leapt back up the tree and began to make my way towards the FOB. Cody followed me with Tanner but they soon stopped as we neared the forests edges. I leapt onto a tree and I paused as I surveyed the scene before me. I could see where I could possibly leap but it was a manned guard tower and I didn't fancy my chances against it. But as I looked around, I knew that there was no other way I was going to be able to get towards the FOB.

So, I leapt and prayed I wasn't shot by the guard.

I landed on the lower half of the tower and to my relief, the guard had been unsuspecting. I climbed up as I soon leapt over the Hesco barrier around the base and into the vehicle depot. I landed behind a M1 Abrahm and I shimmied my way around it and towards the stage. I stopped as I spotted a guard and I moved in behind him as I clubbed him with my bow. I crept on as I could see the General clearly now, giving orders to groups of soldiers. I ducked behind a depot as I took out an arrow and notched it.

Then, the General's voice reached my ears:

"Tonight, we stand on the eve of a great tragedy.

"Fort Campbell, the base that we made their, has been taken over by Bandits. Now, they use our gear to prepare to launch a offensive to claim this state their own. We will not let them do that! We will slaughter them all and leave their corpses hanging from pikes!!"

The soldiers around him cheered as I pulled back my bow and took careful aim. I centered the arrow on the Generals neck.

"Now prepare for battle!" The General shouted.


"What about the Survivors you had killed in Clarksville?"

My gut wrenched as I watched Jennifer appear on stage, rifle leveled at the General. The General looked at her.

"What about them?" He growled.

"Have you told them about how many you ordered killed? How many of the military garrison there is now dead because of you? Did you tell them that those Bandits are actually the garrison?!" Her voice was like a Witch's scream now.

Murmurs began to be heard as the General took a small vial from his pocket and bet opened it as he took it in one gulp.

"You pain-in-the-arse bitches are just why people die." Said the General as he dropped the vial."So guess what? I'm going to deal with you the way your kind deals with you."

The General convulsed and I watched, horrified, as he began to transform before our eyes. The General was doing the break dance on the ground as his body began to ripple with sudden growth of muscles. He screamed as his jaw became fused to his neck and I watched as he began to stand up, his forearms at least tripling in size. His short was ripped away and as soldiers ran, I fired an arrow at the Tanks head. The arrow punched into it but it only succeeded in making it mad and it turned its face in my direction.

"Jennifer! Run!" I shouted as I put my bow up and unslung my assault rifle.

The Tank bellowed as it charged me, tossing Humvees aside like they were cardboard. It took a chunk of the concrete and hurled it at me, forcing me to dive out of the way and out of cover. The concrete smashed the depot to splinters as I heard gunfire from nearby. Bullets struck the Tank as it bellowed and threw a car at the squad of soldiers, all who ran away as fast as they could.

I fired my grenade launcher as I immediately began to load another one.

The shot blew a chunk from the Tanks flesh but it came at me like an enraged bull, tossing me into the air like a limp rag doll. The air exploded from my lungs, flying from my mouth as spittle went with it before I smashed into the window of a Hummvee. I fell to the ground as I lay gasping for air.

I watched as the Tank came closer and I watched it come nearer, the ground shaking with its every step. It stopped before me as it raised both of its fists to finish me off.

This is it, I meanly thought, this is truly the end.

I closed my eyes and accepted my fate.


The shout startled me to open my eyes as a rocket came streaking in to explode on the Tanks back.

It roared in fury as it turned and then several more rockets smashed into it, followed closely behind by hundreds of thousands of bullets. Blood came out in huge geysers as the barrage ripped apart the Tank, sending its body in several directions. I lay there, watching as several figures came closer to me.

"What are you sitting on your ass for, soldier? Get your ass in gear, now!" Said a figure as one hauled me to my feet.

I got up with the help as I surveyed the scene before me.

"Alright then. To Fort Campbell, considering we have a lot of work to do."

Suddenly, I heard a choked rasp and I turned to see Jennifer, impaled by a piece of rebar and pinned to a M1 Abrahm.

"Jennifer! Medic!" I shouted as I dropped my gun and ran to where she was.

She spat a small was of blood as I slid next to her and I placed my hands on the rebar, which was thin as a pencil but it was as long as my arm and had pierced her lower abdomen.

"This is going to hurt..." I said through gritted teeth.

I yanked the metal out of her and she screeched like any enraged Witch. Blood seeped from the wound as I grabbed some bandage from my small med-kit and began to wrap here up.

"Your going to be fine, okay? You're going to live." I told her as I tied the bandages off.

I scooped her up as a soldier said,"Wait, where are you going?"

"Cody, get the others back to base." I said into my mic as I turned to the soldiers around me." As for you all... Well, just try to keep up with me."

And with that, I leapt into the air and away from the FOB.

I watched from my perch a top a tree as the sound of gunfire and tank cannons firing was heard off in the distance, often followed by artillery fire. Jennifer, still wrapped up by the bandages, slowly climbed her way to where I was and I gently pulled her up the rest of the way. As she sat down next to me, she looked at me and said in a raspy voice,"Thanks."

I looked at her." For what?"

"For saving me when you didn't have to back at the FOB... Felt like I was just going to die there and then."

I turned back as I watched the sunrise coming up over the horizon." Your part of the squad, though. It makes you not only one of us, but it also makes you part of a family that always has each others back. It take a lot for any of us to not have taken you back here."

We sat silently on the branch as we watched the sun climb higher into the sky. Then, she gingerly scooted closer to me and leaned her head against my chest. I was taken aback by this and almost subsequently fell out of the tree as I asked her,"Whoa there. This probably isn't the best time to be doing that."

"Why not?" She plainly asked me as she looked at me.

"For one thing, we're in a tree." I said obviously," and second, I don't think your okay in the head."

She shoved me gently but it still caused me to latch my claws into the tree's bark.

"Your just scared." She said as she turned back.

"No I'm not!" I said.

"Oh really? So your just 'uncomfortable' with me being around you, is that it?"

"No," I said with a sigh," but I'm not-"

She didn't let me finish as she pressed herself against me and gingerly placed her lips on mine. Her lips tasted very slightly of sweat, blood, and ash while they were almost feverish in heat. But thy were soft and even though I kinda wanted to shove her away, I also wanted to keep her that way.

Then, she pulled away and asked,"So, are you scared now?"

I rolled my eyes as she snuggled up close to my chest and together, we watched the sunrise come over the remains of Fort Campbell.

The End.

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