Chapter 15

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    They saw a man start running towards them once he saw Ezra. Ezra's face was happy with a huge smile on his face.
      "Ezra Nathaniel Briger!" The man cried out. Ezra eased away from Kanan and as the man came close he slowed down and hugged Ezra. The crew watched confused.
       Ezra pulled away and said:
      "WHAT?!" The crew yelled in shock. Ezra laughed along with his uncle.
      "Sorry guys. I probably should have warned you." Ezra said.
      "It's okay, Ezra. We were just caught off guard." Kanan replied.
      "Well I should introduce myself. I'm Eli Briger. Ephraim's brother." Ezra's uncle said.
       The crew nodded and introduced themselves. After the introductions were done Ezra leaned on Kanan again. His leg was throbing and he was starting to get a headache. Kanan noticed his pain and signalled Hera pointing to Ezra. She nodded and walked over to them placing her hand on Ezra's cheek. She looked him in the eye and raised her eyebrows.
      "My leg hurts and I have a headache." Ezra said. Once Ezra had started talking his uncle had looked over paying attention to every word his nephew said.
       "Well, in that case, I should probably check your leg again and give you medicine for your headache." Hera replied. Ezra was to tired to complain so Kanan picked him up and took him to his room followed by Hera. Once they had gone inside Eli turned to Zeb and Sabine and asked:
        "What happened to him?"
        Sabine and Zeb explained how they were captured and Ezra saved them, getting hurt in the prosses. Eli's eyes opened wide as they explained everything. But he still has a question.
        "Why did he say that without being questioned?"
        Both Zeb and Sabine chuckled.
        "Because Hera gave him the look that said,'you tell me what's wrong or else I'll figure it out'. And she might just turn into mother Hera mode. Which you really don't wanna do." Sabine answered. 

         Eli chuckled and thought, Wow these guys really care about him. Glad he found a new family.

        That Night Eli stayed with the crew. The next morning he got up and went to the common room to find Ezra there alone.
        "Good morning, Price Nathan." Eli said.
        "Good morning to you, Royal Knight." Ezra said, playing along.
        "How are you doing? Last night you seemed exhausted." Eli asked concerned.
        "Better. How are you? I haven't heard from you since..... well since my parents were taken by the Empire. " Ezra said.
        "Good, can't complain." Eli replied. After that a silence grew between them. After a while Eli decided to break the silence:
        "Your parents would be happy you found a new family."
        "Yeah. The crew is the best, they've done so much for me. I can't imagine not ever being with them." Ezra said thoughtfully.
        "What about you, ever gonna start fighting?" Ezra asked. Eli sighed.
        "When we were younger your grandfather would tell us something bad was coming, something evil. Your father would always say he felt it. And he was right, I found out later that his father had had a vision about the fall of the jedi and left the order." Eli started.
        "Wait, wait,wait. So my great-grandfather was apart of the jedi order?" Ezra asked shocked.
        "Yes. And he trained all of us Briger kids, but you see your father wasn't fully force sensitive. I mean yeah he could use the force, but not as you and Kanan can." Eli continued.
        "So that's where I get my Force sensitivity from?" Ezra injected.
        "Yes. Your grandfather knew it from the moment you were born that you'd be able to control the force in a bigger way. Hence the reason you grew fast when you first started learning." Eli finished.
        "Is that it?" Ezra asked thinking of a million questions.
        "For now, yes." Eli replied.
        A minute later the crew came in and started talking with Eli and Ezra. The day past quickly. Eli left that evening but before he did he gave Ezra something. It looked like a jedi holocron but it wasn't.
Okay not the longest chapter but here's the update.


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