Chapter 7

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       After Ketzu got her ship into hyperspace she went back to check on her passengers. Meanwhile, in the hold Miranda was helping Ezra patch up his arm.
       "Ezra are you sure you'll be ok?" She asked.
       "Yeah I'm fine. Are you ok?" He replied.
       "Yeah I'll live."
       Ketzu came down the ladder at that moment and they both looked up.
       "Chopper tracked the Ghost to a pirates outpost and is setting the coordinates to it now. Do you think you can steal it?" Ketzu stated.
       "Yeah." Both Ezra and Miranda chorused.
       "Well you two had better rest up we'll be there in a few hours." Ketzu added and climbed back into the cockpit.
        After she'd gone Miranda turned to Ezra.
        "Thank you for taking me of the streets." She said and put her head down.
        Ezra reached up and lifted her chin so he could see into her eyes.
        "Miranda it was nothing. I know what it's like to live on the streets. I lived on them for almost eight years before my master found me. And you know I never understood what he saw in me but I think now I do." He smiled at Miranda.
         She started tearing up and hugged Ezra tightly and sobbed. He held her tightly and whispered words of encouragement to her.  After a while she calmed down and there was silence. Ezra broke the silence.

         "Get some rest Mira, we've got a busy day tomorrow."


          Ezra was coming up with a plan to steal the Ghost and so far nothing had proven a good plan until Chopper saved the day.

         "Wait, what? So Chopper your telling me that you can control the Ghost remotely?" Ezra asked surprised.
         "Well that takes care of that. Now we only need a distraction to get the pirate away from the ship."
         "I have an idea." Miranda said her face lighting up. 
         Ezra was waiting on the rooftop above the hanger where the Ghost was. Mira was with Ketzu and Chopper was hiding behind crates in the hanger. If everything went according to plan the pirate who had stolen the Ghost would be leaving soon. Ezra took this time to examine the Ghost everything looked normal, even the Phantom was there. He heard movement and saw the pirate coming of the ship. He split his men up leaving only the pilot in the hanger bay. He signaled Chopper over thee com and he started the Ghosts take off procedures. Mira comed me meaning her plan was working, they'd taken the bait. The pilot seemed completely unaware of the ships engines starting he also didn't see Chopper rolling for him and got shocked knocking him out. Ezra jumped down into the hanger bay and ran up the ramp of the Ghost and comed Mira letting her know it was time to wrap it up. She was leading them away because Ketzu had dropped a hint especially for them that she was worth alot. Risky plan but not bad.
      As Ezra waited at the base of the ramp he felt Mira coming closer and the pirates getting farther away. Soon Mira showed up out of breath from running she also had a smile on her face. She and Ezra ran up the ramp and Chopper took off.
      Ezra looked around the ship while Mira helped Chopper in the cockpit. It looked like the pirates only used it for cargo as none of the cabins looked lived in other then their rightful occupants. He stopped at Kanan's room and walked in. He walked over to the bed and reached into one of the hidden compartment that held the holocron it was there he sighed in relief. He knew they had little chance of rescuing the crew, but that didn't stop him from getting his hopes up. He opened his mind to the force and said threw his and Kanan's bond I'm coming Kanan, I'm coming. Little did he know a certain jedi in prison heard it.

    Ok, first off SORRY for not updating in almost a month. First I got a cold then a bunch of school work. I've also been having a little bit of writers block, but now I think I know where I'm going with the book.
I will be starting a update book since I don't want this book full of a/n's. Well until next chapter. Bye

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