Chapter 9

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She nodded her head. Ezra could see she had absolute trust in Ahsoka. After Mira stopped hugging Ahsoka. Ahsoka turned her attention toward Ezra.
"Well need to talk, Ezra."
Ezra led Ahsoka to Kanan's room to talk while sending Mira to the cockpit. Once they sat down Ahsoka started to speak.
"They rebellion has tried to locate the crew, but to no advail. Ezra I know you want to find the crew but you need a plan and less then a month to get them." She lowered her voice. "Maybe it's time you let go."
Ezra frowned at the last part then shook his head. "I have to try and if I fail then we'll at least be together when we die. I've already talked to Chopper and he agrees."
"But Ezra you don't even know where they are."
"Yes I do. There in Dreary Lane Prison on Mandalore."
Ahsoka looked at him in shock. "When did you find that out?"
"Right before you arrived. I connected to Kanan through our bond and he told me." Ezra answered.
"I see. Do you want me to come with you to help?"
"No, me and Chop will go alone. And besides you have Mira to out for and I don't really think this is a good first mission, you?"
"True. Well I should go get Mira settled." She paused, "May the Force be with you, always."
"You too. We'll message the fleet after."
"I have no doubt you will, Ezra, I have no doubt."
At that they walked out if the room to go to the cockpit.
It was meal time, the only time the Ghost crew saw each other. For the past months they all had glum expressions on there faces. But today was different Kanan could barely constrain his smile. Once they were seated it their places and the guards moved Kanan smiled. The crew looked at him confused until he whispered, "Ezra's coming for us."
"What?! How do know that?" Sabine whispered. The others nodded.
"We connected through the force." He answered. They nodded in understanding.
"We'll need to be ready to go when he comes. Kanan, try and see when he's coming through your bond." Hera said.
"Why?" Kanan asked looking confused.
"So we can start escaping while he's taking out the outer guard." She answered back. Kanan and the crew nodded in understanding.
"I'll try to contact him again today." He said. And with that the Ghost crew was taken back to their own prison cells.
     Okay another chapter done. Not the longest, but hey I updated it. Hope you enjoy it. Bye.

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