Chapter 34: Making Things Right

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Taylor, Raphael, and Copeland walk towards the hospital in silence. Both disguised turtles look stiff and uneasy, although they know they need to be there for their wife and mom.

The trio enters the hospital. Taylor moves to the receptionist and smiles lightly.

"Hamato Taylor, here to see Mark Fuentes?" she reports precisely.

The nurse taps out a few things, her face showing slight sadness as she nods, looking up at the dark-haired woman again.

"Oh yes," she whispers. She manages a smile. "I'll have Nurse Lillian lead the way."

She gestures to a redheaded nurse nearby, who nods to them. Taylor motions to Raph and Copeland, who follow her and the nurse down a long sterile hallway.

Copeland, who usually keeps her feelings hidden or at least tries to act tough, takes a hold of her dad's hand. There's something about meeting her grandfather again, the man who was so rude to her the last time they met, that makes her feel incredibly uneasy. The hospital setting doesn't help either.

Raph doesn't protest, only squeezes his daughter's hand lightly as they keep walking.

"Go right in. Mind you...he's very frail. Keep it down, okay?" Nurse Lillian requests softly.

"Thank you, miss," Taylor says, nodding once.

They move into the room, seeing Taylor's father laying on one of the beds. His heart monitor beeps steadily, an IV drip hooked to his arm. His wrinkled face watches the ceiling, his balding grey hair shining lightly in the harsh hospital lighting.

"Dad? It's's Taylor," Taylor whispers, moving to her dad's side.

He looks up, smiling at her. "Hello...I didn't expect you to show up."

She returns the weak smile and takes his hand. "I had to."

Mr Fuentes looks to Raph and Copeland, who stand at a distance. His face grows guilt-ridden as he makes his bed rise a little so that he's sitting up.

"Son...come closer," he says, waving to Raph.

Slowly, the red-masked turtle in disguise moves forwards to the other bedside. Copeland follows.

"Hello Mr Fuentes," Raph says, his muscles rigid.

The man blinks a few times. "You are disguised...can you take it off? I want to see the turtle my daughter married...and my granddaughter in her true form."

Taylor looks to her husband, whose look of shock is irreplaceable. Copeland watches her parents, still keeping her mouth shut.

"The door is closed, the curtains drawn. It's private. It's okay," Taylor whispers.

Raph nods, pulling off his patch and stowing it carefully so he can reapply it. Copeland does the same. Mr Fuentes doesn't flinch or look away, taking in the sight of the two turtles.

"Raphael," he says, his voice slightly raspy.

", dad?"

"Do you love my daughter?"

Raph looks at Taylor, who only manages a weak half-smile. He nods assertively.

"Sir, I love your daughter more than I've ever loved a woman before. She's my whole world," he answers truthfully.

Mr Fuentes smiles a little. "Your daughter...Copeland?"

"That's me," Copeland says, her tone free of hostility.

"Copeland...your parents are good people?"

"The best," she responds.

Mr Fuentes exhales heavily as his aging eyes flicker to each of his family members. His eyes fall on Copeland, his withered hand reaching out to her. She hesitantly takes it, and he squeezes.

"Copeland, I'm sorry for what I said to you all those years ago. It was wrong of me to wish you were different, and I'm glad you're the unique girl that you are today," he says softly, his eyes brimming with regret.

She's struck by the honesty in his words, her heart beating faster. She nods, releasing his hand.

"I forgive you, grandpa," she murmurs.

"Raphael," Mr Fuentes says, also grasping Raph's hand in his own. "You...I'm so sorry to you. I was foolish, stupid, short-sighted. I didn't see the love you have for my Taylor, I only saw your looks. It was wrong of me, and I'm glad that my daughter chose an honourable man to share her life with. I'm proud to have you as a son in-law."

Raph swallows, shutting his eyes as he nods once. "I...I forgive you."

Finally, the man's gaze switches to Taylor, their gazes meeting. Tears form in the old man's eyes as he reaches out and caresses his only daughter's face.

"Taylor..." he croaks, his voice overwhelmed with emotion. " deserved so much better than me. After your mother left...I was horrible. I treated you like a servant instead of family, I left you alone...and I'm forever regretful of that. I'm so sorry, honey, and I'm sorry I chased you away for all these years." He coughs as tears trickle down his wrinkled face. "I love you, and I'm glad that you have mutants to look after you, even when I ignored you."

Taylor lets out a small laugh as tears trickle down her own face. She hugs her father gently, her heart bursting.

"I love you too, daddy," she whispers. "Of course I forgive you."

Mr Fuentes looks at her face again, his eyes clouding over as a dreamy smile falls across his face.

"You always looked so much like your mother..." he whispers. "But you act the most like me...sometimes..."

He shuts his eyes, taking a deep breath. Taylor leans over and kisses his forehead, feeling happy that they worked out their differences at last.

"I love you, dad," she murmurs.

Raph and Copeland reapply their human patches, hoping that they'll work long enough for them to escape the hospital. Taylor takes their hands as they leave the room, heading down the hall and bidding farewell to the nurses.

Later that night, Taylor received news that her father had passed away in his sleep.


Michelangelo, Annalise, and Mitch move together down the street towards Annalise's old home. Mikey fidgets nervously, but he knows how important this is to his wife. He knows that she needs this to finally feel at peace with herself.

They reach the correct house, stopping on the front steps. Annalise takes a deep breath and moves to the door, raising her hand over the wooden slab. It hovers for a moment as Mikey and Mitch walk up behind her.

She knocks assertively three times. She waits, holding her hands behind her back as she purses her lips. Then, the door clicks. A silver-haired woman with the same grey-blue eyes as Annalise appears, looking shocked at the reappearance. A tuxedo cat weaves around her legs, purring happily.

"," Annalise whispers.

" can't be. Is it really..." Mrs Hughes leaves her home and steps onto the porch, watching Annalise closely. "Annalise?"

"Yeah, it's me," she responds, smiling a tiny bit.

Mrs Hughes throws her arms around her daughter, embracing her tightly.

"Oh's been too long," she whimpers, tears appearing in her eyes.

"Mom, I came to fix some things between us," the younger woman says, gesturing to Mikey and Mitch. "Can we come in?"

Mrs Hughes nods. "Of course! Gerald, move aside."

She gently nudges her cat with her foot, trying to get him to move. He meows indignantly and prances away.

The four blondes move into the house, a wave of nostalgia hitting Annalise. She smiles a little as she remembers her childhood in this house, the days she spent dreaming of making it big and travelling everywhere.

"So...I've met Mitch," Mrs Hughes starts. "You've grown a lot. Handsome boy, too."

Mitch smiles at the compliment. "Thanks!"

"Mom, this is my husband, Michelangelo," Annalise says, taking Mikey's hand and pulling him closer.

Mrs Hughes stares at Mikey for a moment, confused. " said he was a turtle."

"I'm in disguise, ma'am," Mikey explains, removing his human patch as he does. His true appearance shows, a small smile on his lips. "This is me."

Mrs Hughes doesn't scream or stare or make any noise. She only smiles and gently embraces the turtle, her eyes squeezed shut. Shocked, Mikey doesn't return the hug, but pats her back gently.

"I'm sorry," she whispers. "I'm sorry for how badly I treated you, how shallow I was." She pulls away and looks at Annalise and Mitch. "Truly, I want to apologize for everything. Not supporting your dreams, wishing you would change." She shakes her head. "Annalise, you don't need to change at all."

Those words make the younger woman breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank you, mom."

"Grandma? Will you be able to accept that my dad is who he is?" Mitch asks, his expression and tone completely serious for one of the rarer times in his life. "I want you to tell me the truth."

Mrs Hughes nods immediately, no hesitation. "I will. I will, and I do." She pats Mikey's shoulder as she beckons Annalise and Mitch closer. "I'm sorry I missed your wedding...that's still one of my biggest regrets..."

Annalise embraces her mom tightly. "I forgive you. Don't worry."

She kisses the top of her daughter's head. "I love you, sweet girl."

"I love you too, mom."

Mikey and Mitch smile at each other, knowing that their family has just become a little bit more mended.

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