Chapter 49: No Rest For The Hurt

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Sleep comes easily to none that night.

Donatello stays up for most of the night operating on Dean, trying to piece his shattered limbs and wings back together. Sarina attempts to help him, but with her arm that proves to be difficult. She takes to patching up Dakota, laying her in her bed and hooking her up to a battery in an attempt to help her.

The Hamatos' friends were all questioned by the police, every officer wondering why they had disappeared for a couple of hours and then shown up again outside the destroyed rubble of a building. Their parents were worried sick, and each teen told the same story.

"We were kidnapped," Elisabeth whispered.

"It was the man known as Oroku Saki...but he's dead now," Lukas added solemnly.

"There was an accident. The supports of the building were too old...they fell," Tiki continued. "Kelly was caught in the crossfire."

"Do you know who saved you?" the police asked.

Casey and April both shook their heads.

"No. They were mere shadows. They unlocked the cages and told us to run. We did," Casey said.

"If it wasn't for them...well, I don't want to know," April added, forcing a weak smile.

Blake only nodded in agreement, not trusting himself enough to talk.

Outside the laboratory, everyone sits in a heavy silence, the air thick with grief. Leonardo stares at the blank TV, his face twisted with sorrow. He keeps his arms around Destiny, who simply waits for the news of whether or not her son is going to survive or not. Venus had gone to her bedroom the moment they got home, wanting to cry on her own.

Raphael sits near the couple, Taylor and Copeland playing their guitars halfheartedly beside him. The only songs that seem to come from the instruments are sad and dreary, the two musicians finding it impossible to play anything happy.

Michelangelo doesn't smile, his eyes reddened from crying as he fiddles with one of his old action figures. Annalise sits on a beanbag chair near him, hugging a pillow to her chest. Mitch just looks at the ceiling, tears trickling down his cheeks in a seemingly endless waterfall.

Asher works in the laboratory next to his parents. He can hardly bear to watch his father working on Dean so intently, the wolf-raven boy's chest hardly rising with his minimal breaths. If he didn't know any better, the violet-masked turtle would think that his cousin was already gone. The ache in his chest from losing Kelly is still there, and what pains him even more is knowing that his sister doesn't know that her best friend is gone. When she wakes up, she'll have to be told the truth, and that thought alone sends him reeling further into despair.

"Mom, how's the arm?" he asks softly, moving to the cyborg's side.

She shakes her head, staring at the useless limb. She focuses on it, trying to get her fingers to move or her elbow to bend, but nothing happens.

"It's never going to heal," she whispers. "I'll have to amputate it."

Asher's eyes widen. "Mom, how will you-"

"I'll makes myself a new one," she answers with a weak twitch of her lips. "It won't ever shoot lasers or rockets again...but it'll do." She runs her working hand through her white hair. "Can you help me with the surgery?"

Her son gulps and nods. "Y-Yeah...I think I can."

Donnie wipes his forehead, gladly taking another cup of coffee from Metalhead. He sips it carefully, trying to figure out what else he can do. Both of Dean's legs are in heavy casts, his chest wounds stitched shut and bandaged along with his other lacerations. His wings, which Donnie found the hardest to do, are taped up and bandaged as well. The boy's face is still bruised, also covered in little white patches, his muscled arms in the same state. An IV drip is inserted into one of the veins, providing him with the needed hydration so that his body can attempt to heal all that was damaged. He's also hooked up to numerous life support machines, a slow beep emitting in the still room every time his heart manages to beat once more.

The purple-masked turtle sighs and steps back, lowering the medical mask he was wearing. He looks his nephew over, the truth weighing heavily on his heart. He doesn't want to tell Leo and Destiny, knowing that they're going through enough already. Everyone in the lair is.

He looks back at Asher and Sarina, watching his son carefully apply anesthetic to his mother's shoulder. Donnie turns away, moving as slow as a zombie towards the lab door.

"What do we tell the people at school?" Copeland asks softly as he leaves.

"Car accident...hit by a semi or something," Raph answers solemnly. "That's...believable."

The dark-haired turtle looks down, gently running her fingers over the new scar on her plastron. Raph looks down at his own, heaving a sigh.

Leo looks up, noticing Donnie for the first time. He gets up, his face agonized yet hopeful.

"Donnie...please tell me that you have good news," he pleads, his voice breaking.

The tall terrapin looks down. "He's hanging on...I think he'll survive the night." The look on his oldest brother's face breaks his heart even further, and he breathes deeply. "His injuries are extensive. Two broken legs, his wings are shattered, his chest, arms, and everywhere else sustained numerous lacerations-"

"Get to the point," Destiny says, stopping him. She looks up at her brother, her eyes watering. "What's the worst news? The stuff you don't want to tell us?"

Donnie remains silent for a moment, but Destiny has him cornered. She can read him like a book sometimes, so he already knows that lying to her is off the table, no matter how much pain it'd spare her heart.

"I don't know if he'll ever wake up," he says softly. "And if he does...I don't know if he'll ever walk or fly again."

The pained howl Destiny lets out makes everyone inside the living room flinch. The wolf-raven hunches over, her fanged teeth gritted as she cries. Leo remains stiff and unresponsive, processing what it is that his brother just told him.

"So that's it? He's going to be a vegetable or a quadriplegic?" Copeland snaps angrily, standing up.

Donnie holds his hands up defensively. "Quadriplegic would require his legs and arms not to-"

"His wings and his legs. Four things. I'm not stupid," she hisses. She storms closer to him, looking up at her uncle with an angry pout on her green face. "Don't you dare give up on him. He'll fight to get back to us, I know he will."

No one says anything. The young turtle turns away, wiping her eyes harshly as she tries to stop herself from crying again. Mitch looks up at her, but his mouth remains closed. He only nods once in agreement before sinking back down.

"Do whatever it takes to keep him alive, Donnie," Leo orders.

"I'm already doing everything I can!" Donnie responds exasperatedly. "You two have to remember that you aren't the only mutants who have a hurt child. In fact, I've got two women in my life who need my help, so if you'll excuse me, I need to help my wife."

He heads back into the lab, sniffling a little. Leo's shoulders sag as he moves back to his previous spot, sitting down next to Destiny with a heavy sigh. She wipes her eyes multiple times, but the tears don't stop.

Taylor gets up, heading towards her bedroom with a heavy heart. Raph follows after her, waving a little to his family as he goes. Mitch gets up and heads to his room, his parents getting the same idea and disappearing. Destiny leans against Leo, the couple refusing to leave their spot. Copeland watches them for a moment, then looks to the lab.

She takes a deep breath, moving into the large room. She grabs a nearby stool, dragging it over to his resting place and sitting down. She adjusts her guitar on her lap, her gaze only focused on him; the unsteady rise and fall of his chest, the weak beating from the heart monitor. She sighs and looks down, strumming a chord or two.

"Hey Dean, I'm not giving up on you.
I'll be right here, if you want me to.
Anywhere I will follow you.
Hey Dean, I'm not giving up on you."

She sings softly, changing the lyrics effortlessly as she strums the chords, the melody soothing in this time of hardships. Donnie, Sarina, and Asher hear her, but focus on the amputation at hand. Copeland doesn't stop singing.

"And I...I'm feeling so small.
That was over our heads.
We know nothing at all.
And we...will stumble and fall.
We're still learning to live.
Just starting to crawl.

"Hey Dean, I'm not giving up on you.
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.
Anywhere I will follow you.
Hey Dean, I'm not giving up on you."

She shuts her eyes, tears sparkling at the edges as her fingers move on autopilot. She knows that he can't hear her, but she doesn't care. She'll sit here until the day he opens his eyes again.

"And I...will swallow my pride.
You're the one that I care for.
I'm not saying goodbye.

"Hey Dean, I'm not giving up on you.
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.
And anywhere I will follow you.
Hey Dean, I'm not giving up on you."

She strums a few more chords, letting the notes ring among the beeping machines.

"Hey Dean, I'm not giving up on you.
Hey Dean..."

She stops singing, the last note resonating in the air. She stands up, leaning over and gently kissing his forehead, a few tears dripping onto his face.

"Please wake up, Fearless. I love you too much to lose you," she whispers, gently brushing his dark hair from his forehead. "Of course...just as family, you dork."

Donnie looks up at the cousins, and for a moment, he doesn't see Dean and Copeland. No, he sees Raphael with Leonardo back in that old farmhouse. It's like the past is replaying itself.

The purple-masked turtle manages a weak smile as he looks away. Copeland settles down on the stool again, watching her cousin protectively.

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