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Elizabeth Schuyler had never been the type to try and grab the spotlight but when she saw Alexander Hamilton this evening her heart went boom.

Of course, she had seen him before in the hallways or at the house speaker meetings but she had never really... looked at him. Yes, this was kinda weird for her since Eliza always cared about people, especially when they were new and needed her help, but Alexander Hamilton already had so many other students running after him that she would feel stupid for trying to befriend him.

Or Alexander would think she was stupid. The poor guy had so much work to do and still so many people around him all the time that Eliza just didn't want to be one of them as well. So she stayed shallow and ignored the new student for most of the time, other than her sister Angelica who had talked about him for a few days now and about how he totally spied on her Quidditch team. Eliza however didn't think that he could do something like that, even when she didn't tell her sister so.

At least not after Alexander stood up for her at a house speaker meeting. This was the first time she had really started thinking about the new student and what was going on inside his head. He thought exactly like her and Eliza hadn't met many wizards like this before!

Not even her father thought that Squibs were important for the wizard society, even though he was president of the MACUSA and should know it better. He could help the Squibs and his own daughter with so many things! But of course, he didn't. He just cared too much about what the others would think. But with a little more work Eliza was sure that she would be able to convince him to do the right thing.

In the mean time she would be busy changing things at her own school. The Squibs and the Pukwudgies deserve a little more respect for all the work they do and as a house speaker, I can finally get them a little more! Eliza was only fifteen years old but she already knew how important it was that anyone was treated the same and she would do everything to get everyone else to see that too.

And somehow Alexander Hamilton, the new student from the Caribbean who didn't even know magic exists a month ago, thought the same. Well, at least he held a long and aggressive speech about how important Squibs were for the school and with that, defended Eliza's own thoughts. He surely didn't do it for me but he still likes Squibs. He also said a lot of very offensive things to Thomas but he kinda... said mean things about Peggy. Still, that wasn't very nice of Alexander. But even when Alexander Hamilton was rude and got angry very fast Eliza couldn't stop herself from thinking about all the things he had said.

He's just so... amazing and he had so many arguments as if he had thought about this subject for a long time already. As if other people really mean something to him. I don't very often meet wizards who noticed this unfairness before I talked to them about it. And as if that wasn't enough already, Alexander was also very good looking. It wasn't like this was the only thing counting for Eliza. No, she really didn't care about looks this much but she just couldn't stop staring at him.

So she started avoiding him whenever it was possible or she would just forget everything around her and swoon about the orphan from the Caribbean and his beautiful hair and how it looked as if he never combed through it but somehow was still really soft and smooth and how was that even possible? Stop it Eliza, not here!, she would think every time but she just couldn't. Her only hope was that Alexander wouldn't notice how she stared at him all the time. Just this morning when they decorated the dining hall he did and shot her a quick smile. A smile! Maybe he likes me! Eliza shook her head. No he doesn't, you haven't even talked to him once, you stupid little girl!

She had told herself that it was just a small crush, that it would disappear in a few weeks but then the Homecoming dance happened and it hit her like, really hard. He just came in with this shirt she had definitely seen on John Laurens before and this big smile plastered on his face and that was all it took for her to completely fall for him. Help! I think I'm dying!

When Eliza stood on the stage she tried to not look at him all the time but that was just impossible. She almost stuttered on stage being way to nervous about speaking in front of him again. But she did it. Somehow. And that's where she decided that she just couldn't hide all these feelings inside of her anymore or she would explode. I have to tell someone.

At first, Eliza wanted to explain everything to her little sister Peggy, she was really nice to talk to and a good friend in situations like this. I always tell her everything so why not this as well? Peggy was always the first person she talked to about her crushes, even though it had never hit Eliza this hard ever before. I can almost see the two of us in a few years, married with three little kids. One of them we will call Philip after my father and one Angelica after my sister, the others Alexander can decide. Eliza shook her head to stop the daydreaming but she just couldn't. He'd be such a good husband! I'm sure he'll love all our kids the same and he'll always play with them and... Stop it! He's looking over! Eliza smiled at him but he wasn't really looking at her but at someone else next to her. Maybe he doesn't like me after all. What if he hates me? Eliza felt her heart shatter alone at the thought of this.

But Peggy! Where was Peggy? She was standing right next to Alexander talking to him. Lucky her. Those perfect, brown eyes! This small spark in them whenever he opened his mouth, as if there were still a million things he hadn't done. They just screamed but just you wait! Eliza was sure that he was destined for greatness. Oh, just let me be part of the narrative in the story they'll write some day! Let me be the first chapter where he decides to stay! She just would love to help him on his journey to- to whatever. This look in his eyes reminds me a little of Angelica. But Alexander's spark was still different. He was hungry for greatness. Maybe he'll become president of the MACUSA one day, we could change so many things together!

But back to the problem of Peggy taking to Alexander. When she talked with him, she couldn't talk with Eliza about how she had a crush on him. I just can't go over and say excuse me but my sister has to go now to talk about how I much I like you! No, she wasn't ready yet to speak with Alexander. Alone at the thought of him noticing that she was there made her blush. I could say something wrong and he'll hate me. So Eliza decided that she couldn't tell Peggy what was going on right now.

The next person she trusted was her older sister Angelica who maybe didn't understand her as well as Peggy but would support her with everything. To find Angelica in a room full of people wasn't hard since her sister just had some kind of presence making everyone see her and want to talk to her. Maybe it was because she was so beautiful or because of her smartness. However, it wasn't like Eliza was jealous of her, at least not normally, since she didn't like this much attention. Today it was especially easy to find her. Angelica just stood there and talked to Theodosia, probably about the Quidditch game, while almost everyone around them was watching her from a few feet away. It seemed almost as if she didn't even realize that everyone was staring at her, although Eliza knew better. Angelica had noticed them, she just didn't care as long as they didn't annoy her. Everyone always looking at me, I don't think I could stand that.

Eliza grabbed her sister's arm and whispered into her ear: "Dibs!" Immediately she turned around with a knowing smile on her face.

"Ha! I knew something was up! Who is it?", Angelica asked quietly. Eliza blushed and pointed at Alexander who turned around to them as if he felt her eyes on his back. Quickly she hid behind her sister, hoping that he hadn't seen her stare. If she knows, who else figured it out?, she wondered.

"Hamilton?", Angelica shouted in unbelief, a weird expression on her face.

"Yes, this one is mine. Is there something wrong with him?", Eliza replied worriedly. Does she think that we don't match? Is this very important? Does she think dad won't like him?

"No, no it's just-", Angelica stopped and a small grin hushed over her face. "He's coming over!" No! I'm not ready! Before her sister could say something to him Eliza was already gone, hiding at the buffet.

Ohhhh they're talking! Angelica is so lucky, she always knows what to say. She never freezes or panics. It was true. If she wasn't her sister, Eliza might even say Angelica was perfect. Clever and smart, very beautiful and stunning, always drawing all of the attention towards her and so funny! No wonder she had a lot of admires! Next to her, Eliza couldn't help but feel like the ugly, unimpressive little sister no one really cared about. She was like the moon. To be seen, she had to be illuminated by the sun, other no one would ever notice her. Without Angelica close, there weren't many students giving her attention. Not that she cared. The sisters had the same friends anyway, even Peggy, who often hung out with the other Squibs too. One of my sisters is really smart and beautiful, the other one can find friends anywhere. And what about me?

And there he was. Alexander. The cutest guy to ever exist. He was smaller than Jefferson next to him but he still seemed taller and more confident.  Probably because he was smarter and knew it. This face! And those hands! How he straightened up when Jefferson talked to him! How protective he is of Angelica! He just really cares about women and respects them other than Jefferson! Ohh his hair is in a ponytail! Help, I think I'm dying!

But wait, what was happening now? Was that- were Angelica and Alexander dancing? Yes they were and they were the most impressive couple on the dance floor. Lucky Angelica, Alexander is probably an amazing dancer. Eliza couldn't stop herself from imagining how it would be to dance with him herself. How he would look into her eyes and how she would look into his and how the music would get slower. How everything around them would disappear. Everything but them and the music. Angelica and Alexander spun around, talking to each other as if they were alone on the dance floor. In her head, Eliza was at her sister's place. And that's problem the closest I'll ever get to my crush.

She closed her eyes and smiled at the image of them dancing, only opening them again when suddenly, she saw Angelica come into her direction, probably to tease her for her cowardice. Eliza wasn't sure if she was in the mood for that right now. Behind Angelica trailed a slightly shorter person in a green shirt. One look at those sparkling eyes was enough to recognize him. Alexander.

Oh no! They're coming over! Stay calm Eliza, stay calm! But she just couldn't. I'm through! So she did the only thing she could think of right now to calm down. Quickly Eliza grabbed a piece of cake from the buffet and shoved it into her mouth. What am I supposed to say? I'm so going to ruin this! I'm eating, I can't speak with food in my mouth, that wouldn't be polite. That's good, I just have to keep eating and this won't get awkward... but how will I ever get him to notice me when I can't even talk to him? Will he think of me as unsympathetic? Help! This boy is the end of me!

But then Alexander looked back at her and Eliza was just helpless. Everything else but these brilliant eyes was erased from her mind, she wasn't even sure if she would be able to speak at this moment, even without food in her mouth. And suddenly, he stood right in front of her. Say something! Say something smart! Quickly, she swallowed the cake, hoping he hadn't noticed her full mouth.

"Elizabeth Schuyler. It's a pleasure to meet you", Eliza squeaked, trying to fight against the heat rising in her. Don't blush, don't blush, don't blush! Impossible.

"Schuyler? The Pukwudgie house speaker?", Alexander asked Angelica innocently, not even looking at Eliza who was on the best way to an early death. Ahhh he knows me! Don't you dare to blush, Elizabeth Schuyler!

"My sister", Angelica confirmed. Is he disappointed that he can't dance with Angelica anymore because of me? But then Alexander smiled back at Eliza, his beautiful eyes lightening up with excitement while his mouth opened a little, showing his shining white teeth.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton", he replied calmly with a playful glint in his eyes, a small smirk on his face. Before Eliza could understand what was happening, he took her hand and shook it gently, sending jolts of electricity through her body. He... touched me! Angelica shot her a weird glance, causing Eliza to realize that she had just squealed.

"Thank you for all of the things you said at the first house speaker meeting. And, um... I'm sorry that you got a punishment", she added quickly, trying to overplay her embarrassment with a big, goofy smile. Merlin's beard, he probably thinks I'm stupid!

"Don't mention it, I'm always glad for a situation to ruin Jefferson's plans and also, if it takes a detention for us to meet it, will have been worth it!", Alexander explained, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he bowed briefly. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Angelica chuckled, shaking her head at the two love birds.

"I'll leave you to it!", she said, nodding at her sister while she walked back to Theo, probably to tell her everything. No! Angelica, you can't leave me alone, I don't know what to say! Eliza was so excited that her heart almost jumped out of her chest and she didn't feel like talking to her crush right now. I'll ruin everything! When I say the wrong things now, he'll hate me forever! But on the other hand, she really wanted to talk to him. Why is everything so confusing? She quickly ate the leftovers of her cake, hoping to find answers while shoving the sweet food into her mouth, causing Alexander to chuckle.

"Ah, I see that I'm not the only one obsessed with the food here!", he shouted happily. Help! He doesn't disapprove of my stress eating! How could he be any more perfect? The weird feeling in her chest didn't disappear but somehow, it now felt easier to talk to him that they had found something connecting them.

"Yes, the Pukwudgies make the best cake in the world! Have you ever tried this one, Alexander?", Eliza asked, pointing at the buffet behind her. She loved how his name sounded when she said it. The A and the x and how it just felt so perfect for her to speak. It was the only name she ever wanted to use again.

"Oh please, call me Alex, Elizabeth", Alex answered and made a face at her. Alex! He want me to call him Alex! Eliza laughed, unable to hide her excitement.

"Okay, Alex. But only if you call me Eliza", she replied and stuck out her tongue.

"Eliza. That's a really nice nickname for a really nice name", Alex sighed, "ways better than Hammy or tomcat." Eliza couldn't keep it together anymore and started giggling.

"Hammy? Your friends call you Hammy?", she chuckled. Alex rolled his eyes. This is so cute!

"If only this was the worst name they have for me! You have never heard Lafayette call me little lion or angry gremlin before!" Eliza wasn't laughing anymore now, no she was snorting. It wasn't a very cute snort but she just couldn't stop. He most likely thinks I'm crazy by now!

"The fighting unicorn", Alex added and she lost it completely.

"The fighting unicorn?", Eliza panted, searching for stability in the table behind her, pushing her hand into on of the cakes. Oh. Shit. But instead of shaking his head and leaving, Alex started laughing too, causing Eliza to giggle even harder. It took more than five minutes until they were finally able to speak again.

"Uh-oh I shouldn't have told you the unicorn one, now that you found out my most embarrassing and unmanly name you probably don't want to dance with me anymore!", Alex realized and ruffled through his hair. Something that totally didn't look hotter than it was supposed to be. Still staring at his hands, it took Eliza a while till she fully understood the meaning of his words.

"You want to dance with me?", she asked unbelievingly. Alexander Hamilton wants to dance? With me? But I'm not even half as good as dancing as Angelica! If I haven't ruined it yet, I'll now! But then, looking into his puppy like eyes, she decided differently. No. Maybe he likes me because of my mistakes. Maybe I didn't do anything wrong. Maybe this isn't a joke.

"Why wouldn't I want to with a girl having a name as nice as yours?", Alex replied. "Of course, only if you want to dance with me as well", he added quickly and shot his most charming smile at her.

And Eliza did want to. He could have asked her to jump off a cliff with him, she would have done it.

I'm helpless!


Dear Eliza,

I really like you and I think we should go to Adams together this weekend. And with together I mean just the two of us and no one else. Not John, not Angelica. Yes, I want to go on a date with you because I love you and want you to be my girlfriend.

Your Alexander

Alex let the letter bird explode before it could fly off. Normally it was easy for him to find the right words to make everyone fall for him but today, something was different. Maybe it was the fact that he finally wanted to ask Eliza on a real date. Or it is because of John's birthday. Maybe I should wait with this until tomorrow? Alex shook his head to brush this thought aside. Why should I? It's not like I would hurt John with going on a date. No, he would ask her out today. He wouldn't delay it anymore and just do it.

The first day they had met and talked, really talked, it hadn't been clear to Alex that soon, he would be head over heals for the soft eyed, clumsy little girl that loved to laugh so much she would even laugh about herself if it had to be. He had thought that she would forget him again soon, maybe smile at him in the hallway or talk to him once in a while, going back to her real friends as soon as the ball had ended. But then, after they had danced for a while and introduced each other to their friends, Eliza had told him that soon, she would write him and maybe even help him practice some spells. And she had written him and he had written her too until Alex had owned so many letters, he had to sleep on them. That's when he had realized that he might have a small crush on the middle oldest Schuyler Sister.

I'm going to talk to her, that's better than writing a letter since I won't be able to overthink everything. I'll do it. At John's birthday party. Just the moment he put the quill away Lafayette walked into the common room.

"Hey Laf", Alex said tiredly in the hope that his friend could distract him from all the things going on in his mind right now. And he could.

"Alex, mon ami", Lafayette started. Ha! He only called Alex by his real name when he wanted something from him. Okay, don't be creepy!

"What's up? If you need my help with your essay in potions, it's laying on my bed", Alex explained even though he knew that Laf had finished his essay just yesterday.

"Non, no it has nothing to do with school, it's about Laurens' birthday present", his friend replied quickly. He knows exactly that I can't say no now! Alex didn't have a present for John himself since he didn't have enough money to buy him something and not enough time to go to work. Even though he had tried to find work in Adams he had to cancel it after one week because of school. He couldn't let his grades drop or Professor Washington would have to put him with the first years! Not even the time turner could help with this since he already used it him too often as his friends complained.

"How can I help you?", Alex asked, trying to hide his excitement behind a bored facade. Too late.

"Oui! I knew I could count on you!", Laf sighed relievedly and smiled at him. "We really, really need you! I don't think we could do this without you!"

Alex rolled his eyes. Yes, he liked it when his friends praised him but he knew when it was enough. Other than a certain someone. Naturally, he looked over to the armchair at the fireplace where Jefferson usually sat but the annoying macaroni lover wasn't there. What is he planning?

"Hammy. I know I'm asking for a lot but it's not for me but for John!", Lafayette continued. Alex nodded, rolling his eyes as if all of this was boring him greatly.

"Yes, yes get to the point", he muttered. Eliza. When is Eliza's birthday? What if I missed it, that would be awkward. But she would have told me, wouldn't she? He really needed some distraction from the entire Eliza thing or he would think about her the entire day! Again!

"We want to get butter beer for Laurens", Lafayette explained. Alex needed a second to let this into his head, then he started laughing.

"You need help getting butter beer?", he asked, shaking his head unbelievingly. "Merlin's beard, I thought you could do this alone! Just go down to Adams!" Lafayette crossed his arms and made a face at his friend.

"Not just some classique butter beer but Professor Washington's butter beer", he added with a sublime smile.

"WHAT?", Alex shouted, quickly looking around but no one was listening to them. "Are you crazy? You know that you could get expelled, right?"

Lafayette only shrugged.

"Yes and yes. But do you want to help us or not?", he asked.

"Of course!", Alex replied. "You know I would do everything for you guys, don't you?"

"Aww, bien sûr!" Laf ruffled his hair, always halfway at the door to open it. "Hammy is doing it!", he shouted. Wait, what am I doing? Who else is helping us? Please don't get Jefferson into this! But when Alex looked outside the only other people he could see were Hercules and Peggy. Ah, good. But what's Peggy doing here?

"Hey Ham! Glad you're joining us!", the youngest Schuyler sister said with a wide smile.

  "Hey Peg", Alex replied, letting the girl hug him quickly. As he had found out she and John weren't dating, only close friends.

"Didn't think you were this much of a trouble maker", he added. Peggy's smile disappeared for a moment and she shook her head, eyes going glassy.

"I'm not but it's John's birthday", she said as if it was an explanation. Apparently I'm not the only one who would do everything for their friends.

"Let's go! We have to hurry up or Washington will catch us!", Hercules whined and pulled on Lafayette's arm until the Frenchman almost stumbled over his own feet.

"Don't worry, we'll just use the stairs", he explained. Oh no! Alex still hated the stairs and he tried to use them as little as possible. But once again, he would do everything for his friends.

On their way to the headmaster's office, Lafayette and Hercules explained their plan to him. Alex was the only one who knew the password and so would have to be the one to let them in. Meanwhile Laf knew where Professor Washington kept his butter beer and Hercules was amazing at stealing so everyone had his own task. Peggy would stay outside and warn the friends when the Professor was about to come back and when they were done they would all go to John's birthday party together. 

Everything seemed so easy at first but when they finally stood in front of the door to the headmaster's office, they had to find out that apparently, the password changed every week or so.

"Shit!", Hercules cursed and Lafayette added something in French, sounding like putain.

"I guess we have to think of something else", Peggy sighed but Alex wasn't ready to give up yet. We just have to think of something different.

"Wait a second!", he  shouted. "This is easy, the Professor isn't very creative when it comes to passwords, it always has something to do with the things happening this week."

Hercules nodded to show him that he should continue his thought.

"What is soon? Halloween!", Alex explained. Just as he said the word the door opened widely and revealed the big entrance hall. Ha! I knew it!

"Alex mon ami, you're a genius!", Laf told him and patted his back while Peggy hugged him again.

"Yes, yes he's great. We have to hurry up now before Washington comes back from his meeting", Hercules reminded them and ruffled through Alex' hair. Together the three of them walked into the entrance hall. Before Laf could open the door to the office, Hercules whispered a spell, apparently so that the Professor won't find out that someone came in without his permission, and they finally got into the big room.

"Come with me", Laf ordered and walked to a high shelf near the big table the teachers used to sit on. It was full with all kinds of drinks for visitors and Alex almost forgot the reason they were here. Wow! Why didn't I realize this earlier and more important, why did Professor Washington never offer me one of these? He would have loved to take one or two bottles for his date with Eliza, she surely would be impressed, but he knew that the chance would be higher of the Professor realizing that someone stole a few bottles.

Laf took a small bottle of butter beer from the shelf and put it into his bag. All three students held their breath and waited but nothing happened, no alarm went off and warned someone, no deadly arrows shot out of the wall, no Professor Washington appeared.

"We did it!", Alex cried out relievedly.

"Psssst!", Herc responded and put a hand on his mouth. Now Alex heard it as well. Someone knocked at the door three times, the sign they had agreed on with Peggy if someone was close. Shit! We have to get out of here!

Lafayette pointed at a big painting at the wall, the only place in the room not filled with shelves or other furniture. Hercules seemed to understand what was going on, other than Alex who just didn't get it. Why aren't they running back? Maybe Peggy can hold him back for a few seconds and we can sneak away. But his friends didn't think so. Laf took a book out of the shelf and suddenly, it shifted to the side, revealing a dark hallway. A secret entrance? We could have just used this before? But he didn't have any time to think about it since now he could hear voices.

"What are you doing here, squib?"

Lee? Why does he want to get into here? Everyone knew that Professor Washington wasn't in his office this time of the day, so why was he here? Somehow Alex already knew the answer. He's the one who attacked the school! I just know it! And now he's trying to kill the Professor!

"Hammy! Come on!", Hercules whispered, desperately pulling on his arm.

"Just one second", Alex replied, sneaking closer to the main door, ignoring his friends worried stares.

"I'm waiting here for the Professor and you?", Peggy asked Lee innocently who couldn't find an answer for a few moments. Ha! I knew it! He wants to harm Professor Washington!

"It's none of your business!", he snarled. "Wait somewhere else, I have to go in there now."

Hercules shot him an alarmed glance but Alex didn't realize it, he was too busy listening to Lee and Peggy.

"Now that you mention it, maybe you could help me with my problem as well", the girl suggested.

"Go away from the door or you'll get detention!", Lee grunted and for a while Alex couldn't hear anything, then the door to the entrance hall opened. What is he doing in here? I have to stop him! But before he could step forward Hercules pulled him back into the secret passage. The shelf moved back into it's place with a loud sound before Alex could go back.

"Why are you-"

Lafayette put his hand in front of Alex' mouth before he could give them away.

"I have to see what's going on!", Alex whispered, pushing his friend away. He pressed his ear to the shelf and listened. There was loud jangling and strumming. Lee was searching for something in Professor Washington's private minibar. He doesn't want to steal butter beer as well, does he?

"Where is it... it should be...", Alex heard him murmur before his friends pulled him away. They had to carry him halfway through the corridor since he was still fighting to get back to the office.

"You don't understand! He's a bad guy!", he screamed, lashing around.

"Hammy! Hammy mon ami, you have to calm down!", Lafayette shouted and exchanged a worried glance with Hercules.

"No! I'll get him, just you wait! I'm not gonna wing my shot!" How can they just walk away from someone who attacked our SCHOOL?

"Listen, we understand he gives stupid homework but really, that's no reason to hate him like this", Herc sighed. Oh. That's when Alex remembered that his friend knew nothing about the metal bird and about someone cursing it.

"You can put me back down", he retreated. "I just have one question."

"As long as you stop fighting!", Hercules replied.

"Why didn't we use this secret passage before?" 

The Wampus student crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"I'd like to know that as well", he said and stared at Lafayette. The Frenchman shrugged.

"I found this secret entrance a year ago when I was in the Professor's office but I never had a chance to try it out or to find out where it leads to. But now...."

He stopped for a moment and looked around. Now the corridor was splitting into two smaller passageways that were leading into different direction.

"Oui! That's the way to Lauren's fête d'anniversaire!", he explained and pointed at the left one. Hercules nodded.

"You're right! I know this corridor!", he confirmed. Alex was happy about the topic change and that his friends didn't ask him about his problem with Lee, so he decided to just not complain anymore.

"We'll be later than Jefferson anyway", he murmured, causing Lafayette to roll his eyes. But we'll have a real present, other than him who probably forgot it! Together they walked through the corridors until they got to a small door in the same color as the walls. Hercules took a deep breath and glanced at his friends one more time before he finally knocked three times. The door opened, revealing the same room they had been hiding in the first night at Ilvermorny.

This time it wasn't empty but full of people that were sitting in a big circle. There were Burr and Madison who was sitting right next to Jefferson. Why does he have to be John's friend, I'll never understand! Next one was Samuel Seabury, a nice guy who was loved by all the teachers, even Lee, and Theodosia Bartow, best friend of Eliza.

And there she was. It was just the way she smiled at Alex with her glittering eyes as if he was the most lovable thing in the world. How she tried to hide her excitement with looking at the ground but how this failed since her mouth just couldn't stop twitching upwards. And the blush creeping up her face when she realized that he was looking at her. She just is the cutest.

However, Laf was already nudging Alex for staring too long so he moved his gaze to the next person. There was Angelica who was, just as always, dazzle. Sitting next to her was the youngest Schuyler sister who now jumped up.

"Alex! Laf! Herc! I thought he caught you guys!", she squeaked and crossed her arms. "Totally not cool of you to scare me like this."

Alex couldn't help but smile at the small girl.

"We're sorry", he replied. "I hope you can forgive us."

"Also", Laf added, "Hammy here put himself in great danger to get this one, petit bottle just for John's birthday. He almost punched Lee into the face."

He and Herc snickered quietly.

"Professor Lee?", Seabury asked surprised. Laf nodded, almost looking proud.

"Oui, you'll never believe this but there are people who don't like every professor", he told him. The others laughed. Why do they have to embarrass me in front of Eliza? She'll think I'm some sort of overacting lout! But the girl remained silent, only a faint blush hushed over her face. Therefor now John was the one to speak.

"I can't believe you idiots really did this without me!", he shouted and shook his head. Alex rolled his eyes, of course he would complain about being excluded, even when it was his own fucking birthday.

"Laurens, it's your damn birthday present, we can't get it together with you, how often do I have to explain this to you!", Herc told him slowly. Meanwhile Laf was investigating the bottle they stole and his eyes lightened up.

"Mes amis, you'll never believe who this is from!", he called out and pointed at a tag.

"Who?", Jefferson asked boredly and went back to talking with Madison. Laf handed John the bottle who took a deep breath before he started reading out loud.

As usually at the beginning of a new school year, I've  send you a bottle of butter beer to remind you of the old times and so you'll be able to bear your students.

-Philip Schuyler

"Your father gave this to Professor Washington?", Aaron asked the three sisters at the same time as Seabury shouted: "President Schuyler?"

Angelica rolled her eyes.

"That's the reason his name is on there, isn't it?", she replied. "He never stops talking about how they were friends in school, so I'm not surprised."

Eliza only shook her head.

"I don't understand, you could just have asked me and I could have gotten you one bottle of this without breaking into the headmasters office", she explained and shot a quick, hurt glance at Alex. Oh no! Great, now she thinks that I don't trust her enough! But Jefferson knew a solution and just this one time Alex was glad that he was here. He was still an asshole though.

"It's all about the fun and the thrill you get when stealing something you shouldn't even know that it existed", he snorted. It was probably meant to be offensive, even though it wasn't, so Alex needed to reply something. He was just about to shoot something back when Madison pulled at Jefferson's robe and whispered something into his ear. What are they talking about that's so important that I'm not supposed to know? Are they plotting another attack? 

"Don't you think John should just drink it now?", Burr asked. Everyone nodded gladly and John opened the bottle.

"This smells good", he murmured and inspected the butter beer.

"Just drink it now so we can move on", Angelica begged but John just stared at the bottle for a while before handing it Alex.

"Hammy should drink first", he decided.

"What? Why me, it's your fucking birthday!", Alex shouted. He wanted to give the beer back but his friend only crossed his arms.

"You put yourself into great danger for this, also, I get a bottle almost every year while you never had one before", John explained. So this is some kind of tradition? And it really smells good.

"Merlin's beard! Hurry up Hamilton, just fucking drink it already!", Jefferson snarled and rolled his eyes. Maybe I should just...

"Okay, but only a small sip", he replied and took a cup Laf handed him. It's not like I could die of drinking from my best friend's birthday present. He put the cup to his lips and took a small sip.

"Wow!", he shouted with a goofy grin. Suddenly, his head started hurting and everything rotated around him. What- what's going on? His legs gave up and he fell to the ground.

"Alex!", he heard Eliza scream before everything went black.

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